Why is it so hard to understand that TAX cuts INCREASES tax revenues?

how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
If Man were moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God, we would not need the expense of Government.

the right wing refuses to pay, Original Sinner Tax rates.

Simple solutions for the simple mind.

What do ten commandments say about budgeting, value of education and proper ways of resolving disputes?

How about slave owning, is that all good? Tenth commandment says so...there goes the morality credentials.
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how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.
I believe the right wing should only be given credit for a one percent growth rate in any budget projections.
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.
End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror, right wingers, to abolish our income tax.

Don't Protest too much.
Isn't it absolutely amazing that these stupid Moon Bat think that it is better for a bureaucrat to spend the money that they earn rather than they spend it themselves?

Of course these greedy little Moon Bats really don't want to give the government any of their own money. They want somebody else to pay.

Your post has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. If that was your intent, well done.

Because you are an uneducated low information Moon Bat you are simply to dumb to understand what is wrong with having an out of control bloated government that steals money from working Americans and gives it to the welfare queens and illegals to vote for Democrats.

We don't need high taxation in this country to pay off the welfare queens to keep the Democrats in power, do we?
"Hate on the poor, is all you have." We may have to make all blacks rich, just so the left won't be able to call the right wing, racist.
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
If Man were moral enough to obey Ten simple Commandments from a God, we would not need the expense of Government.

the right wing refuses to pay, Original Sinner Tax rates.

Simple solutions for the simple mind.

What do ten commandments say about budgeting, value of education and proper ways of resolving disputes?

How about slave owning, is that all good? Tenth commandment says so...there goes the morality credentials.
I try to keep it simple for the right wing; we have to pay taxes due to our being, Original Sinners. The right merely needs to prove their better morals, to lower taxes.
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.
I believe the right wing should only be given credit for a one percent growth rate in any budget projections.
I don't know what that means.
how can you keep trying to give financial/economic ideas when you can't give a simple explanation of your own OP?! I've asked 12 times now for some simple numbers. How much of a tax reduction do you want to see and what will the resulting economic and wage growth be in your estimation? If you think that is an unfair question for me to ask then explain why you think it is unfair.

They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.
I believe the right wing should only be given credit for a one percent growth rate in any budget projections.
I don't know what that means.
Taxes are a political football due to growth rate assumptions. The right wing should have to provide a conservative plan that accounts for only one percent growth.
How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?

I've already done that. Go back and read:

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
But the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!
There you are! Don't act like you've been addressing my questions, I've asked you about a dozen times for some very simple answers. The last direct engagement I think I had with you was when I said that the average effective tax rate was 13.5 and you responded that you don't believe me... see below

healthmyths im still waiting for those numbers... here I'll make it easier for you. Let's say Trump cuts to 15%. What is the resulting effective tax rate? In 2015 the average effective tax rate in America was 13.5% so with Trumps cut, what is the new effective tax rate? And what is your predicted growth that would result?
Don't believe anything you write. Give me a source! Until then your comment is unsubstantiated!

At least now it looks like you did some homework and acknowledge that number as accurate.

As for your argument... You are taking 88 billion out of the collected tax revenue to receive 13 billion in payroll and income taxes created by the job growth that you are projecting. That puts 44 billion on the pockets of the 1% and creates a net loss of 75 billion in tax revenues after your applied investment of the other half.

You did mention other possible investments of that 44 billion that would result in economic growth. Thats a fine point, but show the numbers because right now we are seeing a model that increases the deficit by 75 billion as a result of your tax cuts... Where is the growth that makes up for the revenue deficit that is created by the cuts?

Make economic sense out of this and I'm on board.
They have no idea. Laffer doesn't have any idea. They just want to try once more, what's already been tried and failed. It sounds insane, but that's just the way they think.

How dumb do you have to be to think that the stupid corrupt government is better at spending the money that you make rather than yourself?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.
I believe the right wing should only be given credit for a one percent growth rate in any budget projections.
I don't know what that means.
Taxes are a political football due to growth rate assumptions. The right wing should have to provide a conservative plan that accounts for only one percent growth.
Sorry man, i'm not following. I don't understand why it is a Left or Right thing. It is economics. We are talking about taxation, spending, investment, employment, wages, trade, regulation and all the other things that effect our economy. How do you say that an ideology is responsible for 1% growth? I don't know what that means.

From your very own link:

In 2015....Taxpayers at the very top of the income distribution, the top 0.1 percent (with AGIs over $1.86 million), paid an even higher average tax rate, of 27.9 percent. The average tax rate of the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose significantly in 2013, from 21.9 percent in 2012 to 27.1 percent in 2013. This increase in the average tax rate of the 1 percent was largely due to several changes to the federal tax code, imposed at the end of 2012 as part of the “fiscal cliff” tax deal: a new 39.6 percent income tax bracket, a higher top rate on capital gains and dividends, and the reintroduction of the Pease limitation on itemized deductions.

Wow imagine that, taxes were increased and people paid more taxes. What a crazy, totally inconceivable outcome!

Well something YOU can not evidently EVER EVER conceive of, people paying a LESS tax percentage BUT more tax revenue coming in.
You just can't imagine that for one simple reason.
See people like you don't seem to comprehend that the economic PIE is constantly growing!
Case in point and here are FACTS!
For nearly 150 years, GDP per person in the US economy has grown at a remarkably steady average rate of around 2% per year.
Starting at around $3,000 in 1870, per capita GDP rose to more than $50,000 by 2014, a nearly 17-fold increase.
The economic pie growing bigger!
Now how many people have become millionaires in the US? Something that people like you just simply HATE..."millionaires"..."filthy evil capitalists"
You and your ilk are so envious and jealous that the ONLY thing you have is to HATE them.
Well buddy... look around because in 2016 one of 30 Americans was a Millionaire!
But you and your fellow idiot ilk think the ONLY way you can get a piece of those dastardly evil millionaires is to tax and then like jackals fight over what you think
is a piece of pie!
Truly pathetic people like you that believe the ONLY way you can exist is by TAKING it from other people rather then working hard, coming up with something novel and
making it happen. I really pity you people because that is the only thing YOU have... hatred of people that are more financially successful than you are! Pathetic!

From your very own link:

In 2015....Taxpayers at the very top of the income distribution, the top 0.1 percent (with AGIs over $1.86 million), paid an even higher average tax rate, of 27.9 percent. The average tax rate of the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose significantly in 2013, from 21.9 percent in 2012 to 27.1 percent in 2013. This increase in the average tax rate of the 1 percent was largely due to several changes to the federal tax code, imposed at the end of 2012 as part of the “fiscal cliff” tax deal: a new 39.6 percent income tax bracket, a higher top rate on capital gains and dividends, and the reintroduction of the Pease limitation on itemized deductions.

Wow imagine that, taxes were increased and people paid more taxes. What a crazy, totally inconceivable outcome!

Well something YOU can not evidently EVER EVER conceive of, people paying a LESS tax percentage BUT more tax revenue coming in.

Nonsense, I can of course conceive because that's what happens as economy grows due to population and productivity growth. I explained these effects multiple times to you already.


People ACTUALLY paid more because of higher taxes as your own link plainly states.

From your very own link:

In 2015....Taxpayers at the very top of the income distribution, the top 0.1 percent (with AGIs over $1.86 million), paid an even higher average tax rate, of 27.9 percent. The average tax rate of the top 1 percent of taxpayers rose significantly in 2013, from 21.9 percent in 2012 to 27.1 percent in 2013. This increase in the average tax rate of the 1 percent was largely due to several changes to the federal tax code, imposed at the end of 2012 as part of the “fiscal cliff” tax deal: a new 39.6 percent income tax bracket, a higher top rate on capital gains and dividends, and the reintroduction of the Pease limitation on itemized deductions.

Wow imagine that, taxes were increased and people paid more taxes. What a crazy, totally inconceivable outcome!

Well something YOU can not evidently EVER EVER conceive of, people paying a LESS tax percentage BUT more tax revenue coming in.
You just can't imagine that for one simple reason.
See people like you don't seem to comprehend that the economic PIE is constantly growing!
Case in point and here are FACTS!
For nearly 150 years, GDP per person in the US economy has grown at a remarkably steady average rate of around 2% per year.
Starting at around $3,000 in 1870, per capita GDP rose to more than $50,000 by 2014, a nearly 17-fold increase.
The economic pie growing bigger!
Now how many people have become millionaires in the US? Something that people like you just simply HATE..."millionaires"..."filthy evil capitalists"
You and your ilk are so envious and jealous that the ONLY thing you have is to HATE them.
Well buddy... look around because in 2016 one of 30 Americans was a Millionaire!
But you and your fellow idiot ilk think the ONLY way you can get a piece of those dastardly evil millionaires is to tax and then like jackals fight over what you think
is a piece of pie!
Truly pathetic people like you that believe the ONLY way you can exist is by TAKING it from other people rather then working hard, coming up with something novel and
making it happen. I really pity you people because that is the only thing YOU have... hatred of people that are more financially successful than you are! Pathetic!
View attachment 150051
No need to get emotional and lower yourself to the petty attacks. Use numbers and logic to win the argument.

At the beginning of the conversation you said that GDP is an insignificant factor but now you are using it to make an arguement. You have yet to show a plan for tax reduction and simple projections for resulting economic growth. I've asked a dozen times. How much do you want to cut and how much do you expect it to grow the economy?
I'm simply asking for a projected model of economic effects under the desired conditions that the OP is promoting. So far nobody can put down some real numbers for us to look at.

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?

I've already done that. Go back and read:

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
But the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!
There you are! Don't act like you've been addressing my questions, I've asked you about a dozen times for some very simple answers. The last direct engagement I think I had with you was when I said that the average effective tax rate was 13.5 and you responded that you don't believe me... see below

healthmyths im still waiting for those numbers... here I'll make it easier for you. Let's say Trump cuts to 15%. What is the resulting effective tax rate? In 2015 the average effective tax rate in America was 13.5% so with Trumps cut, what is the new effective tax rate? And what is your predicted growth that would result?
Don't believe anything you write. Give me a source! Until then your comment is unsubstantiated!

At least now it looks like you did some homework and acknowledge that number as accurate.

As for your argument... You are taking 88 billion out of the collected tax revenue to receive 13 billion in payroll and income taxes created by the job growth that you are projecting. That puts 44 billion on the pockets of the 1% and creates a net loss of 75 billion in tax revenues after your applied investment of the other half.

You did mention other possible investments of that 44 billion that would result in economic growth. Thats a fine point, but show the numbers because right now we are seeing a model that increases the deficit by 75 billion as a result of your tax cuts... Where is the growth that makes up for the revenue deficit that is created by the cuts?

Make economic sense out of this and I'm on board.

AND if you noticed that was the AVERAGE! But the "average american"
But this chart shows that those "poor" people you try to help... paid less then 3% of the total taxes. Those evil top 5% paid nearly 60%
And those "evil" 5% are the ones that SHOULD get a tax break because they're paying nearly 2/3s of all taxes.
Those were the people I had used for the tax cut argument.
NOW again.... think for once rather than EMOTE!
These people will spend more of their tax savings either in buying goods/services or investing... all of which CREATES more businesses that pay more taxes hire more
people that pay more taxes and that's the issue.
You put your selfish greedy mentality on these evil wealth 5% and attribute them your characteristics.
These 5% people are the ones that also donate more then you percentage wise. They have more to invest then obviously you and it is this growth potential that
people like you totally are ignorant of.
One illustration:

Real numbers:

The combined cost of Federal, State and Local government in this country is about 40% of GDP.

For most Americans working families the yearly direct and indict cost of government is the single largest household expense.

According to the CIA Factbook the cost of combined government in the US is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on earth. If you include only the Federal government that only adds two more countries to the list and one of them just barely makes the cut.

Because of the horrendous cost of government this country has, for the last eight years, experienced increased poverty, decreased family income, increased income disparity, had dismal economic growth and accumulated $10 trillion additional debt on the Federal side and three trillion on the State and local side.

The cost of government is destroying this country and the filthy ass Liberals want it to grow even more.

And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?

I've already done that. Go back and read:

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
But the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!
There you are! Don't act like you've been addressing my questions, I've asked you about a dozen times for some very simple answers. The last direct engagement I think I had with you was when I said that the average effective tax rate was 13.5 and you responded that you don't believe me... see below

healthmyths im still waiting for those numbers... here I'll make it easier for you. Let's say Trump cuts to 15%. What is the resulting effective tax rate? In 2015 the average effective tax rate in America was 13.5% so with Trumps cut, what is the new effective tax rate? And what is your predicted growth that would result?
Don't believe anything you write. Give me a source! Until then your comment is unsubstantiated!

At least now it looks like you did some homework and acknowledge that number as accurate.

As for your argument... You are taking 88 billion out of the collected tax revenue to receive 13 billion in payroll and income taxes created by the job growth that you are projecting. That puts 44 billion on the pockets of the 1% and creates a net loss of 75 billion in tax revenues after your applied investment of the other half.

You did mention other possible investments of that 44 billion that would result in economic growth. Thats a fine point, but show the numbers because right now we are seeing a model that increases the deficit by 75 billion as a result of your tax cuts... Where is the growth that makes up for the revenue deficit that is created by the cuts?

Make economic sense out of this and I'm on board.

AND if you noticed that was the AVERAGE! But the "average american"
But this chart shows that those "poor" people you try to help... paid less then 3% of the total taxes. Those evil top 5% paid nearly 60%
And those "evil" 5% are the ones that SHOULD get a tax break because they're paying nearly 2/3s of all taxes.
Those were the people I had used for the tax cut argument.
NOW again.... think for once rather than EMOTE!
These people will spend more of their tax savings either in buying goods/services or investing... all of which CREATES more businesses that pay more taxes hire more
people that pay more taxes and that's the issue.
You put your selfish greedy mentality on these evil wealth 5% and attribute them your characteristics.
These 5% people are the ones that also donate more then you percentage wise. They have more to invest then obviously you and it is this growth potential that
people like you totally are ignorant of.
One illustration:
You tell me to think rather than EMOTE then proceed to EMOTE by saying I'm ignorant and have a selfish and greedy mentality. OK :cuckoo:

And yet again you fail to back up your point with numbers. What is your deal? Why can't you just make a simple statement with rational numbers to back it up.

Your last argument when you tried to address numbers you called for a $88 billion tax cut for the top 1%. You then said it would create jobs and produce $13 billion in tax revenue. So that is a loss of $75 billion. Where is that made up for? Play it out and explain yourself stop distracting with more of your randomness. Stay focused, lets dig in.
And here are just 7 examples of how tax dollars are just totally wasted on stupid dumb projects.
View attachment 150006
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?

I've already done that. Go back and read:

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
But the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!
There you are! Don't act like you've been addressing my questions, I've asked you about a dozen times for some very simple answers. The last direct engagement I think I had with you was when I said that the average effective tax rate was 13.5 and you responded that you don't believe me... see below

healthmyths im still waiting for those numbers... here I'll make it easier for you. Let's say Trump cuts to 15%. What is the resulting effective tax rate? In 2015 the average effective tax rate in America was 13.5% so with Trumps cut, what is the new effective tax rate? And what is your predicted growth that would result?
Don't believe anything you write. Give me a source! Until then your comment is unsubstantiated!

At least now it looks like you did some homework and acknowledge that number as accurate.

As for your argument... You are taking 88 billion out of the collected tax revenue to receive 13 billion in payroll and income taxes created by the job growth that you are projecting. That puts 44 billion on the pockets of the 1% and creates a net loss of 75 billion in tax revenues after your applied investment of the other half.

You did mention other possible investments of that 44 billion that would result in economic growth. Thats a fine point, but show the numbers because right now we are seeing a model that increases the deficit by 75 billion as a result of your tax cuts... Where is the growth that makes up for the revenue deficit that is created by the cuts?

Make economic sense out of this and I'm on board.

AND if you noticed that was the AVERAGE! But the "average american"
But this chart shows that those "poor" people you try to help... paid less then 3% of the total taxes. Those evil top 5% paid nearly 60%
And those "evil" 5% are the ones that SHOULD get a tax break because they're paying nearly 2/3s of all taxes.
Those were the people I had used for the tax cut argument.
NOW again.... think for once rather than EMOTE!
These people will spend more of their tax savings either in buying goods/services or investing... all of which CREATES more businesses that pay more taxes hire more
people that pay more taxes and that's the issue.
You put your selfish greedy mentality on these evil wealth 5% and attribute them your characteristics.
These 5% people are the ones that also donate more then you percentage wise. They have more to invest then obviously you and it is this growth potential that
people like you totally are ignorant of.
One illustration:
You tell me to think rather than EMOTE then proceed to EMOTE by saying I'm ignorant and have a selfish and greedy mentality. OK :cuckoo:

And yet again you fail to back up your point with numbers. What is your deal? Why can't you just make a simple statement with rational numbers to back it up.

Your last argument when you tried to address numbers you called for a $88 billion tax cut for the top 1%. You then said it would create jobs and produce $13 billion in tax revenue. So that is a loss of $75 billion. Where is that made up for? Play it out and explain yourself stop distracting with more of your randomness. Stay focused, lets dig in.

Simple cuts like these!
Government is notoriously mismanaged, wasteful and fraud-ridden. Last May, the Economist magazine reported: “In 2012 Donald Berwick, a former head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Andrew Hackbarth of RAND Corporation, estimated that fraud added as much as $98 billion, or roughly 10 percent, to annual Medicare and Medicaid spending and up to $272 billion across the entire health system.” Similar amounts of fraud are found in most every federal government program — Social Security, food stamps and other welfare, defense spending, and now Obamacare. A private company subject to the degree of fraud, waste and mismanagement found in government would soon be driven out of business.
RICHARD RAHN: U.S. government wastes $1 trillion a year
Ever hear of EMTALA??? Look it up. Was a compassionate piece of GOP legislation passed in 1986 intended to help people!
What did was cause hospitals to charge for example $3,000 for a CAT scan that COST the hospital less then $100 to perform!
Why? Because of EMTALA!
Now as far as the cutting taxes on the people that pay the most...
AGAIN... you turn back $88 billion a year to a group of people that are
A) going to spend B) going to invest either way it is a multiplier effect which I guess you've never heard of right?
Here let me help you !
Let's assume all $88 billion is put into the bank. Do you think the bank JUST lends out JuST the $88 billion and that's it?
NOPE ! That $88 billion is spent but the LOANs are generally 70% more then the money the $88 billion put into the banks by the wealthy that had tax cuts!
So This $88 billion if just put into the banks is used to create $125 billion in construction labor etc. Again the multiplier effect.
So now the $88 billion that didn't go to the government but back to the evil 1% taxpayers has just multiple and made $125 billion GDP infusion.
Enough simple examples of how CUTTING the taxes on the 1% down to 20% would generate $125 billion more in GDP i.e. creating jobs, payroll taxes, income taxes,
property taxes. This is how the economy grows when the government cuts taxes.
Numbers healthmyths stop beating around the bush. How is your plan going to work?! What's the projected financials?

I've already done that. Go back and read:

In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.

This works out to 13.6% over all by all tax payers.
But the top 1% paid 27.1% or $333.3 Billion of the of the $1.23 trillion total.
What would happen if that rate had been cut to 20% or the tax was $246 Billion or a savings to the top 1% of nearly $88 billion.
So what would these 1% do with the $88 billion NOT paid in taxes?
A) Hide it all under the mattress or bury in the backyard?
B) Go out and spend the $88 billion? Ok how much would the multiplier affect mean? 1.18 times $103 billion in circulation...i.e. added to the GDP!
C) Or they invest in stocks, new ventures that build buildings and hire people. Let's say half goes to hiring people at $50,000 per year.
1) $44 billion in payroll means
a) Federal taxes on $44 billion at 13.4% or nearly $ 6 billion in federal income tax
b) Payroll taxes of 13.2% or another $6 billion in Federal tax receipts.
2) $44 billion spent on construction of facilities,etc. meaning jobs, meaning materials, etc. pumped into the economy!

And this is just ONE year of cutting just the top 1% that paid the highest taxes at 27.1% reduced to 20% means recovery of over $13 billion in taxes.
And that is just in employee income and payroll taxes.

But see most of you people never realized that employers have to pay 6.2% of all wages and that is added to Federal Tax Receipts!
There you are! Don't act like you've been addressing my questions, I've asked you about a dozen times for some very simple answers. The last direct engagement I think I had with you was when I said that the average effective tax rate was 13.5 and you responded that you don't believe me... see below

healthmyths im still waiting for those numbers... here I'll make it easier for you. Let's say Trump cuts to 15%. What is the resulting effective tax rate? In 2015 the average effective tax rate in America was 13.5% so with Trumps cut, what is the new effective tax rate? And what is your predicted growth that would result?
Don't believe anything you write. Give me a source! Until then your comment is unsubstantiated!

At least now it looks like you did some homework and acknowledge that number as accurate.

As for your argument... You are taking 88 billion out of the collected tax revenue to receive 13 billion in payroll and income taxes created by the job growth that you are projecting. That puts 44 billion on the pockets of the 1% and creates a net loss of 75 billion in tax revenues after your applied investment of the other half.

You did mention other possible investments of that 44 billion that would result in economic growth. Thats a fine point, but show the numbers because right now we are seeing a model that increases the deficit by 75 billion as a result of your tax cuts... Where is the growth that makes up for the revenue deficit that is created by the cuts?

Make economic sense out of this and I'm on board.

AND if you noticed that was the AVERAGE! But the "average american"
But this chart shows that those "poor" people you try to help... paid less then 3% of the total taxes. Those evil top 5% paid nearly 60%
And those "evil" 5% are the ones that SHOULD get a tax break because they're paying nearly 2/3s of all taxes.
Those were the people I had used for the tax cut argument.
NOW again.... think for once rather than EMOTE!
These people will spend more of their tax savings either in buying goods/services or investing... all of which CREATES more businesses that pay more taxes hire more
people that pay more taxes and that's the issue.
You put your selfish greedy mentality on these evil wealth 5% and attribute them your characteristics.
These 5% people are the ones that also donate more then you percentage wise. They have more to invest then obviously you and it is this growth potential that
people like you totally are ignorant of.
One illustration:
You tell me to think rather than EMOTE then proceed to EMOTE by saying I'm ignorant and have a selfish and greedy mentality. OK :cuckoo:

And yet again you fail to back up your point with numbers. What is your deal? Why can't you just make a simple statement with rational numbers to back it up.

Your last argument when you tried to address numbers you called for a $88 billion tax cut for the top 1%. You then said it would create jobs and produce $13 billion in tax revenue. So that is a loss of $75 billion. Where is that made up for? Play it out and explain yourself stop distracting with more of your randomness. Stay focused, lets dig in.

Simple cuts like these!
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I ask you to stay focused and dig into the topic and your respond like a broken record reposting a list of wasteful spending that adds up to under $3 million dollars in a budge or over 1 trillion? Are you kidding me? If you want to be taken seriously then start acting serious. Go back and read my last statement and try to give a real response.

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