Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama was not President. A BIPARTISAN bill passed the Senate last year, didn't make through the house. What IS the the House proposing? Please cite what law Obama signed that allowed HIM to bring this mass of children across the border.

Senate Immigration Authors Consider Border Control Change - Businessweek

Rubio McCain, Flake & Graham are co sponsors; called the "Gang of Eight" with the four Democrats added. Why can't the Republican House majority get the ball rolling if Flake, Grraham, & Rubio are so objectionable? Rubio is not in Obama's pocket, I know, and I do not think the other three Republicans are either.

IMO, an immigration reform bill will pass the House as soon as the borders are secured, period.

Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.
The left is using the talking-point that these kids are refugees.

They all are eligible for health care, Medicaid, food stamps, and everything else.

This whole mess was planned for and carried out by Obama, and will completely go around immigration.
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama was not President. A BIPARTISAN bill passed the Senate last year, didn't make through the house. What IS the the House proposing? Please cite what law Obama signed that allowed HIM to bring this mass of children across the border.

Senate Immigration Authors Consider Border Control Change - Businessweek

Rubio McCain, Flake & Graham are co sponsors; called the "Gang of Eight" with the four Democrats added. Why can't the Republican House majority get the ball rolling if Flake, Grraham, & Rubio are so objectionable? Rubio is not in Obama's pocket, I know, and I do not think the other three Republicans are either.

IMO, an immigration reform bill will pass the House as soon as the borders are secured, period.

Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.

Its done all over the world.....surely we could copy some effective third world model
IMO, an immigration reform bill will pass the House as soon as the borders are secured, period.

Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.

Its done all over the world.....surely we could copy some effective third world model

Third world countries with businesses as numerous and as involved in international trade? Third world countries the size of the US with as many miles of borders? I doubt it. And who sneaks in to nations that are not wealthy in any case?
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

simply a lie about the advertising....otherwise, SHOW THE ADS

No one has to go and get them.

It's Feds program of catch and release.
There are a few threads on this already...and they are implying that Obama has spent advertising money to encourage these people to come here, in south American newspapers...YET they have shown no ads....no proof of such, and another thread that says it is the Dream Act that Obama passed on its own...but the Dream Act was never passed and the executive order of Obama's isn't even close to being the Dream Act....no one gets promises of any kind of citizenship....evah!

And yes, we do have a Catch and Release program in the usa....in fact I spent a day reading up on it less than a week ago, including your link Peach! Great info!

The government web site
WelcometoUSA.gov | Government Benefits

The Flyers
USDA Flyer: We Don't Check Immigration Status for Food Stamps
Judicial Watch obtained the Spanish-language flyers through a Freedom of Information Act request and announced on Thursday that the "promotion of the food stamp program, now known as 'SNAP' (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA

No Need to Declare Status
Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.

Its done all over the world.....surely we could copy some effective third world model

Third world countries with businesses as numerous and as involved in international trade? Third world countries the size of the US with as many miles of borders? I doubt it. And who sneaks in to nations that are not wealthy in any case?
YOu really are either ignorant or just an apologist to state border security just isnt possible. Gee how did we do it previous 200 yrs......
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Remember you have posters on here who insist his goal is to destroy America. I'm not sure how that helps him or the democratic party either but such is the twisted logic from the insanely partisan retards.

If you had read the Cloward-Piven strategy you would be sure how this helps him and the democratic party. The strategy is to overburden public benefits until it collapses. The poor majority will revolt and kill off the capitalistic masters forming a true communist society.

That isn't rational, there are events cited that disprove any such strategy. Senate Bill from last BIPARTISAN, and the House would not pass it, the 1986 Immigration Act was during Reagan's years.

Nevertheless, obama is following the Cloward-Piven strategy to the letter. The 1986 Immigration act presumed there would be strict border enforcement. There wasn't. Reagan said that his worst mistake was believing democrats.
The left is using the talking-point that these kids are refugees.

They all are eligible for health care, Medicaid, food stamps, and everything else.

This whole mess was planned for and carried out by Obama, and will completely go around immigration.

Yes, he trucked them in, and HE passed the the 1986 Immigration Act......"go around immigration"? The folks he has been meeting with for days? Name a benefit to Obama, just one. This situation has been going on for years, more like decades. the House would not pass a bipartisan Senate Bill, the House comes up with -0-, you blame Obama. Consider the "2nd American Revolution crowd, after you figure out how to you be exempted from any combat & danger.....

I'm wondering why nobody seems to care that Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States?

This is what happens when you not only ignore our laws, but advertize in other countries that you're literally laid out the red-carpet for them.

It's obvious. The Democrats are entirely in support of a Presidential Rule by Decree as long he is a Dim. They will ignore anything inconvenient to the President and focus on anything else that isn't going to sidetrack this Presidency on its march to dictatorship.

But it is not the Constitutional role of the press to check the power of a wannabe dictator like Obama, while it is the sworn duty of the Speaker of the House who just cant be bothered from his pork barrel amendments and greasing his contributors.

So if you don't like our slide into dictatorship, put the blame where it belongs; 1) the POTUS, 2) the leader of the opposition who isn't doing his damned job and upholding his sworn duty according to the Constitution.
I give up.

Because most little Latina girls eat lotsa stuff cooked in pig lard and hence grow up to be smokin' hot, curvy babes whom we'll desperately need soon to increase the population and build up the American military because the country has gone gay — is that it???

What do I win???

They're hot I guess....right up till they weigh 250 and grow a mustache.
Immigrant Facility Invite Comes With Many Rules | The Daily Caller

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is welcoming members of Congress and their senior staff to tour a temporary shelter being used to house illegal immigrant children — but the invite comes with a list of rules, including a suggestion that members leave their cellphones in their vehicles.

The 40-minute tour will take place Friday at the Ventura County Naval Base in Oxnard, Calif., according to the email invitation, obtained by The Daily Caller.

The tours are meant to give members and staffers an inside look at how temporary facilities are being used to house illegal immigrant children who came to the U.S. without their parents. The minors, who hail mostly from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, are being called “Unaccompanied Children,” or UACs.

Sent to members of Congress and staff by Rose Hacking, of the office of the assistant secretary of legislation at HHS, the invitation comes with the following commands:

No recording devices will be allowed (We may ask you to leave your cellphone in our vehicle)
No questions will be allowed during the tour, but questions will be addressed later
No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
We will provide photos of the facility after the tour

During the tour, ”the tour guide will detail what goes on from room to room and the services youth are provided on a daily basis,” the email invitation reads.

But one congressional staffer invited to tour the facility called the planned tours “a dog and pony show.”

“Don’t talk to anyone, don’t record anything you might happen to see, but come visit us and we’ll give you a sanitized story with only the photos and accounts we want you to have,” said the staffer, who requested anonymity.

Read more: Immigrant Facility Invite Comes With Many Rules | The Daily Caller


Potemkin village anyone?
I think pretty much anyone with ill intent is now eager to cross the borders...now that we ARE distracted more than usual. Sigh.

Yep and many of them are Jihadi terrorists who have learned Spanish and have a cover story about growing up in Honduras.
The left is using the talking-point that these kids are refugees.

They all are eligible for health care, Medicaid, food stamps, and everything else.

This whole mess was planned for and carried out by Obama, and will completely go around immigration.

Yes, he trucked them in, and HE passed the the 1986 Immigration Act......"go around immigration"? The folks he has been meeting with for days? Name a benefit to Obama, just one.

1) He sees them as future Democrats.

2) He thinks this will spur more Hispanics to vote Democrat in thenext elections as he is 'on their side' and that is about all that 90% of them care about.

3) Obama is part of the Chicago Daily political machine and organized criminal syndicate. Distracting the Border Patrol with these kids will enable his buddies and cohorts at the BATFE to smuggle more guns to Mexican warlords so his bosses in Shitcago can import more Cocaine, crack, meth and pot.

4) Obama wants to collapse the US economy and replace it with nationalistic soclialism, aka Nazism, that is run by his fellow racists in the Dimbocrap Party. The collapse will come as a result of an overwhelmed welfare system and a private sector that is crushed under the burdens of higher taxes and an astronomical minimum wage. He then will retire and live off the millions he and Michelle will make on speaking fees as he tours the world in retirement living in Hawaii.

There's FOUR for ya, dear. :D
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I think pretty much anyone with ill intent is now eager to cross the borders...now that we ARE distracted more than usual. Sigh.

Yep and many of them are Jihadi terrorists who have learned Spanish and have a cover story about growing up in Honduras.

They don't need a cover story now. There is no border patrol to tell a story to. The agents are all doing nanny duty.
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It boggles the mind doesn't it? How some people's minds are capable of framing world events... yup Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States. He's ordered C-17s to fly down to Central America and load shipping pallets with kids.

Funny shit.

Nope, once they got here he's carting them all over the border states.

He opened the borders, changed the laws, I wouldn't even be surprised if he opened an ad in their newspapers. He has opened up Obamacare to them. One of our members here found the website. Once you put up a website, the folks find it and word gets out. Hispanics will find the bargains. It's what they're famous for in Southern California.

DACA ObamaCare - DREAM Act Portal Forum

Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal

DAP member map | DREAM Act Portal

What the DACA Ordered | Center for Immigration Studies

$465 for Legal Status Under Obama?s ?Dream Act? - ABC News

DREAM Act (and DREAM-like) - National Immigration Law Center

Who is eligible for DACA relief?
Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection before June 15, 2012, or individuals whose lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors and do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Applicants will have to provide documentary evidence of the above criteria. In addition, every applicant must complete and pass a biographic and biometric background check.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) | Immigration Equality

Looks like these new alien immigrants are NOT eligible for relief under the DACA?
It boggles the mind doesn't it? How some people's minds are capable of framing world events... yup Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States. He's ordered C-17s to fly down to Central America and load shipping pallets with kids.

Funny shit.

Nope, once they got here he's carting them all over the border states.

He opened the borders, changed the laws, I wouldn't even be surprised if he opened an ad in their newspapers. He has opened up Obamacare to them. One of our members here found the website. Once you put up a website, the folks find it and word gets out. Hispanics will find the bargains. It's what they're famous for in Southern California.

DACA ObamaCare - DREAM Act Portal Forum

Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal

DAP member map | DREAM Act Portal

What the DACA Ordered | Center for Immigration Studies

$465 for Legal Status Under Obama?s ?Dream Act? - ABC News

DREAM Act (and DREAM-like) - National Immigration Law Center

Who is eligible for DACA relief?
Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection before June 15, 2012, or individuals whose lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors and do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Applicants will have to provide documentary evidence of the above criteria. In addition, every applicant must complete and pass a biographic and biometric background check.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) | Immigration Equality

Looks like these new alien immigrants are NOT eligible for relief under the DACA?

lol, as if the laws mean anything to this fascist POTUS
Its done all over the world.....surely we could copy some effective third world model

Third world countries with businesses as numerous and as involved in international trade? Third world countries the size of the US with as many miles of borders? I doubt it. And who sneaks in to nations that are not wealthy in any case?
YOu really are either ignorant or just an apologist to state border security just isnt possible. Gee how did we do it previous 200 yrs......

The US ENCOURAGED immigration until well in the 1900s. The borders with Mexico remained uncertain into the early 20th century also; it was not until the Great Depression that Mexican immigrants were no longer welcomed. There were mass deportations in the 1930s, and, during WWII, regulation again relaxed, the labor force lost many American males to military service. A complex history with alterations in policy from the beginning. Read The Great Republic, a decent introduction to the history of the US.

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