Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

It's not god damn necessary. And I wasn't happy we wasted 80 trillion in Iraq.

For once I'd like you Trump supporters to admit when Trump has a bad idea.

But thanks for now at least finally admitting it's going to be a lot more than $5 billion and we are going to pay for it.
I vote Libertarian, which is way better than you having voted for Hillderbeast. And I don’t care how much the border wall costs, it’s something we need.
If Texas needs a wall Texas should build a wall. Build one all around Texas for all we care. Arizona too.
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.
I vote Libertarian, which is way better than you having voted for Hillderbeast. And I don’t care how much the border wall costs, it’s something we need.
If Texas needs a wall Texas should build a wall. Build one all around Texas for all we care. Arizona too.
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.
Trump requested more court staffing. It was denied.
If Texas needs a wall Texas should build a wall. Build one all around Texas for all we care. Arizona too.
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.
Trump requested more court staffing. It was denied.
Can you show me that? I'm having trouble finding if this is true or not.

One potential area for compromise among the two sides could be the hiring of nearly 2,000 immigration officers and 275 new Border Patrol agents.

However, the border enforcement agency has endured well-documented struggles to meet its recruitment goals and retain employees, despite having the money to the hire more border agents. It has about 7,500 vacancies nationwide.

Similarly, Immigration and Customs Enforcement are still under mandate to hire the 10,000 immigration officers that Trump directed in an executive order he signed days after taking office.

More judges, tech and agents: Bargaining tools for Trump's border wall?
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.
Trump requested more court staffing. It was denied.
Can you show me that? I'm having trouble finding if this is true or not.

One potential area for compromise among the two sides could be the hiring of nearly 2,000 immigration officers and 275 new Border Patrol agents.

However, the border enforcement agency has endured well-documented struggles to meet its recruitment goals and retain employees, despite having the money to the hire more border agents. It has about 7,500 vacancies nationwide.

Similarly, Immigration and Customs Enforcement are still under mandate to hire the 10,000 immigration officers that Trump directed in an executive order he signed days after taking office.

More judges, tech and agents: Bargaining tools for Trump's border wall?
On my phone. 2017 budget proposal or 2018 from the WH
I vote Libertarian, which is way better than you having voted for Hillderbeast. And I don’t care how much the border wall costs, it’s something we need.
If Texas needs a wall Texas should build a wall. Build one all around Texas for all we care. Arizona too.
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.

The fix is to appoint more immigration judges and Trump just ain't hearin' it. More Immigration Judges, the Dems AND the Reps on both sides of the house would support. But it seems that the money for all that disappears into thin air right now.
If Texas needs a wall Texas should build a wall. Build one all around Texas for all we care. Arizona too.
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.
Trump requested more court staffing. It was denied.

No he didn't. He was offered that option Tuesday and went off on his physical wall and rejected the idea from Congress. Trump rejects calls for more immigration judges: 'We have to have a real border, not judges'

President Trump on Tuesday pushed back against efforts to hire more immigration judges to address the influx of migrants arriving at the Mexico-U.S. border.

Trump spent much of his speech at the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) railing against illegal immigration and emphasizing the need to close the southern border. During an aside on the need for border security, Trump declared judges are ineffective in combatting illegal immigration.

“Ultimately, we have to have a real border, not judges,” Trump said.

“Thousands and thousands of judges they want to hire. Who are these people?” Trump continued. “When we vet a single federal judge it goes through a big process.”

The president appeared to be referencing calls from Republicans and Democrats for additional immigration judges to be dispatched to the border to handle the backlog of illegal entry cases and more quickly adjudicate asylum claims.

"Seriously, what country does this? They said ‘sir, we’d like to hire 5,000 or 6,000 more judges,” Trump continued. “Now can you imagine the graft that must take place?”

Standard Strump denial. When you step all over your private parts, say that someone else is doing it. There is a name for this but you won't like it.
Borders are a Fed responsibility.
They can't stop Texas from building a wall on their border. States rights.

Except Texas Mayors don't seem to think a wall in necessary but the increase in the boots on the ground and sensors are. If you can't stop Texas from building a wall, why are you forcing one on them.
I'm not forcing one on them Trump is. And I agree more boots on the ground and more sensors and fix the problems with the system. This morning I saw what happens to a group seeking asylum. If there is no where to put them then they put an ankle bracelet on them and set them free in America and they are asked to show up at court. Pretty please. Fuck that. Figure out a way to quickly determine if they should get asylum or not and if they don't then send them back asap.
Trump requested more court staffing. It was denied.
Can you show me that? I'm having trouble finding if this is true or not.

One potential area for compromise among the two sides could be the hiring of nearly 2,000 immigration officers and 275 new Border Patrol agents.

However, the border enforcement agency has endured well-documented struggles to meet its recruitment goals and retain employees, despite having the money to the hire more border agents. It has about 7,500 vacancies nationwide.

Similarly, Immigration and Customs Enforcement are still under mandate to hire the 10,000 immigration officers that Trump directed in an executive order he signed days after taking office.

More judges, tech and agents: Bargaining tools for Trump's border wall?

I already gave a link that shows Trump was offered more Immigration Judges but he turned it down. It's the Wall or Nothing. What he fails to comprehend or say to his "Followers" is that the figure of 1.3 billion that was offered complies with a Law that passed in 2006 signed into law by President Bush from a Bill passed by both sides of Congress. The 1.3 billion is for building additional wall units and upkeep on the current wall. The House has also added money for the other things that the Border Patrol and Homeland Security has said it needs in the form of sensors, hiring more Immigration Judges, more Equipment and so on, again, in compliance with the law from 2006 and expanded by Obama.The only President that hasn't built any South of the Border Walls or expanded security for the last 12 years is Trump. That money is there and the House is trying to spend it like the law says they should. The law allocates 1.3 billion per year, not 5.3 billion for expanding the Wall or Security Fencing and upkeep on the existing wall. When Trump took office there was 733 miles of wall or heavy security fencing. Do you know how many miles it is after 2 years? 733 miles today. The Orange one is not following the House and Senate Bill that was signed into a law in 2006. Instead, he is throwing this temper tantrum and the wall expansion that is already paid for can't seem to get to the field to be utilized.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.
Justice Department Releases Statistics on the Impact of Immigration Judge Surge

The Department of Justice’s Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) today released statistics on the impact of Executive Order (EO) 13767: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, which called for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to assign immigration judges to immigration detention facilities.

Pursuant to the President’s Executive Order, over one hundred immigration judges have been mobilized to Department of Homeland Security detention facilities across the country, including along the southern border. This mobilization includes both in-person assignments and dockets heard via video teleconferencing (VTC).

Comparing the results of the surge to historical scheduling and outcome data, EOIR has projected that the mobilized immigration judges have completed approximately 2,700 more cases than expected if the immigration judges had not been detailed. This means that completed cases by detailed immigration judges have outpaced expected home court deferrals, resulting in a positive net effect on the nationwide caseload. Also, immigration judges mobilized to surge sites completed approximately 21 percent more cases on detail than the historical, expected performance of nondetailed immigration judges at the same base locations.

“EOIR is pleased with the results of the surge of immigration judges to detention facilities and the potential impact it has on the pending caseload nationwide,” said Acting Director James McHenry. “The Justice Department will continue to identify ways in which it can further improve immigration judge productivity without compromising due process.”
The U.S. will increase the number of immigration judges by 50 percent to take on ballooning backlog | Daily Mail Online

The number of immigration cases on hold in the U.S. has risen 38 percent since Trump took office, with 746,049 pending immigration cases as of July 31, up from 542,411 at the end of January 2017, according to an analysis of government data by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University.

Sessions asserted his authority on Monday during remarks welcoming 44 newly hired immigration judges - the largest class in U.S. history - noting that they must operate under his supervision and perform the duties that he prescribes.
If You Don't Fund Judges, Don't Complain About Backlogs

If the Democrats refuse these funding demands, they and their media allies will lose some of their best talking points. For example, a November 2018 opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times begins:

You have to give credit to the Trump administration when it's due. The increased pace of arrests of people living in the country illegally, combined with the order to reopen suspended cases, has pushed the backlog of pending immigration court cases to nearly 1.1 million, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse [TRAC] at Syracuse University.

That's more than double the backlog when Trump took office, and comes despite a 30% increase in the number of immigration judges.

No president in history has overseen such a huge buildup in cases. President Obama? The best he could do was 630,000 cases. Trump is so #WINNING when it comes to gumming up the immigration courts.

Oh, wait, that's not a good thing.

Fair enough. So how do you get rid of backlogs? More immigration judges, as I have explained numerous times in the past. Then-Attorney General (AG) Jeff Sessions hired 128 new immigration judges (IJs) in just two years (a fact alluded to in the screed above), bolstering a drastically underfunded IJ corps, but this doesn't even come close to the number of IJs our nation's immigration courts currently need.

The website of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), the Department of Justice (DOJ) component responsible for the immigration courts notes that there are "approximately 400 immigration judges located in 62 immigration courts throughout the Nation." TRAC's latest report states that there were 809,041 pending cases before the immigration courts as of November 2018. That is more than 2,022 cases per IJ. An additional 75 immigration judges would bring that down 1,703, or 16 percent. Not perfect, but a start.

Democrats will no longer be able to complain about backlogs, or even alien respondents' access to justice, if they don't pay for more IJs
https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/About Us/Budget, Planning and Performance/FY2017.pdf

$347 million for the Criminal Alien Program to support ICE in the apprehension and removal of both at-large and incarcerated convicted criminals. These resources include funding for an additional 100 officers to support ICE in this mission area.

x $268 million to support the Office of Principal Legal Advisor, which represents the U.S. Government in removal proceedings and litigated over 400,000 immigration related cases

FY 2017 Highlights:

Criminal Investigators…………………..……………………………$70.1M (307 FTE)

The budget requests an increase of $6.9M (for a total of $70.1M) to provide additional support to the Investigative Operations Division (IOD). IOD investigates alleged criminal and serious, non-criminal misconduct involving CBP employees, as well as fatal or significant use of force incidents. This request would provide funding to allow CBP to hire an additional 30 criminal investigators, which will increase the rate at which internal investigations of use of force are completed and enhance CBP’s capacity to identify and address misconduct, and integrity issues. The requested funds are critical to CBP’s ability to investigate and resolve the investigations previously handled by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). Historically, ICE OPR opened an average of 200 criminal investigations involving CBP employees each fiscal year.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
EOIR Announces Largest Ever Immigration Judge Investiture

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) announces the investiture of 46 immigration judges, including two assistant chief immigration judges, marking for the second month in a row the largest class in the agency’s history.

“At this point in history your work is vitally important. The case backlog has reached more than 760,000. Great effort is surely needed,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions at today’s investiture. “This situation is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Our nation’s chief executive supports you and all who strive to make our immigration system work.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed these new judges after a thorough application process and welcomed them during a ceremony held Sept. 28, 2018. Chief Immigration Judge MaryBeth Keller presided over the investiture held at the Department of Justice’s Great Hall in Washington, D.C.

“EOIR continues to make great progress in hiring the immigration judges needed to reduce a backlog of more than 760,000 pending immigration court cases,” said James McHenry, Director of EOIR. “Alongside our efforts to improve immigration judge productivity and modernize our information technology systems, growing our immigration judge corps remains a top agency priority.”

In 2017, Attorney General Sessions announced a “streamlined hiring plan” promoting the use of clear deadlines and efficient hiring processes, resulting in a reduction of 74 percent in the time it takes to onboard immigration judges since then. Since the end of January 2017, 128 immigration judges have been sworn in. EOIR anticipates two additional hiring classes this fall which will make for over 100 immigration judges hired during 2018.

“EOIR now has 395 immigration judges, an increase of 30 percent since January 2017,” said McHenry. “While we are pleased to welcome this historic class of judges, we are not done and expect additional hiring before the end of this year.”

Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

List's all the judges sworn in here.

Trump wanted 449 ........we are at 395. Now he is looking for another 75. Ted Cruz wanted to double the number to stop the back log. Those that say efforts by Trump to get more Judges..........are either MISINFORMED OR LYING.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.
EOIR Announces Largest Ever Immigration Judge Investiture

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) announces the investiture of 46 immigration judges, including two assistant chief immigration judges, marking for the second month in a row the largest class in the agency’s history.

“At this point in history your work is vitally important. The case backlog has reached more than 760,000. Great effort is surely needed,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions at today’s investiture. “This situation is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Our nation’s chief executive supports you and all who strive to make our immigration system work.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed these new judges after a thorough application process and welcomed them during a ceremony held Sept. 28, 2018. Chief Immigration Judge MaryBeth Keller presided over the investiture held at the Department of Justice’s Great Hall in Washington, D.C.

“EOIR continues to make great progress in hiring the immigration judges needed to reduce a backlog of more than 760,000 pending immigration court cases,” said James McHenry, Director of EOIR. “Alongside our efforts to improve immigration judge productivity and modernize our information technology systems, growing our immigration judge corps remains a top agency priority.”

In 2017, Attorney General Sessions announced a “streamlined hiring plan” promoting the use of clear deadlines and efficient hiring processes, resulting in a reduction of 74 percent in the time it takes to onboard immigration judges since then. Since the end of January 2017, 128 immigration judges have been sworn in. EOIR anticipates two additional hiring classes this fall which will make for over 100 immigration judges hired during 2018.

“EOIR now has 395 immigration judges, an increase of 30 percent since January 2017,” said McHenry. “While we are pleased to welcome this historic class of judges, we are not done and expect additional hiring before the end of this year.”

Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

List's all the judges sworn in here.

Trump wanted 449 ........we are at 395. Now he is looking for another 75. Ted Cruz wanted to double the number to stop the back log. Those that say efforts by Trump to get more Judges..........are either MISINFORMED OR LYING.

The time stamp on your article is last june. Since then, it's been offered by the House to increase the budget to get even more judges. Trump turned it down flat this week. It's the Wall or nothing.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.

You cited a Trump PR site that happens to be on a Government Server. Your cite is right up there with the National Inquirer.
EOIR Announces Largest Ever Immigration Judge Investiture

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) announces the investiture of 46 immigration judges, including two assistant chief immigration judges, marking for the second month in a row the largest class in the agency’s history.

“At this point in history your work is vitally important. The case backlog has reached more than 760,000. Great effort is surely needed,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions at today’s investiture. “This situation is unacceptable. It cannot continue. Our nation’s chief executive supports you and all who strive to make our immigration system work.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed these new judges after a thorough application process and welcomed them during a ceremony held Sept. 28, 2018. Chief Immigration Judge MaryBeth Keller presided over the investiture held at the Department of Justice’s Great Hall in Washington, D.C.

“EOIR continues to make great progress in hiring the immigration judges needed to reduce a backlog of more than 760,000 pending immigration court cases,” said James McHenry, Director of EOIR. “Alongside our efforts to improve immigration judge productivity and modernize our information technology systems, growing our immigration judge corps remains a top agency priority.”

In 2017, Attorney General Sessions announced a “streamlined hiring plan” promoting the use of clear deadlines and efficient hiring processes, resulting in a reduction of 74 percent in the time it takes to onboard immigration judges since then. Since the end of January 2017, 128 immigration judges have been sworn in. EOIR anticipates two additional hiring classes this fall which will make for over 100 immigration judges hired during 2018.

“EOIR now has 395 immigration judges, an increase of 30 percent since January 2017,” said McHenry. “While we are pleased to welcome this historic class of judges, we are not done and expect additional hiring before the end of this year.”

Subject Listing - News Releases & Fact Sheets

List's all the judges sworn in here.

Trump wanted 449 ........we are at 395. Now he is looking for another 75. Ted Cruz wanted to double the number to stop the back log. Those that say efforts by Trump to get more Judges..........are either MISINFORMED OR LYING.

The time stamp on your article is last june. Since then, it's been offered by the House to increase the budget to get even more judges. Trump turned it down flat this week. It's the Wall or nothing.
He hasn't turned it down............he wants more judges............That is Baloney......The Shut down is over the Border Security Funding...........which is a hell of a lot more than more judges............

He wants them too............stop lying.

Invest in Law Enforcement. The Budget provides critical resources for DOJ

to confront terrorism, reduce violent crime, tackle the Nation’s opioid epidemic, and combat illegal immigration. Additional spending is provided for DOJ to enhance public safety and law enforcement including $214 million above current levels for immigration enforcement—allowing DOJ to hire 75 additional immigration judge teams, bringing the total number of funded immigration judge teams to 449. In addition, $84 million more is provided for increases in the Federal detainee population. Increases of $188 million are included to address violent and gun-related crime in communities across the Nation and to target transnational criminal organizations and drug traffickers. As part of this increase, $103 million is added to maintain and expand capacity to fight against opioids and other illicit drugs. Further, DOJ will take steps to mitigate the risk that sanctuary jurisdictions pose to public safety.

It’s not just programs for the poor. Trump’s budget calls for vast changes to government.

Not all of the budget is red ink, though.

In its $27.7 billion budget request, the Justice Department asked for $26 million for 300 new prosecutors in U.S. attorney's offices nationwide to support Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s emphasis on targeting violent criminals and prosecuting illegal immigrants. An additional $75 million was requested for 75 more immigration judges to adjudicate removal proceedings for people in the United States illegally. About $80 million was sought to fully open an underused federal prison in Thomson, Ill., which was once considered as a possible facility to hold Guantánamo prisoners and would provide the Bureau of Prisons with 1,500 to 2,000 more beds.

Did you read the title? It's a Trump PR site that has enough lies in it to choke a healthy horse. No Government Site would read "A New Foundation For American Greatness" That whole things is stricken with BS.

One exception. It contradicts your figures. Sessions sent 18 Immigration Judges, not the 75 you are claiming. And the House already offered to add more money for more Immigration Judges and Prosecutors to the tune of 300 Judges. The good news is that those 300 judges would be temporary. That would have broken the stalemate on the border. Mexico is currently deporting those that fail to meet immigration standards into the US back across their own southern border if they won't take a job in Mexico. The Mexicans are also deporting those that tried to force their way across the US border as well. The Mexicans won't allow a 3rd wave cross their borders again. And they have only a few hundred miles to close up on their southern border and an Army to do it.

The potential Immigrants already had their 15 minutes of fame. Now if Trump would just shut up and allow those funds that have been offered above and beyond the 1.3 billion that must be spent on Border Security according to the 2006 Border Security Law then we could get back to business, the Government could reopen and the panic would no longer be there. But Trump wants us all to stay in a constant state of Panic. I have a Sister like that and every family has a relative like that that we all avoid like the plaque. There is a name for that condition but you won't like it.
Baloney..........your lying or you are misinformed. I just cited the DOJs hiring Immigration Judges............

Move along or go play in traffic.........your saying shit doesn't refute the facts I post.......buzz off.

You cited a Trump PR site that happens to be on a Government Server. Your cite is right up there with the National Inquirer.
Prove the DOJ articles wrong then.............go ahead..........Many listed on the site I gave you............Go ahead and disprove them............


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