Why is Fox News separating the umemployment numbers by race?

Today they did a report on how the unemployment number is a lot higher for African Americans. So I'm trying to figure out the purpose of this report? I thought that all races were being affected by this shaky economy?

Of course all races are affected by a bad economy but it doesn't mean they are all equally affected. When you saw Fox's report, that fact should have already answered your question about why they broke it down like that. The general unemployment rate is 9.2% but for blacks, especially in urban areas, that rate is typically at least double that rate and sometimes more. In most large cities today the unemployment rate for blacks is close to 18% and in some cities it is as high as 20%. Under Bush black unemployment was typically around 9-10% with dips and spikes between 8-11% -even when the unemployment rate for whites was around 5%! It is always higher for blacks than whites no matter what -but during bad times it rises faster and is more enduring, comes down more slowly than it does for whites.

The very last month Bush was in office black unemployment hit its highest level of his eight years - 12% although it was around 7% for whites. Fast forward to today and blacks can only wish it were 12% again because it has done nothing but increase under Obama and has never come down anywhere close to coming down to the highest it was under Bush! Once he started with his anti-business, class warfare policies it sharply increased and never looked back. I've never understood the "wisdom" of being anti-business and then stupidly expecting businesses to thrive and expand under anti-business policies and actually hire MORE people! Oh sure -that's all businesses really needed before realizing they needed to EXPAND -is anti-business policies that punish them for just existing in the first place and REALLY punish them if they are successful businesses! Whatever government punishes, you will get LESS -and with Obama's anti-business policies we got fewer businesses and fewer jobs! DUH. Pretty stupid to expect anything but a sharp increase in unemployment and just how much history does one to need to study before it sinks into their heads? Democrats' basis for "thinking" in the first place is not grounded in how the world REALLY works -but in the way they wish it would work. As if wishing it were so will somehow magically make it so -reality be damned. Democrats are far more likely to be political ideologues and ideologues don't operate on a basis of facts, critical thinking skills, reason, rationality and common sense and therefore cannot be reached with facts, reason and common sense. It doesn't matter how many times they see class warfare policies actually harm those at the bottom the most -they will pursue them anyway and after a while you have to ask yourself WHY and what is really going on here.

Unemployment for blacks was 16.2% at the end of Obama's first year and has NEVER come anywhere close to ANY rate of unemployment seen under Bush during any of his eight years. Worse yet -unemployment rates for blacks have taken another sharp turn UP again this year and today is above 18% in most urban areas and above 20% in some. Strong selling point for his re-election no doubt where he will insist it is due to all those bad companies trying to make a profit so they can keep their doors open and hang on to their employees; those bad, evil rich people who still aren't paying their "fair share" -and oh, and of course BUSH! All Democrats are just HELPLESS in the face of the far more powerful Bush even years and years after he's out of office! They believe this will always be a winning strategy in the Democrat play book (in spite of blaming Bush for the economy two weeks after HIS inauguration of course ROFL) -and hey, please ignore all the bad things going on with YOUR job and YOUR finances and how much more YOUR food costs and all the money you now have to fork out just to drive to work now that Bush is not in office. Bush and rich people's fault I say!

Historically blacks are ALWAYS more severely and disproportionately affected during a bad economy. How can anyone understand how disproportionately a bad economy affects different areas and populations based on other factors like race unless it is first identified? How likely would any President get re-elected if that were the unemployment rate for whites -so why on earth would anyone stand a chance of re-election just because this is the level blacks must endure as a result of his policies?

Just one of many reasons I reject the Democrat ideology -the very people they CLAIM to be trying to help the most are always THE very ones most harmed by their anti-business, class warfare policies. After a while of seeing this over and over again - you have to consider why they keep peddling these same loser policies even after seeing REPEATEDLY they are hurting the very people the most that they claim to be trying to help -and start wondering if they aren't really getting exactly the result they wanted after all. A carefully groomed dependent class being promised drips and drabs of increases in some entitlement program while being encouraged to believe their worsening lot in life is actually the fault of those who reject those policies for what they really are -is more likely to vote for those promising those drips and drabs, aren't they? Is there a reason that blacks -unlike the other two races entirely -vote as a bloc in this country? Absolutely there is. It isn't because blacks historically thrive under a Democrat President because history has repeatedly shown they do NOT. What it really shows is a lack of independent thinking by blacks while Democrats encourage that in order to keep blacks corralled on their plantation -because independent thinkers don't ever vote as a bloc! Democrats will viciously attack any black who rejects their paternal racist policies -one only needs to look at their OWN words regarding any black Republican candidate, any black Republican appointee or any black who isn't towing the rigid paternalistic racist Democrat patter. It is as close to a lynching as Democrats think they can get away with today -and lets make no mistake here. REAL lynchings were carried out by DEMOCRATS -not Republicans! This same vile, vicious treatment can be expected by anyone from ANY group they claim to OWN -like women, Hispanics, gays. The worst gay bashers are Democrats, the worst misogynists are Democrats. Anyone they claim to "own" the group who leaves their plantation is considered fair game for total and PERSONAL destruction in their books -along with their entire family, friends and anyone who cares for them as people. The excessively harsh treatment is supposed to be a warning for others who harbor ambitions of shedding the corruption and soul-sapping Democrat Party that they can expect the same if they stray. What would be their response if Republicans had attacked Hillary Clinton with that same level of vicious, woman-hating crap the left is STILL dishing out to Palin years later and is working overtime to ramp up in order to lay it on Bachmann? THEN they would be insisting how it was proof how Republicans hated women and blacks. Democrats have repeatedly proven their own true colors when it REALLY comes to women and blacks -they not only truly HATE them but believe they OWN them body and soul. They must be OBEDIENT or face destruction.

The other two races (and in spite of liberals trying to pretend there are dozens of races, there are only THREE) never vote as a bloc in this day and age. As in NEVER. So Democrat candidates have to appeal to the other two races using something other than race baiting and the same old tired and historically proven FAILURE of class warfare bullshit, don't they?

Under Carter while the overall unemployment rate hovered between 11-12%, for blacks living in the largest cities, it topped 35% and for blacks in general it was around 27%. But Carter patted himself on the back for "targeting the rich" too with the imposition of a luxury tax on items like boats and jewelry on the STUPID notion only the rich bought that stuff so hitting them with a special luxury tax would be easy pickings and only they would be paying for that tax. With the new steep tax he imposed, they simply stopped buying them at all. It didn't increase government revenues -in fact revenue took a nosedive after it because it only compounded a really bad economy bordering on a depression. Carter ended up DECIMATING these two industries in particular that got hit the hardest by this STUPID tax and those hit the hardest were those who WORKED in these industries. The jewelry industry gradually recovered over the next 5-7 years once the tax was repealed -but the US boat building industry in this country has NEVER recovered to its previous level to this day. American owned boat building companies, especially those who specialized in luxury yachts were driven out of business entirely by the score -they went belly up, laid off all their employees, sold their assets and closed their doors -finished for good with nothing in place to start building boats all because of this tax Carter said would only impact the rich! ROFL There were really no American companies ready to go with building big boats again once this STUPID class warfare tax was lifted again. But hey -there is a silver lining here for someone! FOREIGN owned boat building companies WERE all ready to go and promptly stepped in to fill that void and now dominate the boat building industry to this day -especially for the yacht class of boats. So I'm sure they are really thankful to Carter for giving them such a wonderful and hefty advantage in this country that never existed at all and required someone to actually drive American owned boat building companies out of business entirely so THEY could take it over!

So while the general unemployment rate under Carter was around 11%, for luxury boat builders in this country -it was nearly 100%. Another class of people also disproportionately affected by policies Democrats CLAIMED were intended to target the rich but in reality were policies that targeted blue collar workers and threw them on the dole. Considering the lengthy history that existed guaranteeing who would really be hurt here with that tax, again it sure looks like the real goal was to expand the number of people thrown on the dole where they would then be more easily manipulated and groomed to believe the very people who put them there would be their saviors by promising to increase drips and drabs for them too.
And all these numbers are just people looking for jobs. Can you imagine how high if everyone would report who is not working> So many people have quit trying to look for a job or some are working part time jobs and are very under employed.
If any of you have a understanding of the nature of black folks, their unemployment rates would be of no surprise
If any of you have a understanding of the nature of black folks, their unemployment rates would be of no surprise

What is that nature Tank.

Oh, and read what you type to your kids, god and neighbors also. Don't be shy or impotent.
Today they did a report on how the unemployment number is a lot higher for African Americans. So I'm trying to figure out the purpose of this report? I thought that all races were being affected by this shaky economy?

Is there something wrong with pointing out the fact that blacks have the highest unemployment rate in decades under a so-called "black" President?
Today they did a report on how the unemployment number is a lot higher for African Americans. So I'm trying to figure out the purpose of this report? I thought that all races were being affected by this shaky economy?

Is there something wrong with pointing out the fact that blacks have the highest unemployment rate in decades under a so-called "black" President?

No it isnt, especially when you consider that it was the Black caucus that brought it to the forefront.
So the Right wants to get behind an Obama program to create jobs specifically for blacks?

yeah, right...

I remember about a year or so back when Sheila Jackson Lee was push by the black community for not helping them. She blew them off for about three months, then responded publicly by saying.. There is nothing we can do for you.. You have high illiteracy and prison records at alarming rates. No one will hire you. Its not our fault.. Until you do something more constructive with your ways, nothing will change for you.

Her comment ended there.. I have not heard another word about it.

These are not her exact words however the meaning is the same.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPgRk4qKwCQ]‪Rush Limbaugh CPAC Speech (Part 1 of 4): Rush Wants America to Succeed‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

At 6:00 - (in a nutshell) When we conservatives look at a group of people..we don't see groups..we see Americans.


Within the Black Middle Class: Severe Hardship, Dashed Hopes - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

Black Teens Fall Behind in Job Market | The Atlanta Post

Teenage Unemployment Reaches High of 25.5% - NYTimes.com

Housing crash, teens drive Hispanic unemployment above national average


If you look at the BLS teen unemployment data for black Americans, the news is even worse.
Black teenage unemployment now stands at a staggering 41.3 percent. Think about that. Nearly half of all black teenagers of both sexes cannot find a job or have lost one.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPgRk4qKwCQ]‪Rush Limbaugh CPAC Speech (Part 1 of 4): Rush Wants America to Succeed‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

At 6:00 - (in a nutshell) When we conservatives look at a group of people..we don't see groups..we see Americans.


Within the Black Middle Class: Severe Hardship, Dashed Hopes - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

Black Teens Fall Behind in Job Market | The Atlanta Post

Teenage Unemployment Reaches High of 25.5% - NYTimes.com

Housing crash, teens drive Hispanic unemployment above national average

Economy Watch - Housing crash, teens drive Hispanic unemployment above national average

If you look at the BLS teen unemployment data for black Americans, the news is even worse.
Black teenage unemployment now stands at a staggering 41.3 percent. Think about that. Nearly half of all black teenagers of both sexes cannot find a job or have lost one.
Economy Watch - Teen unemployment hits all-time highs


Yeah and?

You listen to the Speech?

Get back to me when you do.
Because the Left has been plying the race card of late...
Disagree with Obama Health Care we are racist.
Give the President a hard time on the debt ceiling...We are racists...
Show a report where blacks are affected more by unemployment....we are racists.
I guess Fox wanted to get the report out there to get it out of the way...
And I've seen it broken down by age.

Teenagers are at 25% last I saw it. You can thank minimum wage laws that bit of happiness.

"And I've seen it broken down by age."

And apropos of that point, Dr. Thomas Sowell explains how misleading that can be, and his point can be applied to unemployment, as well:

1. Intellectuals often make the mistake of basing political analysis on clichés that misrepresent reality. Sowell shows, for instance, how debates about income distribution in the United States have been distorted by a preoccupation with statistical categories.

a. Journalists and academics alike endlessly repeat that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. What these discussions ignore is that people move with some frequency from category to category over time. Only 5 percent of Americans who were in the bottom quintile of income earners in 1975 were still there in 1991. Only 25 percent of the “super-rich” in 1996 (the top 1/100th of 1 percent of income earners) remained in that category in 2005.

b. Over half of the poor earning at or near the minimum wage are between the ages of 16 and 24. As Sowell wryly notes, “these individuals cannot remain from 16 to 24 years of age indefinitely, though that age category can of course continue indefinitely, providing many intellectuals with data to fit their preconceptions.”c. Abstract talk about “inequities” in income distribution presupposes a social problem, where strictly speaking one may not exist at all. Sowell’s analysis helps us understand why intellectuals so often call for government to promote economic redistribution.
An Independent Mind by Daniel J. Mahoney, City Journal 18 June 2010
‪Rush Limbaugh CPAC Speech (Part 1 of 4): Rush Wants America to Succeed‬‏ - YouTube

At 6:00 - (in a nutshell) When we conservatives look at a group of people..we don't see groups..we see Americans.


Within the Black Middle Class: Severe Hardship, Dashed Hopes - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

Black Teens Fall Behind in Job Market | The Atlanta Post

Teenage Unemployment Reaches High of 25.5% - NYTimes.com

Housing crash, teens drive Hispanic unemployment above national average

Economy Watch - Housing crash, teens drive Hispanic unemployment above national average

If you look at the BLS teen unemployment data for black Americans, the news is even worse.
Black teenage unemployment now stands at a staggering 41.3 percent. Think about that. Nearly half of all black teenagers of both sexes cannot find a job or have lost one.
Economy Watch - Teen unemployment hits all-time highs


Yeah and?

You listen to the Speech?

Get back to me when you do.

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Why is Fox News separating the umemployment numbers by race?

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