Why is Hillary Clinton a role model for America, when the Russians and


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
every other country are laughing at her? Why should we look up to her. Why do you look up to her?

PS. This question has nothing to do with Trump or any other person except Hillary Clinton the two time loser
every other country are laughing at her? Why should we look up to her. Why do you look up to her?

PS. This question has nothing to do with Trump or any other person except Hillary Clinton the two time loser
Nobody knows...................Amazing, but what I predicted
I don't look up to her? Who possibly could? Yech! She should be baggin groceries, but instead has been baggin cash. Blech! No tingle here.
One of the most disgusting women alive. Only a morally vacant sub-human could think she's somebody to emulate.
it still boggles the minds of us normal people what 35% see in her? just watching her in the debates alone should of had at least 70% of all Americans in fear of their lives if she was elected,,,thank god for the 27 flies from hell that landed on her during the debates! I think thats what cost her the election
it still boggles the minds of us normal people what 35% see in her? just watching her in the debates alone should of had at least 70% of all Americans in fear of their lives if she was elected,,,thank god for the 27 flies from hell that landed on her during the debates! I think thats what cost her the election
PS. Those flies flew out of her snatch
it still boggles the minds of us normal people what 35% see in her? just watching her in the debates alone should of had at least 70% of all Americans in fear of their lives if she was elected,,,thank god for the 27 flies from hell that landed on her during the debates! I think thats what cost her the election
PS. Those flies flew out of her snatch
how did they get in? was there a toll?

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