Why is it that I never see a USA chant at a Democratic gathering?

I've seen a lot of right wingers placing TWO U.S. flags on their porches on the 4th of July......just to show that they're DOUBLY more "patriotic" than others........foolish nitwits !!!!
I've seen a lot of right wingers placing TWO U.S. flags on their porches on the 4th of July......just to show that they're DOUBLY more "patriotic" than others........foolish nitwits !!!!
Wow, so judgmental and envious of those with two flags.

Guess you hope Sanders will redistribute one of those flags to you, eh?

What exactly is the point of chanting "USA, USA, USA"? As a non-American I really am very curious. When I see Americans chanting "USA, USA, USA!!" and it's not a sporting event where Americans are taking on another nation, it just seems meaningless and mindless.

It's mindless of course, but those who do so must feel the need to fit in, and worry that by not doing so others will judge them - which many will of course do. Biddable people lack self confidence and feel secure only when they fall in line with the maddening crowd (we see them as members of the echo chamber on this message board).
It's always the GOP .... The Tea Party.... A Trump rally...

Never at a Hillary Rally......Certainly never at a Sanders Rally

Never at a democratic rally...ever.


Rally's are not hockey games or pep rallies for high school students. This post ^^^ highlights the recent hysteria about wearing US Flag pins - it is childish, lacks substance and is one more example of an emotion based political idolity manifest in the crazy right wing.

Patriotism isn't about wearing a pin or chanting, "USA"; it is all about taking seriously and supporting the vision detailed in the DoI (all men are equal under the law) and the Preamble to COTUS./

And chanting USA somehow makes other people not equal? Hmmm....please do explain why.

No one has suggested that the chant be outlawed, thus your conclusion in the form of a question does not follow logically from my post.
Yeah, Democrats want an America that is indistinguishable from the former Soviet Union.

54,000 posts in 5 years. Seriously? It's time for you to leave Mom's basement and get out into the real world. Perhaps then you'll realized how the shit you post has no basis in reality.

Why would anyone want to turn the country into a failed experiment into human nature? Liberals used to feel sorry for Russians, because their system of government was obviously not working. As a non-American, I feel sorry for working and middle class Americans, because the system is now so thoroughly skewed in favour of the wealthy, that the chances of working your way up from poverty to wealth, are slim and none.

If you actually had to function in the real world, you would understanding that it wasn't liberal policies that destroyed your chances for a better life than your parents, it was conservatives - starting with Reagan. But having grown up not remembering a time when Americans were a warm, welcoming, compassionate people, before Reagan and the conservatives starting promoting the idea that "Greed is good", and selfishness is fine. Because it's not.

How you can call yourself a Christian, and then turn your backs on the poor of your nation, is beyond me.

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