Why Is Liz Cheney Acting Like A Democrat, Focused On Attacking Trump & Conservatives Instead Of Moving On?

They should have kicked her out long ago for terrible ideas. The fact that she got kicked out for her good ideas pretty much sums up the state of the Republicans.

I really am beside myself watching the Republican Party disintegrate into the Party of Trump. It’s crazy.
She's always been a straight-ahead Republican, for sure. But I have to give her credit for being honest and sticking with it. She's making the sheep look even more sheepy, and they know it.

I'm amazed every day at what one guy has done to this party.

And THIS guy, of all fuckin' people. It's still mind-blowing.
What the fuck is a "straight ahead Republican?" She's about as honest as a trip and fall lawyer.

The bottom line: you support her because she attacks Trump and the Republican party, and for no other reason.

No one is fooled.
On what issues does she disagree with the Republicans?

She and her father are in the global trade camp primarily to enrich themselves at the expense of American workers just like Obama and the Clintons. They all sold us down the river. Biden is exactly the same.

Trump knew we were getting fucked in global trade deals as well as many treaties around the World. He truly was America first in the best possible way. The Cheney's, Obama's, Clinton's and Biden don't give a shit about working Americans. They are only about enriching themselves. Most working Americans understand this. The Marxist, colored people who only think of themselves as victims, and freeloaders don't give a shit.
I get the impression that conservatives never understood Trump at all.

For example, don't you think it's a little odd that a man who spent his entire life cheating bankers, and contractors, and was involved as a litigant in thousands of lawsuits as both a defendant and a plaintiff would worry about the US getting cheated?

What you need to understand about Trump is that he never saw it as possible for deals to be a win/win situation. He always viewed deals as a zero sum game which, to Trump, meant that if we aren't cheating someone (getting the better of them, at least), than they were cheating us (getting the better of us). Trump just doesn't view deals as a situation where both sides can come away with something they want to the benefit of both sides.

You make many assumptions. Most all of them wrong imho. :)
Like with most people, if you want to understand what motivates them, you pay a lot more attention to what they do, and a lot less attention to what they say. Since Trump lies constantly, taking his word at face value in an effort to understand his motivations a fool's errand.
Even a Trump fan told us early on to "take him seriously, not literally". She knew she had to start spinning for his abject dishonesty and childish hyperbole early on.

I have to admit, she was right.
She is significantly more conservative than the woman who replaced her.
She is far more impressed with herself than she has a reason to be
Browbeating 75 million trump voters shows how out of touch she is with ordinary people
She's just being honest and sticking to principle. I know what you Trumpsters think of such behavior.
But she's just being honest and sticking to principle.
No one on the left will give her the time of day after her free fall reaches the pavement

You will rip her limb from limb the next time she votes conservative on some issue you dont like

She’s an establishment swamp rat and always will be

But she will never be accepted by the libs
But she's just being honest and sticking to principle.
No one on the left will give her the time of day after her free fall reaches the pavement

You will rip her limb from limb the next time she votes conservative on some issue you dont like

She’s an establishment swamp rat and always will be

But she will never be accepted by the libs
Correct. But she'll always be appreciated for exposing the GOP for what it currently is.
What has Dick Cheney said?
Is he also a never Trumper?
We know that G Bush hates Trump more than he loves his country.
Both Bush's loved sucking on Willies Wiener. Ya just want to puke
Bush's were just rinos. Remember the New World Order. The elder Bush is responsible for normalized relations with China, he was Nixon's ambassador to China in 1972. He was also the POTUS that gave "most favored nations" trading status to China in 1989--the day after Tienanmen Square while throwing our ally, Taiwan under the bus. Then he showed his cards promoting globalism with the new world order bs. His useless son just carried on where he left off.
So, were you a Democrat during the time periods of the two Bush presidencies???
She's just being honest and sticking to principle.
She thinks the media love will last forever

But it wont

When her usefullness to the left ends she will be dumped in the trashcan of history
We've never agreed with her hard right positions and will likely never agree with her on policy, not now...not in the future, and never in the past. She's a tough nosed bitch on wheels as far as democrats have seen her....

And we've been surprised, by her honesty and loyalty to the oath she took before God to protect and honor our Constitution from all enemies domestically within, and foreigners abroad.

She's simply telling the truth. She gave up everything, her career as 3rd leader of the House, her as a representative of Wyoming, and as a potential first Republican female president.

It would have been easier for her to just kiss the ring, take the Trump money and run with it, like all the rest of the House of Representatives chose to do...imo.
It would have been easier for her to just kiss the ring, take the Trump money and run with it, like all the rest of the House of Representatives chose to do...imo.
Her superior holier than thou attitude was ill timed

She insisted on rubbing salt on the wound of trump voters when when trump wad already out of office

And she’s no hero

She’s a smug entitled washington swamp rat who insisted on putting 75 million Americans in their place
Republicans are NOT going to win by excluding conservative people from their party.... You win by expanding your Party.... a big tent.

(Unless of course the Republicans think they can continue to win even with the minority of supporters, by legislating election laws that primarily make it harder for democratic leaning citizens to vote, or by computerized strategic redistricting to disenfranchise voters in the opposition party....)

It would have been easier for her to just kiss the ring, take the Trump money and run with it, like all the rest of the House of Representatives chose to do...imo.
Her superior holier than thou attitude was ill timed

She insisted on rubbing salt on the wound of trump voters when when trump wad already out of office

And she’s no hero

She’s a smug entitled washington swamp rat who insisted on putting 75 million Americans in their place
She has continually said that she does not at all blame the trump supporters, she blames the Trump Congress critters, the rightwing media, and Trump, for not telling you the truth....the leaders in your Party..... that you trusted to give it to you straight... did not give it to you straight.

Making you believe in a lie.


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

She is helping the country by seeing that Trump does not come back, sacrificing herself to do this. She is a true patriot. It is how all politicians should be.
Even a Trump fan told us early on to "take him seriously, not literally".
Thats what libs on the swamp were hoping for at first

Then they were horrified to discover that trump intended to keep his campaign promises

And that just isnt done in washington so he had to go
She has continually said that she does not at all blame the trump supporters,
Yeah sure

We cant help it if she is smart and we are stupid?
She was there, you were not.

I think you do underestimate the Power of Persuasion. Most people do. But note, there is a multi billion dollar industry, that relies on its dead fast existence, Marketing & Advertising.
It seems Rep Cheney was not a problem with the GOP prior to Trump...


LIZ CHENEY, acting like a TDS-suffering, obsessed anti-Trimp Democrat, continued to rail against Trump instead of moving on and getting back to work for her Constituents and the American people.

She was warned by her constituents to do so.
She was warned by her party to do so.
- She ignored them all and continued to do so.

She was Censured back at home.
- She ignored them.

She was removed from her leadership position by her party
- She continued her attacks in Trump on the way out and swore to do everything she can to prevent Trump's return instead of getting back to work for her Constituents and country, justifying her removal

Liz Cheney is STILL 'campaigning against former President Trump, still attacking him and the 74 million Conservatives / Trump supporters who voted for him, insulting / alienating them, and driving them away from the GOP that needs them yo unseat tge Dems in the mid-terms...

So WTF? She is like a rabid dog, lashing out - she is obsessed with Trump, like Democrats, and she is siding with the same Democrats who viciously attacked and insulted her father and who only support her now for her unhinged, obsessive ranting and attacks on a man no longer in office.

At this rate, she will not win re-election...as a Repblican.

she is doing all that she can to help the swamp---she may yet change parties so she can officially come out as a dem statist.

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