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Why is it?

You and I have had some bare knuckle slug fests in days gone by, even so we still remained arguing the facts and philosophical points.

Nobody can disagree with a moonbat without being accused of having something wrong with you personally.
Thatā€™s true. I find I agree with a great deal of what you say. I have not felt prohibited from expressing my disagreement when we donā€™t share the same views. And thatā€™s kind of what I was thinking about. I consider Mark Levin to be a genius. Iā€™m too old to have a role model, but he serves as someone who approximates one to me. And I donā€™t even agree with him on all matters. If he and insert to chat, Iā€™m sure he would try to express the basis for his view. But I donā€™t think he would simply dismiss me as some ā€œapostateā€ over any one disagreement.
Profit is not corruption, but it can be used callously in the pursuit of economic advantage, which does lead to corruption. A government doesn't issue stock (bonds yes). Again, while government can certainly be inept, it has a harder time being corrupt since it answers to those who keep it running.

Where the BLAME for corruption in General lies is when it's Govt/Corporate collusion. That's how members of Congress get rich and how corporations use GOVT power to punish their adversaries. NEITHER inept, corrupt political party would EVER stick their necks out to end this.

Corporations dont want to make social policy part of their gigue and company plan BY THEMSELVES, but when virtue signaling is NEEDED, the govt can ORGANIZE and give cover to COKE to be woke by inviting in Delta Airlines and 8 other major corporations into the protest.

It all leads to the same corporate fascism that was the model for Germany and Italy in WW2. Where a call from an agency can get an entity banned from Facebook or Elon Musk can be on the Govt dole for every venture he's famous for.

It's mutual abuse. Just like in Atlas Shrugged with govt/corp collusion there.
I have observed that ā€” to a large extent ā€” when a conservative member of our little posting community disagrees with some facet of what another conservative says, the tenor of the discussion is often fairly polite. Not always. But by and large.

Makes me wonder if it might not actually be true that we conservatives tend to be more open-minded than the liberals and leftists who post here. By contrast, I used to visit the daily kos. Iā€™d read libs not just ā€œdisagreeingā€ with other lib on that board, but ranting and raging. Any deviation from the current orthodoxy handed down from Mount Soros would be greeted by very angry invective.That board could even kick you off under such circumstances. A kind of excommunication.

My guess is therefore that the ā€œbeliefsā€ of the far leftist types is more of a religious kind of zealotry. Deviation from ā€œtheā€ā€™purest most orthodox views are seen as heresy. They talk a good game about ā€œopen mindedness,ā€ but reality shows they arenā€™t tolerant of it in practice.
Sure, it's a sort of religious conviction. If you don't agree alllllll the way with another leftist, you're a heretic. Burn, Heretic, burn!!

Or of course, conservatives might just be more polite. After all, we ARE conservatives.
Thatā€™s true. I find I agree with a great deal of what you say. I have not felt prohibited from expressing my disagreement when we donā€™t share the same views. And thatā€™s kind of what I was thinking about. I consider Mark Levin to be a genius. Iā€™m too old to have a role model, but he serves as someone who approximates one to me. And I donā€™t even agree with him on all matters. If he and insert to chat, Iā€™m sure he would try to express the basis for his view. But I donā€™t think he would simply dismiss me as some ā€œapostateā€ over any one disagreement.

Dont know - one of his favorite radio lines is "Get off my show - you moron". LOL..

But I agree, when he's doing LONG form interviews, he just might be the most patient, civil person out there.
Want some cheese to go with that whine? :)
Right wingers outnumber the left (and independents) on this board by at least 5 to 1.
I'm sorry, polite discussion on the right is something that isn't prevalent on this board...unless you agree with what they have to say.

For me personally, that's what makes coming here fun.
For example, you assume that liberal talking points or ideas come from George Soros..someone who in the course of daily events...is irrelevant.
That's about as winger as it gets.
Cheese to go with that whine? Your childish response confirms the OP's concerns in a tidy little bow.
Right wingers outnumber the left (and independents) on this board by at least 5 to 1.
WHAT??? Are you sure?? Migod, that would be GREAT --- what does THAT say about the midterms, you know?? I knew I read more righties but I thought it was because of my voracious, all-devouring Ignore list. I love my Ignore list, but it could contribute to some statistical anomalies considering how many leftists just haaaaaave to talk dirty, especially to women ----- I guess this is the only place they ever see women, even in the form of a harpy. I guess they get turned on calling us obscenities. Don't quite see the thrill, myself. Now that is something that mostly only leftists do, in my experience. Not all leftists are like that, some are nice, but fewer rightwingers have the filthy-mouth problem. I'm amazed you are seeing such a division. We must be doing something right.

So to speak. :heehee:
Want some cheese to go with that whine? :)
Right wingers outnumber the left (and independents) on this board by at least 5 to 1.
I'm sorry, polite discussion on the right is something that isn't prevalent on this board...unless you agree with what they have to say.

For me personally, that's what makes coming here fun.
For example, you assume that liberal talking points or ideas come from George Soros..someone who in the course of daily events...is irrelevant.
That's about as winger as it gets.
liberal talking points or ideas come from George Soros

Nope...they come from mental illness.
As somebody that argues more on the left side of things but debate both Libs and Cons, I don't see things the way you a paint them. I see wing nuts on both sides. Of the two sets of wingnuts the obviously Uglier more disgusting bunch comes from the Right, no doubt about it. The left extremists are eccentric and unrealistic and like strategic plans but for the most part are fighting for more more humane and morally pure causes. IMO
No. I donā€™t agree. I recognize that as you ā€œseeā€ it, the folks on the left fight for more humane and morally pure causes. I suspect that this delusion is shared by most of you in the left (not just the further left fringes). The thing is though that your thinking is delusional.

It is not, for instance, a morally pure cause to advocate for unrestricted abortion on demand. The way the left attempts to frame the debate is clever. It is couched in terms of a womanā€™s right to ā€œchoose,ā€ which is worthy of an obvious amount of support. But it refuses to even consider the right of the pre-born human being to even live.

The left tries to claim the mantel of being ā€œthe onesā€ who value racial justice. The claim doesnā€™t make it true. For while it is unquestionably true that America has a spotted (shitty) historical record on racial justice (such as slavery and Jim Crow laws, etc), it is emphatically not true that only the liberals and the Democrats have fought to change it.

Iā€™m real sick of virtue signaling and litmus tests. For example: BLM. I support that component of BLM which stands for recognition of the value of black lives, too. I reject much of the rest of what BLM stands for since itā€™s creation. So, if a left winger claims moral superiority over me (on the right) because I wonā€™t kowtow to a demand for support for BLM, I simply reject the claim.

From those things to economics and even matters of international relations, the left has no larger or more valid a claim to morality than those on the right. Like: all Nazis are assholes. But the claim that the right is the side of the political spectrum which is more prone to Nazi-like thinking is simply false.
Dont know - one of his favorite radio lines is "Get off my show - you moron". LOL..

But I agree, when he's doing LONG form interviews, he just might be the most patient, civil person out there.
Oddly enough, the part of his radio show I didnā€™t like was cutting short such conversations. In fairness though, if some left winger wouldnā€™t even answer a straightforward question, thereby impeding what might have been an entertaining discussion, I did get the impetus to just cut off the guest. Better to spend time on something potentially productive.
No. I donā€™t agree. I recognize that as you ā€œseeā€ it, the folks on the left fight for more humane and morally pure causes. I suspect that this delusion is shared by most of you in the left (not just the further left fringes). The thing is though that your thinking is delusional.

It is not, for instance, a morally pure cause to advocate for unrestricted abortion on demand. The way the left attempts to frame the debate is clever. It is couched in terms of a womanā€™s right to ā€œchoose,ā€ which is worthy of an obvious amount of support. But it refuses to even consider the right of the pre-born human being to even live.

The left tries to claim the mantel of being ā€œthe onesā€ who value racial justice. The claim doesnā€™t make it true. For while it is unquestionably true that America has a spotted (shitty) historical record on racial justice (such as slavery and Jim Crow laws, etc), it is emphatically not true that only the liberals and the Democrats have fought to change it.

Iā€™m real sick of virtue signaling and litmus tests. For example: BLM. I support that component of BLM which stands for recognition of the value of black lives, too. I reject much of the rest of what BLM stands for since itā€™s creation. So, if a left winger claims moral superiority over me (on the right) because I wonā€™t kowtow to a demand for support for BLM, I simply reject the claim.

From those things to economics and even matters of international relations, the left has no larger or more valid a claim to morality than those on the right. Like: all Nazis are assholes. But the claim that the right is the side of the political spectrum which is more prone to Nazi-like thinking is simply false.
Abortion is a very tricky issue. If you believe that the fetus is an independent lifeform then you believe that abortion is murder and immoral. I don't fault people who believe that. If you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body then she should have control over what to do with her own body. An extreme example of this sentiment would be charging teenagers of murder for jacking off into a tube sock.

Your examples in reference to race go to my point. The left is trying to represent the interests of these historically oppressed minorities. You may not agree with their ideas to help the problems but at least they are trying to make them a priority. Goes to what I said about idealistic intentions with lack of realistic strategy for execution/effectiveness.

Nazism was a politically "Right" party. Though they were communist in formation which is Left, they were Authoritarian and Nationalistic in practice which is extreme Right.
Oddly enough, the part of his radio show I didnā€™t like was cutting short such conversations. In fairness though, if some left winger wouldnā€™t even answer a straightforward question, thereby impeding what might have been an entertaining discussion, I did get the impetus to just cut off the guest. Better to spend time on something potentially productive.
If you like long form discussions you should check out Rogans podcast on Spotify... 3 hours of deep dives. Good stuff
Abortion is a very tricky issue. If you believe that the fetus is an independent lifeform then you believe that abortion is murder and immoral. I don't fault people who believe that. If you believe that a fetus is part of a woman's body then she should have control over what to do with her own body. An extreme example of this sentiment would be charging teenagers of murder for jacking off into a tube sock.

Your examples in reference to race go to my point. The left is trying to represent the interests of these historically oppressed minorities. You may not agree with their ideas to help the problems but at least they are trying to make them a priority. Goes to what I said about idealistic intentions with lack of realistic strategy for execution/effectiveness.

Nazism was a politically "Right" party. Though they were communist in formation which is Left, they were Authoritarian and Nationalistic in practice which is extreme Right.
If the being inside the woman was a mere part of her body, it would have the womanā€™s DNA. The zygote or fetus has its own unique DNA. The same is not true for spermatozoa in yiur hypothetical sock.

The left uses emotionalism rather than clear thinking. It makes them feel good about themselves and superior to their political opponents. But itā€™s generally easy to make yourself feel like a hero when youā€™re spending money that isnā€™t yours.

As you may have already divined, I am amongst those that denies the claim (which, coming from the left wing, is a purely self-serving claim) that Nazi ism is a ā€œrightā€ party view. The assholes knew what they meant when they called themselves ā€œSOCIALISTS.ā€

In summary, with all due respect, I reject your claims and premises.
Likewise when a "conservative" politician disagrees with another republican or criticizes the former president it's considered major news by the liberal media and left wing blog sites but nobody hears about much less discusses the in-fighting in the democrat party.
If the being inside the woman was a mere part of her body, it would have the womanā€™s DNA. The zygote or fetus has its own unique DNA. The same is not true for spermatozoa in yiur hypothetical sock.

The left uses emotionalism rather than clear thinking. It makes them feel good about themselves and superior to their political opponents. But itā€™s generally easy to make yourself feel like a hero when youā€™re spending money that isnā€™t yours.

As you may have already divined, I am amongst those that denies the claim (which, coming from the left wing, is a purely self-serving claim) that Nazi ism is a ā€œrightā€ party view. The assholes knew what they meant when they called themselves ā€œSOCIALISTS.ā€

In summary, with all due respect, I reject your claims and premises.
Yes the fetus has its own DNA and cells that are growing and developing and being nurtured inside of a woman's body. That is quite literally part of her body. Neither of us are here for an abortion discussion, I acknowledge that the situation is super tricky as both have very strong moral and different perspectives of what is what.

Your point about emotionalism is exactly the point I was making. They action on emotion with good intentions but don't always have practical plans to execute and yield the results they are looking for.

You can't really deny that Nazism is radical Right, thats just want it is by definition. If you are going to deny definitions then nothing you say can really be respected.

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