Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????

I think pretty much anyone with ill intent is now eager to cross the borders...now that we ARE distracted more than usual. Sigh.

Many of these kids have cell phones. And once they get here they just call their parents, or their relatives, and ask them to come and pick them up. Why do the parents live here? Why are their children illegal?

Currently, the Obama Administration is just dumping busloads of them at bus stops and saying "Seeyah".

This is not a joke. This is really happening.
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It boggles the mind doesn't it? How some people's minds are capable of framing world events... yup Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States. He's ordered C-17s to fly down to Central America and load shipping pallets with kids.

Funny shit.
Soooo, tell us Mud, how is the influx of El Salvadorian children suppose to help the Democrats come the 2014 election?
Remember you have posters on here who insist his goal is to destroy America. I'm not sure how that helps him or the democratic party either but such is the twisted logic from the insanely partisan retards.
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It boggles the mind doesn't it? How some people's minds are capable of framing world events... yup Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States. He's ordered C-17s to fly down to Central America and load shipping pallets with kids.

Funny shit.

Nope, once they got here he's carting them all over the border states.

He opened the borders, changed the laws, I wouldn't even be surprised if he opened an ad in their newspapers. He has opened up Obamacare to them. One of our members here found the website. Once you put up a website, the folks find it and word gets out. Hispanics will find the bargains. It's what they're famous for in Southern California.

DACA ObamaCare - DREAM Act Portal Forum

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What the DACA Ordered | Center for Immigration Studies


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Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

simply a lie about the advertising....otherwise, SHOW THE ADS

No one has to go and get them.

It's Feds program of catch and release.
There are a few threads on this already...and they are implying that Obama has spent advertising money to encourage these people to come here, in south American newspapers...YET they have shown no ads....no proof of such, and another thread that says it is the Dream Act that Obama passed on its own...but the Dream Act was never passed and the executive order of Obama's isn't even close to being the Dream Act....no one gets promises of any kind of citizenship....evah!

And yes, we do have a Catch and Release program in the usa....in fact I spent a day reading up on it less than a week ago, including your link Peach! Great info!

this is the 12th post on this topic and i have read them all....., so far, and i fail to find the "implying" in any of your oppositions posts. :up:
I give up.

Because most little Latina girls eat lotsa stuff cooked in pig lard and hence grow up to be smokin' hot, curvy babes whom we'll desperately need soon to increase the population and build up the American military because the country has gone gay — is that it???

What do I win???

Care4all's LOVE ? :smiliehug: would you :hitit: or maybe you can get a :suck: job, if so tell her not to wear a blue dress. :lmao: :party: get it on :thewave::thewave:
I give up.

Because most little Latina girls eat lotsa stuff cooked in pig lard and hence grow up to be smokin' hot, curvy babes whom we'll desperately need soon to increase the population and build up the American military because the country has gone gay — is that it???

What do I win???

All I was hoping for was some conspiracy to reduce the cost of yard maintenance.

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Not everyone's ignoring the kids' issue. I read somewhere the National Association of Catholic Priests is all in favor of bringing in as many as possible, especially little boys.
Everyone who comes from these countries that are considered refugees or victims of human trafficking will get government subsidized health care under the ACA. They're eligible for the SNAP program, Medicaid, Chip, TANF, and SSI (during the first 7 years). http://www.nilc.org/document.html?id=844

"Obama is" "they are gonna get", a bit more complex:

U.S. law prohibits the Department of Homeland Security from immediately deporting the children if they are not from Canada or Mexico. Instead, the children are turned over to Department Health and Human Services supervision "within 72 hours of DHS taking them into custody," an official said.
"Most of the time, they're getting released to relatives in the U.S.," Cabrera said. "There's nowhere to put them, so they're released on their own recognizance and have a pending court date. I'd say between 95 and 97% of adults or youths don't show up for court."
The numbers are staggering. He estimates that more than 60,000 unaccompanied juveniles will cross in 2014 and that the numbers will rise from there.
"You're talking kids from 17 years old, on down to some that are 5 or 6 years old, traveling by themselves," Cabrera says.
More on CNN iReport: Your immigration stories
Last year, roughly 10% of people caught by Border Patrol agents were minors, according to a Border Patrol official. Texas has been so overwhelmed that federal officials are transporting busloads of immigrants, including minors, to Arizona. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slammed the move. "Not only does the federal government have no plan to stop this disgraceful policy, it also has no plan to deal with the endless waves of illegal aliens once they are released here," she said in a statement. Official: Obama administration will enforce its priorities, not Arizona's. As of late last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement was no longer releasing "large family groups" at bus stops in Arizona, a Department of Homeland Security spokesman said, but children under age 17 are continuing to be transferred to the state."The situation with the kids are they came by themselves, they have no relatives here, and the consulates can't keep up. They're in limbo. There's no one (back home) to deport them to," a DHS spokesman told CNN.

Obama vows urgent action as children flock into U.S. illegally - CNN.com

Get out there and elect reps that will change the laws! This is crisis on many fronts.
Soooo, tell us Mud, how is the influx of El Salvadorian children suppose to help the Democrats come the 2014 election?
Remember you have posters on here who insist his goal is to destroy America. I'm not sure how that helps him or the democratic party either but such is the twisted logic from the insanely partisan retards.

If you had read the Cloward-Piven strategy you would be sure how this helps him and the democratic party. The strategy is to overburden public benefits until it collapses. The poor majority will revolt and kill off the capitalistic masters forming a true communist society.
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama was not President. A BIPARTISAN bill passed the Senate last year, didn't make through the house. What IS the the House proposing? Please cite what law Obama signed that allowed HIM to bring this mass of children across the border.

Senate Immigration Authors Consider Border Control Change - Businessweek

Rubio McCain, Flake & Graham are co sponsors; called the "Gang of Eight" with the four Democrats added. Why can't the Republican House majority get the ball rolling if Flake, Grraham, & Rubio are so objectionable? Rubio is not in Obama's pocket, I know, and I do not think the other three Republicans are either.
Soooo, tell us Mud, how is the influx of El Salvadorian children suppose to help the Democrats come the 2014 election?
Remember you have posters on here who insist his goal is to destroy America. I'm not sure how that helps him or the democratic party either but such is the twisted logic from the insanely partisan retards.

If you had read the Cloward-Piven strategy you would be sure how this helps him and the democratic party. The strategy is to overburden public benefits until it collapses. The poor majority will revolt and kill off the capitalistic masters forming a true communist society.

That isn't rational, there are events cited that disprove any such strategy. Senate Bill from last BIPARTISAN, and the House would not pass it, the 1986 Immigration Act was during Reagan's years.
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Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

simply a lie about the advertising....otherwise, SHOW THE ADS

This is why Obama is responsible for the influx of children into the US.

Washington (CNN) -- In an election-year policy change, the Obama administration said Friday it will stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children if they meet certain requirements.
The shift on the politically volatile issue of immigration policy prompted immediate praise from Latino leaders who have criticized Congress and the White House for inaction, while Republicans reacted with outrage, saying the move amounts to amnesty -- a negative buzz word among conservatives -- and usurps congressional authority.

"Many illegal immigrants will falsely claim they came here as children and the federal government has no way to check whether their claims are true," Smith said in a statement. "And once these illegal immigrants are granted deferred action, they can then apply for a work permit, which the administration routinely grants 90% of the time."

Obama administration to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants - CNN.com

The word on the street and on TV in Central America is go to the US and you will be allowed to stay.

In the meantime, the Border Patrol agents are so busy taking care of and transporting all of these illegal immigrants, the dope dealers are free to bring in drugs with zero chance of being caught. If any islamist terrorists decide to come through Mexico instead of Canada, now is their chance.
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama was not President. A BIPARTISAN bill passed the Senate last year, didn't make through the house. What IS the the House proposing? Please cite what law Obama signed that allowed HIM to bring this mass of children across the border.

Senate Immigration Authors Consider Border Control Change - Businessweek

Rubio McCain, Flake & Graham are co sponsors; called the "Gang of Eight" with the four Democrats added. Why can't the Republican House majority get the ball rolling if Flake, Grraham, & Rubio are so objectionable? Rubio is not in Obama's pocket, I know, and I do not think the other three Republicans are either.

IMO, an immigration reform bill will pass the House as soon as the borders are secured, period.

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