Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?

I won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and teach physics at MIT.

Internet credentials mean so much, lol.

You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.
I won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and teach physics at MIT.

Internet credentials mean so much, lol.

You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.

How so?

Some of the best minds were terrible at spelling as well as the proper use of grammar.

So are you saying you can tell from the content of their post or is it something else?
I won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and teach physics at MIT.

Internet credentials mean so much, lol.

You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.

Its also apparent who are and are not pompous, legalistic twerps who try way to hard to come off as some kind of MENSA member or something. Most just dont fucking care. In the end, a dumb ass is a dumb ass.
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I won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and teach physics at MIT.

Internet credentials mean so much, lol.

You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.

How so?

Some of the best minds were terrible at spelling as well as the proper use of grammar.

So are you saying you can tell from the content of their post or is it something else?

No, I'm not talking about grammar. I'm talking about the content of the posts. It's not something I would pick on by glancing at a couple post, but when you jockey back and forth for weeks with the same few people, you get a pretty good feel for their level of education.

As I said, there are exceptions. There are those who have self educated.

I'm relatively new to this forum so I can't make too many judgement calls of this nature at this time. But on my old forum, where I posted since 2006 before it went under, I'm sure I could have made fairly accurate estimates for several dozen posters.

I'm not claiming to be some savant. Certainly not some MENSA member.

As a simple example. It's a sure sign when someone claims all of "X" group are a bunch of idiots, for example, that someone lacks mental acuity. Be it lack of education or lack of intelligence, there is something missing.
I won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and teach physics at MIT.

Internet credentials mean so much, lol.

You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.

Its also apparent who are and are not pompous, legalistic twerps who try way to hard to come off as some kind of MENSA member or something. Most just dont fucking care. In the end, a dumb ass is a dumb ass.

Hey, if the shoe fits...

If not, lighten the fuck up.
You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.

Its also apparent who are and are not pompous, legalistic twerps who try way to hard to come off as some kind of MENSA member or something. Most just dont fucking care. In the end, a dumb ass is a dumb ass.

Hey, if the shoe fits...

If not, lighten the fuck up.

If I got any lighter, I would blow away.
If anyone tried to subject me to Sharia law, I'd be just as upset. But that hasn't happened.

No one has tried to subject you to any religious law.

But laws are proposed all over the country based on Christianity.


Show ANY law in this nation that uses a Bible verse, the pope, or religious writing as a basis? You can't - you base you position PURELY on your own prejudice, not on reality.

Yes, many who oppose abortion are Christians - does this make for Christianity creating law? Utter absurdity. Just as the claim that support for abortion is based on Eugenics, a Marxist doctrine, so pro-aborts are making law based on Marx; is an absurd proposition.

The ONLY group that promotes theocratic rule is the Muslims, and you leftists support them fully. Clearly your prejudice is not based on a fear of theocracy, but other goals.
"Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?"

Because Christians won't rise up and cut their heads off.

It's because the concept of individuality and liberty is based on Christian, particularly protestant, tradition. Locke was an extremely religious Christian and promoted the concept that man is responsible to no one other than god. To the left, which is authoritarian by nature, this is the most dangerous philosophy in history.

Christianity leaves little room for the rule of masters, of over-lords, be they Stalin, Pol Pot, or Obama. For the left to truly control the nation, Christianity must be crushed and purged. The USSR fell, but we have lost our liberty. No war by foreign invader ended civil rights. It was instead the culture war, where the CONCEPT of liberty was purged from the public conscience that rendered civil liberty null.
You might have a point. But there is one fly in the ointment.

It usually doesn't take all that many post to know who is educated and who isn't. The specifics may vary, and there are exceptions, but in most cases the level of education is evident.

How so?

Some of the best minds were terrible at spelling as well as the proper use of grammar.

So are you saying you can tell from the content of their post or is it something else?

No, I'm not talking about grammar. I'm talking about the content of the posts. It's not something I would pick on by glancing at a couple post, but when you jockey back and forth for weeks with the same few people, you get a pretty good feel for their level of education.

As I said, there are exceptions. There are those who have self educated.

I'm relatively new to this forum so I can't make too many judgement calls of this nature at this time. But on my old forum, where I posted since 2006 before it went under, I'm sure I could have made fairly accurate estimates for several dozen posters.

I'm not claiming to be some savant. Certainly not some MENSA member.

As a simple example. It's a sure sign when someone claims all of "X" group are a bunch of idiots, for example, that someone lacks mental acuity. Be it lack of education or lack of intelligence, there is something missing.

I think most people are guilty of generalizing. I know I do but I usually assume the person I'm talking to knows there are exceptions to generalizations.
"Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?"

Because Christians won't rise up and cut their heads off.

It's because the concept of individuality and liberty is based on Christian, particularly protestant, tradition. Locke was an extremely religious Christian and promoted the concept that man is responsible to no one other than god. To the left, which is authoritarian by nature, this is the most dangerous philosophy in history.

Christianity leaves little room for the rule of masters, of over-lords, be they Stalin, Pol Pot, or Obama. For the left to truly control the nation, Christianity must be crushed and purged. The USSR fell, but we have lost our liberty. No war by foreign invader ended civil rights. It was instead the culture war, where the CONCEPT of liberty was purged from the public conscience that rendered civil liberty null.

(My bold)

The Reformation & Counterreformation may have given rise to political individuality & liberty (I'd count in Shakespeare for psychological individuality), but Christianity isn't interested in liberty. It's interested in Salvation, & adoring the Godhead.

The Left is authoritarian? I thought the Left was defined by being against authority - religious, financial, philosphical & whatever else they could ID.

The current erosion of civil rights in the US is due to the ovine stampeding of Congress & the nation post 09/11. If you want to point fingers on that one, it's PNAC & their enablers - most of the neo-cons - the Prexy W admin, the MSN media that learned to bleat like the champion sheep they mostly are, in time & on command. The W admin, of course, gave a lot of lip-service to Christianity - but I have my doubts about whether the so-called elites actually have any religious feelings whatsoever. I think part of the Skull 'n' Bones nonsense is meant to stomp out any such tender feelings left in their acolytes.
The Left is authoritarian? I thought the Left was defined by being against authority - religious, financial, philosphical & whatever else they could ID.

Sadly, they've lost most of this spirit of defiance. Over the decades, social justice has replace individual rights as the calling card of the left.

The current erosion of civil rights in the US is due to the ovine stampeding of Congress & the nation post 09/11. If you want to point fingers on that one, it's PNAC & their enablers - most of the neo-cons - the Prexy W admin, the MSN media that learned to bleat like the champion sheep they mostly are, in time & on command. ...

That's part of the picture. But while the neo-cons (in both parties) are pissing away our civil liberties, their lefty cousins are building a corporatist nightmare, where fundamental freedoms like the right to make our own health care decisions are blithely thrown under the bus in the name of 'reform'.
(My bold)

The Reformation & Counterreformation may have given rise to political individuality & liberty (I'd count in Shakespeare for psychological individuality), but Christianity isn't interested in liberty. It's interested in Salvation, & adoring the Godhead.

Perhaps, but it is irrelevant to my thesis. Paul championed the idea that man is apart from the state. The reformation disseminated this idea to the people at large. I mentioned Locke, but clearly there were legion involved, including Gutenberg. Once access to scripture was had by the masses, then the Catholic farce of "Divine right of Kings" was rendered null.

The Left is authoritarian?

Do you think of Pol Pot, Mao, and Stalin as civil libertarians?

Yes, the left is authoritarian - always.

I thought the Left was defined by being against authority - religious, financial, philosphical & whatever else they could ID.

Not at all. The left seeks to end the constitutional republic, and replace it with a totalitarian system.

State control of the means of production is hardly "financial liberty." Political correctness speech cods are hardly a rejection of authority. Rigid prohibition of judeo-christian utterance is the opposition of religious freedom.

The current erosion of civil rights in the US is due to the ovine stampeding of Congress & the nation post 09/11. If you want to point fingers on that one, it's PNAC & their enablers - most of the neo-cons - the Prexy W admin, the MSN media that learned to bleat like the champion sheep they mostly are, in time & on command.

Well, good to know Dear Leader and his minions stood fast against the expansion of the police state.

{In response to the controversial indefinite detention provision from last year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California) introduced an amendment in December 2012 that would have forbid the government from using military force to indefinitely detain Americans without trial under the 2013 NDAA. Although that provision, dubbed the “Feinstein Amendment,” passed the Senate unanimously, a select panel of lawmakers led by Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Michigan) stripped it from the final version of the NDAA two week later before it could clear Congress.}

Obama signs NDAA 2013 without objecting to indefinite detention of Americans ? RT USA

Say, do you Obamunists know who wrote the Partiot Act?

{After the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, a domestic terrorist bomb attack that destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Biden drafted anti-terrorist legislation, which was ultimately defeated. He later claimed publicly on several occasions that the USA PATRIOT Act – which eased restrictions on the Executive branch in the surveillance and detention of those suspected of terrorism or facilitating it – was essentially a duplicate of the anti-terrorist legislation he had drafted years earlier.[16] Biden supported the PATRIOT Act}

Political positions of Joe Biden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The W admin, of course, gave a lot of lip-service to Christianity - but I have my doubts about whether the so-called elites actually have any religious feelings whatsoever. I think part of the Skull 'n' Bones nonsense is meant to stomp out any such tender feelings left in their acolytes.

So you are partisan drone and hate Bush.

That does nothing to refute the fact that the left is authoritarian by nature.

New York judge tosses lawsuit to stop display of Sept. 11 steel cross | Fox News


New York judge tosses lawsuit to stop display of Sept. 11 steel cross

Published March 29, 2013

Associated Press

NEW YORK – A New York judge has tossed out a lawsuit seeking to stop the display of a cross-shaped steel beam found among the World Trade Center's wreckage.

Federal judge Deborah Batts on Friday rejected the arguments of a national atheists' group.

American Atheists had sued the National September 11 Memorial & Museum's operators in 2011 on constitutional grounds.

The judge says the decision to include the artifact in the Sept. 11 museum did not advance religion impermissibly. She also says it does not create excessive entanglement between the state and religion. And she noted that the cross helps tell part of the history of Sept. 11.

Attorney Mark Alcott says the museum is pleased with the result. A lawyer for the atheists group didn't immediately respond to a request seeking comment.

Read more: New York judge tosses lawsuit to stop display of Sept. 11 steel cross | Fox News
Why is it always Atheists versus Christians? Why are they seldom against Muslims, or hindus or Jews?

Muslims in particular are the most mysogenistic and homophobic of all religions. They have a doctrine of world domination and are completely intolerant of not only other religions, but of atheists as well. Their extremists murder people whereas Christian extremists seldom do.

Muslims, Hindis and Jews are extremely violent while Christians make good emotional punching bags!!:tongue:

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