Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????

Seems to me there would be an ADVANTAGE for Republicans to go out and bus these children up here, so you all can nail Obama for it...


wow, you don't have a problem with this huh?
WHY is this being allowed?
what are they going with a bunch of kids?
put them in the fields, clean the Obama's houses
I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting
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I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Illegals from Central America can’t be sent home. They must be turned over to HHS to be released to family and friends.

» Obama, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine. “The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’. The plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions,” explains a synopsis on the Worldview Radio website. “Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President Obama.”

They are flooding the boarders with these children in order to finish us off.
Add the food stamp program and all the others that have been increased and this will do it.
I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Illegals from Central America can’t be sent home. They must be turned over to HHS to be released to family and friends.

» Obama, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine. “The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’. The plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions,” explains a synopsis on the Worldview Radio website. “Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President Obama.”

They are flooding the boarders with these children in order to finish us off.
Add the food stamp program and all the others that have been increased and this will do it.

I'm just shocked and sick about what he's doing to us
I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Illegals from Central America can’t be sent home. They must be turned over to HHS to be released to family and friends.

» Obama, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine. “The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’. The plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions,” explains a synopsis on the Worldview Radio website. “Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President Obama.”

They are flooding the boarders with these children in order to finish us off.
Add the food stamp program and all the others that have been increased and this will do it.

I'm just shocked and sick about what he's doing to us

Well, he's doing it to Syria, Libya, Iraq, Mexico, and us.

He's basically screwing up everything he touches and then living high on the hog.

When's his next vacation?
I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Illegals from Central America can’t be sent home. They must be turned over to HHS to be released to family and friends.

» Obama, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine. “The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’. The plan calls for the destruction of capitalism in America by swelling the welfare rolls to the point of collapsing our economy and then implementing socialism by nationalizing many private institutions,” explains a synopsis on the Worldview Radio website. “Cloward and Piven studied Saul Alinsky just like Hillary Clinton and President Obama.”

They are flooding the boarders with these children in order to finish us off.
Add the food stamp program and all the others that have been increased and this will do it.

I'm just shocked and sick about what he's doing to us

It's the Progressives in both parties who have worked together since the late 60's on these laws and programs in order to have it happen.
Obama is just finishing off the last few lose ends.
I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Now you know how First Nations people feel; seriously, yes, a huge problem, though again, I do not agree the President needs to do anything. Someone in his administration already should have.

While some moan about the kids eating, growing up, having kids in the US, my first thoughts were, THESE KIDS ARE SITTING DUCKS!

Ready to use ducks, for any criminal that needs a kid to "cover" while they batter/kill/steal, OR for use to sell drugs, make child porn, the possibilities are endless. Many may not know much English, some may have parents that left, will get sick, or cooperate with scum to use the kids. The miserable conditions are obvious, how long would it take to convince one of these children, who saw a meal on a plate, a couch of their "own" to sleep on, to sneak out?

A disgrace that needs to remedied soon. :mad:
I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Now you know how First Nations people feel; seriously, yes, a huge problem, though again, I do not agree the President needs to do anything. Someone in his administration already should have.

While some moan about the kids eating, growing up, having kids in the US, my first thoughts were, THESE KIDS ARE SITTING DUCKS!

Ready to use ducks, for any criminal that needs a kid to "cover" while they batter/kill/steal, OR for use to sell drugs, make child porn, the possibilities are endless. Many may not know much English, some may have parents that left, will get sick, or cooperate with scum to use the kids. The miserable conditions are obvious, how long would it take to convince one of these children, who saw a meal on a plate, a couch of their "own" to sleep on, to sneak out?

A disgrace that needs to remedied soon. :mad:

DING DING DING!!!! Winner winner chicken dinner!
to transfer ownership or control of (land, resources, industries, etc.) to the national government.


Despite being in good financial standing, adult film performers and others in the porn industry have had bank accounts abruptly terminated—and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) may have had something to do with it.

Under “Operation Choke Point,” the DOJ and its allies are going after legal but subjectively undesirable business ventures by pressuring banks to terminate their bank accounts or refuse their business. The very premise is clearly chilling—the DOJ is coercing private businesses in an attempt to centrally engineer the American marketplace based on it’s own politically biased moral judgements. Targeted business categories so far have included payday lenders, ammunition sales, dating services, purveyors of drug paraphernalia, and online gambling sites.

“Operation Chokepoint is flooding payments companies that provide processing service to those industries with subpoenas, civil investigative demands, and other burdensome and costly legal demands,” wrote Jason Oxman, CEO of the Electronic Transactions Association, at The Hill.
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I've never seen this before and they are doing NOTHING ABOUT it...busing them around and putting them in hotels

what the fxxk is going on and none of you Obama cult members are one bit curious

if he's letting it happen it must be for OUR GOOD, is that it?

We are literally being INVADED right before our eyes

just disgusting

Now you know how First Nations people feel; seriously, yes, a huge problem, though again, I do not agree the President needs to do anything. Someone in his administration already should have.

While some moan about the kids eating, growing up, having kids in the US, my first thoughts were, THESE KIDS ARE SITTING DUCKS!

Ready to use ducks, for any criminal that needs a kid to "cover" while they batter/kill/steal, OR for use to sell drugs, make child porn, the possibilities are endless. Many may not know much English, some may have parents that left, will get sick, or cooperate with scum to use the kids. The miserable conditions are obvious, how long would it take to convince one of these children, who saw a meal on a plate, a couch of their "own" to sleep on, to sneak out?

A disgrace that needs to remedied soon. :mad:

DING DING DING!!!! Winner winner chicken dinner!

You are free to disagree, I understand your primary concern is money. Mine is the safety of the young, at least in their native countries, they know they language and and may get "clues" to dangerous situations easier. In HOTELS? Insanity, criminals hang around all areas of hotels; at home these kids can try to avoid the predators of all kinds. Here, they will see adults wealthy beyond the rich beyond their dreams. And some at least will want to please the rich Americans......a measurable portion of criminals in the USA got their start when, as kids, they were taken in from the cold by adults that offered a better life.

Then came the nightmares. This has all the elements of one for those children, and the US...................................:(
I was agreeing with you, Peach. It was a great post.

It is not JUST the money and resources and illegality of it all. It also affects those kids. They are going to be ripe pickings for all sorts of nefarious people looking to take advantage of them and the situation that is currently underway. Smorgasborg for predators.
US Customs and Border Protection reports over 47,000 unaccompanied children have been detained so far in 2014, almost double the number for all of 2013 and nearly five times the number of 2009.

This twenty minute interview with one such child, Jose Luis Zelaya, who fled the murder capital of the world, Honduras, at age 13 to find his mother in Houston.

He tried eight times to cross Mexico.
Seven times he was sent back.
Today, Jose is a Ph.D candidate at Texas A&M.
(PS he found his mom)

"AMY GOODMAN: Jose Luis Zelaya, tell us your story. How did you come to the United States? When did you come? How old were you?
JOSE LUIS ZELAYA: Yes, good morning. Well, I am actually—I was actually born in Honduras, and actually in San Pedro Sula, which is the capital of violence in the world.

"And as a child, I grew up in extreme poverty. I literally witnessed my brother dying in my mom’s arms because we didn’t have money to take him to the hospital.

"An abusive father, an alcoholic man who used to beat my mother in public, who used to beat me and prevented me from going to an education, literally separated me from my mother.

"My mother ran away from him with my younger sister to the United States, and he kept me behind.

"He forced me to stay behind so that I can provide for alcohol for him. My mother migrated to the United States, and I stayed in Honduras for about two years without her. And my father kicked me out of the house, and I became homeless.

"I became a street child.

"But this is the reality that children experience in the streets of Honduras. I digged into trash cans to eat food. I shined people’s shoes at parks. I sold candies. At light intersections, I cleaned windshields in order to provide for myself."

Children on the Run: U.S. Detains Thousands of Young Migrants Seeking Safety, Family Reunification | Democracy Now!
I was agreeing with you, Peach. It was a great post.

It is not JUST the money and resources and illegality of it all. It also affects those kids. They are going to be ripe pickings for all sorts of nefarious people looking to take advantage of them and the situation that is currently underway. Smorgasborg for predators.

Understood, a bad mistake in too many ways to fully list..................
The children are a distraction. Now that the border is undefended the gunmen are coming.
I think pretty much anyone with ill intent is now eager to cross the borders...now that we ARE distracted more than usual. Sigh.

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