Why is CNN attacking Clinton?

Unfortunately there was not much on tv at the gym. Cnn and Fox were on it. Fox amusingly had a gop congressman going after a FOX NEWSPERSON for covering too much of Russiagate. LOL

But Slick said 2/3's of America backed him at the time, and he'd done nothing wrong.... or nothing that he needed to apologize for anymore than he did. He did literally tell high school kids that bj's were not sex - for which parents should give him due credit - he immunized Trump from his various assaults and piggish behavior and cast his candidate wife as someone with zero credibility on predatory male behavior. Aside from that, the interview from Sunday was swell for the dems.
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
No idea maybe you should contact CNN and ask them.
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!

Uh, he said the media went easy on Obama because has black. LOL
That too. Clinton's a gop gift that keeps giving.
Turn on Fox right now. Shep has been going off on all the lies and falsehoods coming out of the Whitehouse today. How did Fox get infected by the fake news bug?!
I didn't see it, but if they were going after Bill Clinton here is a possibility. Maybe CNN feels like there are more points to be scored playing to the #METOO movement than sucking up to Bill Clinton.
Agreed, it was newsworthy and they thought it would bring ratings.
Well far left drone You will have to post clips and transcripts, need something other than the word of known far left drone!
Turn on CNN and see for yourself

So you admit that you are shilling for CNN so they can get ratings!

But as always you made a baseless claim with no proof and can not back up your comments!
ah, Fox was on it like Trump on a porn star.

Yes we know the debunked far eft drone religious narratives.
Hey, I just said Fox wasn't on it much more than CNN. What do you want. Stormy Daniels? LOL
Slow day???
They got plenty of ammo today. Trump claiming he can pardon himself for anything... calling Mueller probe unconstitutional, leaking of Mueller memo... if CNN was dead set in taking out Trump with Fake News they would be going wall to wall with all the Russia stuff and not mentioning Clinton.
for the 45 minutes of hell i had to watch them, it was all TRUMP.
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!
Clinton ain't black.
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

That is something you will have to post when it shows up on YouTube..

If that was the case I am sure FOX would be running that the Clinton News Network actually spoke out against Bubba.

So far you still do not have any proof of your comments!
Then don’t believe me and go about your day thinking I’m a liar. I dont give a shit.
Well far left drone You will have to post clips and transcripts, need something other than the word of known far left drone!
Turn on CNN and see for yourself

So you admit that you are shilling for CNN so they can get ratings!

But as always you made a baseless claim with no proof and can not back up your comments!
ah, Fox was on it like Trump on a porn star.

Yes we know the debunked far eft drone religious narratives.
Hey, I just said Fox wasn't on it much more than CNN. What do you want. Stormy Daniels? LOL

I do not watch cable "news", even if there is nothing else on, I will not watch it.

Even when I travel and I am in airports I watch Netflix on my laptop.
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

That is something you will have to post when it shows up on YouTube..

If that was the case I am sure FOX would be running that the Clinton News Network actually spoke out against Bubba.

So far you still do not have any proof of your comments!
Then don’t believe me and go about your day thinking I’m a liar. I dont give a shit.
Everything you've posted has been completely subjective
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

That is something you will have to post when it shows up on YouTube..

If that was the case I am sure FOX would be running that the Clinton News Network actually spoke out against Bubba.

So far you still do not have any proof of your comments!
Then don’t believe me and go about your day thinking I’m a liar. I dont give a shit.

You are a liar and you can never back up your claims..

You are a far left hack and you just keep proving it!
Slow day???
They got plenty of ammo today. Trump claiming he can pardon himself for anything... calling Mueller probe unconstitutional, leaking of Mueller memo... if CNN was dead set in taking out Trump with Fake News they would be going wall to wall with all the Russia stuff and not mentioning Clinton.
for the 45 minutes of hell i had to watch them, it was all TRUMP.
Sorry you had to go through that
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network

Oh, I see but they still love the clintons. This was all rehearsed. Don't worry.
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!

CNN owns the Hillary2020.com website. They're clearing the way for her and will eliminate all who stand in her way, even her hubby
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network

No you made a claim and got outed when you could not back up your claims!

The Clinton News Network is bash Trump 24/7..

But you shilled for CNN instead of telling what really happened.
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network
and not backing it up

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