Why is it okay to kill unborn children but wrong to kill convicted murderers?

So what WMDs were found?
Actually, a WMD program was found, but not the expected stockpiles.

I never said WMD stockpiles were found.

I said the Clinton and Bush admins did not fake intelligence.

And you clearly have no serious arguments to the contrary, or you would have made them.
They went in for WMD. That's called willful ignorance.
Who cares, as the goal was regime change in which the Iraqis welcomed with open arms. It is only the undermining and semantics carried out back here that got in the way of mission accomplished.
We went for WMDs and there were none = Bogus war.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

Time for America to stand back up, and to quit bowing down to bad actors, and bowing down to pressures that aren't nessesary to be bothered with or to be afraid of.
That's a stupid comment, given the facts.

1. The entire planet expected WMD stockpiles. The UN. France, Germany, Britain. It wasn't willful anything. Too bad Saddam isn't hear to thank you for your support.

Actually, a lot of people, including Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradi, and Scott Ritter, who were experts in the field, had doubts Saddam had WMD's.

2. Saddam was firing on American aircraft, not that you care.

What were they doing flying over his country anyway?

3. Saddam was threatening the entire refund with WMDs.

Well, dammit, I want my refund on the war... that's what I want.

4. Saddam was refusing UN inspections that he agreed to.

Again, not true. He agreed to the resumption of inspections.

Look... I get the fact that Leftist have need to kiss the ass of every enemy of America...But you lost this one.

America won... Get over it.

Yeah, we won. Tell us what we won, Don Pardo!

We won 5,000 American Dead, 35,000 American injured, a Trillion dollars in debt, but that's not all. Today, Iraq is essentially an Iranian Puppet State. We also gave rise to ISIS which still plagues us to this day
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

actually, we haven't "won" a war since WWII, and even then, other people did most of the heavy lifting.
That's a stupid comment, given the facts.

1. The entire planet expected WMD stockpiles. The UN. France, Germany, Britain. It wasn't willful anything. Too bad Saddam isn't hear to thank you for your support.

Actually, a lot of people, including Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradi, and Scott Ritter, who were experts in the field, had doubts Saddam had WMD's.

2. Saddam was firing on American aircraft, not that you care.

What were they doing flying over his country anyway?

3. Saddam was threatening the entire refund with WMDs.

Well, dammit, I want my refund on the war... that's what I want.

4. Saddam was refusing UN inspections that he agreed to.

Again, not true. He agreed to the resumption of inspections.

Look... I get the fact that Leftist have need to kiss the ass of every enemy of America...But you lost this one.

America won... Get over it.

Yeah, we won. Tell us what we won, Don Pardo!

We won 5,000 American Dead, 35,000 American injured, a Trillion dollars in debt, but that's not all. Today, Iraq is essentially an Iranian Puppet State. We also gave rise to ISIS which still plagues us to this day
And why is this ??? Anti-American Leftist here that is why. Are we even on topic anymore ??
So what WMDs were found?
Actually, a WMD program was found, but not the expected stockpiles.

I never said WMD stockpiles were found.

I said the Clinton and Bush admins did not fake intelligence.

And you clearly have no serious arguments to the contrary, or you would have made them.
They went in for WMD. That's called willful ignorance.
Who cares, as the goal was regime change in which the Iraqis welcomed with open arms. It is only the undermining and semantics carried out back here that got in the way of mission accomplished.
We went for WMDs and there were none = Bogus war.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

Time for America to stand back up, and to quit bowing down to bad actors, and bowing down to pressures that aren't nessesary to be bothered with or to be afraid of.
It was a bogus war and we were lied to by Cheney.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

actually, we haven't "won" a war since WWII, and even then, other people did most of the heavy lifting.
We can't win with leftist having power, and spineless republicans not standing up for what's right anymore. The character of those fighting during WW2 has been lost in time.
Actually, a WMD program was found, but not the expected stockpiles.

I never said WMD stockpiles were found.

I said the Clinton and Bush admins did not fake intelligence.

And you clearly have no serious arguments to the contrary, or you would have made them.
They went in for WMD. That's called willful ignorance.
Who cares, as the goal was regime change in which the Iraqis welcomed with open arms. It is only the undermining and semantics carried out back here that got in the way of mission accomplished.
We went for WMDs and there were none = Bogus war.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

Time for America to stand back up, and to quit bowing down to bad actors, and bowing down to pressures that aren't nessesary to be bothered with or to be afraid of.
It was a bogus war and we were lied to by Cheney.
Have to do things in certain ways these days or leftist will undermine the country in favor of world dictators.
They went in for WMD. That's called willful ignorance.
Who cares, as the goal was regime change in which the Iraqis welcomed with open arms. It is only the undermining and semantics carried out back here that got in the way of mission accomplished.
We went for WMDs and there were none = Bogus war.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

Time for America to stand back up, and to quit bowing down to bad actors, and bowing down to pressures that aren't nessesary to be bothered with or to be afraid of.
It was a bogus war and we were lied to by Cheney.
Have to do things in certain ways these days or leftist will undermine the country in favor of world dictators.
Trump is the one bromancing dictators like Putin and lil Kim.
That's a stupid comment, given the facts.

1. The entire planet expected WMD stockpiles. The UN. France, Germany, Britain. It wasn't willful anything. Too bad Saddam isn't hear to thank you for your support.

Actually, a lot of people, including Hans Blix, Mohammed el-Baradi, and Scott Ritter, who were experts in the field, had doubts Saddam had WMD's.

2. Saddam was firing on American aircraft, not that you care.

What were they doing flying over his country anyway?

3. Saddam was threatening the entire refund with WMDs.

Well, dammit, I want my refund on the war... that's what I want.

4. Saddam was refusing UN inspections that he agreed to.

Again, not true. He agreed to the resumption of inspections.

Look... I get the fact that Leftist have need to kiss the ass of every enemy of America...But you lost this one.

America won... Get over it.

Yeah, we won. Tell us what we won, Don Pardo!

We won 5,000 American Dead, 35,000 American injured, a Trillion dollars in debt, but that's not all. Today, Iraq is essentially an Iranian Puppet State. We also gave rise to ISIS which still plagues us to this day
Well you're a dedicated Saddamite, aren't you?

A few people "Had doubts".... That's you're argument?

We were enforcing a no fly zone. You didn't know that?

This really boils down to your hatred of America being the primary force for goon on this planet, doesn't it?

And yes. American heroes die protecting other people some times. Often Americans are protected in the long run as well.

Saddams evil regime is gone. The rape rooms are gone. Saddam threatening nations with WMDs is over.

America won, therefore I won, and America-Haters everywhere lost.
Who cares, as the goal was regime change in which the Iraqis welcomed with open arms. It is only the undermining and semantics carried out back here that got in the way of mission accomplished.
We went for WMDs and there were none = Bogus war.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

Time for America to stand back up, and to quit bowing down to bad actors, and bowing down to pressures that aren't nessesary to be bothered with or to be afraid of.
It was a bogus war and we were lied to by Cheney.
Have to do things in certain ways these days or leftist will undermine the country in favor of world dictators.
Trump is the one bromancing dictators like Putin and lil Kim.
The left hates Trump out of pure jealousy.
We went for WMDs and there were none = Bogus war.
Regardless of the spark, Sadam had to go and George Bush and the nation knew it. We gave the idiot Sadam ample time to come clean, and to avoid war, but he flexed and puffed his ignorant ace up. We obliged his actions with resolve, and we ain't done yet in the world. Just mess with us and see.

Time for America to stand back up, and to quit bowing down to bad actors, and bowing down to pressures that aren't nessesary to be bothered with or to be afraid of.
It was a bogus war and we were lied to by Cheney.
Have to do things in certain ways these days or leftist will undermine the country in favor of world dictators.
Trump is the one bromancing dictators like Putin and lil Kim.
The left hates Trump out of pure jealousy.
I don't hate Trump (I'm a Libertarian), I think he's really funny. Funniest Prez EVER!

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