Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????

Lots of Hispanics still are Republican.

Not the criminal ones, though. Criminals always favor the Dem ticket.

No, I know very conservative felons. Selfish, me first, etc. Most do not care about politics, if they are repeat offenders.
There are Engineers that can design a virtual wall without infringing on any property rights. When the present border guards are relieved of hauling and caring for thousands of illegals they will be able to patrol the areas that are suspect. The cost of caring for 10's of thousands of children is going to increase taxes more than securing the border.

I suggest that Obama grow a pair and convene a meeting with his Sec of State and Defense with the representatives of ALL of the Central American countries that are knowingly sending their women and children to the US. They need to be told that they are morally and financially liable for the expense the US is paying for all of these immigrants and they will pay up or suffer the consequences.

Of course he might have to cancel a fund raiser in California and a few rounds of golf at Palm Springs to tend to the countries business. I know that is asking a lot, but one can only hope for change.

Where did I hear that?

While I appreciate the sentiment, do you really think Honduras can be held "financially liable?"

Would we except payment in bananas?

Why not? The point is someone needs to play hardball with these third world countries. How much foreign aid does the US give to Honduras and a threat to cut it off might change their mindset.

So you take their bananas: Then what? Remove any aid?

Where do you think the starving, banana-less population of Honduras will go to eat?

I don't see what sort of economic "hardball" can be played agaist banana republics.
While I appreciate the sentiment, do you really think Honduras can be held "financially liable?"

Would we except payment in bananas?

Why not? The point is someone needs to play hardball with these third world countries. How much foreign aid does the US give to Honduras and a threat to cut it off might change their mindset.

So you take their bananas: Then what? Remove any aid?

Where do you think the starving, banana-less population of Honduras will go to eat?

I don't see what sort of economic "hardball" can be played agaist banana republics.

Since when is it the responsibility of the US to support any banana republic by allowing them to send their people to the US? There are dozens of charitable organizations, Churches and the United Nations that are offering aid in third world countries at no charge.

We used to have a quota of how many people were allowed to legally immigrate to the US from each country. That needs to be reinstated and enforced.
Why not? The point is someone needs to play hardball with these third world countries. How much foreign aid does the US give to Honduras and a threat to cut it off might change their mindset.

So you take their bananas: Then what? Remove any aid?

Where do you think the starving, banana-less population of Honduras will go to eat?

I don't see what sort of economic "hardball" can be played agaist banana republics.

Since when is it the responsibility of the US to support any banana republic by allowing them to send their people to the US? There are dozens of charitable organizations, Churches and the United Nations that are offering aid in third world countries at no charge.

We used to have a quota of how many people were allowed to legally immigrate to the US from each country. That needs to be reinstated and enforced.

Agreed. Simply enforce border control. If that takes $BBB's away from the next generation of Aircraft carrier, or Federal tuition aid, or whatever, then so be it.

How many Taliban are crossing the border while agents are "overwhelmed?"

How can we justify spending one dollar defending Japan from China, when we cannot even control our borders?
"The political coup that took place in June 2009 has exacerbated the country’s endemic violence. After President Manuel Zelaya was forcibly removed from office gender activists from six countries in the Americas united in the Feminist Observation Group (Observatorio Feminista) reported 'massive women’s participation in demonstrations' against the de facto government in Tegucigalpa.

"They reported that many women who were arrested during these protests were 'sexually abused' by army personnel and that demonstrators were 'hit with truncheons on various parts of the body, particularly the breasts and the buttocks' and 'verbally abused' with insults like, 'Go on home, you whores.' [3]

"Some women who were subjected to repeated intimidation even went so far as to move away from their families 'to protect their children and to save their homes from being ransacked.'

"This was especially true in the departments of Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Another aspect of this cruel scenario is that 'femicide got much worse': 51 women were murdered in one month after the coup, and this was in a country where the horrifying average was already one woman killed per day.[4]"

One of the first confirmations of Obama's corporate loyalty came shortly after he took office when he failed to call a coup a coup in Honduras. In fact, it's likely Obama's State Department facilitated the coup in Tegucigalpa in ways similar to his recent meddling in Ukraine.

Unbearable levels of violence | Social Watch
Well, ARE THEY REFUGEES in your opinion?

They will say they are as soon as their taxpayer funded lawyers tell them they are.

The Obama administration is set to take another step to help young children caught crossing the southwest border without their parents, creating a program to provide them with lawyers as they make their way through immigration court.

The Department of Justice, working with the federal Corporation for National and Community Service, will announce a new program Friday that provides $2 million to entice attorneys and paralegals to represent those young, undocumented immigrants as they navigate the complicated web of immigration courts.
Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children
but are they refugees? are they leaving a country of civil unrest, with unbearable conditions etc etc etc meeting the legal definition of refugees in the USA? The Mariel Boat Lift immigrants, as example, were refugees.... I don't know offhand without doing more research....

Is that what you were taught? The Mariel boat lift were refugees. The Mariel Boat Lift was when Castro emptied the prisons and insane asylums and sent them to Florida.
They will say they are as soon as their taxpayer funded lawyers tell them they are.

Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children
but are they refugees? are they leaving a country of civil unrest, with unbearable conditions etc etc etc meeting the legal definition of refugees in the USA? The Mariel Boat Lift immigrants, as example, were refugees.... I don't know offhand without doing more research....

Is that what you were taught? The Mariel boat lift were refugees. The Mariel Boat Lift was when Castro emptied the prisons and insane asylums and sent them to Florida.
"The Mariel boatlift was a mass emigration of Cubans who departed from Cuba's Mariel Harbor for the United States between April 15 and October 31, 1980.

"The event was precipitated by a sharp downturn in the Cuban economy which led to internal tensions on the island and a bid by up to 10,000 Cubans to gain asylum in the Peruvian embassy.

"The Cuban government subsequently announced that anyone who wanted to leave could do so, and an exodus by boat started shortly afterward.

"The exodus was organized by Cuban-Americans with the agreement of Cuban president Fidel Castro.

"The exodus started to have negative political implications for U.S. president Jimmy Carter when it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities.

"The Mariel boatlift was ended by mutual agreement between the two governments involved in October 1980. By that point, as many as 125,000 Cubans had made the journey to Florida."

Mariel boatlift - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

simply a lie about the advertising....otherwise, SHOW THE ADS

This isn't brain surgery. The word has gotten out that Obama will not deport children who are here illegally. Because of that, these kids are being dumped and told to head to the border and once they're in Obama won't make them leave.
I understand that this is what you want to believe DD...but it is far from the truth....there is nothing that Obama has introduced or via executive order, that covers any of these children, in any manner.... Obama's DACA does not cover them and that was clear as day to anyone, including south Americans....

If these children are REFUGEES, we have always taken in refugees and it is a separate issue.... with separate rules of law that cover this which has been in existence for decades....(Mariel...Cuban refugees as example)

I did not understand this until mudwhistle brought this up....that these could be considered refugees....

Cuban refugees have always been viewed differently than all other countries south of our border.

You remember the cold war term "I defect !" ? Both the Soviets and Cubans being ruled by communist parties were always given refugee status if citizens could make it to our shores.
Cubans for instance can reach south Florida easily if they are in a decent boat. However, many have died trying to get here in makeshift boats.

Anyway, you cannot compare Cubans with these children. These kids are from countries that do not have the same status as Cuba

They would have to prove that their governments are suppressing them. That would not be easily done.

I'm confident we will find out in the near future that this is all about Obama's deportation policies regarding children. Eventually the word was going to reach pretty much everyone south of our borders.
Think about for crying out loud, if this was just about making it here and claiming refugee status, it would be adults more than children that would be overwhelming us now.
This isn't brain surgery. The word has gotten out that Obama will not deport children who are here illegally. Because of that, these kids are being dumped and told to head to the border and once they're in Obama won't make them leave.
I understand that this is what you want to believe DD...but it is far from the truth....there is nothing that Obama has introduced or via executive order, that covers any of these children, in any manner.... Obama's DACA does not cover them and that was clear as day to anyone, including south Americans....

If these children are REFUGEES, we have always taken in refugees and it is a separate issue.... with separate rules of law that cover this which has been in existence for decades....(Mariel...Cuban refugees as example)

I did not understand this until mudwhistle brought this up....that these could be considered refugees....

Cuban refugees have always been viewed differently than all other countries south of our border.

You remember the cold war term "I defect !" ? Both the Soviets and Cubans being ruled by communist parties were always given refugee status if citizens could make it to our shores.
Cubans for instance can reach south Florida easily if they are in a decent boat. However, many have died trying to get here in makeshift boats.

Anyway, you cannot compare Cubans with these children. These kids are from countries that do not have the same status as Cuba

They would have to prove that their governments are suppressing them. That would not be easily done.

I'm confident we will find out in the near future that this is all about Obama's deportation policies regarding children. Eventually the word was going to reach pretty much everyone south of our borders.
Think about for crying out loud, if this was just about making it here and claiming refugee status, it would be adults more than children that would be overwhelming us now.

The last couple of days I've seen liberal spokespeople, on Que, talking about these "refugees", and saying exactly the same thing. Now that they're here, we need to take care of them. Anyone who doesn't agree with them wholeheartedly will be labeled a mean ole Tea Party member, or a cruel Republican.

Everyone will forget the simple fact that Obama has changed our laws to make bringing them in easier, and has been talking about doing this for years. He had a pen. He had a phone, and he used them.

I'm wondering why nobody seems to care that Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States?

This is what happens when you not only ignore our laws, but advertize in other countries that you're literally laid out the red-carpet for them.

You have a pimple on your ass, put your pants back on...
I'm disgusted by this whole thing and this administration turning a blind eye to this

we are being INVADED folks and Obama took an oath to protect us
ran across this on another site...I don't have the original link for this but found this interesting.

The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers asserted: "This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes."

Vote crazed Democrats---desperate about losing seats in 2014---are conniving to get taxpayers to buy them these illegal votes----the Dummycrats are requesting $2 billion tax dollars (for starters) to subsidize the swarm at the border.

Dummycrats are using the "Clinton vote-trading formula---let so may illegals in--get so many votes."

Joe Biden has been thoroughly briefed by the DNC: Speaking to a National Association of Manufacturers, Biden called for a "constant, unrelenting stream' of new immigrants — not dribbling (but) significant flows," The Hill reported....

TRANSLATION FROM DUMMYCRAP BAFFLE-GAB: "let 'em pour in to get the votes we need---and extort taxpayers to subsidize the vote-getting scheme." ALIPAC.COM---- Congress toll-free numbers:

Flood the Congress w/ Phone calls-- we will not subsidize vote-buyiung schemes. No tax dollars for illegals.

1-800-828-0498 1-800-459-1887 1-800-614-2803 1-866-340-9281 1-866-338-1015 1-866-220-0044

CBP fires back at immigrant children abuse allegations

this was from an article at the site called:

CBP fires back at immigrant children abuse allegations
I understand that this is what you want to believe DD...but it is far from the truth....there is nothing that Obama has introduced or via executive order, that covers any of these children, in any manner.... Obama's DACA does not cover them and that was clear as day to anyone, including south Americans....

If these children are REFUGEES, we have always taken in refugees and it is a separate issue.... with separate rules of law that cover this which has been in existence for decades....(Mariel...Cuban refugees as example)

I did not understand this until mudwhistle brought this up....that these could be considered refugees....

Cuban refugees have always been viewed differently than all other countries south of our border.

You remember the cold war term "I defect !" ? Both the Soviets and Cubans being ruled by communist parties were always given refugee status if citizens could make it to our shores.
Cubans for instance can reach south Florida easily if they are in a decent boat. However, many have died trying to get here in makeshift boats.

Anyway, you cannot compare Cubans with these children. These kids are from countries that do not have the same status as Cuba

They would have to prove that their governments are suppressing them. That would not be easily done.

I'm confident we will find out in the near future that this is all about Obama's deportation policies regarding children. Eventually the word was going to reach pretty much everyone south of our borders.
Think about for crying out loud, if this was just about making it here and claiming refugee status, it would be adults more than children that would be overwhelming us now.

The last couple of days I've seen liberal spokespeople, on Que, talking about these "refugees", and saying exactly the same thing. Now that they're here, we need to take care of them. Anyone who doesn't agree with them wholeheartedly will be labeled a mean ole Tea Party member, or a cruel Republican.

Everyone will forget the simple fact that Obama has changed our laws to make bringing them in easier, and has been talking about doing this for years. He had a pen. He had a phone, and he used them.

Why don't you start a home for foster children. I understand the government pays rather well for these homes as well as paying foster parents.

Someone will have to tell me if it is the Federal, State or County governments that make these payments and then tell me how much taxes will have to be raised to care for 10's of thousands of these children.
An Orchestrated Immigration Wave At The Texas Border? Not So Paranoid To Think So - Investors.com

Immigration: As an unprecedented wave of undocumented children from Central America spills over our Texas border, a veteran lawmen's organization has declared it an "orchestrated" event. If so, who benefits?

To date, there hasn't been a word from the White House or its agencies urging families in Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador not to send their children alone through Mexico's merciless badlands infested with cartel criminals to reach the U.S. There's some Twitter activity and little else.

But the newspapers and television stations throughout Central America are falsely reporting that amnesty will be theirs if they can just make it through the Mexican obstacle course — and that the time to do it is now.

It doesn't matter that these children are likely to succumb to desert heat, be snatched by vicious human traffickers, forced into prostitution, slavery or the drug trade, or simply murdered as has already happened to thousands, as the white crosses at the border can attest.

Not since the radio broadcasts that triggered Rwanda's Tutsi massacres in 1994 has such false information been spread unchecked by authorities who might be able with just their words to make a difference.

U.S. embassy websites still have no warnings to Central Americans about not sending children north, and until recently the U.S. embassy in Guatemala's website prominently featured links to President Obama's campaign website with his speech declaring to Guatemalans that "our immigration system is broken."

So no wonder the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, after 50,000 apprehensions of border crossers in south Texas, declared this week that "certainly we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government."

Besides the valuable observations of veteran lawmen who know the patterns of the border and can spot anomalies, the evidence that the flood of illegals is an orchestrated event, and not spontaneous, is piling up.

Not long ago, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, a foe of illegal immigration, stated that based on evidence he'd seen and conversations he had with lawmen, there appeared to be an ongoing political campaign to destroy law enforcement at the border — something the former border agents called an effort to create "a failed state" on the border. If so, it's a page straight out of the Cloward-Piven theory President Obama was so influenced by as a community organizer and at Columbia.
Tomorrow morning I expect every single conservative here that has read this thread to make phone calls to your lawmakers demanding that a stop be put to this at once !! Our borders must be protected or we're going to be overwhelmed with these illegals until the point that America is a gigantic third world country.

Tomorrow morning I expect every single conservative here that has read this thread to make phone calls to your lawmakers demanding that a stop be put to this at once !! Our borders must be protected or we're going to be overwhelmed with these illegals until the point that America is a gigantic third world country.


I emailed my congressman about illegal aliens and border security....2 years ago.

You're right, though. It would be a good time to mention it again.
It's going to be a long hot summer. By the November elections the Hispanic crime wave will be in full swing. Those tatted up faces will be giving American kids nightmares for months.

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