Why is it that I never see a USA chant at a Democratic gathering?

Hmmm....that would apparently be untrue.....
What "would apparently be untrue"?

Since the left is all about mind control.... I mean how do you separate one from the other?
I don't; one slogan chanting, blank eyed, politician worshiping lemming looks, acts and sounds the same as all the other slogan chanting, blank eyed, politician worshiping lemmings be they from the left or from the right; I find that just mocking them as a group is much more efficient than trying to single any of 'em out for special attention.
How come I never see any actual issues or plans being discussed at republican rallies/debates? How come it's all bumper sticker jargon and people chanting U.S.A.?

Simple people are attracted to simple concepts.

U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
^ that
Hmmm....that would apparently be untrue.....
What "would apparently be untrue"?

Since the left is all about mind control.... I mean how do you separate one from the other?
I don't; one slogan chanting, blank eyed, politician worshiping lemming looks, acts and sounds the same as all the other slogan chanting, blank eyed, politician worshiping lemmings be they from the left or from the right; I find that just mocking them as a group is much more efficient than trying to single any of 'em out for special attention.

So you see this

And this

As the same?
Isn't it obvious? Democrats hate America and Republication love America.

That's an interesting theory, however there's a rather large flaw in it; most of the sheeple that attend GOP "Rallies" don't know what "USA" stands for, they're just chanting it because all the other mindless lemmings are. :D

Hmm typical Alisky-ite drviel....not surprising in the stead of a substantive answer .
ROFLMAO! what sort of a "substantive answer" were you expecting for a topic like this? an in depth discussion of mob psychology perhaps? the mating habits of lemmings ?

Let me give you a couple of clues.....
a. no rational person takes subjects like that raised in the OP seriously
b. not everybody that pokes fun of you and your fellow herd members is an "Alisky-ite", some of us just find the mind control exercised by the political parties and the politicians that adorn them funny and can't resist poking fun at the lemming herds captured in their orbits.

but it does prove a point....once again
... and exactly what POINT would that be? o_O
He observes that one rarely hears chants of USA! at Dhimmicrat gatherings and wants to know why.

It is kind of a silly question with an obvious answer; libtards hate America as it exists in Reality and can only love their misconception of what they want to change it into.

It is asinine posts like the one directly above that make the rest of the world think the USA is beyond hope.

Both Republicans and Democrats love their country. But each have different visions of where they want the country to go. But conservatives have decided not to compromise.
chanting USA or saying the pledge or supporting freedom and the Constitution requires a level of pride in country.

leftist want us to be socialist like the eu b/c they think everywhere else is better.

considering they claim to be the writers of of the Constitution....
Isn't it obvious? Democrats hate America and Republication love America.

That's an interesting theory, however there's a rather large flaw in it; most of the sheeple that attend GOP "Rallies" don't know what "USA" stands for, they're just chanting it because all the other mindless lemmings are. :D

Hmm typical Alisky-ite drviel....not surprising in the stead of a substantive answer .
ROFLMAO! what sort of a "substantive answer" were you expecting for a topic like this? an in depth discussion of mob psychology perhaps? the mating habits of lemmings ?

Let me give you a couple of clues.....
a. no rational person takes subjects like that raised in the OP seriously
b. not everybody that pokes fun of you and your fellow herd members is an "Alisky-ite", some of us just find the mind control exercised by the political parties and the politicians that adorn them funny and can't resist poking fun at the lemming herds captured in their orbits.

but it does prove a point....once again
... and exactly what POINT would that be? o_O
He observes that one rarely hears chants of USA! at Dhimmicrat gatherings and wants to know why.

It is kind of a silly question with an obvious answer; libtards hate America as it exists in Reality and can only love their misconception of what they want to change it into.

It is asinine posts like the one directly above that make the rest of the world think the USA is beyond hope.

Both Republicans and Democrats love their country. But each have different visions of where they want the country to go. But conservatives have decided not to compromise.

Horseshit. Democrats hate America. They have made that plain.
Right off hand, I would say that the reason lies in the fact it isn't necessary.

Those motivated to indulge in the political process like this are obviously doing so because of their concern for the country. It may be a different concern than yours or others, but it springs from the same desire.

It's not as if they are chanting "Cuba! Cuba!", you know?

Patriotism and Jingoism are not the same. It is entirely possible to be patriotic without being jingoistic, and jingoism is not always truly patriotic -- especially when it is so fierce that it supports such an intolerance for pluralism as to venture into un-American themes.

It isn't necessary to buy Christmas presents for you children. You do it because you love them. Dims don't love America. That's as plain as day.
It's always the GOP .... The Tea Party.... A Trump rally...

Never at a Hillary Rally......Certainly never at a Sanders Rally

Never at a democratic rally...ever.


Probably for the same reason that radical Muslims feel compelled to constantly shout that "Allah is great"' .......................................after all, the comparison between Trumpeters and ISIS fanatics is uncanny.

So you think anyone shouting "USA!" is a homicidal maniac?
How come I never see any actual issues or plans being discussed at republican rallies/debates? How come it's all bumper sticker jargon and people chanting U.S.A.?

Simple people are attracted to simple concepts.

U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

hope and change hope and change!!
Isn't it obvious? Democrats hate America and Republication love America.

That's an interesting theory, however there's a rather large flaw in it; most of the sheeple that attend GOP "Rallies" don't know what "USA" stands for, they're just chanting it because all the other mindless lemmings are. :D

Hmm typical Alisky-ite drviel....not surprising in the stead of a substantive answer .
ROFLMAO! what sort of a "substantive answer" were you expecting for a topic like this? an in depth discussion of mob psychology perhaps? the mating habits of lemmings ?

Let me give you a couple of clues.....
a. no rational person takes subjects like that raised in the OP seriously
b. not everybody that pokes fun of you and your fellow herd members is an "Alisky-ite", some of us just find the mind control exercised by the political parties and the politicians that adorn them funny and can't resist poking fun at the lemming herds captured in their orbits.

but it does prove a point....once again
... and exactly what POINT would that be? o_O
He observes that one rarely hears chants of USA! at Dhimmicrat gatherings and wants to know why.

It is kind of a silly question with an obvious answer; libtards hate America as it exists in Reality and can only love their misconception of what they want to change it into.

It is asinine posts like the one directly above that make the rest of the world think the USA is beyond hope.

Both Republicans and Democrats love their country. But each have different visions of where they want the country to go. But conservatives have decided not to compromise.

Yeah, Democrats want an America that is indistinguishable from the former Soviet Union.
It's always the GOP .... The Tea Party.... A Trump rally...

Never at a Hillary Rally......Certainly never at a Sanders Rally

Never at a democratic rally...ever.

Because, unlike republicans, democrats express their patriotism and love for country through actions, not just words.

Actions such as defending a woman's right to privacy, gay Americans' right to equal protection of the law, and the right of all Americans to vote.

Republicans and conservatives engaged in a USA chant is meaningless when both seek to violate the fundamental rights of their fellow Americans, and when both exhibit fear and contempt for diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

That's why.
It's always the GOP .... The Tea Party.... A Trump rally...

Never at a Hillary Rally......Certainly never at a Sanders Rally

Never at a democratic rally...ever.

Because, unlike republicans, democrats express their patriotism and love for country through actions, not just words.

Actions such as defending a woman's right to privacy, gay Americans' right to equal protection of the law, and the right of all Americans to vote.

Republicans and conservatives engaged in a USA chant is meaningless when both seek to violate the fundamental rights of their fellow Americans, and when both exhibit fear and contempt for diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

That's why.

The Chant is also an action.... it is an action that declares passion and conviction for something that is much beloved. Frankly the lack of such enthusiasm on the left is a defining trait that highlights the differences between the two voting bases. Oddly however it seems that the left has always been much noisier than the right only the noise they make is distinctly anti-american so I reject your rather weak premise that the left depends more on actions than words... in fact it is totally ridiculous and demonstrably false leaving us right back at square on with the very same question. Why is it that we never hear or see a USA chant at a democratic rally?

they explain it away with: it's not Necessary. no one said it was, they just asked why it NEVER happens
It's always the GOP .... The Tea Party.... A Trump rally...

Never at a Hillary Rally......Certainly never at a Sanders Rally

Never at a democratic rally...ever.

If you're patriotic, you might be asked to do something...make a sacrifice for the country. That's not part of Democrap dna. They look for something for nothing.

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