Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) on Friday held the investiture of 23 new immigration judges, which increases the total number of immigration judges to 351. Since the end of January 2017, 82 immigration judges have been sworn in, and EOIR anticipates three additional hiring classes this fall that will total at least 75 more immigration judges.

As part of a series of common-sense reforms to the immigration court system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year introduced a “streamlined hiring plan” emphasizing clear deadlines for ensuring immigration judge candidates move efficiently through the hiring process. Due to this effort, some of the immigration judges sworn-in on Friday were hired in approximately 266 days, down from an average of 742 days just one year ago.

There you go.........Disprove that.........LOL
EOIR Announces Largest Ever Immigration Judge Investiture

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) announces the investiture of 46 immigration judges, including two assistant chief immigration judges, marking for the second month in a row the largest class in the agency’s history.

“At this point in history your work is vitally important. The case backlog has reached more than 760,000. Great effort is surely needed,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions at today’s investiture. “This situation is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Our nation’s chief executive supports you and all who strive to make our immigration system work.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed these new judges after a thorough application process and welcomed them during a ceremony held Sept. 28, 2018. Chief Immigration Judge MaryBeth Keller presided over the investiture held at the Department of Justice’s Great Hall in Washington, D.C.

“EOIR continues to make great progress in hiring the immigration judges needed to reduce a backlog of more than 760,000 pending immigration court cases,” said James McHenry, Director of EOIR. “Alongside our efforts to improve immigration judge productivity and modernize our information technology systems, growing our immigration judge corps remains a top agency priority.”

In 2017, Attorney General Sessions announced a “streamlined hiring plan” promoting the use of clear deadlines and efficient hiring processes, resulting in a reduction of 74 percent in the time it takes to onboard immigration judges since then. Since the end of January 2017, 128 immigration judges have been sworn in. EOIR anticipates two additional hiring classes this fall which will make for over 100 immigration judges hired during 2018.

“EOIR now has 395 immigration judges, an increase of 30 percent since January 2017,” said McHenry. “While we are pleased to welcome this historic class of judges, we are not done and expect additional hiring before the end of this year.”

Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

List's all the judges sworn in here.

Trump wanted 449 ........we are at 395. Now he is looking for another 75. Ted Cruz wanted to double the number to stop the back log. Those that say efforts by Trump to get more Judges..........are either MISINFORMED OR LYING.

The time stamp on your article is last june. Since then, it's been offered by the House to increase the budget to get even more judges. Trump turned it down flat this week. It's the Wall or nothing.
He hasn't turned it down............he wants more judges............That is Baloney......The Shut down is over the Border Security Funding...........which is a hell of a lot more than more judges............

He wants them too............stop lying.

He turned it down because it didn't give him the 5.3 billion he demands. It only gives him the 1.6 billion offered by the House. BTW, according to the law signed into law in 2006, the actual allocation is 1.3 billion per year for expansion, upkeep, etc. for border security. You honestly believe Congress made that number up to start the negotiation? In 2006, both the Senate and the House presented the Bill to Bush, Jr who signed it into a law. And for the last 2 years, that money has NOT been spent on the expansion and upkeep of the Security Fencing and Walls that are already there. Bush started the building of the Border Security, Obama Expanded on it. Between the two of them, the border security Fence/Wall stretches 733 miles. 2 years into office, do you know how many miles the Security Fence/Wall is today? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. If you also guess that much of it is in need of repair then you would also be correct. That 1.3 billion isn't being spent for what it's intended for. It's supposed to be an automatic Allocation but with the budget not passing, that money cannot be allocated. You really want to explain why the border security fence/Wall is still 733 miles and much of it is in disrepair?

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.

You cited a Trump PR site that happens to be on a Government Server. Your cite is right up there with the National Inquirer.
Prove the DOJ articles wrong then.............go ahead..........Many listed on the site I gave you............Go ahead and disprove them............

we have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause; there is no express wall building power or an express immigration clause. we do have an express naturalization clause. we should have no illegal problem.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.

You cited a Trump PR site that happens to be on a Government Server. Your cite is right up there with the National Inquirer.
Prove the DOJ articles wrong then.............go ahead..........Many listed on the site I gave you............Go ahead and disprove them............


The site is NOT DOJ. It's a site that Trump had created to put out his BS. I imagine that whomever the next President is, whether it be a Dem or a Rep, will take that stupid thing down. Read the Title of it. It says it all. But one thing it's doing is making crap up. Now get me a DOJ cite and not one by a crackpot that's selling snake oil.
Thank you for such a terrific laugh. For almost 15 years I debated, discussed, and argued the National ID / REAL ID Act as being an immigration measure. Build the wall guys DENIED it! Even on this thread, you would hear the trolls asking what Liberty was endangered by the wall.

Strict enforcement of the Hitler style National ID law is a threat to our Liberty and it will jeopardize the Liberty to the point of nullifying the Fourth Amendment after the wall is built.

Then the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security with its 40.5 BILLION Dollar a year budget - you claim that as an update of immigration laws? Well the National Socialists under Hitler had the Fatherland; Communist Russia was Motherland so the Socialist States of Amerika has the Dept. of "Homeland" (IN) Security. I have an old link along those lines:

'Homeland Security': The Trillion-Dollar Concept That No One Can Define

Amnesties addressed the immigration issue, how, exactly? It made those people "legal" as you erroneously call it and now they are registered voters giving you the middle finger.

I won't pick them apart, but none of them change the major legislation that perpetuates a situation whereby it was REALLY easy to flip the right and make them take up socialist solutions - as you have so graciously pointed out. I'm loving it. You continue to prove my point.

There remains a question you still haven't gotten to. I have a feeling I can count on you. You've alerted your fellow build the wall advocates as to how much has already been available. Are you SURE you aren't being played? Maybe there is more to the story?

Wow that was a long article that could be summed up in a few words, "the feds waste money". GO FIGURE! I'm sure the average American is unaware of this fact. LMAO

BTW it was wiki that characterized those as changes to immigration law. I sure with your brief writing ability you'll have no problem getting the fix that oversight. Also your invocation of Hitler just put your credibility down a few notches.


Oh, easy out. You didn't like the Hitler reference? I will give the build the wall guys one thing: they have the people so programmed that people like you automatically try to ridicule the truth. The FACT is, from the genesis to the revelation of your build the wall ideology, it was founded, financed, and had its talking points made by National Socialists.

Now, you can lie about it or admit that you REALLY don't know as much as you claim.

Feel free to name them with credible links and you have to do better than a reprint of some dudes blog that didn't source his numbers.


You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.
I will hire whomever I like. But, again, if an American wants a job, you have to apply for it. You help create a complete class of disenfranchised Americans that now don't want to work and of those that are willing to work, they can't due to their past - which YOU make sure they cannot get beyond.

You then use their numbers as justification to screw with some pissant foreigner trying to feed their family. Could you be any more screwed up!
Sponsor them. Pay the fees. Do it legal or not at all. You are trying to justify breaking the law. Pound sand.

Unlike you, I refuse to screw this country any further than you've caused it to be. The bogus "legal" pretext is code for citizenship. I don't believe in it. There is a question you should be asking instead of encouraging me to destroy the last vestiges of our culture.

You're are full of it - on that we agree.
We agree to disagree. You dont get to pick and choose laws you will Obey. Hiring illegals is ILLEGAL

I have no duty to obey an unconstitutional law. I've already cited the Supreme Court on this point.
EOIR Announces Largest Ever Immigration Judge Investiture

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) announces the investiture of 46 immigration judges, including two assistant chief immigration judges, marking for the second month in a row the largest class in the agency’s history.

“At this point in history your work is vitally important. The case backlog has reached more than 760,000. Great effort is surely needed,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions at today’s investiture. “This situation is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Our nation’s chief executive supports you and all who strive to make our immigration system work.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed these new judges after a thorough application process and welcomed them during a ceremony held Sept. 28, 2018. Chief Immigration Judge MaryBeth Keller presided over the investiture held at the Department of Justice’s Great Hall in Washington, D.C.

“EOIR continues to make great progress in hiring the immigration judges needed to reduce a backlog of more than 760,000 pending immigration court cases,” said James McHenry, Director of EOIR. “Alongside our efforts to improve immigration judge productivity and modernize our information technology systems, growing our immigration judge corps remains a top agency priority.”

In 2017, Attorney General Sessions announced a “streamlined hiring plan” promoting the use of clear deadlines and efficient hiring processes, resulting in a reduction of 74 percent in the time it takes to onboard immigration judges since then. Since the end of January 2017, 128 immigration judges have been sworn in. EOIR anticipates two additional hiring classes this fall which will make for over 100 immigration judges hired during 2018.

“EOIR now has 395 immigration judges, an increase of 30 percent since January 2017,” said McHenry. “While we are pleased to welcome this historic class of judges, we are not done and expect additional hiring before the end of this year.”

Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

List's all the judges sworn in here.

Trump wanted 449 ........we are at 395. Now he is looking for another 75. Ted Cruz wanted to double the number to stop the back log. Those that say efforts by Trump to get more Judges..........are either MISINFORMED OR LYING.

The time stamp on your article is last june. Since then, it's been offered by the House to increase the budget to get even more judges. Trump turned it down flat this week. It's the Wall or nothing.
He hasn't turned it down............he wants more judges............That is Baloney......The Shut down is over the Border Security Funding...........which is a hell of a lot more than more judges............

He wants them too............stop lying.

He turned it down because it didn't give him the 5.3 billion he demands. It only gives him the 1.6 billion offered by the House. BTW, according to the law signed into law in 2006, the actual allocation is 1.3 billion per year for expansion, upkeep, etc. for border security. You honestly believe Congress made that number up to start the negotiation? In 2006, both the Senate and the House presented the Bill to Bush, Jr who signed it into a law. And for the last 2 years, that money has NOT been spent on the expansion and upkeep of the Security Fencing and Walls that are already there. Bush started the building of the Border Security, Obama Expanded on it. Between the two of them, the border security Fence/Wall stretches 733 miles. 2 years into office, do you know how many miles the Security Fence/Wall is today? If you guessed 733 you would be correct. If you also guess that much of it is in need of repair then you would also be correct. That 1.3 billion isn't being spent for what it's intended for. It's supposed to be an automatic Allocation but with the budget not passing, that money cannot be allocated. You really want to explain why the border security fence/Wall is still 733 miles and much of it is in disrepair?
Career politicians like Pelosi and Schumer didn't give it enough funding.......PERIOD........If it is in disrepair it happened over time.............Trump's been there 2 years...........and now you want to blame him for the fence they built.


Too funny...........It was their responsibility to maintain it...........they didn't..........where it is being repaired......it's to the new standards of construction at 30 feet.................

The Blame game...........LOL

The requests are well documented at CBP site of what projects they want funding for.......Priority based..........but it would be useless for me to spend my time educating you on it because you will not listen........Those requests were put to Congress so they are aware of it too..............

In San Diego...........that project has been asked for ..........for a decade........Trump hasn't been in office for a decade. LOL

Spin bro........that's all you are doing
Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) on Friday held the investiture of 23 new immigration judges, which increases the total number of immigration judges to 351. Since the end of January 2017, 82 immigration judges have been sworn in, and EOIR anticipates three additional hiring classes this fall that will total at least 75 more immigration judges.

As part of a series of common-sense reforms to the immigration court system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year introduced a “streamlined hiring plan” emphasizing clear deadlines for ensuring immigration judge candidates move efficiently through the hiring process. Due to this effort, some of the immigration judges sworn-in on Friday were hired in approximately 266 days, down from an average of 742 days just one year ago.

There you go.........Disprove that.........LOL

Don't you feel better now. Now let's look at this one. 23 Judges. Yes, not 75 like you have claimed. And Trump was offered as part of the deal to reopen the Government a lot more money for even MORE Judges. He turned them down flat. The Wall or Nothing. I already gave a decent cite on that one and I don't feel like repeating myself over and over again.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.

You cited a Trump PR site that happens to be on a Government Server. Your cite is right up there with the National Inquirer.
Prove the DOJ articles wrong then.............go ahead..........Many listed on the site I gave you............Go ahead and disprove them............


The site is NOT DOJ. It's a site that Trump had created to put out his BS. I imagine that whomever the next President is, whether it be a Dem or a Rep, will take that stupid thing down. Read the Title of it. It says it all. But one thing it's doing is making crap up. Now get me a DOJ cite and not one by a crackpot that's selling snake oil.
Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

Prove it........show me where that isn't the DOJ immigration court website.........

Good Luck

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) on Friday held the investiture of 23 new immigration judges, which increases the total number of immigration judges to 351. Since the end of January 2017, 82 immigration judges have been sworn in, and EOIR anticipates three additional hiring classes this fall that will total at least 75 more immigration judges.

As part of a series of common-sense reforms to the immigration court system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year introduced a “streamlined hiring plan” emphasizing clear deadlines for ensuring immigration judge candidates move efficiently through the hiring process. Due to this effort, some of the immigration judges sworn-in on Friday were hired in approximately 266 days, down from an average of 742 days just one year ago.

There you go.........Disprove that.........LOL

Don't you feel better now. Now let's look at this one. 23 Judges. Yes, not 75 like you have claimed. And Trump was offered as part of the deal to reopen the Government a lot more money for even MORE Judges. He turned them down flat. The Wall or Nothing. I already gave a decent cite on that one and I don't feel like repeating myself over and over again.

That was one class graduating to become new judges............another one had 46...............you are off the reservation here.......Give it up.
Wow that was a long article that could be summed up in a few words, "the feds waste money". GO FIGURE! I'm sure the average American is unaware of this fact. LMAO

BTW it was wiki that characterized those as changes to immigration law. I sure with your brief writing ability you'll have no problem getting the fix that oversight. Also your invocation of Hitler just put your credibility down a few notches.


Oh, easy out. You didn't like the Hitler reference? I will give the build the wall guys one thing: they have the people so programmed that people like you automatically try to ridicule the truth. The FACT is, from the genesis to the revelation of your build the wall ideology, it was founded, financed, and had its talking points made by National Socialists.

Now, you can lie about it or admit that you REALLY don't know as much as you claim.

Feel free to name them with credible links and you have to do better than a reprint of some dudes blog that didn't source his numbers.


You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.

Once again, you can call anything a flower even if it smells like horse manure. The Nationalist Socialists aren't socialists at all. Fascists maybe, but not Socialists.
Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) on Friday held the investiture of 23 new immigration judges, which increases the total number of immigration judges to 351. Since the end of January 2017, 82 immigration judges have been sworn in, and EOIR anticipates three additional hiring classes this fall that will total at least 75 more immigration judges.

As part of a series of common-sense reforms to the immigration court system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year introduced a “streamlined hiring plan” emphasizing clear deadlines for ensuring immigration judge candidates move efficiently through the hiring process. Due to this effort, some of the immigration judges sworn-in on Friday were hired in approximately 266 days, down from an average of 742 days just one year ago.

There you go.........Disprove that.........LOL

Don't you feel better now. Now let's look at this one. 23 Judges. Yes, not 75 like you have claimed. And Trump was offered as part of the deal to reopen the Government a lot more money for even MORE Judges. He turned them down flat. The Wall or Nothing. I already gave a decent cite on that one and I don't feel like repeating myself over and over again.

That was one class graduating to become new judges............another one had 46...............you are off the reservation here.......Give it up.

Only 23 new slots have been created. What you think is additions are to replace those that have left the bench. Sessions only created 23 new slots. And those slots had to come through Congress to be appointed. The Executive Branch does not appoint federal Judges. In order to increase the allocated slots, it would take an increase in the funding. And guess who controls that funding? Take a wild guess. And they offered to increase funding but Trump, yesterday, turned them down flat because it would be part of the Budget that he won't sign. It's the Wall or nothing. Guess we get nothing.
Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) on Friday held the investiture of 23 new immigration judges, which increases the total number of immigration judges to 351. Since the end of January 2017, 82 immigration judges have been sworn in, and EOIR anticipates three additional hiring classes this fall that will total at least 75 more immigration judges.

As part of a series of common-sense reforms to the immigration court system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year introduced a “streamlined hiring plan” emphasizing clear deadlines for ensuring immigration judge candidates move efficiently through the hiring process. Due to this effort, some of the immigration judges sworn-in on Friday were hired in approximately 266 days, down from an average of 742 days just one year ago.

There you go.........Disprove that.........LOL

Don't you feel better now. Now let's look at this one. 23 Judges. Yes, not 75 like you have claimed. And Trump was offered as part of the deal to reopen the Government a lot more money for even MORE Judges. He turned them down flat. The Wall or Nothing. I already gave a decent cite on that one and I don't feel like repeating myself over and over again.

That was one class graduating to become new judges............another one had 46...............you are off the reservation here.......Give it up.

Only 23 new slots have been created. What you think is additions are to replace those that have left the bench. Sessions only created 23 new slots. And those slots had to come through Congress to be appointed. The Executive Branch does not appoint federal Judges. In order to increase the allocated slots, it would take an increase in the funding. And guess who controls that funding? Take a wild guess. And they offered to increase funding but Trump, yesterday, turned them down flat because it would be part of the Budget that he won't sign. It's the Wall or nothing. Guess we get nothing.
All those other judges just vanished...............LOL

Buzz off................Pony the fuck up on the funding...........or the Gov't stays shut down.

You LIED..........I called............buzz off.
Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.

You cited a Trump PR site that happens to be on a Government Server. Your cite is right up there with the National Inquirer.
Prove the DOJ articles wrong then.............go ahead..........Many listed on the site I gave you............Go ahead and disprove them............


The site is NOT DOJ. It's a site that Trump had created to put out his BS. I imagine that whomever the next President is, whether it be a Dem or a Rep, will take that stupid thing down. Read the Title of it. It says it all. But one thing it's doing is making crap up. Now get me a DOJ cite and not one by a crackpot that's selling snake oil.
Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

Prove it........show me where that isn't the DOJ immigration court website.........

Good Luck


Using your own cite, I stopped counting at 189 judges being sworn in under Sessions. If that were the case, and all of them were additions then there would be more than enough judges to handle the load. Most of them were appointed (by congress) to cover replacements. Now, prove to me which ones are additions and which ones were replacements.
Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%

Executive Office for Immigration Review Announces Largest Immigration Judge Investiture Since At Least 2010, Hiring Times Reduced by More Than 50%
The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) on Friday held the investiture of 23 new immigration judges, which increases the total number of immigration judges to 351. Since the end of January 2017, 82 immigration judges have been sworn in, and EOIR anticipates three additional hiring classes this fall that will total at least 75 more immigration judges.

As part of a series of common-sense reforms to the immigration court system, Attorney General Jeff Sessions last year introduced a “streamlined hiring plan” emphasizing clear deadlines for ensuring immigration judge candidates move efficiently through the hiring process. Due to this effort, some of the immigration judges sworn-in on Friday were hired in approximately 266 days, down from an average of 742 days just one year ago.

There you go.........Disprove that.........LOL

Don't you feel better now. Now let's look at this one. 23 Judges. Yes, not 75 like you have claimed. And Trump was offered as part of the deal to reopen the Government a lot more money for even MORE Judges. He turned them down flat. The Wall or Nothing. I already gave a decent cite on that one and I don't feel like repeating myself over and over again.

That was one class graduating to become new judges............another one had 46...............you are off the reservation here.......Give it up.

Only 23 new slots have been created. What you think is additions are to replace those that have left the bench. Sessions only created 23 new slots. And those slots had to come through Congress to be appointed. The Executive Branch does not appoint federal Judges. In order to increase the allocated slots, it would take an increase in the funding. And guess who controls that funding? Take a wild guess. And they offered to increase funding but Trump, yesterday, turned them down flat because it would be part of the Budget that he won't sign. It's the Wall or nothing. Guess we get nothing.
All those other judges just vanished...............LOL

Buzz off................Pony the fuck up on the funding...........or the Gov't stays shut down.

You LIED..........I called............buzz off.

Actually, there were over 200 judges appointed (by congress) but sworn in by Sessions during 2017 and 2018. I stopped tallying after 189. Now, you tell me which ones were additions and which ones were replacements? And this has ZERO to do with some Sociopath that wants to call himself President keeping the Government Closed and a Piece of Crap Speaker of the House that refuses to allow the House Bill to go to the Senate Floor where it would pass. It was announced today that the bill would carry over 90 votes in the Senate. But the POS won't allow it onto the open floor. Congress could easily do a 2/3rds veto proof bill all but for one person.
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

The Budget I showed earlier, which I'm sure you didn't look at, asked for a total of 449 immigration judges...............by Trump.....we are at 351........he was looking for more than that in his first year.......

You stated he didn't want more judges which is utter BS.

They offered another 100 immigration judges in the new CR..........he requested 150 to bring the number to 534 after the other positions are filled..............which would be an increase in judges of roughly 234 during his term.....Subtract 50 .......that they aren't allowing.........LOL
Last edited:
Oh, easy out. You didn't like the Hitler reference? I will give the build the wall guys one thing: they have the people so programmed that people like you automatically try to ridicule the truth. The FACT is, from the genesis to the revelation of your build the wall ideology, it was founded, financed, and had its talking points made by National Socialists.

Now, you can lie about it or admit that you REALLY don't know as much as you claim.

Feel free to name them with credible links and you have to do better than a reprint of some dudes blog that didn't source his numbers.


You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.

Once again, you can call anything a flower even if it smells like horse manure. The Nationalist Socialists aren't socialists at all. Fascists maybe, but not Socialists.

I call them???? Some of you guys need to leave the hard core drugs alone and pay attention. The people I cited SELF DESCRIBED themselves either directly and / or by lending their name to associations that call themselves nazi.


In what language do I have to post that in for you to understand. I admit, agree, concede, believe - whatever it takes to make dumb ass build the wallers acknowledge I understand there is an immigration debacle? I simply disagree with the proposed socialist solutions.
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
Feel free to name them with credible links and you have to do better than a reprint of some dudes blog that didn't source his numbers.


You wish my work were some other guy's blog.

You really can't read. Your link to The Nation was a reprint from TomDispatch.com. They threw out many numbers with thin or no sourcing.

Now you're making claims about National Socialist, with no names or sources. Stop using generalize bogymen and buzz words, name names and give sources.


Well where do we start? Some names and sources. It would be more amazing if you could watch me in person deliver this from the top of my head, but I can verify it with those all important links that you think will make a difference. You and I both realize that you'll attack the links, but bear in mind I AM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE. This reflects what I've lived, the people I've known, activities I've participated in, and /or activities I have first hand knowledge of. The links are simply for your amusement. Use of their links only proves that certain actions happened. They do not necessarily mean I believe in or endorse their ideology.

The whole border B.S. of modern starts with David Duke and Border Watch. In the 1970s the neo - nazi who founded his own version of the Ku Klux Klan brought attention to the issue:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

David Duke began rubbing elbows with rich fat cats that were connected to the Pioneer Fund. Since I am persona non grata with the NS, I have to rely on the left to make the connection, but their facts are verifiable:

That time David Duke and KKK patrolled the Mexican border…

Through the Pioneer Fund, David Duke met and became friends with John Tanton, a eugenics activist:

It {John Tanton's organizations} has funded Anglo-American race scientists as well as anti-immigration groups such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)

Pioneer Fund - SourceWatch

John Tanton founded and financed nonprofits like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), NumbersUSA, and a few more that build the wall guys love to cite.

John Tanton - Wikipedia

John Tanton supplied David Duke with his basic talking points when he did the Border Watch thing. I'd bet Duke still promotes the same rhetoric.

Duke's people went underground with the advent of Louis Beam and his efforts to dust off Col. Ulius Louis Amoss old thesis on Leaderless Resistance.

AFTER the left engineered the events that led up to 9 / 11, they conned the right into supporting the multi billion dollar creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. I won't document that since you have already claimed that one. Tea Party Republicans introduced the so - called "Patriot Act", National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify - ALL of which had been vehemently opposed by conservatives (it was in the days when all right wing organizations were selling Orwell's 1984 novel.)

BTW, as mentioned to you before Russia (communist) was the Motherland, Nazi Germany was the Fatherland and when this immigration issue came to light, America became the Fatherland.

Now, we fast forward to the creation of the current leadership. John Tanton would be the man responsible for the talking points of the so - called Minutemen - the generation of nazis, inspired by the same man whose talking points appealed to David Duke.

Of those was one of the co - founders, Jim Gilchrist. Gilchrist was outed from his own organization, but not before being exposed by the left as just a racist:

"Gilchrist and Chris Simcox are widely recognized as the founders of the Minuteman Project."

Jim Gilchrist - Wikipedia

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

Chris Simcox, Gilchrist's second in command was proven to be a nazi as was Simcox's next in command:

Jim Gilchrist: Discredited & Defunct Minuteman Project Busted for Lies and Defamation

5 of Arizona's Most Notorious Racists and Their Crimes

Of course by now, if you read your precious links, you realize that one of the founders of the current build a wall - border patrol people J.T. Ready was a mass murderer and the other (Simcox) a pedophile:

Neo-Nazi Killed Family During 911 Call

Then there was neo nazi Shawna Forde, recruited by Jim Gilchrist, another of the major founders and leaders of the political philosophy you follow:

Shawna Forde Sentenced To Death For Double Murder In Arizona | HuffPost

These ARE the movers and shakers of the "movement" to which you challenged me on. Well... birds of a feather flock together. And now the build the wall guys can cite John Tanton till Hell freezes over, but they cannot distance themselves from this one truth: AMERICA HAS AN IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, BUT THE CURRENT CROP OF BUILD THE WALL ADVOCATES ARE THE RESULT OF LOBBYING BY NATIONAL SOCIALISTS.

Once again, you can call anything a flower even if it smells like horse manure. The Nationalist Socialists aren't socialists at all. Fascists maybe, but not Socialists.

I call them???? Some of you guys need to leave the hard core drugs alone and pay attention. The people I cited SELF DESCRIBED themselves either directly and / or by lending their name to associations that call themselves nazi.


In what language do I have to post that in for you to understand. I admit, agree, concede, believe - whatever it takes to make dumb ass build the wallers acknowledge I understand there is an immigration debacle? I simply disagree with the proposed socialist solutions.

Are you saying that Trump and the Senate Majority Leader are both Socialists?
Sessions Welcomes 44 New US Immigration Judges

Though Sessions lauded the large number of incoming immigration judges, he warned them of the intense workload they would bear.

"I do not apologize for expecting you to perform at a high level, efficiently and effectively," he said. "Many of the cases present complex legal issues, but like anyone acting as a judge, you must manage your docket and support staff well. Cases must be moved to conclusion."

The Department of Justice received funding for 100 new immigration judges and their teams during the 2018 fiscal year. With the new class, there are currently 351 immigration judges in the department, still less than the 384 allocated in the current budget. The Justice Department has requested funding for 150 new attorneys for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

They can request till they're blue in the face. No Budget, no Judges. NO support staff, no court reporters, etc.. Right now, there is only two people that are tying up the proposed House Budget. Trump with his Veto and that POS Majority Leader in the Senate not allowing it to reach the open floor for vote. It was announced that over 90 Senators would vote in favor of it in the Senate to break the logjam. And it does have the funds for the increases in Immigration Judges and staff as well as 1.6 billion for Border Security. The system is broken when only two people can hold the nation up for ransom.
50 less than requested..............And you said he didn't want them...........You lied....

Name the 90 Senators that are ready to fold.........back up your comments for once.............

Trump WILL VETO IT...............and you don't have the numbers there....................

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