Why is it OK for WH/Panetta to criticize LA Times BUT..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Let me point out that the then Senator Obama(D) ..called our troops civilian killers.."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

or Senator Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",

U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

So when the WH/Panetta complain about the LA times publishing the recent photos, it sounds hypocritical and disingenuous!

Wouldn't the above statements from American leaders have the same affect? Encouraging terrorists? Recruiting more bombings, killings of US troops?

After all Panetta/WH concerned photos might cause harm to troops... GEEZ
where were they when Obama called our troops "Civilian Killers"!????
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!

Every time one of these idiots open their mouth they risk the lives of our troops.

Personally I think the Dems are still trying to discredit the military and this country as a whole, but this time from within.

I cannot figure why they think this doesn't reflect on Obama in the slightest.....but according them it doesn't.
I agree! I've constantly tried to bring to people's attention that the traitorous statements made by Obama/Kerry/et.al. HELPED prolong IRAQ deaths and costs!
After all if words didn't have actions associated with them why is there nearly 1/2 TRILLION dollars spent on Advertising if words don't engender actions?

So when Obama said "troops air-raiding villages".. doesn't it make just common sense
that the bad guys would use that phrase to recruit? Or "killing Civilians"... GEEZ... I'd be pissed!
So why now are they upset with LA TIMES???
This just continues to expose the HYPOCRISY of this administration!
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!

Every time one of these idiots open their mouth they risk the lives of our troops.

Personally I think the Dems are still trying to discredit the military and this country as a whole, but this time from within.

I cannot figure why they think this doesn't reflect on Obama in the slightest.....but according them it doesn't.

The democrats NEED this. The LA Times had these photos for two years. The government KNEW they had the photos for two years. Now when the obama white regime is falling apart over excesses that more rightly belong in Caligula's Rome, the pictures suddenly get published. Democrats get to exhibit phony outrage. In a day or two, they'll be blaming Bush.
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!

Every time one of these idiots open their mouth they risk the lives of our troops.

Personally I think the Dems are still trying to discredit the military and this country as a whole, but this time from within.

I cannot figure why they think this doesn't reflect on Obama in the slightest.....but according them it doesn't.

Photos can do more harm at times, than words. Odd all those quotes were kept; I read some Republicans say similar things, but did not save the words.
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!

Panetta said in an interview that he doesn't want the men in the photo punished. Punished for what? The idiocy of that statement is stupifying.
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!

Every time one of these idiots open their mouth they risk the lives of our troops.

Personally I think the Dems are still trying to discredit the military and this country as a whole, but this time from within.

I cannot figure why they think this doesn't reflect on Obama in the slightest.....but according them it doesn't.

Photos can do more harm at times, than words. Odd all those quotes were kept; I read some Republicans say similar things, but did not save the words.

WOW!! "photos".."words" no harm???
THEN why if they do NO HARM publish them? Why is there almost $.5 Trillion a year spent by advertisers on "photos" & "words"... just for the fun???

AND NOT ONE SMART, TRUE AMERICAN WOULD EVER voice words that would be used by TERRORISTS to kill US TROOPS!

I want you to APOLOGIZE for that idiotic UNProven STATEMENT!

THEN why if "photos" "words" do no harm.. are you writing what you just did?
YOU are approving of using words like "US troops air-raiding villages, killing civilians"
and you don't think RECRUITERS used those words to cheer on terrorists?
BOY are you truly STUPID!
Carney is suggesting, it would seem, that the photos might put at risk U.S. soldiers fighting the war in Afghanistan.

BUT it was telling the truth when his boss said: troops are air-raiding villages killing civilians"????
Little said the military had asked the Los Angeles Times not to publish the photographs. "The danger is that this material could be used by the enemy to incite violence against U.S. and Afghan service members in Afghanistan," he said.

Again.. where were these criticisms when Obama/Kerry et.al. were making comments that HELPED recruit terrorists and thereby killing more US troops!

Every time one of these idiots open their mouth they risk the lives of our troops.

Personally I think the Dems are still trying to discredit the military and this country as a whole, but this time from within.

I cannot figure why they think this doesn't reflect on Obama in the slightest.....but according them it doesn't.

Photos can do more harm at times, than words. Odd all those quotes were kept; I read some Republicans say similar things, but did not save the words.

WOW!! "photos".."words" no harm???
THEN why if they do NO HARM publish them? Why is there almost $.5 Trillion a year spent by advertisers on "photos" & "words"... just for the fun???

AND NOT ONE SMART, TRUE AMERICAN WOULD EVER voice words that would be used by TERRORISTS to kill US TROOPS!

I want you to APOLOGIZE for that idiotic UNProven STATEMENT!

THEN why if "photos" "words" do no harm.. are you writing what you just did?
YOU are approving of using words like "US troops air-raiding villages, killing civilians"
and you don't think RECRUITERS used those words to cheer on terrorists?
BOY are you truly STUPID!

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