Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????

Glad you admit it can be done...now make it so.

And the change in the law, the money to do so? Who is acting? The House is conrerned with infighting in the majority leadership. None of whom will pass anything the Senate sends down, for fear of being a "collaborator".
Its not a money issue...its will. You have so many tools now we didnt have in the past to see everything in real time thus maximizing manpower and actually reducing it. Every problem we are currently embroiled in boils down to not enforcing the law, this produces lack of order. Remember that phrase "law and order"?Banking crisis....budget crisis....border crisis.....all boils down to not enforcing the law thus chaos.
Third world countries with businesses as numerous and as involved in international trade? Third world countries the size of the US with as many miles of borders? I doubt it. And who sneaks in to nations that are not wealthy in any case?
YOu really are either ignorant or just an apologist to state border security just isnt possible. Gee how did we do it previous 200 yrs......

The US ENCOURAGED immigration until well in the 1900s. The borders with Mexico remained uncertain into the early 20th century also; it was not until the Great Depression that Mexican immigrants were no longer welcomed. There were mass deportations in the 1930s, and, during WWII, regulation again relaxed, the labor force lost many American males to military service. A complex history with alterations in policy from the beginning. Read The Great Republic, a decent introduction to the history of the US.

Hmm that was then and this is now. Unfortunantly we have a national debt problem, issues with Health Care ( we cant even handle the VA) US cities like Chicago and Detroit racked with poverty ( still searching for a solution)

So what sense does it make to create a Mass Migration , 10s of millions and not just Mexicans from Mexico but whoever can find their way to the border. Are they all screened
for contageous disease?
It boggles the mind doesn't it? How some people's minds are capable of framing world events... yup Obama is shipping tens of thousands of Honduran and Guatemalan kids into the United States. He's ordered C-17s to fly down to Central America and load shipping pallets with kids.

Funny shit.

Nope, once they got here he's carting them all over the border states.

He opened the borders, changed the laws, I wouldn't even be surprised if he opened an ad in their newspapers. He has opened up Obamacare to them. One of our members here found the website. Once you put up a website, the folks find it and word gets out. Hispanics will find the bargains. It's what they're famous for in Southern California.

DACA ObamaCare - DREAM Act Portal Forum

Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal

DAP member map | DREAM Act Portal

What the DACA Ordered | Center for Immigration Studies

$465 for Legal Status Under Obama?s ?Dream Act? - ABC News

DREAM Act (and DREAM-like) - National Immigration Law Center

Who is eligible for DACA relief?
Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection before June 15, 2012, or individuals whose lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors and do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Applicants will have to provide documentary evidence of the above criteria. In addition, every applicant must complete and pass a biographic and biometric background check.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) | Immigration Equality

Looks like these new alien immigrants are NOT eligible for relief under the DACA?

No, they are considered refugee status, and can collect benefits that just about any impoverished American can, to include the ACA, SNAP, Medicaid, Chip, and several others. http://www.visaus.com/benefits.html

The key word is Refugees. Look for the spokespeople on the left to repeat this over and over. They aren't to be considered immigrants but refugees.
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Our Rulership has no problem telling us what we must do , because it will not personally change their
lives. They will go on afterwards making money through speeches and connections. All the issues discussed on these boards will never affect them because they live in a different world. They will
continue to fly in their private jets .. maybe glancing down at us.

All of Senate, and the house and their aides , Obama and his cabinet members should be forced to adopt two of these children each. Before they ask us to take care of them.
How many times have I heard Obama say he takes responsibility? If it was Bush doing this Id say the same thing , he had 8 years and did nothing on immigration
Just another reminder to everyone here (except libs of course who don't believe in borders in the first place) to call your lawmakers, we've got to get a handle on this or we are going to be overwhelmed in the coming years with uneducated people who will be looking for ways of getting on the dole.
Taxpayers should be helping Americans, not illegals who have no respect for our laws.
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

simply a lie about the advertising....otherwise, SHOW THE ADS

This isn't brain surgery. The word has gotten out that Obama will not deport children who are here illegally. Because of that, these kids are being dumped and told to head to the border and once they're in Obama won't make them leave.
Nope, once they got here he's carting them all over the border states.

He opened the borders, changed the laws, I wouldn't even be surprised if he opened an ad in their newspapers. He has opened up Obamacare to them. One of our members here found the website. Once you put up a website, the folks find it and word gets out. Hispanics will find the bargains. It's what they're famous for in Southern California.

DACA ObamaCare - DREAM Act Portal Forum

Welcome to the DREAM Act Portal | DREAM Act Portal

DAP member map | DREAM Act Portal

What the DACA Ordered | Center for Immigration Studies

$465 for Legal Status Under Obama?s ?Dream Act? - ABC News

DREAM Act (and DREAM-like) - National Immigration Law Center

Who is eligible for DACA relief?
Individuals who meet the following criteria can apply for deferred action for childhood arrivals:

  • are under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012;
  • came to the U.S. while under the age of 16;
  • have continuously resided in the U.S. from June 15, 2007 to the present. (For purposes of calculating this five year period, brief and innocent absences from the United States for humanitarian reasons will not be included);
  • entered the U.S. without inspection before June 15, 2012, or individuals whose lawful immigration status expired as of June 15, 2012;
  • were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of making the request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  • are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a GED, or have been honorably discharged from the Coast Guard or armed forces;
  • have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor, or more than three misdemeanors and do not pose a threat to national security or public safety.
Applicants will have to provide documentary evidence of the above criteria. In addition, every applicant must complete and pass a biographic and biometric background check.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) | Immigration Equality

Looks like these new alien immigrants are NOT eligible for relief under the DACA?

No, they are considered refugee status, and can collect benefits that just about any impoverished American can, to include the ACA, SNAP, Medicaid, Chip, and several others. Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center

The key word is Refugees. Look for the spokespeople on the left to repeat this over and over. They aren't to be considered immigrants but refugees.
Well, ARE THEY REFUGEES in your opinion?
Soooo, tell us Mud, how is the influx of El Salvadorian children suppose to help the Democrats come the 2014 election?

the only people that this will help is Republicans so I have to wonder, did Republicans SET THIS UP?


Simple. If these kids get in and eventually become citizens (since Obama won't deport kids) they are future Dims.
Anyone with any knowledge of politics knows that Hispanics who love government programs (especially because they have so many fucking kids) are going to be voting for Dimocrats.
It's not going to help them right now, but this is all about the future.
Tell me, why are you saying Obama is doing this and why would it be an advantage for Obama to do this....? What would his purpose be to go out in to south America and capture these children and bus them here? Do you think this would make democrats support him MORE? :lol: :lol: :lol:

simply a lie about the advertising....otherwise, SHOW THE ADS

This isn't brain surgery. The word has gotten out that Obama will not deport children who are here illegally. Because of that, these kids are being dumped and told to head to the border and once they're in Obama won't make them leave.
I understand that this is what you want to believe DD...but it is far from the truth....there is nothing that Obama has introduced or via executive order, that covers any of these children, in any manner.... Obama's DACA does not cover them and that was clear as day to anyone, including south Americans....

If these children are REFUGEES, we have always taken in refugees and it is a separate issue.... with separate rules of law that cover this which has been in existence for decades....(Mariel...Cuban refugees as example)

I did not understand this until mudwhistle brought this up....that these could be considered refugees....
Our Rulership has no problem telling us what we must do , because it will not personally change their
lives. They will go on afterwards making money through speeches and connections. All the issues discussed on these boards will never affect them because they live in a different world. They will
continue to fly in their private jets .. maybe glancing down at us.

All of Senate, and the house and their aides , Obama and his cabinet members should be forced to adopt two of these children each. Before they ask us to take care of them.
How many times have I heard Obama say he takes responsibility? If it was Bush doing this Id say the same thing , he had 8 years and did nothing on immigration

Bush said simply "Enforce the laws".

Obama, decided not to.
Soooo, tell us Mud, how is the influx of El Salvadorian children suppose to help the Democrats come the 2014 election?

the only people that this will help is Republicans so I have to wonder, did Republicans SET THIS UP?


Simple. If these kids get in and eventually become citizens (since Obama won't deport kids) they are future Dims.
Anyone with any knowledge of politics knows that Hispanics who love government programs (especially because they have so many fucking kids) are going to be voting for Dimocrats.
It's not going to help them right now, but this is all about the future.

Tables turn quite often DD...there was a time when the hispanics were Republicans and supported Republicans, like during the Elian Gonzalez incident....it put the Cuban Americans on the path of voting Republican for a decade due to what Clinton did....Republicans were fighting for Elian to STAY here....just the opposite of today's crowd....
Soooo, tell us Mud, how is the influx of El Salvadorian children suppose to help the Democrats come the 2014 election?

the only people that this will help is Republicans so I have to wonder, did Republicans SET THIS UP?


Simple. If these kids get in and eventually become citizens (since Obama won't deport kids) they are future Dims.
Anyone with any knowledge of politics knows that Hispanics who love government programs (especially because they have so many fucking kids) are going to be voting for Dimocrats.
It's not going to help them right now, but this is all about the future.

Tables turn quite often DD...there was a time when the hispanics were Republicans and supported Republicans, like during the Elian Gonzalez incident....it put the Cuban Americans on the path of voting Republican for a decade due to what Clinton did....Republicans were fighting for Elian to STAY here....just the opposite of today's crowd....

And the table can just as easily turn again as hispanics become wealthier, and more aware of the amount of federal and state taxes are being collected from them to support additional undocumented immigration.

Most of these wealthier hispanics are, as you noted, Cubans. The majority are Mexicans many of whom are now moving into the middle class as poorer hispanics (Guatemalans,Houndurans, Salvadorians) replace them on the lowest economic rung. Believing that all hispanics are politically the same is as ludicrous a notion as believing all white immigrants have been politically equal, e.g. Irish and English.
Simple. If these kids get in and eventually become citizens (since Obama won't deport kids) they are future Dims.
Anyone with any knowledge of politics knows that Hispanics who love government programs (especially because they have so many fucking kids) are going to be voting for Dimocrats.
It's not going to help them right now, but this is all about the future.

Tables turn quite often DD...there was a time when the hispanics were Republicans and supported Republicans, like during the Elian Gonzalez incident....it put the Cuban Americans on the path of voting Republican for a decade due to what Clinton did....Republicans were fighting for Elian to STAY here....just the opposite of today's crowd....

And the table can just as easily turn again as hispanics become wealthier, and more aware of the amount of federal and state taxes are being collected from them to support additional undocumented immigration.

Most of these wealthier hispanics are, as you noted, Cubans. The majority are Mexicans many of whom are now moving into the middle class as poorer hispanics (Guatemalans,Houndurans, Salvadorians) replace them on the lowest economic rung. Believing that all hispanics are politically the same is as ludicrous a notion as believing all white immigrants have been politically equal, e.g. Irish and English.
yep, they can turn again....

There is no guarantee that all hispanics will be lifetime Democratic....or lifetime Republicans....

When I lived in Miami there was a whole segment of Hispanics that were Republicans because they were religious and followed the religious right movement....is that dating me? lol
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama was not President. A BIPARTISAN bill passed the Senate last year, didn't make through the house. What IS the the House proposing? Please cite what law Obama signed that allowed HIM to bring this mass of children across the border.

Senate Immigration Authors Consider Border Control Change - Businessweek

Rubio McCain, Flake & Graham are co sponsors; called the "Gang of Eight" with the four Democrats added. Why can't the Republican House majority get the ball rolling if Flake, Grraham, & Rubio are so objectionable? Rubio is not in Obama's pocket, I know, and I do not think the other three Republicans are either.

IMO, an immigration reform bill will pass the House as soon as the borders are secured, period.

Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.

There are Engineers that can design a virtual wall without infringing on any property rights. When the present border guards are relieved of hauling and caring for thousands of illegals they will be able to patrol the areas that are suspect. The cost of caring for 10's of thousands of children is going to increase taxes more than securing the border.

I suggest that Obama grow a pair and convene a meeting with his Sec of State and Defense with the representatives of ALL of the Central American countries that are knowingly sending their women and children to the US. They need to be told that they are morally and financially liable for the expense the US is paying for all of these immigrants and they will pay up or suffer the consequences.

Of course he might have to cancel a fund raiser in California and a few rounds of golf at Palm Springs to tend to the countries business. I know that is asking a lot, but one can only hope for change.

Where did I hear that?
IMO, an immigration reform bill will pass the House as soon as the borders are secured, period.

Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.

There are Engineers that can design a virtual wall without infringing on any property rights. When the present border guards are relieved of hauling and caring for thousands of illegals they will be able to patrol the areas that are suspect. The cost of caring for 10's of thousands of children is going to increase taxes more than securing the border.

I suggest that Obama grow a pair and convene a meeting with his Sec of State and Defense with the representatives of ALL of the Central American countries that are knowingly sending their women and children to the US. They need to be told that they are morally and financially liable for the expense the US is paying for all of these immigrants and they will pay up or suffer the consequences.

Of course he might have to cancel a fund raiser in California and a few rounds of golf at Palm Springs to tend to the countries business. I know that is asking a lot, but one can only hope for change.

Where did I hear that?

While I appreciate the sentiment, do you really think Honduras can be held "financially liable?"

Would we except payment in bananas?
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) | Immigration Equality

Looks like these new alien immigrants are NOT eligible for relief under the DACA?

No, they are considered refugee status, and can collect benefits that just about any impoverished American can, to include the ACA, SNAP, Medicaid, Chip, and several others. Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center

The key word is Refugees. Look for the spokespeople on the left to repeat this over and over. They aren't to be considered immigrants but refugees.
Well, ARE THEY REFUGEES in your opinion?

They will say they are as soon as their taxpayer funded lawyers tell them they are.

The Obama administration is set to take another step to help young children caught crossing the southwest border without their parents, creating a program to provide them with lawyers as they make their way through immigration court.

The Department of Justice, working with the federal Corporation for National and Community Service, will announce a new program Friday that provides $2 million to entice attorneys and paralegals to represent those young, undocumented immigrants as they navigate the complicated web of immigration courts.

Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children
Thus, the flood of children will continue. There is no way to "secure" the borders without damaging property interests on the US side. What do you suggest? A steel wall hundreds if miles long? How much are we going to increase taxes to pay for this? ? How will does US business export goods to Mexico, and Central America? No wall, How many feet apart will the guards be stationed, and how much will easements from landowners cost?

State a plan to secure the border without infringing on property rights and trade.

There are Engineers that can design a virtual wall without infringing on any property rights. When the present border guards are relieved of hauling and caring for thousands of illegals they will be able to patrol the areas that are suspect. The cost of caring for 10's of thousands of children is going to increase taxes more than securing the border.

I suggest that Obama grow a pair and convene a meeting with his Sec of State and Defense with the representatives of ALL of the Central American countries that are knowingly sending their women and children to the US. They need to be told that they are morally and financially liable for the expense the US is paying for all of these immigrants and they will pay up or suffer the consequences.

Of course he might have to cancel a fund raiser in California and a few rounds of golf at Palm Springs to tend to the countries business. I know that is asking a lot, but one can only hope for change.

Where did I hear that?

While I appreciate the sentiment, do you really think Honduras can be held "financially liable?"

Would we except payment in bananas?

Why not? The point is someone needs to play hardball with these third world countries. How much foreign aid does the US give to Honduras and a threat to cut it off might change their mindset.
Lots of Hispanics still are Republican.

Not the criminal ones, though. Criminals always favor the Dem ticket.
No, they are considered refugee status, and can collect benefits that just about any impoverished American can, to include the ACA, SNAP, Medicaid, Chip, and several others. Federal Benefits Available to Refugees - Immigration Law Center

The key word is Refugees. Look for the spokespeople on the left to repeat this over and over. They aren't to be considered immigrants but refugees.
Well, ARE THEY REFUGEES in your opinion?

They will say they are as soon as their taxpayer funded lawyers tell them they are.

The Obama administration is set to take another step to help young children caught crossing the southwest border without their parents, creating a program to provide them with lawyers as they make their way through immigration court.

The Department of Justice, working with the federal Corporation for National and Community Service, will announce a new program Friday that provides $2 million to entice attorneys and paralegals to represent those young, undocumented immigrants as they navigate the complicated web of immigration courts.
Obama to provide legal aid to border-crossing children
but are they refugees? are they leaving a country of civil unrest, with unbearable conditions etc etc etc meeting the legal definition of refugees in the USA? The Mariel Boat Lift immigrants, as example, were refugees.... I don't know offhand without doing more research....

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