Why is CNN attacking Clinton?

I don't know who coined the term, maybe Rush? But, during the nineties, they fawned all over the Clintons. But, who cares, the only time I watch CNN is when I am at the airport.

Yeah, they loved Bill in the 90s, I don't see what political relevance he has now.
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!
They finally gave up on Russia I guess.
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!
/———/To Make Stormy Daniels stick to Trump, the MSM must take out Billy. They blame him for Hildabeast’s loss.
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network

No you made a claim and got outed when you could not back up your claims!

The Clinton News Network is bash Trump 24/7..

But you shilled for CNN instead of telling what really happened.
I told exactly what I saw. Funny that dupes like you will still call them the Clinton News Network. I know Trump likes to double down on his stupid but that doesn’t mean you also need to.
For something so clear to you you sure can't defend it
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network
wonder why they do that.

What did they say?
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network

No you made a claim and got outed when you could not back up your claims!

The Clinton News Network is bash Trump 24/7..

But you shilled for CNN instead of telling what really happened.
I told exactly what I saw. Funny that dupes like you will still call them the Clinton News Network. I know Trump likes to double down on his stupid but that doesn’t mean you also need to.

do you honestly think CNN treats the Clintons with the same regard as they do Trump?
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!
So CNN took a few minutes out of the busy schedule of bashing Trump to lightly snub Clinton.

How much you want to bet that for her Third time's a charm Presidential run Hillary dumps Slick Willie and CNN is testing the waters for her.
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
It doesn't do anything or mean anything.....They do one story on Bill Clinton, now they're balanced.....it's just cover to try and say they don't always attack Republicans....
I don’t think they are balanced... they love digging into Trump and focus most of their coverage being critical of him. But it’s not fake and it is laughable to call them the Clinton News Network
Comon they are the Clinton New Network. Ever since the 90s, they love both of them. And their news is very fake....its usually an anonymous source and wrong......but yes they love digging into Trump, they just haven't found much.
I guess whether it means something or not is within the eye of the beholder. As for lies and fake news and anonymous sources, that’s tuff exists in all media and even moreso in our white house. All need to do better and be held accountable. That includes cnn and trump himself
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
It doesn't do anything or mean anything.....They do one story on Bill Clinton, now they're balanced.....it's just cover to try and say they don't always attack Republicans....
I don’t think they are balanced... they love digging into Trump and focus most of their coverage being critical of him. But it’s not fake and it is laughable to call them the Clinton News Network
Comon they are the Clinton New Network. Ever since the 90s, they love both of them. And their news is very fake....its usually an anonymous source and wrong......but yes they love digging into Trump, they just haven't found much.
I guess whether it means something or not is within the eye of the beholder. As for lies and fake news and anonymous sources, that’s tuff exists in all media and even moreso in our white house. All need to do better and be held accountable. That includes cnn and trump himself

And you were held accountable and did not like it!

Most far left drones do not like being held accountable..
I told exactly what I saw. Funny that dupes like you will still call them the Clinton News Network. I know Trump likes to double down on his stupid but that doesn’t mean you also need to.

Once again the far left drone gets caught in a lie and then can not up own up to it.

Still no proof!
Good, you win. Go away now

Delete the thread and admit you were wrong!
You’re like an annoying fly that keeps buzzing by our ears. Go find a hot piece of shit to feast on, you’re adding nothing to this conversation

Well based on your rancid analogy, looks like that is exactly what I am doing!

You are a far left hack, yo got caught telling posting a lie, now you are sore that you got caught!

Typical far left drones!

They post bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!
Yeah, how many times do I need to tell you that you won to get you to go away? You live in some fantasy land where you need to rant and rave and win these factious battles. So here you go, you win. Go have a victory party and leave the rest of us alone.
Once again the far left drone gets caught in a lie and then can not up own up to it.

Still no proof!
Good, you win. Go away now

Delete the thread and admit you were wrong!
You’re like an annoying fly that keeps buzzing by our ears. Go find a hot piece of shit to feast on, you’re adding nothing to this conversation

Well based on your rancid analogy, looks like that is exactly what I am doing!

You are a far left hack, yo got caught telling posting a lie, now you are sore that you got caught!

Typical far left drones!

They post bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!
Yeah, how many times do I need to tell you that you won to get you to go away? You live in some fantasy land where you need to rant and rave and win these factious battles. So here you go, you win. Go have a victory party and leave the rest of us alone.

You see the far left drone will never admit to being wrong when they are called out for what they are!

Also as you se this drone is irony impaired, did they forget what they made this thread about "fake news"?
Sorry I cannot begin to explain the thought process on how CNN decides what to cover and what not to they jumped the shark on that front sometime ago.
I wasn’t asking for you to explain CNNs thought process. I asked how the Clinton News Network, Fake News propaganda fits into today’s coverage?
It doesn't do anything or mean anything.....They do one story on Bill Clinton, now they're balanced.....it's just cover to try and say they don't always attack Republicans....
I don’t think they are balanced... they love digging into Trump and focus most of their coverage being critical of him. But it’s not fake and it is laughable to call them the Clinton News Network
Comon they are the Clinton New Network. Ever since the 90s, they love both of them. And their news is very fake....its usually an anonymous source and wrong......but yes they love digging into Trump, they just haven't found much.
I guess whether it means something or not is within the eye of the beholder. As for lies and fake news and anonymous sources, that’s tuff exists in all media and even moreso in our white house. All need to do better and be held accountable. That includes cnn and trump himself
it includes all of us.

we need to quit using it when it props up our side and defending it when it upsets the other side. you're right in that everyone seems to engage in it, but i don't think it all started in our white house, now did it? the 8 years of pre-trump were void of fake news for the most part?

Sharyl Attkisson Explains the Origins of the 2016 'Fake News' Narrative in TedX Talk

i'm not gonna give a token "yea we sorta do it too BUT TRUMP!!!!" when the sources of this pre-date his candidacy by a good margin.
Bill tried to play victim of the Lewinsky scandal and botched a response to a question about the metoo movement and his actions while in office. I saw two CNN hosts in two different shows dig into him for his inability to provide an answer or state a clean apology to Lewinsky. Others they were interviewing made the case that in today’s age actions like those would lead to immediate resignation and pointed out his hypocrisy

So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network

No you made a claim and got outed when you could not back up your claims!

The Clinton News Network is bash Trump 24/7..

But you shilled for CNN instead of telling what really happened.
I told exactly what I saw. Funny that dupes like you will still call them the Clinton News Network. I know Trump likes to double down on his stupid but that doesn’t mean you also need to.

do you honestly think CNN treats the Clintons with the same regard as they do Trump?
I think CNN despises Trump and it shows in their coverage. I also think Trump provokes it and asks for it because he needs to have an enemy he can attack when negative things come out against him. Do you see the tactic?
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!

Uh, he said the media went easy on Obama because has black. LOL
That too. Clinton's a gop gift that keeps giving.

Sometimes I get the feeling Bill Clinton knows his party and the media have moved to far left since his presidency and are mostly full of shit now.
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!
So CNN took a few minutes out of the busy schedule of bashing Trump to lightly snub Clinton.

How much you want to bet that for her Third time's a charm Presidential run Hillary dumps Slick Willie and CNN is testing the waters for her.
I sure hope not
So putting the adultery aside, wild bill and monica had consensual sex...which is morally wrong but not legally wrong. Are you suggesting that cnn is now the beacon of morality and is now questioning its inner self in regards to the moral depravity that is occurring today?
No I’m just making fun of people who call CNN the Clinton News Network

No you made a claim and got outed when you could not back up your claims!

The Clinton News Network is bash Trump 24/7..

But you shilled for CNN instead of telling what really happened.
I told exactly what I saw. Funny that dupes like you will still call them the Clinton News Network. I know Trump likes to double down on his stupid but that doesn’t mean you also need to.

do you honestly think CNN treats the Clintons with the same regard as they do Trump?
I think CNN despises Trump and it shows in their coverage. I also think Trump provokes it and asks for it because he needs to have an enemy he can attack when negative things come out against him. Do you see the tactic?
first, if your coverage is biased based on your personal "feelz" maybe you're in the wrong business.

it was ass-nugget stupid when obama did it to fox and started all the shit to begin with.

i don't like EITHER PRESIDENT calling out the media. nothing good comes of it and our "leadership" is taking a side and that has dramatic ramifications now doesn't it?

obama came out guns-a-blazing against fox. i've said TIME AND TIME AGAIN when *we allow bad behavior on our side* nothing but bad will happen cause the other side will say "hold my beer".

trump looked at obama and said "hold my beer" and took an already stupid argument off the rails. HOWEVER - news media is supposed to be factual despite the audience and fair despite their feelings. CNN is acting like a child having to get the last word in with another child in trump. it's all stupid but i'm not going to excuse one and hold the other accountable. ALL ARE STUPID HERE. but it damn sure didn't start with trump. maybe it started pissing you off at that point and if so, i rest my case. we don't care til the other side takes it further than we did.
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Slow day???
They got plenty of ammo today. Trump claiming he can pardon himself for anything... calling Mueller probe unconstitutional, leaking of Mueller memo... if CNN was dead set in taking out Trump with Fake News they would be going wall to wall with all the Russia stuff and not mentioning Clinton.
Cant he though? Except for impeachment anyways?

According to Chuck Grassley if an Attorney told him that he would be getting a new Lawyer!
CNN has been focusing most of today’s coverage on Bill Clinton’s botched and tone deaf interview this AM. Questions for all you “Fake News” CNN haters... why would the Clinton News Network be going after Clinton?! Is it fake news? How do you make sense of this?!

Uh, he said the media went easy on Obama because has black. LOL
That too. Clinton's a gop gift that keeps giving.

Sometimes I get the feeling Bill Clinton knows his party and the media have moved to far left since his presidency and are mostly full of shit now.
I don't think Slick has much relevance to much of anything right now. He was not a horrible president. But he failed to capitalize on the opportunity to do something about the deficits. And he's not really a very good person.

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