Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?

Wouldn't it be easier just to scream "BLASPHEMER" and "HERETIC?"

A political ideology that included Atheism as the official faith.

Nonsense. There was a callous disregard for human life as meaningful. Stalin had no more care of killing millions than I do of throwing out old floppy disks. His religion taught that people are nothing more than organic machines, interchangeable and disposable. Not all Atheism is dialectic, but the dialectic cannot exist outside of Atheism.

No, it was done under the banner of "you are but spare parts in the great machine."

Look, I know some hate site told you that is a clever little quip; it isn't.

The denial that the individual has worth is the foundation upon which atrocity must rest. While the denial of the worth of individuals is not unique to Atheism, it is a central tenet of the dogma of Atheism. This makes systems formed on the foundation of Atheism more prone to atrocities than those which are built on the respect of individual worth.

A number of false assumptions. I have no need to scream out anything. Secondly, you make a common mistake of assigning Atheism as a religion. It is not a religion. If you had done your homework and actually did some research, you would have discovered that religion actually "wins" In the human destruction contest.

No, you mean if you had done YOUR homework, you would have proven it.

But you didn't do your homework, and your point flops ineffectually like a squaw fish left to bake on the beach.
Relax, creepy stalker. I haven't put my data together.

In the meantine, how about a nice glass of Kool-aid?
Well, I don't follow a religion,

Of course you don't.

Say, did you catch the latest sermon by Dawkins?

so your point is moot. In any case, what you're describing isn't accountability. It's guilt by association. It's no different than condemning Christianity because the KKK is a Christian organization. I was hoping you were just ironically pointing out how both perspectives are dumb. Unfortunately, it seems you're just responding with your own version of dumb.

Atheists condemn Christians all the time based on the KKK, Crusades, and all sorts of things.

But you make the mistake of presenting a false dichotomy, I have no need to defend Christianity in order to condemn Atheism.

A pox on both their houses.

Hmm, not sure what you're getting at. I've presented no dichotomy. Just pointing out a glaring logical fallacy. You're calling atheism 'the religion of death' because it was endorsed by despotic regimes. Skipping over the obvious category error (it's not a religion), you're making general claims about atheism based on the actions of some atheists, which is no more rational than blaming Christianity for the actions of some Christians, or any other guilt-by-association construct.
A number of false assumptions. I have no need to scream out anything. Secondly, you make a common mistake of assigning Atheism as a religion. It is not a religion.

Yes, nothing as dogmatic and aggressive in proselytizing as Atheism could be a religion...

If you had done your homework and actually did some research, you would have discovered that religion actually "wins" In the human destruction contest.

You mean, if I accept utter falsehood? (It's "not a religion," yet the followers still feel a need to lie to justify it - funny dat.)

Want to test it?

You have, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and even the Aztec cults.

But I raise you a Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot and Castro.


It's your oops. Fix your mistakes. The various forms of commuism have been nearly as ruthless and toxic to humanity as your roll call of religions. You still suffer from confusion regarding Atheism as a religion.

The fact is, communism failed and is being discarded (China is slower but it has already conceded that the capitalist business model works and they have implemented it) and the purges have slowed or have ceased entirely. This in a hundred years of social evolution.

On the other hand, religions seem not to have learned that totalitarianism, in all its forms, is still a drag on humanity.
Hmm, not sure what you're getting at. I've presented no dichotomy. Just pointing out a glaring logical fallacy. You're calling atheism 'the religion of death' because it was endorsed by despotic regimes. Skipping over the obvious category error (it's not a religion),


Right, Richard Dawkins isn't another Oral Roberts or something....

you're making general claims about atheism based on the actions of some atheists, which is no more rational than blaming Christianity for the actions of some Christians, or any other guilt-by-association construct.

We've been down this path a hundred times. I am an Agnostic. I neither accept nor reject the notion of a god. Atheism is the affirmative rejection of the possibility of a god or the supernatural. Their is no evidence to support such a position, ergo Atheism is based on faith.
It's your oops. Fix your mistakes. The various forms of commuism have been nearly as ruthless and toxic to humanity as your roll call of religions.

I'm curious, are you astoundingly ignorant, or outright lying?

You still suffer from confusion regarding Atheism as a religion.

Atheism is a belief system based on faith in that which cannot be empirically demonstrated nor tested.

Educated people refer to such systems as "religion."

The fact is, communism failed and is being discarded (China is slower but it has already conceded that the capitalist business model works and they have implemented it) and the purges have slowed or have ceased entirely. This in a hundred years of social evolution.

China now allows competing faiths to the state mandated Atheism. I understand all this, but it does nothing to excuse the crimes of your religion.

On the other hand, religions seem not to have learned that totalitarianism, in all its forms, is still a drag on humanity.

Quick, the top three totalitarian Christian nations are?

Oh wait, demagoguery cannot withstand actual proofs...

(Myanmar, North Korea, Cuba - just in case you wanted 3 totalitarian Atheist nations.)
Relax, creepy stalker. I haven't put my data together.

In the meantine, how about a nice glass of Kool-aid?

Your data?

This could be good....

Here is a great place to start..

Murder By Government--Democide

Oh wait, facts don't serve your point well.

Never mind.
Yeah. My data. You're too lazy to actually examine the numbers so I did it for you.

Firstly, your whining regarding Mao and Stalin is mis-placed. Their motivations speak to political ideologies. Your claims to Atheism as the motivation for the atrocities is sweepingly ignorant. The atrocities of communism is overshadowed by the acts of specific individuals.

Let's see how well the numbers balance down the list, shall we?:

There is no question about Pol Pot - Commie/Authoritarian, no doubt about it.<-- Not religious (and not disputed!)

The Monguls were not Christians or Moslems. If anything their beliefs were more like your Eskimo religion.<-- Religious!

Manchu were possibly believers in Confucianism, but they were just as ruthless as Christians or Moslems.<-- Religious!

Taiping Rebellion was either Buddhism or Confucianism related.<-- RELIGIOUS!

While the Annihilation of the American Indians, might be attributed to Christian, it was in reality a clash of a "Stone Age" culture with one that was moving into the "Industrial Age". <-- NON RELIGIOUS!

Joe Stalin, Mao, a real Communist atheist.<-- Not religious and NOT DISPUTED!

The Mideast Slave trade was run by Moslems, and of course there were ideological perspectives involved as well as a mercantile motive.<-- RELIGIOUS!

The Atlantic Slave could clearly be laid on the hands of Christians.<-- RELIGIOUS!

Timur Lenk was a Turkish Mongul whose conquests rivaled Ghengis Khan. He was not a Christian or Moslem - merely killed lots of them!<-- Not religious, perhaps!

The Kaiser, Archduke Ferdinand, King George, Tsar, and the French were all Christian (but the Turks were Islamic). Although WWII was largely about power and control, Nazism was deeply rooted in christianity <-- Religious!

The Russian Civil War was the Whites (Christians) against the Reds (Atheistic Communist Bolsheviks). Flip a coin, but the Bolsheviks started it! The Czar instituted pogroms against the Jews, <-- Religious!

The Thuggee were a Hindhu cult.<--- Religious!

Rome falls to the pagan Barbarians!<-- "Pagans" had religious beliefs. So did Rome. --RELIGIOUS!

The Thirty Year War involved Christian Europe, again more about power than religion!<--Religious!

The Congo Free State included imperialism and colonialism attributed to a number of European Christian States. It wasn't entirely about religion, however.<-- Religious!

The Chinese Civil War involved atheistic Marxist under Mao, and Buddhists or Confucians under the Nationalist banner. <-- BOTH!

The Crusades<-- Religious!

The moslem rape of the Indian Subcontinent stands as one of the greatest genocides in human history. Some 80 million people may have been killed <== RELIGIOUS

The moslem conquest of Europe shortly after the death of the islam’s man-god: muhammud, is impossible to calculate. <-- RELIGIOUS!

Any fair tallying of the numbers will put your communist-Marxist ideology in the running for really "evil" category! HOWEVER – Marxism, which defines an ideology, was the prime motivator for Lenin, Stalin Mao, Pol Pot and Kim Jong. Atheism was not a motivating factor in their atrocities.

So – tally the score. Religion “wins”.

What’s important to understand though is that it has always been the religions that have perpetrated the greatest horrors, mass murders and suffering. Look around you though, It’s you wonderful religious folks who are suicide bombers, airline hijackers, mass murderers, etc., etc. Hey, it's theists who claim that they have morals of a divine nature to adhere to -- it's theism that claims a "better person" comes from a deep faith. The fact is, it’s a sham.
It's your oops. Fix your mistakes. The various forms of commuism have been nearly as ruthless and toxic to humanity as your roll call of religions.

I'm curious, are you astoundingly ignorant, or outright lying?

You still suffer from confusion regarding Atheism as a religion.

Atheism is a belief system based on faith in that which cannot be empirically demonstrated nor tested.

Educated people refer to such systems as "religion."

The fact is, communism failed and is being discarded (China is slower but it has already conceded that the capitalist business model works and they have implemented it) and the purges have slowed or have ceased entirely. This in a hundred years of social evolution.

China now allows competing faiths to the state mandated Atheism. I understand all this, but it does nothing to excuse the crimes of your religion.

On the other hand, religions seem not to have learned that totalitarianism, in all its forms, is still a drag on humanity.

Quick, the top three totalitarian Christian nations are?

Oh wait, demagoguery cannot withstand actual proofs...

(Myanmar, North Korea, Cuba - just in case you wanted 3 totalitarian Atheist nations.)

Is the internet tough guy thing supposed to impress anyone? That is profoundly silly.

You should be aware that there is no belief required to reject claims of gods, jinn, leprechauns or pixies. Your faith in agnosticism is the real puzzlement .

So quick, identify a single instance of Atheism as the declared "religion" of any nation.
Can't name those totalitarian Christian nations, can you, troll?
In the secular West, Christian totalitarianism has been throttled by secular law.

That leaves the religiously insane such as you, incensed. No more Dark Ages in spite of your whining.
In the secular West, Christian totalitarianism has been throttled by secular law.

That leaves the religiously insane such as you, incensed. No more Dark Ages in spite of your whining.

Oh? No dark ages like the Killing Fields, Lenin's slaughter. The Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution. etc.?


You're full of shit, and out of your depth.

Atheism is the most deadly religion in all of human history - far exceeding the deaths by all other religions combined.

150 million documented deaths.

Murder By Government--Democide

Let's see you DOCUMENT even 1 million deaths by Christianity?
Let's name three totalitarian "atheist" regimes...

It's hard to choose....

Let's name three totalitarian "atheist" regimes...

It's hard to choose....


You don't have to choose. You can stay in the US and use your religion to promote all the hate you wish.
Just because communism and other authoritarian styles of government operate best in the absence of powerful religious organizations does not mean that Monkeys who don't believe in God are communists.

It's a LOT more complicated than you imagine, apparently.

Not all Atheists are Stalinists, but all Stalinists are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Maoists, but all Maoists are Atheist. Not all Atheists are Khmer Rouge, but all Khmer Rouge are Atheists.

Atheism - the religion of death since 1917. 150 million murdered, and counting. 500 years of Catholic inquisition killed less than Mao in a good week of Cultural revolution - Atheism, applying science to the art of mass murder.

What do any of those assholish examples of survival of the species outlasting survival of the most powerful have to do with modern Monkeys not taking any of the ancient stories seriously?

Besides... you mistake atheism for a religion. You'll find no Monkeys organizing and seeking tax exempt status for not promoting any of the ancient stories.

Besides, besides... Mao & Company did have something in common besides atheism.... They were all able to articulate some sort of cause well enough to raise fairly potent armies of Monkeys willing to kill and die for them and atheism ain't that exciting of a cause.

:eusa_think: Come to think of it, Western oppression during the 18th & 19th Centuries would have just fit that bill for motive and timing.

Most atheists simply don't give a shit because they find the ancient stories based on the life and times of a dude called Abraham, circa 4,000 BC just as trite and unbelievable as the other ancient Monkey stories of origins like the Greeks with Mt. Olympus and the jealous Roman Planets.
Are you just being ironic here?

Atheists LOVE to bring up the inquisition to justify the slaughter by Atheism. Yet as I said, Mao killed more in some weeks than 500 years of Inquisition.

I assume you realize this argument makes no sense and you're just making fun of those who do the same thing to Christians (guilt by association).

I mean yeah, after all - we can't hold YOUR religion accountable.

"... slaughter by Atheism"?

What do any of those assholish examples of survival of the species outlasting survival of the most powerful have to do with modern Monkeys not taking any of the ancient stories seriously?

Been hitting the crack pipe pretty heavy today, huh Joe?

Besides... you mistake atheism for a religion. You'll find no Monkeys organizing and seeking tax exempt status for not promoting any of the ancient stories.

And following it up with a bit of spray paint huffing, I see.

Besides, besides... Mao & Company did have something in common besides atheism....

You mean besides making Atheism the official state religion, and killing those who held a competing faith?

They were all able to articulate some sort of cause well enough to raise fairly potent armies of Monkeys willing to kill and die for them and atheism ain't that exciting of a cause.

Dunno, the whole "evolution of society" thingy seemed to excite the intelligentsia, who drooled at the thought of running roughshod over the productive members of society.

:eusa_think: Come to think of it, Western oppression during the 18th & 19th Centuries would have just fit that bill for motive and timing.

Ohh, "Western Oppression." Bastards forcing all that liberty, longevity, and prosperity on people...

Most atheists simply don't give a shit because they find the ancient stories based on the life and times of a dude called Abraham, circa 4,000 BC just as trite and unbelievable as the other ancient Monkey stories of origins like the Greeks with Mt. Olympus and the jealous Roman Planets.

Those who don't "give a shit" don't form groups (churches) to silence opposing faiths. Nor do they spend millions a year to crush the expression of religious ideals, the way Atheists do.

The only group that more aggressively proselytizes than the Jehovah's Witnesses are the fucking Atheists. Those bastards are always demanding that I believe the shit they do, and teach my children to follow their faith.

Fuck them.
A number of false assumptions. I have no need to scream out anything. Secondly, you make a common mistake of assigning Atheism as a religion. It is not a religion.

Yes, nothing as dogmatic and aggressive in proselytizing as Atheism could be a religion...

If you had done your homework and actually did some research, you would have discovered that religion actually "wins" In the human destruction contest.

You mean, if I accept utter falsehood? (It's "not a religion," yet the followers still feel a need to lie to justify it - funny dat.)

Want to test it?

You have, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and even the Aztec cults.

But I raise you a Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot and Castro.


Have you ever met a Muslim who was an asshole?
:dunno: Does that make all Muslims assholes? Of course not!​

Have you ever met a Christian who was an asshole?
:dunno: Does that make all Christians assholes? Of course not!​

You see a pattern here?

Have you ever met an Atheist who was an asshole?
:dunno: Does that make all Athiests assholes? Of course not!​

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