Why is it the left thinks the gop promised jobs? Further more

If you say the stimulus didn't work, that means tax cuts/reform doesnt stimulate the economy since it was in the stimulus at 40%
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

you mean why would the party of NO! create jobs ? LOL they don't care about anyone but the rich , are you rich ?
typical crappy response by a kid .

you have nothing top say but insults ? no argument ?

are you rich ? or just stupid ? the rich get tax breaks and we get taxed , but you think thats good ?
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Wis. GOP governor-elect makes bold jobs promise - Bloomberg

That's just one of multiple places I could cite you to. Of COURSE they promised jobs. Now you political game players want to back out on the responsibility.

Where's the accountability? Where's the personal responsibility? WHERE ARE THE JOBS!!!??

There are jobs in Wis now. All those teaching positions need to be filled. I'll bet people are flocking from all over the US for them.
In addition the tarp worked as GWB had intended it to beyond its wildest dreams, the 300 billion BHO got was the failed part

How can you seriously say TARP worked?

TARP shielded the worst actors in the openly fraudulent subprime mess from the consequences of their actions.

If you went to Vegas and bet your house on "00" at the first table you came to, and lost - should the government cover your losses? If they do, then you bet THAT on "red" and actually win, so you can pay the money back - did the program "work?" Or did the program simply establish that reckless gambling is a great thing because it holds no risk at all?

TARP was worse than this, though. The sleaziest of the bankers, Chase, BofA and Obama's owners - Goldman Sachs not only raped the public by covering their gambling losses with our money, they then turned around and raped us again by jacking credit card interest rates up to 40% - open loan sharking with the blessing of both the Bush and the Obama administrations.

TARP was nothing more or less than a massive transfer of wealth from the American tax payer to the well connected looters.

tarp was a bridge loan that BHO voted for
That wealth was paid back with interest except GM, Chrysler , GMAC and AIG
I did not say I agreed with it, and your 40% number means you cut the damn thing up, its a choice
As a true conservative we believe that the creation of jobs comes from lower taxes as well as less regulation in areas we can without turning the wolves of greed loose (see glass/steagall

As I recall the promise of 2010 mid terms was simple
stop the bleeding in the form of printed money as well as de funding/re-calling Obama care. I see there has been some other areas they have went after that were not promised

Jobs are not created by the Govt doing anything, the less they do to the the private sector the more jobs the private sector will create. Every job the Govt creates takes more wealth from the private sector
Legacy cost of federal employees are an item that has seen its day, this is used just for an example

you mean why would the party of NO! create jobs ? LOL they don't care about anyone but the rich , are you rich ?

You know It seems to me the party of no did what the people who elected them wanted them to do
you may not agree with it, but the system is not as BHO treats it. its taxation with representation and with over 100 House and senate seats along with Gov. switching parties it seems thats what the people wanted. of course BHO ignores (by-passes them) congress anyway
you mean why would the party of NO! create jobs ? LOL they don't care about anyone but the rich , are you rich ?

Are you retarded? I mean, have you been diagnosed as being mentally retarded?

After all, you think Tina Fey saying things in skits is real life and Sarah Palin is responsible for them...

Yeah, that means you are retarded.... Hey, you can defend it and say you're just lying for you party like any good drone would - but I still say that you're mentally retarded.
tarp was a bridge loan that BHO voted for
That wealth was paid back with interest except GM, Chrysler , GMAC and AIG

Again, refer to the betting the house scenario - it doesn't matter if the loans are repaid - which they haven't been. AIG still has huge amounts floating, the removal of risk for reckless behavior destroys the market - it makes the looters immune from market constraints.

I did not say I agreed with it, and your 40% number means you cut the damn thing up, its a choice

That's great. For the couple with a 7% rate on a card who figured, "the rate is low, we can finance the home improvement on it" it amounts to legalized theft when the taxpayer funded Chase, BofA or GS jacks the rate to an extortionists 40%

The fact that Obama is a scumbag doesn't alter the fact that Bush was also a scumbag.
Deflection. They know they have failed miserably. They even had a Super Majority and fucked everything up. The fact is the GOP only controls the House of Representatives. They control the White House & Senate. So they still run the Show. It's all on them and they know it. All is not well in Hopey Changey Land at this point. It is what it is.
Deflection. They know they have failed miserably. They even had a Super Majority and fucked everything up. The fact is the GOP only controls the House of Representatives. They control the White House & Senate. So they still run the Show. It's all on them and they know it. All is not well in Hopey Changey Land at this point. It is what it is.

went thru 3 trillion dollars more than we had in 2 years along with another 400 billion w got paid back and we are at a place that has millions less jobs than we had in 08
Its nuts with a capital N and then ask where are the jobs?
# trillion dollars, more deficit in 2 years than W had in 8
The other thing to consider is that we are headed right back into recession.

Fuel prices are a recession spur. They affect EVERYTHING. The sharp increase in fuel cost was the pin-prick that burst the housing bubble and brought on the '07 recession and subsequent crash. If fuel prices don't go down, and quick, the economy WILL crash. We are in a very precarious position, economically.
The other thing to consider is that we are headed right back into recession.

Fuel prices are a recession spur. They affect EVERYTHING. The sharp increase in fuel cost was the pin-prick that burst the housing bubble and brought on the '07 recession and subsequent crash. If fuel prices don't go down, and quick, the economy WILL crash. We are in a very precarious position, economically.

until this country allows some drilling and spilling we are in trouble. there is no green jobs, not yet

We need nukes, coal burners and drill baby drill

Smart dammit, but go baby go
until this country allows some drilling and spilling we are in trouble. there is no green jobs, not yet

We need nukes, coal burners and drill baby drill

Smart dammit, but go baby go

The reality is that an economy cannot be cajoled, coerced or managed. The market will chase products that makes sense, that have value. UNTIL there are alternate sources of energy that are portable and economical, petroleum will continue to be the primary energy source.

The fact is that there isn't much on the horizon that fills this list. Even hydrogen for fuel cells basically comes from petroleum. The idiotic ethanol where a dollar of diesel generates 50 cents worth of equivalent energy makes ADM rich and keeps the bribes flowing to the demopublicans, but it still consumes petroleum.
until this country allows some drilling and spilling we are in trouble. there is no green jobs, not yet

We need nukes, coal burners and drill baby drill

Smart dammit, but go baby go

The reality is that an economy cannot be cajoled, coerced or managed. The market will chase products that makes sense, that have value. UNTIL there are alternate sources of energy that are portable and economical, petroleum will continue to be the primary energy source.

The fact is that there isn't much on the horizon that fills this list. Even hydrogen for fuel cells basically comes from petroleum. The idiotic ethanol where a dollar of diesel generates 50 cents worth of equivalent energy makes ADM rich and keeps the bribes flowing to the demopublicans, but it still consumes petroleum.
LOL . ya what's the livelihood of people on the coast ? BPs spill was blown out of proportion , there no global warming , storms are not worse ..

you have a gas guzzler , we need oil .
until this country allows some drilling and spilling we are in trouble. there is no green jobs, not yet

We need nukes, coal burners and drill baby drill

Smart dammit, but go baby go

The reality is that an economy cannot be cajoled, coerced or managed. The market will chase products that makes sense, that have value. UNTIL there are alternate sources of energy that are portable and economical, petroleum will continue to be the primary energy source.

The fact is that there isn't much on the horizon that fills this list. Even hydrogen for fuel cells basically comes from petroleum. The idiotic ethanol where a dollar of diesel generates 50 cents worth of equivalent energy makes ADM rich and keeps the bribes flowing to the demopublicans, but it still consumes petroleum.
LOL . ya what's the livelihood of people on the coast ? BPs spill was blown out of proportion , there no global warming , storms are not worse ..

you have a gas guzzler , we need oil .

Over the road 18 wheeler gets 4 miles to the gallon
stop it and you stop this country
that cost does as much to de value our dollar as any-thing
LOL . ya what's the livelihood of people on the coast ? BPs spill was blown out of proportion , there no global warming , storms are not worse ..

you have a gas guzzler , we need oil .

You are why I state that the left is based on stupid people, those without the cognitive abilities requisite to accurately access a situation or problem.

You, and millions of others like you, who are utterly clueless.
The Corporate Quislings and the Conservative Corporate masters will keep bleeding the economy of jobs and tax payer money until the government is an empty shell. Then they will prop up a new aristocracy.

That's the aim.
Deflection. That's all it is. Even Democrats know the Democrats have been monumental Fuck-Ups. With their Super Majority they actually managed to make things much much worse. Now they're just trying to deflect and put it all on the Republicans. But the Republicans only control the House of Representatives. The Democrats still control the Senate & White House. So it's still their Show. And anyone with common sense knows this. Hopefully this will change in 2012. Make it happen America. Get out and Vote.
The Corporate Quislings and the Conservative Corporate masters will keep bleeding the economy of jobs and tax payer money until the government is an empty shell. Then they will prop up a new aristocracy.

That's the aim.

Of course they will, while your Messiah® stands blameless as he funnels trillions into the pockets of his Goldman Sachs masters...


What a fucking buffoon.
LOL . ya what's the livelihood of people on the coast ? BPs spill was blown out of proportion , there no global warming , storms are not worse ..

you have a gas guzzler , we need oil .

You are why I state that the left is based on stupid people, those without the cognitive abilities requisite to accurately access a situation or problem.

You, and millions of others like you, who are utterly clueless.

if we let repigs in office then we have the banking crisis like we did . yet you still vote for the same ones , if you keep doing the same thing but expect different result you considered crazy . or stupid .

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