Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

More important than that I support my "need" to earn enough money to support my family without becoming a workaholic.

Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
I have roasted your butts with information on what has been built and what the budget is for.

You just want your illegal labor. You have proven that.

You are the one who makes this pretentious argument about this being something related to jobs. It's not my fault that your argument imploded on you.

And there you go again, showing the people on this board your abject stupidity. There is a couple of questions you haven't asked me. I'm not going to respond to baseless accusations. People might think I see some merit in your dishonesty. If you want to KNOW where I stand, why aren't you asking a couple of relevant questions? You'd just get another beat down. The truth is something that evades you.
Early on you stated it.

You're admitting I stated the truth? I could not state answers to questions not asked.
You admitted to hiring illegals.........seemed proud of it...........so I consider you part of the problem
I don't need immigrants taking away my right to live.

Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
If they are here legally. No problem. Illegally I have a problem. No one is going to work in a slaughter house for substandard wages.

Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
I don't need immigrants taking away my right to live.

Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
If they are here legally. No problem. Illegally I have a problem. No one is going to work in a slaughter house for substandard wages.

Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.
Then you should budget your time and learn all about an issue before jumping onto anyone's bandwagon. The build the wall guys and the liberal Democrats are both going to the same destination by way of different routes.
I have roasted your butts with information on what has been built and what the budget is for.

You just want your illegal labor. You have proven that.

You are the one who makes this pretentious argument about this being something related to jobs. It's not my fault that your argument imploded on you.

And there you go again, showing the people on this board your abject stupidity. There is a couple of questions you haven't asked me. I'm not going to respond to baseless accusations. People might think I see some merit in your dishonesty. If you want to KNOW where I stand, why aren't you asking a couple of relevant questions? You'd just get another beat down. The truth is something that evades you.
Early on you stated it.

You're admitting I stated the truth? I could not state answers to questions not asked.
You admitted to hiring illegals.........seemed proud of it...........so I consider you part of the problem

I don't hire "illegals." Everybody is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. YOU ARE the problem. You have a problem with the Constitution; consequently, you have a problem with me.

I hire the person who can do the job competently at the best price. If a white guy shows up and he's a USDA approved National ID Card carrying, Socialist Surveillance Number holding subject of the NEW WORLD ORDER, he or she will be given consideration.

But, I'm not about to lose my home or anything else I own just because someone has human registration papers and thinks they are worth a surgeon's wages when they pissed away their life and did not take advantage of the free education I offered them. You aren't joining my team, sitting on your ass, and thinking you're going to make a living off me just because you were lucky enough to be born in the USA.

There is no shame in Americans working like everybody else and earning their opportunities.
Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
If they are here legally. No problem. Illegally I have a problem. No one is going to work in a slaughter house for substandard wages.

Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.

Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
If they are here legally. No problem. Illegally I have a problem. No one is going to work in a slaughter house for substandard wages.

Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.

Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.
Do you support reforms making it easier for immigrants to come here legally? Are you OK with widening the pipeline for legal immigrants?

Regardless, my comment stands. Competing for your job isn't taking away your right to live.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.

Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.

IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
LEGAL entry...........yes...........but only when this flood of illegals is stopped. And verification of employment VERIFIED via a E-Verify system that stops the fraud going on now. Once that is done...........then they can get in line.......and businesses can use the LEGAL METHODS OF HIRING THEM........Not the Fake ID network we have now.

If I want to visit a foreign country I need a PASSPORT..........why should we just let anyone in when most of the World doesn't.......that is a broken system and it's been broken for decades.

Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.

Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.

IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
#3 you keep posting this I keep countering it with there is record numbers of families illegally immigrating to the US.
Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September

And #9 if you got something to say spit it out maybe the questions you want asked are irrelevant.
In some parts of Texas, California and Arizona, there is already a wall. Let Trump the fuck alone and let him finish what the Dumcrates have already started. What is really needed is more border agents, drones, and the military if necessary and no more catch and release and more deportation. Enforce our existing immigration laws.

Nice. You are buying into the Snake Oil. The Walls that were built went into the Metro Areas that had the highest entry. The walls funnel down to the entry points. It's a bit difficult to determine who is and who isn't supposed to be there when there is a high degree of population around. So walls are used and there is no room for the better multi layered Security Fence that actually works better. Also, in that area, the requirement for the most dense border patrol and security devices are needed. Those are already built.

Here is a bit of info that while I type it, you can hold your hands over your eyes and ears (assuming you are a 4 handed freak of nature) and loudly yell "LaLaLa" over and over. In the Fiscal Years of 2017 and 2018, there was 1.3 billion dollars allocated for Wall/Security Fence maintenance and additions. During those two years, not one single inch of additional wall or security fence has been added. And the only place that the Wall/Security Fence has been replaced is just outside San Diego at one of the lowest intrusion areas all along the border. That part was NEVER run down. But it sure does look purty for the Richest Neighborhood in Mexico to look at.

Meanwhile, there are places along the border that are more intruded that the Wall (yes, I said wall) is falling down and just about ready to fall down. After 10 years, mother nature has been harsh to the steel walls and through rust, corrosion and people tearing at them, they are falling down. But Trump decides to doll up the part that is in good repair and works well so his Mexican Billionaires won't complain about the eyesore.

Believe it or not, you stated fixes closer to the Democrats solutions and completely foreign to Trumps way of thinking. Trump is a Carny Operator. How's it feel to be a Rube.

What you fail to mention is that none of the 1.6 billion is allowed to be used for the wall. Need the Politifact link, let me know and I’ll post it as soon as I get home.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Your info is wrong once again. Last month, the Dems offered the 1.6. The 1.3 was included and they offered to increase it to 1.6. It's not that it's need or not, it's the figure that was offered. Trump turned it down flat now he doesn't get the 1.3. But he's been misappropriating that all along anyway so does he really need it for the "Wall"?

No, there is what was passed last month and what the Dems are offering now. 5.6 isn’t even enough. Trump originally wanted 30 billion. He scaled that down and the Dems still won’t approve it.

Now Cruz wants to re-introduce the el chapo bill to pay for the wall. That means it won’t cost the taxpayers one red cent. Watch how Democrats still won’t allow it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
There is no drug war clause. Tax Cut Economics doesn't cover it.
Why we just let people in goes back to unalienable Rights.

Either your God, your Creator gave you Rights OR the government did. It cannot be both ways! The build the wall guys abandoned the border and turned it all over to government.

You're going to win in the short term. You WILL get the wall - UNTIL THE LEFT regains the White House. Then they will take your Rights and show you the same consideration. Ever think about that?

Why you ask? We are the strongest nation in the world. We are the leaders, not the followers. We are the only nation in the world that recognizes Rights that are above the jurisdiction of any man made government. You insist on being a third world shithole for some reason. Screw that Orwellian 1984 B.S. No foreign government that wants to do you harm is going to tell you the truth about who they let come to our border.

Did YOUR ancestors have a National ID Card?
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.

Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.

IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
#3 you keep posting this I keep countering it with there is record numbers of families illegally immigrating to the US.
Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September

And #9 if you got something to say spit it out maybe the questions you want asked are irrelevant.

Let's start with # 3. Let us duly note that the number of families are the subject of the article, NOT the total number of undocumented foreigners. So, what do you have to say about this?

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org

You gave ONE source and it was limited to families. I gave THREE sources, each saying that the numbers are in decline.

The numbers you cite are related to the political stunt of bringing in families so that is presented as a humanitarian issue. Your preconditioned response leads the left, moderates, and younger voters to see you for what is in your heart. You fall for it hook, line and sinker. WHEN Trump leaves office, the left WILL make you pay.

What you need is a permanent solution. Unless you understand the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded you cannot offer up such a solution that will make it difficult for the left to over-come when they get back in control.

Now, let us talk about # 9. If you cannot see the flaws in your arguments, and even my solutions have pitfalls, you're not smart enough to be IN this conversation and you do your side more damage than good. In order for you to win in the court of public opinion (and this board ain't it) you have to know the other guy's position as good as he does so you can counter with relevant objections that address your opponent's points. The funny icon won't work in a news interview or a public debate.
If we don't stop the flood of illegals into this country the left will change the Demographics of this country........and then use it to shove their far left agenda down our throats........leaving only the 2nd Amendment option............

Obey the laws of this country...........if not we aren't a Republic...........We are no longer a Nation of Laws.................They openly disregard the LAWS...............and so do you ............You are part of the problem.............We will settle this one way or another eventually.

Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.

IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
#3 you keep posting this I keep countering it with there is record numbers of families illegally immigrating to the US.
Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September

And #9 if you got something to say spit it out maybe the questions you want asked are irrelevant.

Let's start with # 3. Let us duly note that the number of families are the subject of the article, NOT the total number of undocumented foreigners. So, what do you have to say about this?

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org

You gave ONE source and it was limited to families. I gave THREE sources, each saying that the numbers are in decline.

The numbers you cite are related to the political stunt of bringing in families so that is presented as a humanitarian issue. Your preconditioned response leads the left, moderates, and younger voters to see you for what is in your heart. You fall for it hook, line and sinker. WHEN Trump leaves office, the left WILL make you pay.

What you need is a permanent solution. Unless you understand the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded you cannot offer up such a solution that will make it difficult for the left to over-come when they get back in control.

Now, let us talk about # 9. If you cannot see the flaws in your arguments, and even my solutions have pitfalls, you're not smart enough to be IN this conversation and you do your side more damage than good. In order for you to win in the court of public opinion (and this board ain't it) you have to know the other guy's position as good as he does so you can counter with relevant objections that address your opponent's points. The funny icon won't work in a news interview or a public debate.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution, only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

We should have no illegal problem.
Obeying the laws and carrying a freaking piece of paper issued by a corrupt government will not save the Republic. GOVERNMENT CAUSED YOUR PROBLEM.

Laws that conflict with the Constitution are NOT LEGITIMATE LAWS. If you can show me the word immigration in the Constitution, this B.S. would stop in an instant. You nor I have to obey unconstitutional laws.

You feel like asking what's missing yet? You ready to ask the question that resolves this? Are you brave enough OR too much of a dullard to know what I'm referring to?
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.

IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
#3 you keep posting this I keep countering it with there is record numbers of families illegally immigrating to the US.
Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September

And #9 if you got something to say spit it out maybe the questions you want asked are irrelevant.

Let's start with # 3. Let us duly note that the number of families are the subject of the article, NOT the total number of undocumented foreigners. So, what do you have to say about this?

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org

You gave ONE source and it was limited to families. I gave THREE sources, each saying that the numbers are in decline.

The numbers you cite are related to the political stunt of bringing in families so that is presented as a humanitarian issue. Your preconditioned response leads the left, moderates, and younger voters to see you for what is in your heart. You fall for it hook, line and sinker. WHEN Trump leaves office, the left WILL make you pay.

What you need is a permanent solution. Unless you understand the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded you cannot offer up such a solution that will make it difficult for the left to over-come when they get back in control.

Now, let us talk about # 9. If you cannot see the flaws in your arguments, and even my solutions have pitfalls, you're not smart enough to be IN this conversation and you do your side more damage than good. In order for you to win in the court of public opinion (and this board ain't it) you have to know the other guy's position as good as he does so you can counter with relevant objections that address your opponent's points. The funny icon won't work in a news interview or a public debate.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution, only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

We should have no illegal problem.

The word immigration is not in the Constitution. The only authority that the federal government has in this conversation is limited to citizenship.

It is here that the build the wall guys lose me. They keep lobbying for a wall and calling undocumented foreigners criminals, parasites, scum, and a host of other derogatory names. Meanwhile, the only way they see as an "in" for undocumented foreigners is the mythical "legal" avenue. That word "legal" is code for citizenship.

So, now you've put up a wall and Trump has promised a "big beautiful door," and is now advocating upping the number of people he would let in. At some point, the people who are pissing the Hispanics off will lose their power in Congress and then the left will be calling the build the wall guys domestic terrorists, racists, bigots, etc. Then what goes around comes around. I'm dumbfounded by the build the wall guys strategy.

There are far more pragmatic and practical ways of dealing with the situation, but they say you won't take a fool's advice until you've become a fool yourself.
You have not proven that............Under the Constitution one of the primary purposes of the Gov't is to protect this nation and it's people. That is part of the intent of the enumerated powers..............Making foreigners legally come here is part of that..............Enforcing the laws is part of that.

They are breaking the law.............Again........I can't visit another country without a passport............and their laws are tougher than ours on that.........

Do it LEGALLY OR NOT AT ALL...........Time to end this BS.

IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
#3 you keep posting this I keep countering it with there is record numbers of families illegally immigrating to the US.
Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September

And #9 if you got something to say spit it out maybe the questions you want asked are irrelevant.

Let's start with # 3. Let us duly note that the number of families are the subject of the article, NOT the total number of undocumented foreigners. So, what do you have to say about this?

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org

You gave ONE source and it was limited to families. I gave THREE sources, each saying that the numbers are in decline.

The numbers you cite are related to the political stunt of bringing in families so that is presented as a humanitarian issue. Your preconditioned response leads the left, moderates, and younger voters to see you for what is in your heart. You fall for it hook, line and sinker. WHEN Trump leaves office, the left WILL make you pay.

What you need is a permanent solution. Unless you understand the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded you cannot offer up such a solution that will make it difficult for the left to over-come when they get back in control.

Now, let us talk about # 9. If you cannot see the flaws in your arguments, and even my solutions have pitfalls, you're not smart enough to be IN this conversation and you do your side more damage than good. In order for you to win in the court of public opinion (and this board ain't it) you have to know the other guy's position as good as he does so you can counter with relevant objections that address your opponent's points. The funny icon won't work in a news interview or a public debate.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution, only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

We should have no illegal problem.

The word immigration is not in the Constitution. The only authority that the federal government has in this conversation is limited to citizenship.

It is here that the build the wall guys lose me. They keep lobbying for a wall and calling undocumented foreigners criminals, parasites, scum, and a host of other derogatory names. Meanwhile, the only way they see as an "in" for undocumented foreigners is the mythical "legal" avenue. That word "legal" is code for citizenship.

So, now you've put up a wall and Trump has promised a "big beautiful door," and is now advocating upping the number of people he would let in. At some point, the people who are pissing the Hispanics off will lose their power in Congress and then the left will be calling the build the wall guys domestic terrorists, racists, bigots, etc. Then what goes around comes around. I'm dumbfounded by the build the wall guys strategy.

There are far more pragmatic and practical ways of dealing with the situation, but they say you won't take a fool's advice until you've become a fool yourself.
we have an express naturalization clause to deal with these issues.
IF it's time to end any B.S. then you should prove your case or just admit you have nothing on me.

1) Yes, the government has the responsibility of protecting us

2) It is unconstitutional for the government to use the military to enforce domestic law. That is a job for law enforcement

3) Trump cannot make a case for a National Emergency because the numbers of people entering the United States are going down, not up; therefore, he's hard pressed to convince the other two branches of government he has a National Emergency

4) Americans are willingly doing business with the foreigners. If, on the basis of your arguments, you think something "illegal" is going on, then YOU too would be guilty

5) The ONLY constitutional jurisdiction that Congress has over foreigners is for NATURALIZATION. Naturalization is citizenship. You want to piss people off calling them names and accusing them of being "illegal" without extending Due Process. What happens to YOU when the left is in charge? Are you paying attention or do you still have your head up your ass?

6) If you are going to subvert the Constitution to deny foreigners Due Process, then when the left wants to call you a domestic terrorist, YOU will be afforded the "equal protection of the laws." So, however you are treating foreigners, the left will dish out to you. You don't have a very good plan there, Einstein

7) No matter how much you stomp your feet, the government cannot save you from yourself. So tomorrow, instead of getting on the computer to argue with me, look in your closet; check out the living room, look at your computer. You bought shit made in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Pakistan. Yet most of what you bought has an American equivalent. Did you look at the freaking label OR did you buy what was the cheapest product that served your purpose?

You expect one standard of behavior from me, but don't impose it on yourself. Don't you think that's hypocritical?

8) Trump has already told you, repeatedly, that before he introduced the nutty wall idea the Dems were for it? And don't you find it odd that the left has not been on your ass, telling you the things I have? Does it not dawn on you that the globalists and Dems are playing you?

9) You still have not asked me a couple of important questions. You've subjected me to your standards that you yourself fail. Sure there isn't something you missed?

10) You have yet to explain how America became the most powerful nation on this earth with open borders. You cannot fool yourself. That is why you're arguing with me. You aren't trying to convince anyone but yourself at this stage. The usual suspects have tapped out. What did you miss there Sparky? Let me give you another hint as to the questions you missed asking me: How come you suppose that neither the build the wall guys NOR the left want to talk about the principles that made us the great nation we became and they do not want you to look at the roots of the problem?

You can't handle the truth.
#3 you keep posting this I keep countering it with there is record numbers of families illegally immigrating to the US.
Illegal Immigration By Families Hits All-Time Record In September

And #9 if you got something to say spit it out maybe the questions you want asked are irrelevant.

Let's start with # 3. Let us duly note that the number of families are the subject of the article, NOT the total number of undocumented foreigners. So, what do you have to say about this?

Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Donald Trump: Former commissioner

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.

Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org

You gave ONE source and it was limited to families. I gave THREE sources, each saying that the numbers are in decline.

The numbers you cite are related to the political stunt of bringing in families so that is presented as a humanitarian issue. Your preconditioned response leads the left, moderates, and younger voters to see you for what is in your heart. You fall for it hook, line and sinker. WHEN Trump leaves office, the left WILL make you pay.

What you need is a permanent solution. Unless you understand the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded you cannot offer up such a solution that will make it difficult for the left to over-come when they get back in control.

Now, let us talk about # 9. If you cannot see the flaws in your arguments, and even my solutions have pitfalls, you're not smart enough to be IN this conversation and you do your side more damage than good. In order for you to win in the court of public opinion (and this board ain't it) you have to know the other guy's position as good as he does so you can counter with relevant objections that address your opponent's points. The funny icon won't work in a news interview or a public debate.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution, only in right wing, national socialist fantasy.

We should have no illegal problem.

The word immigration is not in the Constitution. The only authority that the federal government has in this conversation is limited to citizenship.

It is here that the build the wall guys lose me. They keep lobbying for a wall and calling undocumented foreigners criminals, parasites, scum, and a host of other derogatory names. Meanwhile, the only way they see as an "in" for undocumented foreigners is the mythical "legal" avenue. That word "legal" is code for citizenship.

So, now you've put up a wall and Trump has promised a "big beautiful door," and is now advocating upping the number of people he would let in. At some point, the people who are pissing the Hispanics off will lose their power in Congress and then the left will be calling the build the wall guys domestic terrorists, racists, bigots, etc. Then what goes around comes around. I'm dumbfounded by the build the wall guys strategy.

There are far more pragmatic and practical ways of dealing with the situation, but they say you won't take a fool's advice until you've become a fool yourself.
we have an express naturalization clause to deal with these issues.

How is the naturalization clause going to save people like slyhunter from being pursued by the left?

America was founded by white Christians. The Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution are a reflection of the culture developed by the founders which is built upon the twin pillars of race and religion.

Even as whites are witnessing their demise, they appear oblivious to their fate. The left (largely driven by blacks) are erasing the history of the whites. Statues, monuments, memorials, and plaques are silently being destroyed and then replaced by those of non-whites and non-Christians. The IRS has attacked the Tea Party; YouTube has enlisted the aid of the ADL to begin locking out those right of center. Facebook is slowly terminating the accounts of whites that are racially conscious and right of center. Instagram and Twitter are following suit. Even ISPs are terminating the accounts of right leaning whites.

Donald Trump is powerless to stop those wheels that have been set in motion. If you took out the aforementioned groups and people that support them, you would have no build the wall movement. Yet those dullards want the wall on one hand, but increased citizenship on the other. Do they honestly think handing people a piece of paper is going to change what's been going on the last couple of decades with respect to immigration?
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral from intelligently designed, Inception.
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral from intelligently designed, Inception.

That's not the way it was interpreted in the earliest Court decisions.

Within six months of the ratification of the United States Constitution, only whites were allowed to be citizens and, according to most, if not all early state Constitutions, only white Christians were allowed to vote and / or hold public office.
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral from intelligently designed, Inception.

That's not the way it was interpreted in the earliest Court decisions.

Within six months of the ratification of the United States Constitution, only whites were allowed to be citizens and, according to most, if not all early state Constitutions, only white Christians were allowed to vote and / or hold public office.
Slavery was the issue. gender and based race laws should be considered unconstitutional.
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral from intelligently designed, Inception.

That's not the way it was interpreted in the earliest Court decisions.

Within six months of the ratification of the United States Constitution, only whites were allowed to be citizens and, according to most, if not all early state Constitutions, only white Christians were allowed to vote and / or hold public office.
Slavery was the issue. gender and based race laws should be considered unconstitutional.

I support reparations. You see, the black people lay claim to being the people who held biblical Israelites in bondage. So, we had slavery in the U.S. for 200 or so years. My ancestors were held in bondage for over 400 years. I am a Christian Israelite. So, when the black people get their reparations, they can deposit the check, double that amount and send it to biblical Israelites. Then we can move forward.
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral from intelligently designed, Inception.

That's not the way it was interpreted in the earliest Court decisions.

Within six months of the ratification of the United States Constitution, only whites were allowed to be citizens and, according to most, if not all early state Constitutions, only white Christians were allowed to vote and / or hold public office.
Slavery was the issue. gender and based race laws should be considered unconstitutional.

I support reparations. You see, the black people lay claim to being the people who held biblical Israelites in bondage. So, we had slavery in the U.S. for 200 or so years. My ancestors were held in bondage for over 400 years. I am a Christian Israelite. So, when the black people get their reparations, they can deposit the check, double that amount and send it to biblical Israelites. Then we can move forward.
lousy right wing management?

Eminent domain should have solved that issue in a market friendly manner.
Our original Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral from intelligently designed, Inception.

That's not the way it was interpreted in the earliest Court decisions.

Within six months of the ratification of the United States Constitution, only whites were allowed to be citizens and, according to most, if not all early state Constitutions, only white Christians were allowed to vote and / or hold public office.
Slavery was the issue. gender and based race laws should be considered unconstitutional.

I support reparations. You see, the black people lay claim to being the people who held biblical Israelites in bondage. So, we had slavery in the U.S. for 200 or so years. My ancestors were held in bondage for over 400 years. I am a Christian Israelite. So, when the black people get their reparations, they can deposit the check, double that amount and send it to biblical Israelites. Then we can move forward.
lousy right wing management?

Eminent domain should have solved that issue in a market friendly manner.

Lousy right wing management???

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