Why Is FOXNEWS Giving The Trayvon Martin Story Little To No Coverage?

Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.
You've gone beyond emotional basketcase and into full hysterics.

Never go full hysterics.
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

As I said, asswipe, he covered it for quite some time, I'd say for 45 minutes at a minimum. And the other news anchors covered it earlier in the day and you'll see it later too.

The truth is you don't believe it cuz you don't wanna believe it. And that's fine, your entitled to whatever you wanna think. But don't be pretending you want a serious conversation minus any bias, cuz you can't offer the same. Why don't you tune into Fox News dipshit, and see for yourself? Might I suggest the lead story at or near the top of every fucking hour until O'Reilly shows up?
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

As I said, asswipe, he covered it for quite some time, I'd say for 45 minutes at a minimum. And the other news anchors covered it earlier in the day and you'll see it later too.

The truth is you don't believe it cuz you don't wanna believe it. And that's fine, your entitled to whatever you wanna think. But don't be pretending you want a serious conversation minus any bias, cuz you can't offer the same. Why don't you tune into Fox News dipshit, and see for yourself? Might I suggest the lead story at or near the top of every fucking hour until O'Reilly shows up?
I'm going to watch all the FOXNEWS shows tonight like a hawk.

From what I've seen thus far, they've been a day late and a dollar short. Tepid and very light coverage when they did cover it...spinning it more like it's an opportunity for the Left to grab their second amendment rights away from them.
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.
The FOXNEWS questions and covers the authenticity of President Obama's Presidency, citizenship and religion 1000 times more than they cover the Trayvon Martin killing.

I'm not buying your hypocritical hyper-partisan BS.
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Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.
The FOXNEWS questions and covers the authenticity of President Obama's Presidency, citizenship and religion 1000 times more than they cover the Trayvon Martin killing.

You really need to learn to differentiate between 'news' and 'comment'. A substantial amount of FNC's programming is dedicated to comment programs. Currently, with this particular issue, there is nothing for commentators to really be discussing... other than to indulge in race baiting - like you are. Their news coverage has covered it... in sufficient detail as is available. The hysterical bullshit and speculation that you indulge in has no place in a 'news' program.

Now, try and use the limited intellect you possess to think logically and dispassionately - without regard to the victim's race about how much solid factually accurate information there is about this case... 10 minutes would seem generous to me.
So, owning a 7% share of a company means they 'run' Fox.... is that your assertion?


:lol: Sometimes, swallow, you take stupid to an rdean level. How can you not be embarrassed by that?

Link? Or did you pull that out of your ass?


In August 2005 the Murdoch family owned only about 29% of the company. However, nearly all of these shares were voting shares, and Rupert Murdoch retained effective control of the company. Nonetheless, John Malone of Liberty Media had built up a large stake, with about half of the shares being voting shares. Therefore, in November 2006, News Corporation announced its intention to transfer its 38.5 per cent managing interest in DirecTV Group to John Malone's Liberty Media; in return it bought back Liberty's 16.3% shares in News Corp., giving Murdoch tighter control of the latter firm.[33] Murdoch sold 17.5 million class A shares in December 2007.[34]
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns 7% of News Corp.'s shares, making Kingdom Holdings the second largest shareholder.[35][36][37]
Years after when Elektra Records was absorbed in 2004, News Corporation owned half of the re-issues from the record label company.
News Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the record, it is a Saudi, not 'the Saudis'.
Thank you for the link. But that info is from 2007, best I can tell. He may own more now. Or less. But I doubt that he would sell any. It's not like he needs the money.
What's really sad is the left wing crazies around here, lead by Marcatl, who are using the tragic murder of that young kid in Florida to bash Fox News. And out and out lying about the coverage too, Sheppard Smith has been talking about it for the better part of 45 minutes, and they've covering it all day. You guys have absolutely no creditability at all.

I am glad that you recognize this as a murder, not some self-defense bullshit.
Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.
The FOXNEWS questions and covers the authenticity of President Obama's Presidency, citizenship and religion 1000 times more than they cover the Trayvon Martin killing.

You really need to learn to differentiate between 'news' and 'comment'. A substantial amount of FNC's programming is dedicated to comment programs. Currently, with this particular issue, there is nothing for commentators to really be discussing... other than to indulge in race baiting - like you are. Their news coverage has covered it... in sufficient detail as is available. The hysterical bullshit and speculation that you indulge in has no place in a 'news' program.

Now, try and use the limited intellect you possess to think logically and dispassionately - without regard to the victim's race about how much solid factually accurate information there is about this case... 10 minutes would seem generous to me.
Save your radical, hyper-partisan, hard-RW, hypocritical swill for the MORANS who buy it. I don't.

Dollars to donuts YOU CANNOT provide one, single, solitary link of MarcATL "race-baiting" or engaging in any racist sentiments. Dollars to donuts you can't.

Furthermore, please provide a list of the FOXNEWS' "comment" programming and their "news" programming so that we can all be on the same page.

Bet you can't do that either.

You are the lyingest SOB on the Internet...seriously.
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What's really sad is the left wing crazies around here, lead by Marcatl, who are using the tragic murder of that young kid in Florida to bash Fox News. And out and out lying about the coverage too, Sheppard Smith has been talking about it for the better part of 45 minutes, and they've covering it all day. You guys have absolutely no creditability at all.

It Marc was white and starting thread after thread defending Zimmerman, he'd be called a racist. And for good reason, in my opinion. Marc is a racist. Sad but true.
How do you know Marc is not White?

(Oh, and for the record, I am not a roasted turkey with an eerie resemblance to Michael Richards)
There is nothing to say. This is a small story, like hundreds of stories just like it that happen every day. This is not a racist incident. This is an incident. It is horrible for the people involved, parents lost a son, people lost a friend. It is ugly and deplorable. To make it racist is insufferable. You can expect step two, the parents will contain their grief enough to demand payment.
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.

Ok, lay off the sauce. This is FOXNEWS we're talking about. They whip up Obama hatred on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.

Even their website stokes fear and hatred of Obama:


Earlier, it had a story about Obama's trip to Oklahoma this morning to announce the pipeline construction, and their headline was "Obama's Pipe Dream".

They are just not honest actors.
What's really sad is the left wing crazies around here, lead by Marcatl, who are using the tragic murder of that young kid in Florida to bash Fox News. And out and out lying about the coverage too, Sheppard Smith has been talking about it for the better part of 45 minutes, and they've covering it all day. You guys have absolutely no creditability at all.

It Marc was white and starting thread after thread defending Zimmerman, he'd be called a racist. And for good reason, in my opinion. Marc is a racist. Sad but true.
How do you know Marc is not White?

(Oh, and for the record, I am not a roasted turkey with an eerie resemblance to Michael Richards)
He's not, if I am to believe what he has told me in the past. In fact, I believe he is of Caribbean descent. He can correct me, of course.

All in all, Marc can be a dick at times and I certainly let him know when he is. ;) But, I do respect his passion for equal rights. He's OK by me. I think a lot of folks need to reign in their emotions more and look objectively at situations, but then not everyone can be as wonderful as I am. *joke*

(And, thank goodness they aren't. Life would be very boring for me.)
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

As I said, asswipe, he covered it for quite some time, I'd say for 45 minutes at a minimum. And the other news anchors covered it earlier in the day and you'll see it later too.

The truth is you don't believe it cuz you don't wanna believe it. And that's fine, your entitled to whatever you wanna think. But don't be pretending you want a serious conversation minus any bias, cuz you can't offer the same. Why don't you tune into Fox News dipshit, and see for yourself? Might I suggest the lead story at or near the top of every fucking hour until O'Reilly shows up?
I'm going to watch all the FOXNEWS shows tonight like a hawk.

From what I've seen thus far, they've been a day late and a dollar short. Tepid and very light coverage when they did cover it...spinning it more like it's an opportunity for the Left to grab their second amendment rights away from them.

Better you than me. :lol:

MarcATL: taking one for the team!
Oh wowza...Sheppard Smith talked about it for a WHOPPING ten minutes.

Big whoop! :rolleyes:

I'd still need to see a link to believe that tripe.

Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.

Ok, lay off the sauce. This is FOXNEWS we're talking about. They whip up Obama hatred on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.

Even their website stokes fear and hatred of Obama:


Earlier, it had a story about Obama's trip to Oklahoma this morning to announce the pipeline construction, and their headline was "Obama's Pipe Dream".

They are just not honest actors.
Everyone knows that CalifornaGurl is the biggest, lyingest, boozing whino on the Interwebs.

You can smell the booze coming out of her pores a mile a way. She stinks to high-heaven of it.

Don't you see how she's always running off at the mouth spewing total nonsensical swill?
As I said, asswipe, he covered it for quite some time, I'd say for 45 minutes at a minimum. And the other news anchors covered it earlier in the day and you'll see it later too.

The truth is you don't believe it cuz you don't wanna believe it. And that's fine, your entitled to whatever you wanna think. But don't be pretending you want a serious conversation minus any bias, cuz you can't offer the same. Why don't you tune into Fox News dipshit, and see for yourself? Might I suggest the lead story at or near the top of every fucking hour until O'Reilly shows up?
I'm going to watch all the FOXNEWS shows tonight like a hawk.

From what I've seen thus far, they've been a day late and a dollar short. Tepid and very light coverage when they did cover it...spinning it more like it's an opportunity for the Left to grab their second amendment rights away from them.

Better you than me. :lol:

MarcATL: taking one for the team!
Remember the two years of Obama's Presidential Campaign? Well I watched FOXNEWS daily for like 14 - 16 of those months straight...I mean every show. It finally got to be too much, the hatred, the race-baiting, the racism, the outright lies...I fled and haven't turned back since. Hannity's the worst, he's like the FOXNEWS version of CalifornaGurl...he just lies so stinkin much.
Maybe they just report the facts and don't waste time creating faux outrage without some legally sound facts to back it up?

Maybe they don't want to whip up hatred for the sake of ratings?

Maybe they don't like race baiting?

Wipe your chin, Marc, you're drooling again.

Ok, lay off the sauce. This is FOXNEWS we're talking about. They whip up Obama hatred on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.

Even their website stokes fear and hatred of Obama:


Earlier, it had a story about Obama's trip to Oklahoma this morning to announce the pipeline construction, and their headline was "Obama's Pipe Dream".

They are just not honest actors.
Everyone knows that CalifornaGurl is the biggest, lyingest, boozing whino on the Interwebs.

You can smell the booze coming out of her pores a mile a way. She stinks to high-heaven of it.

Don't you see how she's always running off at the mouth spewing total nonsensical swill?
And, that's what I mean about reigning in emotions. You're mad at her and you're saying stuff that everyone knows you have no first hand knowledge of it.

Sorta cringeworthy, I say.

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