Why is it conservatives always say the government can't do that?

What can and can't the government do?

Conservatives seem to be confused.

The government can kill you, and shoot you in the back or strangle you to death on public television especially if you're a fat defenseless black man.

But the government can't provide education for "free".

The government can house more prisoners per capita than North Korea.

But the Government can't house poor people.

The government can bomb the entire world...kill millions of people in wars of imperialism...

But the government can't tell you what to do with your money because you're starving children through your hoarding of capital.

The problem is not what government can and cannot do but what stupid dumb-fuck conservatives believe government should do.

Which is why you will always find a conservative ready to champion the genocide of an entire race or the murder of people in the streets.

But if you tell the 1% what they can do with their billions of dollars you're a fucking lunatic.
What tripe. Sorry, but these strawmen are just pathetic.

Most of these people are Nihilists that want to think they know about politics but never read the Constitution.

The Constitution IS GOVERNMENT.
The Constitution created the government, don't blame it for what the government has become. The politicians abandoned the premises a long time ago.

The Constitution is a framework for government, it provides checks, balances, limitations, and separation of government's powers. Politicians on the other hand spend a lot of time trying to undermine the Constitution and game our system of government. Lying low life scum liberals are among the worst offenders.
I study all parties and see all their flaws and strong points so I can answer this better than anyone here..

Conservatives today get their information from parties that require minimal thought, when Conservatives of yesterday required thought to determine the minimum amount of spending vs. necessity of Government. A lot of today's Conservatives fight for Nihilism. But it's all due to Fox News, Ron Burgandy, and the Koch Brothers (and others like them).

Conservative by definition is a great policy. Sadly, the Conservative party cuts education for a reason, so they can keep voters.
LOL. This expert gets his stats from HuffPo and thinks we have a Conservative Party.
Most of these people are Nihilists that want to think they know about politics but never read the Constitution.

The Constitution IS GOVERNMENT.
I see you're working hard to become the class clown. The Constitution limits government and protects our freedoms and rights. Government, federal, state and local has grown well beyond their intended purpose and we must reel them in while we still can.
How can our "Progressives" constantly be saying that : (1) Republicans are the party of the Rich, and (2) the poorest states are Republican?

I don't get it.

Why are "Progressives" so totally unwilling to READ THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION to ascertain what powers the Federal Government has? It's not complicated. Read Article I, Section 8, than scroll down to the Tenth Amendment. Done. Analysis complete.

But rather than reading the [fucking] Constitution, they want to divine the meaning of the document from chrystal balls or long-winded, bizarre court rulings that do nothing but turn reality on its head. If a document is clear on its face, there is no need to refer to other sources to divine its meaning.

The federal government has no power to create a compulsory retirement system, or to compel parents to vaccinate their children, or to create a government news network, or to tell state and local school districts what they must teach. It is all bullshit, and every elected government official who swears to uphold the Constitution and ignores these realities should be removed from office.

It's not complicated. It's only made complicated by people whose agenda is to re-make this country into something that is was never supposed to be. And if you fukkers don't like it you should move to Sweden, where they don't have our Constitution and can make life wonderful from cradle to grave, while taking half your income for the privilege. They decided to do that; we didn't. Move.
Most of these people are Nihilists that want to think they know about politics but never read the Constitution.

The Constitution IS GOVERNMENT.
I see you're working hard to become the class clown. The Constitution limits government and protects our freedoms and rights. Government, federal, state and local has grown well beyond their intended purpose and we must reel them in while we still can.

The Constitution GOVERNS our actions. I know what your media is selling you. Try to actually read it though.
How can our "Progressives" constantly be saying that : (1) Republicans are the party of the Rich, and (2) the poorest states are Republican?

I don't get it.

Why are "Progressives" so totally unwilling to READ THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION to ascertain what powers the Federal Government has? It's not complicated. Read Article I, Section 8, than scroll down to the Tenth Amendment. Done. Analysis complete.

But rather than reading the [fucking] Constitution, they want to divine the meaning of the document from chrystal balls or long-winded, bizarre court rulings that do nothing but turn reality on its head. If a document is clear on its face, there is no need to refer to other sources to divine its meaning.

The federal government has no power to create a compulsory retirement system, or to compel parents to vaccinate their children, or to create a government news network, or to tell state and local school districts what they must teach. It is all bullshit, and every elected government official who swears to uphold the Constitution and ignores these realities should be removed from office.

It's not complicated. It's only made complicated by people whose agenda is to re-make this country into something that is was never supposed to be. And if you fukkers don't like it you should move to Sweden, where they don't have our Constitution and can make life wonderful from cradle to grave, while taking half your income for the privilege. They decided to do that; we didn't. Move.
Why is it bed wetters always insist, government should do that...

Unless it somehow inhibits their right to kill unborn children, spread AIDS or become addicted to drugs and a ward of the state.
How can our "Progressives" constantly be saying that : (1) Republicans are the party of the Rich, and (2) the poorest states are Republican?

I don't get it.

Why are "Progressives" so totally unwilling to READ THE FUCKING CONSTITUTION to ascertain what powers the Federal Government has? It's not complicated. Read Article I, Section 8, than scroll down to the Tenth Amendment. Done. Analysis complete.

But rather than reading the [fucking] Constitution, they want to divine the meaning of the document from chrystal balls or long-winded, bizarre court rulings that do nothing but turn reality on its head. If a document is clear on its face, there is no need to refer to other sources to divine its meaning.

The federal government has no power to create a compulsory retirement system, or to compel parents to vaccinate their children, or to create a government news network, or to tell state and local school districts what they must teach. It is all bullshit, and every elected government official who swears to uphold the Constitution and ignores these realities should be removed from office.

It's not complicated. It's only made complicated by people whose agenda is to re-make this country into something that is was never supposed to be. And if you fukkers don't like it you should move to Sweden, where they don't have our Constitution and can make life wonderful from cradle to grave, while taking half your income for the privilege. They decided to do that; we didn't. Move.

How can our "Progressives" constantly be saying that : (1) Republicans are the party of the Rich, and (2) the poorest states are Republican?"

This is easy to look up statistical and factual information. Have you ever done research, or do you just follow your Hitler?
Why is it bed wetters always insist, government should do that...

Unless it somehow inhibits their right to kill unborn children, spread AIDS or become addicted to drugs and a ward of the state.

So you still think AIDS is a butt sex thing............(Conservative; Unwilling or unable to change)

Clearly UNABLE in this case. The information is plentiful.
Look in the U.S. Constitution.
It says what the Federal government can do.
If something's not in it, the Fed govt can't do it.
And most of the things you're whining about, aren't in it.
The constitution is only a rudimentary set of limits open to a process of congressional and judicial interpretation, it does not define the entirety of government.
In fact, that's exactly what the Constitution does, for the Federal government. It creates the Federal govt it describes, and gave it its powers. And if it didn't give it a certain power, the Fed government is forbidden to exercise that power. But the states or the people still can if they want to.

As I said, if something isn't in the Constitution, the Fed govt can't do it. The Constitution does define the entirety of the Federal government.

The Const was designed to keep government restricted, so that most control and responsibility was left with the people (this is called "freedom"), or with the government that was closest and most local to them.

Liberal big-govt addicts keep trying to evade this Constitutional restriction, since it basically outlaws their big-govt philosophy. The fantastic dodges and excuses they keep coming up with to try to pretend it doesn't exist (such as "open to interpretation" and "pass the judicial test") defy all belief sometimes.

But they're fun to watch as they shuck and jive, twist and turn to try to ignore, duck, or flatly violate the Constitution. :D
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Look in the U.S. Constitution.
It says what the Federal government can do.
If something's not in it, the Fed govt can't do it.
And most of the things you're whining about, aren't in it.
The constitution is only a rudimentary set of limits open to a process of congressional and judicial interpretation, it does not define the entirety of government.
In fact, that's exactly what the Constitution does, for the Federal government.

As I said, if something isn't in the Constitution, the Fed govt can't do it.

The Const was designed to keep government restricted, so that most control and responsibility was left with the people, or with the government that was closest and most local to them.

Liberal big-govt addicts keep trying to evade this Constitutional restriction, since it basically outlaws their big-govt philosophy. The fantastic dodges and excuses they keep coming up with to try to pretend it doesn't exist (such as "open to interpretation" and "pass the judicial test") defy all belief sometimes.

But they're fun to watch as they shuck and jive, twist and turn to try to ignore, duck, or flatly violate the Constitution. :D

^These small brains disagree with me while stating, "The constitution sets limits on the people" lol. They don't know Government. They always see Government as a bad thing while worshiping the book of Constitution, and the other one a lot of the time.
Most of these people are Nihilists that want to think they know about politics but never read the Constitution.

The Constitution IS GOVERNMENT.
I see you're working hard to become the class clown. The Constitution limits government and protects our freedoms and rights. Government, federal, state and local has grown well beyond their intended purpose and we must reel them in while we still can.
The Constitution GOVERNS our actions. I know what your media is selling you. Try to actually read it though.
If you were right the Constitution would be 50,000 pages long.
^These small brains disagree with me while stating, "The constitution sets limits on the people" lol. They don't know Government. They always see Government as a bad thing while worshiping the book of Constitution, and the other one a lot of the time.
Can you translate that into English? Thanks.
The strict-constructionist views of the Constitution that I and others have expressed above sometimes result in us being called, "Tenthers," due to our focus on the limitations of the Tenth Amendment (which Progressives studiously ignore).

But here's a question for you: If Progressives really want to make their case - and remember, they claim to be speaking for The Majority - shouldn't they be working for a Constitutional repeal of the Tenth Amendment? Because without the Tenth Amendment, THEY ARE RIGHT! If there were no Tenth Amendment, then anything that Congress or the President wanted to do in order to "promote the general welfare" would be completely Constitutional. Social Security, NPR, the Department of Education...they would all be Constitutional, without having to have some jag-off in a black dress on the USSC writing 80 page-long opinions trying to prove that down is really up.

But the unspoken truth is that THEY COULD NEVER GET A REPEAL OF THE TENTH AMENDMENT, using the Constitutional process for changing the Constitution. NONE of the state legislatures would approve it! Because only the 10-15% of the population who are true Progressives want an all-powerful Federal Government ruling our lives from inside the Beltway.
Conservatives represent the oil companies and the 1%.

The government represents the people who vote.

Business without regulation is the Mafia.

Our current govt represents none of us. We get it that you're gullible though.
The adolescent marxist obsession with the 1% is psychotic.

The federal govt should be LIMITED to overseeing war powers and safety issues, not much else.
Other interference should be left to the states.
What can and can't the government do?

Conservatives seem to be confused.

The government can kill you, and shoot you in the back or strangle you to death on public television especially if you're a fat defenseless black man.

But the government can't provide education for "free".

The government can house more prisoners per capita than North Korea.

But the Government can't house poor people.

The government can bomb the entire world...kill millions of people in wars of imperialism...

But the government can't tell you what to do with your money because you're starving children through your hoarding of capital.

The problem is not what government can and cannot do but what stupid dumb-fuck conservatives believe government should do.

Which is why you will always find a conservative ready to champion the genocide of an entire race or the murder of people in the streets.

But if you tell the 1% what they can do with their billions of dollars you're a fucking lunatic.

What happened to you that makes you such a whiney little victim? I mean Jesus, you whine about everything and nothing.. simultaneously.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you'd just funnel some of this energy into actually doing something rather than whining about what others have.
Most of these people are Nihilists that want to think they know about politics but never read the Constitution.

The Constitution IS GOVERNMENT.
I see you're working hard to become the class clown. The Constitution limits government and protects our freedoms and rights. Government, federal, state and local has grown well beyond their intended purpose and we must reel them in while we still can.

The Constitution GOVERNS our actions. I know what your media is selling you. Try to actually read it though.

No you read it, the constitution enumerates the powers of the Government... it doesn't regulate the actions of the individual. Man you liberals are ignorant.
^These small brains disagree with me while stating, "The constitution sets limits on the people" lol. They don't know Government. They always see Government as a bad thing while worshiping the book of Constitution, and the other one a lot of the time.
Can you translate that into English? Thanks.

He's trying to talk himself into believing he's 'smart.' He continues to fail.
Most of these people are Nihilists that want to think they know about politics but never read the Constitution.

The Constitution IS GOVERNMENT.
I see you're working hard to become the class clown. The Constitution limits government and protects our freedoms and rights. Government, federal, state and local has grown well beyond their intended purpose and we must reel them in while we still can.
The Constitution GOVERNS our actions. I know what your media is selling you. Try to actually read it though.
If you were right the Constitution would be 50,000 pages long.

Nice response.. You openly admit you don't understand that the Constitution is Government. Thanks.

The Right Wing is SO SMART!

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