Why is choosing when to watch a candidate "controversial"?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
As Ms. Guthrie prepared for her hot-seat moment, one of her “Today” predecessors declared that NBC had made the wrong call. “Having dueling town halls is bad for democracy — voters should be able to watch both and I don’t think many will,” Katie Couric wrote on Twitter.

Privately, anchors and producers inside NBC News said they were perplexed, and in some cases dismayed, by the decision to schedule Mr. Trump against Mr. Biden. They expressed pride in their coverage of Mr. Trump’s tenure, particularly given the president’s frequent taunting of MSNBC (“MSDNC”) and its parent company, Comcast (“Concast”).

So let me get this straight....

It's a problem that both political whores are on different channels at the same time when we have no problem watching BOTH tomorrow... Or on Saturday? I remember being pissed when I was 6 years old 40 years ago because the stupid president interrupted my show and there was no TVO, no internet, NO CHOICE. I have no choice but to conclude Mr Madcow and it's ilk are as emotionally mature as I was at 6 Y/O plus as stupid as a box of rubber dicks.

Watch one. Record the other. Watch none. Record both. Both will be rerun. Both will be on demand. There is simply no controversy.

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