Why is climate science political?

I have one interest in my posting and one interest only = educating the curious who wander into this forum.

Skooks -

You can not read or write. You are illiterate. You educate no one.

Your only purpose on this forum is to prove that on a daily basis.
yeah.....but nobody cares about Finland

Actually what nobody cares about are your unbelievably moronic and totally braindead posts, you pathetic retarded troll.
Al Gore's strategic problems are caused by his usual refusal to go all the way, to prove the trends. Instead, he sort of dramatizes trends, balks at re-greening endorsements, and wallows in his own foibles, while neo-con zombies begin their expected march.

What did Al expect? He didn't support legal pot, the whole time he was in Congress or Veep. He didn't endorse radical re-greening, to reverse CO2 accumulation. He gets up before Congress, and starts up, with how he feels an 'emotional' moment. Then he waffles.

Since Al is a leader, with a 1992 book and his 2006 movie, Al gets to attract neo-cons, and I keep running into these assholes, who call me liberal, jerk off about Gore and liberals, and I ain't a liberal, neo-con bitches! I am an independent, non-partisan pragmatist. Learn the difference, fucktards. We are all stuck, with Al Gore, who gets money, while the sea level starts to rise, out of control. Fuck you, if you don't like bigger storms.
Why hasn't your skull caved in from the air pressure differential I'll never understand.
Al Gore's strategic problems are caused by his usual refusal to go all the way, to prove the trends....
Pretty hard to prove anything when you're a demonstrated serial liar.

Turdball! You and Shitz are fecophiles, who visit shit-links. I don't go there.

The reason I don't much care for Gore is he doesn't do good enough work, to completely back you skeptic-shitheads way off the ball. Got issues? Have a look. CO2 and heat are both on the way, up, in the latest hockey stick graph:


Here comes the heat, up 4 C, in a lifetime:

Climate change scientists warn of 4C global temperature rise | Environment | The Guardian

2011 was the ninth-warmest year, in the modern record:

NASA - NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year on Record

The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth warmest since 1880, according to NASA scientists. The finding continues a trend in which nine of the 10 warmest years in the modern meteorological record have occurred since the year 2000.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, which monitors global surface temperatures on an ongoing basis, released an updated analysis that shows temperatures around the globe in 2011 compared to the average global temperature from the mid-20th century. The comparison shows how Earth continues to experience warmer temperatures than several decades ago. The average temperature around the globe in 2011 was 0.92 degrees F (0.51 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline.


Want to discuss global warming or acidification, with me? You guys eat shit. Don't paste it up, here, if you don't want to discuss issues.
Al Gore's strategic problems are caused by his usual refusal to go all the way, to prove the trends....
Pretty hard to prove anything when you're a demonstrated serial liar.

Turdball! You and Shitz are fecophiles, who visit shit-links. I don't go there.

The reason I don't much care for Gore is he doesn't do good enough work, to completely back you skeptic-shitheads way off the ball. Got issues? Have a look. CO2 and heat are both on the way, up, in the latest hockey stick graph:


Here comes the heat, up 4 C, in a lifetime:

Climate change scientists warn of 4C global temperature rise | Environment | The Guardian

2011 was the ninth-warmest year, in the modern record:

NASA - NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year on Record

The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth warmest since 1880, according to NASA scientists. The finding continues a trend in which nine of the 10 warmest years in the modern meteorological record have occurred since the year 2000.

NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York, which monitors global surface temperatures on an ongoing basis, released an updated analysis that shows temperatures around the globe in 2011 compared to the average global temperature from the mid-20th century. The comparison shows how Earth continues to experience warmer temperatures than several decades ago. The average temperature around the globe in 2011 was 0.92 degrees F (0.51 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline.


Want to discuss global warming or acidification, with me? You guys eat shit. Don't paste it up, here, if you don't want to discuss issues.
Sooooooo 2007 thinking. Climate gate ended the free ride on the credibility express for the ecofascisti.

Now you gotta start proving your bullshit with repeatable data with the full program available for analysis and documentation, not some circle jerk 'peer review' that is so incestuous even hillbillies say, 'y'all gots ta stop datin yer sisters so much!'
The hockey puck graph is a fraud, too.

Guess you didn't get the memo. :lol:

That hockey stick graph is not a "hockey puck" anything. I guess when you are a Turdball, you like to hook, without cross-checking references. You know what CRS is. How about SFB? That is "shit-for-brains." You gottem!

Here's another great graph, from the US Government's National Climatic Data Center. I don't know why you don't like the US Government, since the NSA monitors all this shit, but hey, here comes the sea level up, up, UP:


:Boom2: :lol:
If CO2 really worked the way the warmers allege they would have no problem showing it in a lab.

Add 50PPM CO2 watch temp rise 3 degrees, right?

Why is there not one single experiment that shows this?
If CO2 really worked the way the warmers allege they would have no problem showing it in a lab.

Add 50PPM CO2 watch temp rise 3 degrees, right?

Why is there not one single experiment that shows this?
AGW sleeps wit da fishes.

Temperature is predicted, to rise 4 C, in the next 50 years. Greenland glaciers can all be gone, into the sea and air, with a rise of only 1.6 C. Stay inland, shitheads. Or not?
The hockey puck graph is a fraud, too.

Guess you didn't get the memo. :lol:

That hockey stick graph is not a "hockey puck" anything. I guess when you are a Turdball, you like to hook, without cross-checking references. You know what CRS is. How about SFB? That is "shit-for-brains." You gottem!

Here's another great graph, from the US Government's National Climatic Data Center. I don't know why you don't like the US Government, since the NSA monitors all this shit, but hey, here comes the sea level up, up, UP:


:Boom2: :lol:
You're the hockey puck for still believing it after Mann's methodology was THOUROUGHLY discredited.
The hockey puck graph is a fraud, too.

Guess you didn't get the memo. :lol:

That hockey stick graph is not a "hockey puck" anything. I guess when you are a Turdball, you like to hook, without cross-checking references. You know what CRS is. How about SFB? That is "shit-for-brains." You gottem!

Here's another great graph, from the US Government's National Climatic Data Center. I don't know why you don't like the US Government, since the NSA monitors all this shit, but hey, here comes the sea level up, up, UP:


:Boom2: :lol:
You're the hockey puck for still believing it after Mann's methodology was THOUROUGHLY discredited.

Who discredited the US Government, Pig Shitz? Who discredited the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association? Who discredited the National Climatic Data Center? Who says Michael Mann is the only scientist, with a hockey stick?

YOU, and your Log Cabin Club boiz? YOU are some very questionable bitches.

:Boom2: :gay:
Fitz -

Can you explain why you use a blog as a source?

For someone who complains about junk science and cherrypicked data - that seems surprisingly inconsistent.

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