Why is it so hard to understand that TAX cuts INCREASES tax revenues?

how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.
Isn't it absolutely amazing that these stupid Moon Bat think that it is better for a bureaucrat to spend the money that they earn rather than they spend it themselves?

Of course these greedy little Moon Bats really don't want to give the government any of their own money. They want somebody else to pay.

Your post has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. If that was your intent, well done.

Because you are an uneducated low information Moon Bat you are simply to dumb to understand what is wrong with having an out of control bloated government that steals money from working Americans and gives it to the welfare queens and illegals to vote for Democrats.

We don't need high taxation in this country to pay off the welfare queens to keep the Democrats in power, do we?
It seems that many people primarily uninformed people don't see HOW the correlation between reducing taxes can increase revenue.
The primary reason they don't understand is fundamentally they don't know:
1) simple arithmetic.
2) that don't know what happens to money.
View attachment 149122

Do Tax Cuts Increase Government Revenue?

Why according to the above chart does receipts increase as marginal tax decreases?
1) Simple arithmetic.
If taxable income grows tax receipts increase. Simple.
$1,000 taxable income 90% tax $900.
But if taxable income grows to $2,000 and tax is 70% $1,400 versus $900. Simple.
Now some people say "well if the tax was still at 90% it would be $1,800! WRONG!
Because there was NO reason for the taxable income to grow if all it did was pay more taxes!
2) Don't know what happens to money.
Most naive and uninformed people I honestly believe think that people that have excess money:
a) put the money in a mattress or bury it in the backyard. Seriously! They don't seem to comprehend
b)the excess money is
1) spent on consumer goods, more cars, more clothes, more housing, more food.
2) or save putting into the bank which by the way then the bank lends to people to spend..
3) or invest in business to hire more people, spend more money

It is that simple.
The economic multiplier states for every $1 million spent, IT is multiplied by 1.18 or the economy grows with that $1 trillion to $1.2 trillion.
• $1.188 million in total economic activity takes place for every $1 million spent..
• Each $1 million spent provides $205,829 in labor incomes
• Each $1 million represents 7.7 workers and assuming 35% (payroll taxes, FICA, FUTA, Medicare, SS)
Well why not just eliminate taxes altogether? Then we should have an infinite amount of revenue coming in.

Where would the revenue come from? Donations? Would you donate to pay salaries of public officials?
See idiotic statements like yours come from just plain stupidity.

BUT you can go to North Korea where they pay NO taxes also!
Officially, there are no taxes in North Korea. The date of 1 April is the North Korean "Tax Abolition Day".[1] North Korean propaganda claims that North Korea is the world's only tax-free country.[
Taxation in North Korea - Wikipedia

You're the one claiming that reducing taxes raises revenue. Personally, I think that notion has already been disproved. But, if you're correct, where is the sweet spot? How much can you cut taxes without adding to the deficit and debt?

OK I'll keep it simple for you and your ilk!

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
So the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!

Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 6.40.00 PM.png

Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2015 Update - Tax Foundation
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

Can you point to one country on the planet which has the size government that you prefer so we can evaluate the depth of your foolishness?
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?

So what would a private military to defend the country look like?
We've been privatizing the military Since 2009, the ratio of contractors to troops in war zones has increased from 1 to 1 to about 3 to 1.
America's Addiction to Mercenaries
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.
Ok, so now take it a step further so you can join this conversation.

What is the current effective tax rate for the average American?
What would you like the effective tax rate reduced to?
What is the projected economic growth that you think will result from the reduced tax rate?
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

Can you point to one country on the planet which has the size government that you prefer so we can evaluate the depth of your foolishness?

Hong Kong has minimal government and the most economic freedom in the world and a very strong vibrant economy. Even the Communists were not stupid enough to screw that economy up.

We could have a very good government in this country by spending a third to half of the money on government that we spend now. With a few trillions more being spent in the produce economy instead of the government bureaucracy our economy would boom. The welfare queens wouldn't like it but who gives a shit?
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?
They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

Can you point to one country on the planet which has the size government that you prefer so we can evaluate the depth of your foolishness?

Hong Kong has minimal government and the most economic freedom in the world and a very strong vibrant economy. Even the Communists were not stupid enough to screw that economy up.

We could have a very good government in this country by spending a third to half of the money on government that we spend now. With a few trillions more being spent in the produce economy instead of the government bureaucracy our economy would boom. The welfare queens wouldn't like it but who gives a shit?
How much are we spending on welfare?
They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?

I've already done that. Go back and read:

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
But the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
You realize that if you add up all this waste it is an insignificant drop in the bucket compared to the total budget, right?

I'm all for cleaning up the waste but are we ever going to have a straight forward and honest conversation about how our economy operates? You keep avoiding the real questions
The reason why it is so hard to understand that tax cuts increases tax revenues is because, for the most part, it doesn't happen.

It's like trying to understand why things don't fall up and why the sun doesn't rise in the west.

Tax cuts raising revenues is a religion amongst the hacks that believe it, for the most part.
Just right wing fantasy and then they want to apply their, "imaginary numbers" for budget purposes. They only deserve, one percent growth rate in any budget projections.

See the problem with people like you is you have NO ambition. No interests. Nothing to provide you any incentive. Obviously your whole life is built on
envy. On jealousy of people that have striven more to accomplish more and as a result you are so envious you have to tear down. That is the only thing people
of your ilk are good at. Destroying things. Like these people you are NOT constructive members of society but DESTRUCTIVE!
View attachment 149810 View attachment 149811 View attachment 149812
Just right wing propaganda; and, this is not one of your, "twice a day moments".

Just right wing fantasy and then they want to apply their, "imaginary numbers" for budget purposes. They only deserve, one percent growth rate in any budget projections.
And contrary to the claims of voodoo, the government’s budget numbers show that tax receipts expanded from $517 billion in 1980 to $909 billion in 1988 — close to a 75 percent change (25 percent after inflation).

Inflation adjustment? NICE! Keep going because now that you are done adjusting for inflation you have to adjust for economic growth.

As % of GDP revenues were down even after Reagan's tax raises.


As your chart shows the biggest upward spike in revenues occurred AFTER Bill Clinton's infamous tax INCREASE in 1993.
Yet, the right wing claims revenue only goes up with lower taxes.
So going back to the question posed in the thread title, the short answer is that they don't.

Logic and common sense would tell you that. This is why the whole issue of tax cuts paying for themselves is referred to as "voodoo economics", because it defies reason and logic.

The trade off for paying taxes is living in a first world country. Infrastructure, law and order, and regulatory agencies to protect intellectual property, investment, and consumers, all cost money. So does good government. Right wingers want all of these benefits, but they don't want to pay for them.

They also want a strong, modern, well equipped military who will jump in and protect "American interests", but they don't want to provide veterans with health care and the other things they promised soldiers when they enlisted.

There are countries which have no income tax. They are not places that any person who has become accustomed to first world comforts, infrastructure or security would want to live, but they do exist. You have to look out for your own security and hire bodyguards. You'll have to purify own water too. And you'll have to bribe government officials to keep them from stealing what you have, but you won't have to pay income tax.

Right wingers like to promote the notion that taxation is theft, but it's not. Taxation is your share of the costs of running maintaining a first world country. Just like you pay for your electrical bill, your heating bill and your water bill, your tax bill is your share of infrastructure and expenses.

I also strongly disagree with the notion that corporations which provide jobs should have lower taxes. In fact these corporations use more infrastructure and government resources than individuals. They need an educated workforce. They need transportation for their goods and services. Their waste disposal costs are very high. They need protection for their intellectual property and investments. Giving these corporations tax breaks simply shifts their costs onto individual middle-class Americans who are already bearing a disproportionately high percentage of the cost of running the government.
Progressive taxation results in unpayable debt... fact
Because progressives can only take so much money from others… Then it runs out.
No, it doesn't. Only the right wing makes that fantastical claim. Taxing the rich into Heaven is both moral and can lead to federal budget surpluses. Lowering taxes only increases the debt because the right wing is so cognitively dissonant regarding "big government".
Theres nothing to tax... the country is broke.
I love right wing humor.

We have the largest economy in the world.
The private sector is the only hope this country has fiscally, punishing people for success makes no sense. The last thing we need is more big government, making frivolous laws and regulations.
All talk and no action, right wingers?

End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, so you won't have to protest too much about taxes anymore.
Tax any product sufficiently and it will disappear from the market.

Tax any activity sufficiently and it will cease.


A black market will develop in untaxed product.

Activity will shift to "off the books".

Either way the tax take is lower or just goes away entirely.
Prohibition is always more expensive than Commerce, well regulated.
Isn't it absolutely amazing that these stupid Moon Bat think that it is better for a bureaucrat to spend the money that they earn rather than they spend it themselves?

Of course these greedy little Moon Bats really don't want to give the government any of their own money. They want somebody else to pay.
Only in right wing fantasy. We don't need a standing army if the right wing refuses to pay standing army tax rates.

The private sector can merely, arm themselves.

From your very own link:

In 2015....Taxpayers at the very top of the income distribution, the top 0.1 percent (with AGIs over $1.86 million), paid an even higher average tax rate, of 27.9 percent. The average tax rate of the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose significantly in 2013, from 21.9 percent in 2012 to 27.1 percent in 2013. This increase in the average tax rate of the 1 percent was largely due to several changes to the federal tax code, imposed at the end of 2012 as part of the “fiscal cliff” tax deal: a new 39.6 percent income tax bracket, a higher top rate on capital gains and dividends, and the reintroduction of the Pease limitation on itemized deductions.

Wow imagine that, taxes were increased and people paid more taxes. What a crazy, totally inconceivable outcome!
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
If Man were moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God, we would not need the expense of Government.

the right wing refuses to pay, Original Sinner Tax rates.

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