Why is every TV commercial still pushing "Stay safe, Stay home"?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
That’s exactly what it is.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
And all of those commercials play music that sounds like the funeral march.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".

Because, as long as they can stoke the fear...it's works. There are still a lot of stupid people out there (mostly on the left) that are afraid to go out and work. Or even grab a case of Corna!

It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
And all of those commercials play music that sounds like the funeral march.
My sister and I don't watch TV, we cut our cable over five years ago and we don't miss TV one bit. We HAVE a TV, but without cable we get only a few channels that come in, with a lot of snow in the picture. So we don't watch any TV at home. I DO see TV when I go to my local Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant, but of course there are no live sports games right now, so I pay very little attention to what's on the screens. I get ALL of my news from this site and others on the Internet. And I have Ad Blocker and Ad Blocker Plus on this computer, so I never see annoying ads.
My sister and I don't watch TV, we cut our cable over five years ago and we don't miss TV one bit.
I watch everything on my laptop now! I ditched the cable 5 years ago, too!
Hell, I get more freakin' entertainment here, than I do watching reruns of CNN! (back in the 1990's...not the CNN of today.)
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
And all of those commercials play music that sounds like the funeral march.
My sister and I don't watch TV, we cut our cable over five years ago and we don't miss TV one bit. We HAVE a TV, but without cable we get only a few channels that come in, with a lot of snow in the picture. So we don't watch any TV at home. I DO see TV when I go to my local Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant, but of course there are no live sports games right now, so I pay very little attention to what's on the screens. I get ALL of my news from this site and others on the Internet. And I have Ad Blocker and Ad Blocker Plus on this computer, so I never see annoying ads.
When these negative commercials come on I hit the mute button. You should think about getting a smart tv with an internet connection. I turn on YouTube for hours watching music performances and old sports events. My choice.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
I suspect that pretty much all the people supporting stay at home are getting a check from the government one way or another
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
The Press has done an excellent job of scaring the crap out of everyone
The vast majority of Americans are resisting and rejecting tea party trumpoholic brainwashing nonsense. States reducing mitigation rules are seeing extremely low increases in economic benefits as people use their own common sense and knowledge of how COVID-19 spreads and avoid dangerous circumstances and situations. They do not want their loved ones or themselves to be Donald Trump "acceptable casualties".
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.

Testing does no good.

I can take a COVID-19 test today and be negative, and take stroll through Walmart on the way home and test positive tomorrow. What did that accomplish? You would have to have continuous testing.
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
I suspect that pretty much all the people supporting stay at home are getting a check from the government one way or another
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.
You need to stop telling 20 somethings they're gonna die or they're gonna do a Cuomo and kill granny!
You guys are inciting fear and panic. We blame you entirely
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Gee, do you know why customers are afraid to come back? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT TO DIE!! Eliminate that reason, and they'll come back. And you know how you do that? By testing people for the virus! But Trump doesn't want to do that.
You need to stop telling 20 somethings they're gonna die or they're gonna do a Cuomo and kill granny!
You guys are inciting fear and panic. We blame you entirely
If you refuse to wear a mask, you just might kill Granny!
It's time to change the messaging. Businesses are opening up but customers are afraid to come back. I see it right here in Arizona. We have one of the lowest infection rates in the country but I have friends who are afraid to go to a restaurant. Let's go, enough with the "Stay home we're in this together". We need "Let's bring America back together".
Let's face it, our hideously biased Left-Leaning mainstream media wants you to stay home to keep our economy looking bad, in hopes this will reflect poorly on our president. I think THAT'S what the reason is, in a nutshell.
I suspect that pretty much all the people supporting stay at home are getting a check from the government one way or another
Meaning you for instance?
I think it's fine to let GOPhers and Trumpers be the first to voluntarily expose themselves en masse.

Go ahead. Sweden is now up to 7% with coronavirus antibodies. 60% need to catch the virus to reach herd immunity.

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