Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
The wall isn't intended to be a "deterrent," moron. It's intended to be a physical obstacle.

I might attack you as a lying douchebag, but everyone already knows that.

Your side presents the wall as one thing. When you answer that, you change the goalposts and say the issue is something else. I'm not a rodent on a treadmill, so we've already had enough posts refuting the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

You're nothing but a propganda tool we established walls and fences work but you continue to deny..

You sound like a parakeet, always rehashing what Hush Bimbo said.

What your sources are not revealing is that they took OTHER precautions - which you conveniently ignore.

What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.
Then why do you keep bringing him up?

You sound like a parakeet, always rehashing what Hush Bimbo said.

Criminals like easy access to their targets. They want to get in and then get out quickly. Do gated communities work most times? Yes. All the time? Perhaps not. It really depends on the area.

Will a wall stop all illegals? No it won't. Will it reduce illegals and drugs to a more tolerable level, yes it will.

While you relish in ancient history, we in modern times know walls and borders do work.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere


Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

What your sources are not revealing is that they took OTHER precautions - which you conveniently ignore.

What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?
I don't play to the humanitarian side. I've already exposed WHO the organizations you cite really are. A mind is like a parachute. It only operates when it's open.

The build the wall advocates make an idiotic claim about how much so called illegal aliens "cost," but they NEVER examine the other side of the ledger in order to understand why they are here. The reason I call their method idiotic is that it is BLATANTLY dishonest as if the rest of society is too stupid to examine the three most important facts:

1) As much as it makes Tea Party Republicans cringe, there are two sides of an accounting ledger and the supposed facts you cite do not figure in how much foreign labor contributes and how much wealth they create

2) The people on this thread, advocating for the wall, fight tooth and nail against the effort to rehabilitate those who are disenfranchised and get them working so that there is less demand for foreign labor

3) Tea Party Republicans want to keep a segment of their own people locked out of society and then blame the people that take the jobs Americans CANNOT take due to double minded people that want to keep some Americans from getting a job AND denying employers their unalienable Right to hire the person they want to hire for the job.

So you against minimum wage laws, since Illegal's work under the table
Keep putting words in my mouth, madam, and you could get answers you don't care to hear.
I think the minimum wage in this country should be $2.50. That way, they don't have to pay much in taxes. :lastword:

How do illegals pay federal taxes if they work under the table?


OMG. You force those who agree with you that problem exists to play the devil's advocate and not let you get away with that LIE.

The ONLY tax that so - called illegals can be accused of not paying is the federal income tax. That is graduated tax - a plank from the Communist Manifesto. You should help repeal that Amendment IF that is your beef.

But, wait... the CHIEF ACTUARY OF THE SSA says 75 percent of those without papers DO pay that tax. EVERYBODY who works under the table, denying to the commies that tribute are doing all of us a public service.

More propganda from you?


And more easily refuted cow dung from you. Now, you're trying to get personal and displaying a lot of FEAR. You have no legitimate argument so you've sunk to personal attacks. like I said, I accept your concession of defeat.
What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
The wall isn't intended to be a "deterrent," moron. It's intended to be a physical obstacle.

I might attack you as a lying douchebag, but everyone already knows that.

Your side presents the wall as one thing. When you answer that, you change the goalposts and say the issue is something else. I'm not a rodent on a treadmill, so we've already had enough posts refuting the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.

You're nothing but a propganda tool we established walls and fences work but you continue to deny..


All your crap has been refuted. Now you are just seeking relevance.
You sound like a parakeet, always rehashing what Hush Bimbo said.

What your sources are not revealing is that they took OTHER precautions - which you conveniently ignore.

What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.
So you against minimum wage laws, since Illegal's work under the table
Keep putting words in my mouth, madam, and you could get answers you don't care to hear.
I think the minimum wage in this country should be $2.50. That way, they don't have to pay much in taxes. :lastword:

How do illegals pay federal taxes if they work under the table?


OMG. You force those who agree with you that problem exists to play the devil's advocate and not let you get away with that LIE.

The ONLY tax that so - called illegals can be accused of not paying is the federal income tax. That is graduated tax - a plank from the Communist Manifesto. You should help repeal that Amendment IF that is your beef.

But, wait... the CHIEF ACTUARY OF THE SSA says 75 percent of those without papers DO pay that tax. EVERYBODY who works under the table, denying to the commies that tribute are doing all of us a public service.

More propganda from you?


And more easily refuted cow dung from you. Now, you're trying to get personal and displaying a lot of FEAR. You have no legitimate argument so you've sunk to personal attacks. like I said, I accept your concession of defeat.

Get the fuck out of here all you are doing is posting nonsense and just admit the real reason why you don't the wall continued to be built . Because it will have Trump's name on it

Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.
What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
The wall isn't intended to be a "deterrent," moron. It's intended to be a physical obstacle.

I might attack you as a lying douchebag, but everyone already knows that.

Your side presents the wall as one thing. When you answer that, you change the goalposts and say the issue is something else. I'm not a rodent on a treadmill, so we've already had enough posts refuting the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.
No one has refuted the fact that walls work.

What does "when you answer that" mean? I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..
Keep putting words in my mouth, madam, and you could get answers you don't care to hear.
I think the minimum wage in this country should be $2.50. That way, they don't have to pay much in taxes. :lastword:

How do illegals pay federal taxes if they work under the table?


OMG. You force those who agree with you that problem exists to play the devil's advocate and not let you get away with that LIE.

The ONLY tax that so - called illegals can be accused of not paying is the federal income tax. That is graduated tax - a plank from the Communist Manifesto. You should help repeal that Amendment IF that is your beef.

But, wait... the CHIEF ACTUARY OF THE SSA says 75 percent of those without papers DO pay that tax. EVERYBODY who works under the table, denying to the commies that tribute are doing all of us a public service.

More propganda from you?


And more easily refuted cow dung from you. Now, you're trying to get personal and displaying a lot of FEAR. You have no legitimate argument so you've sunk to personal attacks. like I said, I accept your concession of defeat.

Get the fuck out of here all you are doing is posting nonsense and just admit the real reason why you don't the wall continued to be built . Because it will have Trump's name on it


The problem for you is, you cannot force me out with insults and offensive posts. You are showing signs of desperation and weakness, not to mention old fashioned cowardice.

I would oppose the wall regardless of whether Clinton or Trump build it. Honestly, I think it will be built and have said so.

I also think the fix is in and you haven't begun to figure out what the cost will be - and I'M NOT TALKING DOLLARS AND CENTS.
You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

What "attack on the Bill of Rights?"
Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..

If you like the way third world cesspools and communist countries operate, why don't you move to one and be happy?
There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

What "attack on the Bill of Rights?"

Read the freaking thread. There is no sense in rehashing the same points every hundred posts. READ THE THREAD ALREADY.
Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
The wall isn't intended to be a "deterrent," moron. It's intended to be a physical obstacle.

I might attack you as a lying douchebag, but everyone already knows that.

Your side presents the wall as one thing. When you answer that, you change the goalposts and say the issue is something else. I'm not a rodent on a treadmill, so we've already had enough posts refuting the idiotic idea that a wall will present any substantial obstacle to anything except the Freedom and Liberties of the citizenry.
No one has refuted the fact that walls work.

What does "when you answer that" mean? I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Really you don't have a clue because you didn't read the thread. Try that.
How do illegals pay federal taxes if they work under the table?


OMG. You force those who agree with you that problem exists to play the devil's advocate and not let you get away with that LIE.

The ONLY tax that so - called illegals can be accused of not paying is the federal income tax. That is graduated tax - a plank from the Communist Manifesto. You should help repeal that Amendment IF that is your beef.

But, wait... the CHIEF ACTUARY OF THE SSA says 75 percent of those without papers DO pay that tax. EVERYBODY who works under the table, denying to the commies that tribute are doing all of us a public service.

More propganda from you?


And more easily refuted cow dung from you. Now, you're trying to get personal and displaying a lot of FEAR. You have no legitimate argument so you've sunk to personal attacks. like I said, I accept your concession of defeat.

Get the fuck out of here all you are doing is posting nonsense and just admit the real reason why you don't the wall continued to be built . Because it will have Trump's name on it


The problem for you is, you cannot force me out with insults and offensive posts. You are showing signs of desperation and weakness, not to mention old fashioned cowardice.

I would oppose the wall regardless of whether Clinton or Trump build it. Honestly, I think it will be built and have said so.

I also think the fix is in and you haven't begun to figure out what the cost will be - and I'M NOT TALKING DOLLARS AND CENTS.

It's chump change...

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.

What's that gibberish?

I bet you go to a plumber to get an enema , instead of going to a doctor right?


Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.
ROFL! I knew you would try to weasel out of answering the question. The correct answer is that the wall will have no adverse impact on my freedoms.
You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..

If you like the way third world cesspools and communist countries operate, why don't you move to one and be happy?

Mexico is a third world country that's why we want a wall to keep them out ..


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