Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?

I'm not denying they're critical, but he asserted they were MORE critical of Islam than of Christianity.

Except there's no evidence that that is true.

Further, the linked article is from Salon - not something I would believe without independent verification. The leftist hate sites aren't known for accuracy and integrity.

I'm not going to defend the veracity of Salon. :)

However, they do have links to various twitter postings by Dawkins. Or at least, links to what looks like twitter postings by Dawkins. I've never used twitter, they could be completely fake for all I know. :tongue:
I'm not going to defend the veracity of Salon. :)

However, they do have links to various twitter postings by Dawkins. Or at least, links to what looks like twitter postings by Dawkins. I've never used twitter, they could be completely fake for all I know. :tongue:

Who knows, Dawkins might have posted something sensible. Even broken clocks and all that...
The crusades, the witch trials, the French inquisition all cases of Christian churches intimately related with government and law that ended in horrible tragedies. There are examples aplenty, even if you want to ignore them.
As a history buff I can say with some certainy that atheists have done far more harm during their brief tenure as a major force in the world than have either Christianity or Islam.
There was the Cult of Reason, the League of Militant Atheists, and especially the khudjum and other Soviet and Maoist anti-religion campaigns. (the latter of which continues in some parts of China to this day.)
The crusades, the witch trials, the French inquisition all cases of Christian churches intimately related with government and law that ended in horrible tragedies. There are examples aplenty, even if you want to ignore them.
As a history buff I can say with some certainy that atheists have done far more harm during their brief tenure as a major force in the world than have either Christianity or Islam.
There was the Cult of Reason, the League of Militant Atheists, and especially the khudjum and other Soviet and Maoist anti-religion campaigns. (the latter of which continues in some parts of China to this day.)

What you describe is simple survival of the most fit. America is living proof that a Monkey doesn't have to reject God to embrace greed.

"While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs For the price of a hospital wing."
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugO9s92Gyfc]Del Amitri Nothing Ever Happens.flv - YouTube[/ame]
Yet you don't name any of those "oppressive" Christian governments.

You people make these vague historical allegations...but you NEVER specify.

Could it be because..you're just making shit up?


The Vatican has a bit of a greedy and oppressive history... It may be all rainbows, puppies and sparkles now with Frankie, but there IS a history there.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFL2vvK63dg]The Spanish Inquisition | History Channel Documentary - YouTube[/ame]

People forget that the Vatican has a seat at the United Nations...
The crusades, the witch trials, the French inquisition all cases of Christian churches intimately related with government and law that ended in horrible tragedies. There are examples aplenty, even if you want to ignore them.
As a history buff I can say with some certainy that atheists have done far more harm during their brief tenure as a major force in the world than have either Christianity or Islam.
There was the Cult of Reason, the League of Militant Atheists, and especially the khudjum and other Soviet and Maoist anti-religion campaigns. (the latter of which continues in some parts of China to this day.)

The comparison is flawed. The Soviet, Maoist, Stalinist regimes represent a political ideology. Religions under those regimes were banned because they were in competition for control of the populations' thoughts, actions, desires, etc.

How many wars were fought by communist regimes under the banner of "god is not on our side" ?
The crusades, the witch trials, the French inquisition all cases of Christian churches intimately related with government and law that ended in horrible tragedies. There are examples aplenty, even if you want to ignore them.
As a history buff I can say with some certainy that atheists have done far more harm during their brief tenure as a major force in the world than have either Christianity or Islam.
There was the Cult of Reason, the League of Militant Atheists, and especially the khudjum and other Soviet and Maoist anti-religion campaigns. (the latter of which continues in some parts of China to this day.)

The comparison is flawed. The Soviet, Maoist, Stalinist regimes represent a political ideology. Religions under those regimes were banned because they were in competition for control of the populations' thoughts, actions, desires, etc.
It's not, really. The philosophy of communism advocates an ideaological 'dialectic materialism' that in practice has manifested itself as a fanatical, intolerant, almost paranoid obsession with promoting atheistic thought, even at the expense of the state. A classical example of this was the Soviets' deliberate retardation of several sciences deemed anti-materialistic simply because religious believers had made important contributions to them.
(Loren R. Graham, Science and philosophy in the Soviet Union. New York, 1972)

Of these sciences, it was genetics which suffered perhaps the greatest damage, due to the fact it was founded by a Catholic priest. The study of genetics became a capital offense, and many geneticists where actually executed. (Though occaisionally the state would display 'mercy' and give the offenders life sentences instead.)

(Isis, Volume 37. History of Science Society, Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences. 1947)
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Just because communism and other authoritarian styles of government operate best in the absence of powerful religious organizations does not mean that Monkeys who don't believe in God are communists.

It's a LOT more complicated than you imagine, apparently.
The crusades, the witch trials, the French inquisition all cases of Christian churches intimately related with government and law that ended in horrible tragedies. There are examples aplenty, even if you want to ignore them.
As a history buff I can say with some certainy that atheists have done far more harm during their brief tenure as a major force in the world than have either Christianity or Islam.

There was the Cult of Reason, the League of Militant Atheists, and especially the khudjum and other Soviet and Maoist anti-religion campaigns. (the latter of which continues in some parts of China to this day.)

(My bold)

How do you account for the diseases & forced conversions from European Christianity to the New World? Then there was the direct warfare, the Conquest of the New World. But the big killers were disease, & followed by the attempt to stamp out the native cultures - writing, architecture, language, foods, music, religions. Even in the US, up until the '70s Native Peoples' children could be removed to try to remake them into good little tanned roundeyes.

Christianity also forced itself - from the Age of Discovery - into Africa, Asia, India, Australia & others - with various attempts @ remaking the religions & cultures there as well - with v. mixed results.

I'll skip Islam - I don't know enough about its history to discuss this aspect.
Just because communism and other authoritarian styles of government operate best in the absence of powerful religious organizations does not mean that Monkeys who don't believe in God are communists.

It's a LOT more complicated than you imagine, apparently.

Not all Atheists are Stalinists, but all Stalinists are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Maoists, but all Maoists are Atheist. Not all Atheists are Khmer Rouge, but all Khmer Rouge are Atheists.

Atheism - the religion of death since 1917. 150 million murdered, and counting. 500 years of Catholic inquisition killed less than Mao in a good week of Cultural revolution - Atheism, applying science to the art of mass murder.
Not all Atheists are Stalinists, but all Stalinists are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Maoists, but all Maoists are Atheist. Not all Atheists are Khmer Rouge, but all Khmer Rouge are Atheists.

Atheism - the religion of death since 1917. 150 million murdered, and counting. 500 years of Catholic inquisition killed less than Mao in a good week of Cultural revolution - Atheism, applying science to the art of mass murder.

Are you just being ironic here? I assume you realize this argument makes no sense and you're just making fun of those who do the same thing to Christians (guilt by association).
Just because communism and other authoritarian styles of government operate best in the absence of powerful religious organizations does not mean that Monkeys who don't believe in God are communists.

It's a LOT more complicated than you imagine, apparently.

Not all Atheists are Stalinists, but all Stalinists are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Maoists, but all Maoists are Atheist. Not all Atheists are Khmer Rouge, but all Khmer Rouge are Atheists.

Atheism - the religion of death since 1917. 150 million murdered, and counting. 500 years of Catholic inquisition killed less than Mao in a good week of Cultural revolution - Atheism, applying science to the art of mass murder.
You're furthering obvious falsehoods. The atrocities committed by communist regimes were in furtherance of a political ideology. In the case of Stalin and probably Mao, there is also the likelihood of a pathology that was the engine of their mass murders. The killing wasn't done under the banner of "the gods are not on our side".
Are you just being ironic here?

Atheists LOVE to bring up the inquisition to justify the slaughter by Atheism. Yet as I said, Mao killed more in some weeks than 500 years of Inquisition.

I assume you realize this argument makes no sense and you're just making fun of those who do the same thing to Christians (guilt by association).

I mean yeah, after all - we can't hold YOUR religion accountable.
Just because communism and other authoritarian styles of government operate best in the absence of powerful religious organizations does not mean that Monkeys who don't believe in God are communists.

It's a LOT more complicated than you imagine, apparently.

Not all Atheists are Stalinists, but all Stalinists are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Maoists, but all Maoists are Atheist. Not all Atheists are Khmer Rouge, but all Khmer Rouge are Atheists.

Atheism - the religion of death since 1917. 150 million murdered, and counting. 500 years of Catholic inquisition killed less than Mao in a good week of Cultural revolution - Atheism, applying science to the art of mass murder.
You're furthering obvious falsehoods. The atrocities committed by communist regimes were in furtherance of a political ideology. In the case of Stalin and probably Mao, there is also the likelihood of a pathology that was the engine of their mass murders. The killing wasn't done under the banner of "the gods are not on our side".

The Inquisition was undertaken in furtherance of political ideology as well. Not that it compares.
You're furthering obvious falsehoods.

Wouldn't it be easier just to scream "BLASPHEMER" and "HERETIC?"

The atrocities committed by communist regimes were in furtherance of a political ideology.

A political ideology that included Atheism as the official faith.

In the case of Stalin and probably Mao, there is also the likelihood of a pathology that was the engine of their mass murders.

Nonsense. There was a callous disregard for human life as meaningful. Stalin had no more care of killing millions than I do of throwing out old floppy disks. His religion taught that people are nothing more than organic machines, interchangeable and disposable. Not all Atheism is dialectic, but the dialectic cannot exist outside of Atheism.

The killing wasn't done under the banner of "the gods are not on our side".

No, it was done under the banner of "you are but spare parts in the great machine."

Look, I know some hate site told you that is a clever little quip; it isn't.

The denial that the individual has worth is the foundation upon which atrocity must rest. While the denial of the worth of individuals is not unique to Atheism, it is a central tenet of the dogma of Atheism. This makes systems formed on the foundation of Atheism more prone to atrocities than those which are built on the respect of individual worth.
Are you just being ironic here?

Atheists LOVE to bring up the inquisition to justify the slaughter by Atheism. Yet as I said, Mao killed more in some weeks than 500 years of Inquisition.

I assume you realize this argument makes no sense and you're just making fun of those who do the same thing to Christians (guilt by association).

I mean yeah, after all - we can't hold YOUR religion accountable.

Well, I don't follow a religion, so your point is moot. In any case, what you're describing isn't accountability. It's guilt by association. It's no different than condemning Christianity because the KKK is a Christian organization. I was hoping you were just ironically pointing out how both perspectives are dumb. Unfortunately, it seems you're just responding with your own version of dumb.
You're furthering obvious falsehoods.

Wouldn't it be easier just to scream "BLASPHEMER" and "HERETIC?"

The atrocities committed by communist regimes were in furtherance of a political ideology.

A political ideology that included Atheism as the official faith.

In the case of Stalin and probably Mao, there is also the likelihood of a pathology that was the engine of their mass murders.

Nonsense. There was a callous disregard for human life as meaningful. Stalin had no more care of killing millions than I do of throwing out old floppy disks. His religion taught that people are nothing more than organic machines, interchangeable and disposable. Not all Atheism is dialectic, but the dialectic cannot exist outside of Atheism.

The killing wasn't done under the banner of "the gods are not on our side".

No, it was done under the banner of "you are but spare parts in the great machine."

Look, I know some hate site told you that is a clever little quip; it isn't.

The denial that the individual has worth is the foundation upon which atrocity must rest. While the denial of the worth of individuals is not unique to Atheism, it is a central tenet of the dogma of Atheism. This makes systems formed on the foundation of Atheism more prone to atrocities than those which are built on the respect of individual worth.

A number of false assumptions. I have no need to scream out anything. Secondly, you make a common mistake of assigning Atheism as a religion. It is not a religion. If you had done your homework and actually did some research, you would have discovered that religion actually "wins" In the human destruction contest.
A number of false assumptions. I have no need to scream out anything. Secondly, you make a common mistake of assigning Atheism as a religion. It is not a religion.

Yes, nothing as dogmatic and aggressive in proselytizing as Atheism could be a religion...

If you had done your homework and actually did some research, you would have discovered that religion actually "wins" In the human destruction contest.

You mean, if I accept utter falsehood? (It's "not a religion," yet the followers still feel a need to lie to justify it - funny dat.)

Want to test it?

You have, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and even the Aztec cults.

But I raise you a Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot and Castro.

Well, I don't follow a religion,

Of course you don't.

Say, did you catch the latest sermon by Dawkins?

so your point is moot. In any case, what you're describing isn't accountability. It's guilt by association. It's no different than condemning Christianity because the KKK is a Christian organization. I was hoping you were just ironically pointing out how both perspectives are dumb. Unfortunately, it seems you're just responding with your own version of dumb.

Atheists condemn Christians all the time based on the KKK, Crusades, and all sorts of things.

But you make the mistake of presenting a false dichotomy, I have no need to defend Christianity in order to condemn Atheism.

A pox on both their houses.
You're furthering obvious falsehoods.

Wouldn't it be easier just to scream "BLASPHEMER" and "HERETIC?"

A political ideology that included Atheism as the official faith.

Nonsense. There was a callous disregard for human life as meaningful. Stalin had no more care of killing millions than I do of throwing out old floppy disks. His religion taught that people are nothing more than organic machines, interchangeable and disposable. Not all Atheism is dialectic, but the dialectic cannot exist outside of Atheism.

The killing wasn't done under the banner of "the gods are not on our side".

No, it was done under the banner of "you are but spare parts in the great machine."

Look, I know some hate site told you that is a clever little quip; it isn't.

The denial that the individual has worth is the foundation upon which atrocity must rest. While the denial of the worth of individuals is not unique to Atheism, it is a central tenet of the dogma of Atheism. This makes systems formed on the foundation of Atheism more prone to atrocities than those which are built on the respect of individual worth.

A number of false assumptions. I have no need to scream out anything. Secondly, you make a common mistake of assigning Atheism as a religion. It is not a religion. If you had done your homework and actually did some research, you would have discovered that religion actually "wins" In the human destruction contest.

No, you mean if you had done YOUR homework, you would have proven it.

But you didn't do your homework, and your point flops ineffectually like a squaw fish left to bake on the beach.

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