Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.
ROFL! I knew you would try to weasel out of answering the question. The correct answer is that the wall will have no adverse impact on my freedoms.

This guy is retarded. He wants anarchy , no walls, no.police and he thinks letting in third world illegal trash some how gives him freedom.
There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.
You said, "Italians, Germans, Asians and now Latinos all cost the first year. All subsequent years they contribute way more than our old white farts here sucking off their socialist benefits"

You obviously are unaware that social security was paid for with taking out 7.5% of wages with employer requirements matching to the government for a lifetime of work--12 times a year or 52 times a year depending on whether we received monthly or weekly wages. The cruel part is that we were promised interest payments would be returned into Social Security right up until the time politicians got greedy and decided to "borrow" the interest and sometimes the principals for their pet rock projects. Call us what you will, but we paid for our retirement benefits way ahead of time and with no choice and no say in the investments which were expropriated by very evil people who used it to get higher salaries for themselves and the people who pleasured them. One thing about taxes and promises. What it buys is not only never good enough, it also is not what was intended when we agreed to pay it. I paid my fair share always, regardless of what foul name you care to call other people than yourself who receive the benefits every one of us has to pay from our earnings..

Your post is 100% WRONG.

At the turn of the century, immigrants cost us nothing.

Employees now pay 15.3%. The smoke and mirrors want you to believe your employer pays. Nonsense, otherwise that money would go to you.

We were never promised a return of the money we paid into Social Security plus interest. That's just foolish.

There has never been a separate, Social Security Trust Account. Any and all money paid into Social Security by workers has been used to pay current recipients. Any surplus is invested in Treasury Bills which puts the money into the General Fund and is spent.

Next time you post, please do some basic research. Your rant just looks foolish.
Your personal attacks are indicative of the FEAR you have that your arguments aren't working. I accept your concession of defeat.

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.
ROFL! I knew you would try to weasel out of answering the question. The correct answer is that the wall will have no adverse impact on my freedoms.

Telling you to read the thread is trying to weasel out? What kind of jailhouse psychology is that?

If you're too lazy to read the thread, you should not be in this conversation. You're unqualified. If you want a civil conversation, grow the Hell up and act like an adult.
There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..

If you like the way third world cesspools and communist countries operate, why don't you move to one and be happy?

Mexico is a third world country that's why we want a wall to keep them out ..

View attachment 236496

You don't have a clue as to why you want a wall. AS for the rest of America, they WILLINGLY do business with the foreigners. They aren't interested in keeping them out. You will either give up YOUR Rights OR you will settle for regulation of foreign workers.
You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power,

What does this even mean? So in your world we don't have police with machine guns, and we already have gangs..

This is about securing our border.. not that complicated.


Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal

You attacked me first , now answer my questions propaganda boi..

Tell us are fences and walls on people's property , in effective and should be outlawed In your free society?

There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.
ROFL! I knew you would try to weasel out of answering the question. The correct answer is that the wall will have no adverse impact on my freedoms.

This guy is retarded. He wants anarchy , no walls, no.police and he thinks letting in third world illegal trash some how gives him freedom.

Your lies and your desperation are a testament to the FACT that those who want the wall to the point it is a 24 7 / 365 religion shows that you not only do not have any case to discuss, but shows that you are weak and dishonest.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..

If you like the way third world cesspools and communist countries operate, why don't you move to one and be happy?

Mexico is a third world country that's why we want a wall to keep them out ..

View attachment 236496

You don't have a clue as to why you want a wall. AS for the rest of America, they WILLINGLY do business with the foreigners. They aren't interested in keeping them out. You will either give up YOUR Rights OR you will settle for regulation of foreign workers.

This is my country and I don't want to turn it into a third world shit hole by you

I want secure borders you don't want a wall with Trump's name on it..
Homeboy, you just cancelled out your previous post. You don't have a clue as to why you really want a wall. You like to argue. But no matter how many posts you make, you cannot change reality.

Screw with Liberty and it will be YOU that will end up with neither Liberty nor Safety.

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?
There are fences in my neighborhood. A "crew" recently went through the place and got six of my neighbors, stealing all their valuables. My fence is down. I did not get hit. My methods provided a greater deterrent with less imposition and not having this mistaken notion than walls or fences prevented those guys from attempting to take what I own.

You have an asinine analogy that does not apply anyway. The wall will require ninja clad, machine gun toting mercenaries wanting more and more power, taking ALL your Liberties under the pretext of maintaining this wall. You seem to be one talking skeet and promoting propaganda. And, no sir, I have NOT started any name calling with you or anyone else. I might attack your ideas and poke fun at the low IQ people you hang with, but like it or not, you may have to rely on me to defend your Rights one day - IF you have a change of heart and decide that you NEVER give up essential Liberty for the promise of Temporary Safety.
What liberties am I giving up if the wall is built?

I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.
ROFL! I knew you would try to weasel out of answering the question. The correct answer is that the wall will have no adverse impact on my freedoms.

This guy is retarded. He wants anarchy , no walls, no.police and he thinks letting in third world illegal trash some how gives him freedom.

Your lies and your desperation are a testament to the FACT that those who want the wall to the point it is a 24 7 / 365 religion shows that you not only do not have any case to discuss, but shows that you are weak and dishonest.

In English

Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

Great, so you would be an adjective and a verb...good job.
I've answered that twice in this thread. READ IT. This repetitive stuff is for people that are too stupid to read OR cannot understand that the excuses for the wall have been refuted hundreds of times on this thread.

You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..

If you like the way third world cesspools and communist countries operate, why don't you move to one and be happy?

Mexico is a third world country that's why we want a wall to keep them out ..

View attachment 236496

You don't have a clue as to why you want a wall. AS for the rest of America, they WILLINGLY do business with the foreigners. They aren't interested in keeping them out. You will either give up YOUR Rights OR you will settle for regulation of foreign workers.

This is my country and I don't want to turn it into a third world shit hole by you

I want secure borders you don't want a wall with Trump's name on it..

Nor will I allow you to turn this country into a third world shithole run by dictators due to your ignorance. One day the talking will stop and we'll see how it plays out in real life.
Safety is not open brorders which you want



I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

It's still the same thing retard and you just put some gibberish together and call it English

I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

Great, so you would be an adjective and a verb...good job.

I would have a battle of wits with you, but that would be me taking advantage of an unarmed man. Crawl back under the rock you've been hiding under.
You didn't answer squat, you do know Mexico and US are two separate country's right? You accidentally walk across the border with mexico carrying a gun you go to jail forever..

If you like the way third world cesspools and communist countries operate, why don't you move to one and be happy?

Mexico is a third world country that's why we want a wall to keep them out ..

View attachment 236496

You don't have a clue as to why you want a wall. AS for the rest of America, they WILLINGLY do business with the foreigners. They aren't interested in keeping them out. You will either give up YOUR Rights OR you will settle for regulation of foreign workers.

This is my country and I don't want to turn it into a third world shit hole by you

I want secure borders you don't want a wall with Trump's name on it..

Nor will I allow you to turn this country into a third world shithole run by dictators due to your ignorance. One day the talking will stop and we'll see how it plays out in real life.

What dictators we go by the Constitution you go by anarchy and want rapist killer Mexicans to just cross the border freely.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

Great, so you would be an adjective and a verb...good job.

I would have a battle of wits with you, but that would be me taking advantage of an unarmed man. Crawl back under the rock you've been hiding under.

You have no wits you talk in circles, deflect and post retarded propaganda that the 600 miles of walls we already have don't work.

I can provide for my own Safety. The government is under no obligation to supply that to me. It's is the attack on the Bill of Rights by ill informed people like you that scares the Hell out of me.

How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

It's still the same thing retard and you just put some gibberish together and call it English


That's better than you stringing words along, unable to make a point and then getting personal because you don't have a point.

Guys, I'm going to bed. I will come back and relist SOME of the reasons I'm against the wall so that those who cannot keep up can reread what we've already discussed.

But, really, if they cannot keep up on this board, do you really think they understand the issues?
Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

Great, so you would be an adjective and a verb...good job.

I would have a battle of wits with you, but that would be me taking advantage of an unarmed man. Crawl back under the rock you've been hiding under.

You have no wits you talk in circles, deflect and post retarded propaganda that the 600 miles of walls we already have don't work.


Your lack of comprehension skills doth testify against you. See you tomorrow. Time for those of us who actually WORK to go to bed.
How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

It's still the same thing retard and you just put some gibberish together and call it English


That's better than you stringing words along, unable to make a point and then getting personal because you don't have a point.

Guys, I'm going to bed. I will come back and relist SOME of the reasons I'm against the wall so that those who cannot keep up can reread what we've already discussed.

But, really, if they cannot keep up on this board, do you really think they understand the issues?

Yea run away paid government troll boi.
How do you.provide for your own safety a wall, doors, locks to.your house?

Now you talking like a retard, of course the government.job is to protect the American public from threats domestic and foreign and you are the enemy with in like the rest of the left.


Your personal safety on your property is not the equivalent to safety on public property. You're mixing oranges with apples. More name calling?

You won't get me to have a conversation with you when you are acting like a five year old.

So using the word assnine is not name calling by you?

And you are just deflecting and not answering questions like normal


The term asinine is an adjective
Calling people a retard is a verb

Do you even speak English?

Great, so you would be an adjective and a verb...good job.

I would have a battle of wits with you, but that would be me taking advantage of an unarmed man. Crawl back under the rock you've been hiding under.

Wow, that was witty....kinda sorta.

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