Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????


^^^^Not happening?

Figment of someone's imagination?
"Hanen's scathing ruling documented a guilty plea from human trafficker Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez, who was paid to bring a 10-year-old girl to Virginia but never got past a checkpoint in Brownsville, Texas. She was already a felon convicted of food stamp fraud in 2011.
"The girl's mother, Patricia Elizabeth Salmeron Santos, lives illegally in Virginia. She paid Nava-Martinez to fetch her daughter and smuggle her across the border.
'Salmeron Santos admitted that she started this conspiracy by hiring alien smugglers to transfer her child from El Salvador to Virginia,' Hanen wrote. 'She agreed to pay $8500 (and actually paid $6,000 in advance) for these human traffickers to smuggle her daughter).
'The criminal conspiracy instigated by Salmeron Santos was temporarily interrupted when Nava-Martinez was arrested,' but '[d]espite this setback, the goal of the conspiracy was successfully completed thanks to the United States Government.'
Salmeron Santo, he notes, was never the subject of any criminal proceedings.

DHS 'did not arrest her. It did not prosecute her. It did not even initiate deportation proceedings for her,' Hanen wrote.

It is 'completing the criminal mission of individuals who are violating the border security of the United States.'

Read more: Immigrant children left sickened by food at U.S. border facility as fears grow over spread of disease in cramped conditions | Mail Online
The humanitarian crisis that has been created by the Obama admin and their minions rivals the humanitarian crisis that is created by legalized back alley abortions...ostensibly, this criminality is encouraged in order to *help* the poor..but what it really does is facilitate human rights offenses, while at the same time robbing the people who are already being victimized. Here you have desperate illegals paying thousands of dollars for a service that is not regulated or monitored..which leads to heinous human rights offenses...

With abortion, desperate women are also victimized by a system that is not regulated or monitored...which likewise leads to egregious human rights offenses.

Progressives. The best way to describe them is as Pro-human rights violation....
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Because Republicans are restricting abortion to the point that Americans are flooding the country with babies they can't afford. Bringing a few children from Mexico will have a negligible impact on already severe child poverty.

How many abortions have been restricted? I didn't know Roe V Wade had been repealed. I call BS.
Yeah hipeter is a lying sack.

Child poverty here looks like wealth to the kids that are being dumped on us.
Yeah hipeter is a lying sack.

Child poverty here looks like wealth to the kids that are being dumped on us.
How is it a lie, ever seen the numbers of children already in poverty in the US? There is no evidence that Mexican kids are the reason for growing child poverty rates in the US, it is just xenophobic tripe. More children are born into poverty due to restrictions on abortions, than due to illegal immigration.
Because Republicans are restricting abortion to the point that Americans are flooding the country with babies they can't afford. Bringing a few children from Mexico will have a negligible impact on already severe child poverty.

How many abortions have been restricted? I didn't know Roe V Wade had been repealed. I call BS.
What happens to women denied abortions? This is the first scientific study to find out.
The women in the Turnaway Study were in comparable economic positions at the time they sought abortions. 45% were on public assistance and two-thirds had household incomes below the federal poverty level. One of the main reasons women cite for wanting to abort is money, and based on the outcomes for the turnaways, it seems they are right.

Most of the women who were denied an abortion, 86%, were living with their babies a year later. Only 11% had put them up for adoption. Also a year later, they were far more likely to be on public assistance — 76% of the turnaways were on the dole, as opposed to 44% of those who got abortions. 67% percent of the turnaways were below the poverty line (vs. 56% of the women who got abortions), and only 48% had a full time job (vs. 58% of the women who got abortions).

When a woman is denied the abortion she wants, she is statistically more likely to wind up unemployed, on public assistance, and below the poverty line. Another conclusion we could draw is that denying women abortions places more burden on the state because of these new mothers' increased reliance on public assistance programs.
But ignore the facts, believe abortions are given out like candy, and pretend women aren't denied their abortion rights.
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Because Republicans are restricting abortion to the point that Americans are flooding the country with babies they can't afford. Bringing a few children from Mexico will have a negligible impact on already severe child poverty.

How many abortions have been restricted? I didn't know Roe V Wade had been repealed. I call BS.
What happens to women denied abortions? This is the first scientific study to find out.
The women in the Turnaway Study were in comparable economic positions at the time they sought abortions. 45% were on public assistance and two-thirds had household incomes below the federal poverty level. One of the main reasons women cite for wanting to abort is money, and based on the outcomes for the turnaways, it seems they are right.

Most of the women who were denied an abortion, 86%, were living with their babies a year later. Only 11% had put them up for adoption. Also a year later, they were far more likely to be on public assistance — 76% of the turnaways were on the dole, as opposed to 44% of those who got abortions. 67% percent of the turnaways were below the poverty line (vs. 56% of the women who got abortions), and only 48% had a full time job (vs. 58% of the women who got abortions).

When a woman is denied the abortion she wants, she is statistically more likely to wind up unemployed, on public assistance, and below the poverty line. Another conclusion we could draw is that denying women abortions places more burden on the state because of these new mothers' increased reliance on public assistance programs.
But ignore the facts, believe abortions are given out like candy, and pretend women aren't denied their abortion rights.

women are never "denied the abortion they want".

what the eff are you talking about?
How many abortions have been restricted? I didn't know Roe V Wade had been repealed. I call BS.
What happens to women denied abortions? This is the first scientific study to find out.
The women in the Turnaway Study were in comparable economic positions at the time they sought abortions. 45% were on public assistance and two-thirds had household incomes below the federal poverty level. One of the main reasons women cite for wanting to abort is money, and based on the outcomes for the turnaways, it seems they are right.

Most of the women who were denied an abortion, 86%, were living with their babies a year later. Only 11% had put them up for adoption. Also a year later, they were far more likely to be on public assistance — 76% of the turnaways were on the dole, as opposed to 44% of those who got abortions. 67% percent of the turnaways were below the poverty line (vs. 56% of the women who got abortions), and only 48% had a full time job (vs. 58% of the women who got abortions).

When a woman is denied the abortion she wants, she is statistically more likely to wind up unemployed, on public assistance, and below the poverty line. Another conclusion we could draw is that denying women abortions places more burden on the state because of these new mothers' increased reliance on public assistance programs.
But ignore the facts, believe abortions are given out like candy, and pretend women aren't denied their abortion rights.

women are never "denied the abortion they want".

what the eff are you talking about?
Sure about that, laws [and pending legislation] in many US states prove you wrong:

State ban list: Guttmacher Institute State Update: Pending Legislation


State Trends for 2013 on Abortion, Family Planning, Reproductive Health

Lots of progress made since 2011, but still a long ways to go to remove the restrictions on abortion rights.
Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????
Likely because there’s nothing to ‘ignore,’ given the fact the president isn’t ‘flooding’ the US with children, ‘illegal’ or otherwise.

Perhaps if you used more question marks, that might help.
Well Obama wants to do the reverse, he wants to provide better access to abortion and alleviate child poverty in general. But because the GOP has to be the party of NO on that, child poverty gets worse.

It is easier for Republicans blame 'Mexicans', 'Muslims', 'Obama', 'Atheism',etc than it is to admit that their elected politicians had a hand in making life so hard and horrible for some kids today.
Why Is Everyone Ignoring That Obama Is Flooding The US With Illegal Children????
Likely because there’s nothing to ‘ignore,’ given the fact the president isn’t ‘flooding’ the US with children, ‘illegal’ or otherwise.

Perhaps if you used more question marks, that might help.
Well Obama wants to do the reverse, he wants to provide better access to abortion and alleviate child poverty in general. But because the GOP has to be the party of NO on that, child poverty gets worse.

It is easier for Republicans blame 'Mexicans', 'Muslims', 'Obama', 'Atheism',etc than it is to admit that their elected politicians had a hand in making life so hard and horrible for some kids today.

there was less poverty when Republicans ran things

stop being a loser lying to yourself
Obama is a failure

the Democrat Party has failed
record welfare and food stamps; 16 million MORE on food stamps than when Bush was in office

stop being a loser lying to yourself your whole life

grow up
there is a huge humanitarian crisis on our southern border.

you laughable left-wing losers can keep denying to your last breath that Obama's policies have nothing to do with it; as if Central Americans just got desperately poor Obama's watch; and that is the reason for the flood of refugees running TOWARD the Border Patrol

but you are just laughable losers lying to yourselves
Likely because there’s nothing to ‘ignore,’ given the fact the president isn’t ‘flooding’ the US with children, ‘illegal’ or otherwise.

Perhaps if you used more question marks, that might help.
Well Obama wants to do the reverse, he wants to provide better access to abortion and alleviate child poverty in general. But because the GOP has to be the party of NO on that, child poverty gets worse.

It is easier for Republicans blame 'Mexicans', 'Muslims', 'Obama', 'Atheism',etc than it is to admit that their elected politicians had a hand in making life so hard and horrible for some kids today.

there was less poverty when Republicans ran things

stop being a loser lying to yourself
Obama is a failure

the Democrat Party has failed
record welfare and food stamps; 16 million MORE on food stamps than when Bush was in office

stop being a loser lying to yourself your whole life

grow up
To be a lie of that sort, it has to be untrue and malicious, haven't posted any 'lies' of that sort in this thread. I have backed my claims up with evidence, without intent to deceive anyone.

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