Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?

Failing to prove the existence of your deity when the need arises fits the definition of faithless. Secondly believers never set the standard for what is defined as evidence and proof for non-believers.

Some fail in being committed in honesty to following definitions and reasonable use of terms and words. Belief in something or belief that something does not exist when evidence cannot prove or disprove said "something" meets the definition of being faithful.

I can certainly pity the word play of an atheist whose logic has fallen apart.
Failing to prove the existence of your deity when the need arises fits the definition of faithless. Secondly believers never set the standard for what is defined as evidence and proof for non-believers.

Some fail in being committed in honesty to following definitions and reasonable use of terms and words. Belief in something or belief that something does not exist when evidence cannot prove or disprove said "something" meets the definition of being faithful.

I can certainly pity the word play of an atheist whose logic has fallen apart.

Ironic given that all you have to offer is dissembling "word play" that lacks any semblance of logic.
I think that nit-picking over definitions of, or "levels" of disbelief in alleged supernatural agents tends to shift the ultimate burden of proof from religionists who, ultimately, are incapable of offering even the most basic of proofs for their various gods.

All of atheism (disbelief / questioning of the veracity of gods), tends to be a critique of theistic assertions. Even the Big Bang doesn't address god issues. Atheism is really a philosophical rejection of the assertions of theism as undemonstrated and absent evidence to support the belief system, nothing more.

Why not examine the basic premise of many religions. They put into place systems and beliefs structures to either explain things that occur naturally but are not understood or they are designed to scare you into believing the way you do (e.g. the threat of eternal damnation and burning in hellfire for not believing) and the promise of rewards after you die if you do believe. I am “assuming” this empirically because countless culture after culture has done this same thing. Would anyone say the gods of Greece and Rome and Babylon and the Norsemen are all “real” or were they made up to explain things that couldn’t readily be explained? Assuming you admit these other cultures did do precisely that, why does the god of the desert not adhere to the admission that men create gods for any number of reasons? Why does a triune god(s) exist and theirs do not?
I think that nit-picking over definitions of, or "levels" of disbelief in alleged supernatural agents tends to shift the ultimate burden of proof from religionists who, ultimately, are incapable of offering even the most basic of proofs for their various gods.

All of atheism (disbelief / questioning of the veracity of gods), tends to be a critique of theistic assertions. Even the Big Bang doesn't address god issues. Atheism is really a philosophical rejection of the assertions of theism as undemonstrated and absent evidence to support the belief system, nothing more.

Why not examine the basic premise of many religions. They put into place systems and beliefs structures to either explain things that occur naturally but are not understood or they are designed to scare you into believing the way you do (e.g. the threat of eternal damnation and burning in hellfire for not believing) and the promise of rewards after you die if you do believe. I am “assuming” this empirically because countless culture after culture has done this same thing. Would anyone say the gods of Greece and Rome and Babylon and the Norsemen are all “real” or were they made up to explain things that couldn’t readily be explained? Assuming you admit these other cultures did do precisely that, why does the god of the desert not adhere to the admission that men create gods for any number of reasons? Why does a triune god(s) exist and theirs do not?

Small Gods Quotes By Terry Pratchett

“The trouble was that he was talking in philosophy but they were listening in gibberish.”
― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Sounds like excuses kids use to avoid homework.

"I already know everything."
"This stuff is stupid."
"I'll never use this stuff anyway."

Those are the same excuses that resulted in not only no homework but no schoolwork either.
Oh wait..yeah..they were and are..

Quick, all the people who had their heads cut off by Christians in the last decade..

Ready, go?

Huh, you have none - but you just said - oh yeah, the fucking liar thing - I forgot...

How about those beheaded for Islam?

{December 4 (World Watch Monitor) — LOS ANGELES, December 4 (Compass Direct News) – Three Islamic extremists were sentenced yesterday to 19, 14 and 10 years in prison respectively for beheading three Christian teenage girls and shooting two others non-fatally in 2005.

A South Jakarta district court sentenced Rahman Kalahe to 19 years in prison, Agus Nur Muhammad to 14 years and Yudi Heryanto to 10 years after finding them guilty in the beheading of Theresia Morangke and Yarni Sambue, both 15, and 17-year-old Alfita Poliwo.

The men had attacked the girls as they walked to school in Poso district in Sulawesi on October 29, 2005. A fourth girl in the attack, Noviana Malewa, then 15, received serious injuries to her face and neck but survived. }

Islamic Extremists Sentenced to Prison for Beheading Girls

Hey, but they were only murdering Christians, and you're down with that.

Fact is, ANY enemy of Americans and Christians is your ally.

And oh yeah..when compared to you? I'm a fucking genius.

You're a fucking retard, regardless of who you are compared to.

You're too fucking stupid to grasp how hollow and stupid your lies are.

No one believes anything you post - ever. You're fellow leftists may congratulate you on your lies - but no one believes anything from you.

Because you have zero integrity.
See, here's sallow, arguably one of the dirt-dumbest posters here, certainly not well educated...maintaining that he has the magical intelligence that is granted to all atheists, no matter how humble their scholarly background or low their native intelligence.

Go figure.

Shallow is dumb. He's really just trying to engage in chicanery. Alas, he is too stupid to grasp how transparent he is. Shallow has the intent to deceive, but not the brains.
Why is it always Atheists versus Christians? Why are they seldom against Muslims, or hindus or Jews?

Muslims in particular are the most mysogenistic and homophobic of all religions. They have a doctrine of world domination and are completely intolerant of not only other religions, but of atheists as well. Their extremists murder people whereas Christian extremists seldom do.

Because there really are only two agents and their followers involved. Satan and his crowd and Jesus and his crowd.
I think that nit-picking over definitions of, or "levels" of disbelief in alleged supernatural agents tends to shift the ultimate burden of proof from religionists who, ultimately, are incapable of offering even the most basic of proofs for their various gods.

It is not the nitpicking of ‘levels’ that is frustrating. It is the DEMAND that I am religious by those that are religious in a futile attempt to declare that my worldview and ‘unbelief’ is somehow the same as their belief. They place themselves in a superior platform by painting atheists with a ‘that’s faith too’ brush so they can declare that their views are superior. It is asinine. Look at koshers posts in this very thread where she acts so damn smug while declaring that all atheists here (even those of us that have stated otherwise) think they are superior to them. Who, I ask, believes they are superior when they demand they know what you believe better than you. It halts any type of rational discussion because they devolve all things into a matter of faith that cannot be challenged.

It continues to get worse because once they label atheism as a ‘faith’ they start putting things into the dogma category that is not dogma. It dominates scientific discussions here when you try and address things like evolution. Again, it makes rational discussion impossible when one side decides that all things are a matter of faith and there is no basis for fact or science.

Just wait: the insults and attacks are coming against that last statement to just to illustrate that point.

Welcome to our world. We're constantly assigned stances we don't assert, and told we believe things that we don't.

How do you like it?
Christians are the biggest on imposing their beliefs on others. Jews? Not so much. It's an "exclusive" club with them.

Same basically with Muslims.

ROFLMBO! Muslims do not impose their beliefs upon others? Tell that to the 10 million slaughtered christians in Darfur who refused to bow down to the moon god allah why don't ya?

Where do you people come from? Do you have any grasp on truth whatsover or do you just make this stuff up as you go along? Liberals! Total loons. - Jeremiah
(My bold)

Glanced through, noticed it was from Fox. Noticed that he's the Public Relations boffin @ Liberty U. - J. Falwell's critter. I don't think much of his reasoning. Everyone has a core set of beliefs, I suppose - but that doesn't make it their religion.

I dismissed it. (& yah, the imprimatur from Fox is a disincentive. Fox readily admits that they're an entertainment outlet. In fact, they seem inordinately proud of the fact. That crosses them off my A list for sources ... )

You didn't read it neither.

It was about a debate that happened when former Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams took on the best known name in contemporary atheism, Richard Dawkins.

They were debating whether religion has a role in the 21st century.

Dawkins said it didn’t.

Williams said it did.

In the end, Williams was handed a decidedly strong victory with more than two times as many votes from the audience as the infamous atheist, Dawkins. It was a triumphant day for the faithful and a shameful one for the irreligious.

Dawkins defeated in Cambridge Union religion debate

And that is a surprise? Dawkins is a religious idiot. As I explained earlier, he makes the affirmation that god cannot exist, period. THAT makes his ideas a matter of faith. That also does not mean that all atheists are anti-thists like Dawkins. He is a self-proclaimed atheist yet he is not lacking a belief in god – he has a belief that god is impossible.

I have yet to see one of the people here that are demanding that atheists are something they are not actually addresses this. Kosher just declared herself victorious while ramming words down my throat that I never said and looking like an elitist ass while doing so and the rest have simply ignored it. A lack of belief does not make one religious even if there are claimed ‘atheists’ that actually are religious zealots in their hatred of other religions. Dawkins is hardly representative of atheists.

Dawkins is an atheist and calling him a religious idiots confirms that you believe atheism to be a religion.

He has stated that he cannot be sure that God doesn't exist. That's a long ways from saying "he is not lacking a belief in god".
I think that nit-picking over definitions of, or "levels" of disbelief in alleged supernatural agents tends to shift the ultimate burden of proof from religionists who, ultimately, are incapable of offering even the most basic of proofs for their various gods.

It is not the nitpicking of ‘levels’ that is frustrating. It is the DEMAND that I am religious by those that are religious in a futile attempt to declare that my worldview and ‘unbelief’ is somehow the same as their belief. They place themselves in a superior platform by painting atheists with a ‘that’s faith too’ brush so they can declare that their views are superior. It is asinine. Look at koshers posts in this very thread where she acts so damn smug while declaring that all atheists here (even those of us that have stated otherwise) think they are superior to them. Who, I ask, believes they are superior when they demand they know what you believe better than you. It halts any type of rational discussion because they devolve all things into a matter of faith that cannot be challenged.

It continues to get worse because once they label atheism as a ‘faith’ they start putting things into the dogma category that is not dogma. It dominates scientific discussions here when you try and address things like evolution. Again, it makes rational discussion impossible when one side decides that all things are a matter of faith and there is no basis for fact or science.

Just wait: the insults and attacks are coming against that last statement to just to illustrate that point.

Explain how simply stating that your non-"belief" is the exact same thing as my believing, placing me superior to you?
Wouldn't that be equating with you?

As a Christian I feel SOME atheists around here place themselves in a superior position because they're not a 'mouth-breathing idiot that believes in an "invisible man in the sky zombie"'.

But, please continue to feel persecuted.
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As to the OP -

Jews, Muslims and Hindus aren't trying to legally enforce their religions on me. I can't say the same about Christians.

Yeah, those Christians and their Sharia...

You leftists sure are smart....

If anyone tried to subject me to Sharia law, I'd be just as upset. But that hasn't happened.

But laws are proposed all over the country based on Christianity.
"Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?"

Because Christians won't rise up and cut their heads off.

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