Why Is Lt. Col. Vindman a War Hero but General Flynn a Traitor?

An American war hero who believes we should provide military aid to the Ukraine so they can fend off Russia is "a Russian asset".


You begin to see what I mean about the mental health of these tards...
So Tulsi is a Russian Asset? Did she pay $13 Million for Russian Propaganda like Hillary and Obama Butt Buddy did?
Why do you think that Flynn is a traitor?

He is a highly decorated officer who confessed to his crimes.
What was the crime

Its publicly available- I think even Faux News reported it- go look it up.
I did, I can’t find it.. can you tell us right now in your worlds? Lol hehe
Yes it’s going to sound unsane that’s why you need to write it in your words lol

So sorry that you are computer illiterate.

You local library probably has classes that would help you.

But then you would have to find your local library.......
You know it was a lynching haha
For real?
Vindman is a Russian Asset, and Flynn was an American Patriot.

The network coverage of the testimony of National Security Council staffer Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman as a “bombshell” and “damning” was laughable and dishonest, implying that his service to his country wearing its uniform made him credible and unbiased witness without a political agenda. Particularly egregious were the comments of NBC News anchor Lester Holt, who equated wartime courage with peacetime candor. As Newsbusters noted:

After a report on the California wildfires, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt told viewers “[t]here was dramatic testimony in the House impeachment investigation by a decorated war hero who works on the National Security Council and was among those who heard that phone call between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart.”

Except that others on the call between President Trump and Ukrainian President, including those who were charged with producing transcript, don’t quite remember the call the way Vindman does. Certainly both participants on the call both said there was no pressure for Ukraine to “dig up dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden. As for the quid pro quo, we now know the Ukrainians didn’t learn until August military aid had been delayed. The phone call was in July. It’s hard to have a quid pro quo when the party being extorted is not told about the alleged quo. So just what was Vindman’s problem with the call?

In his opening statement, Vindman says he came forward because he “did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen.” Yet when pressed to explain where in the phone call transcript any demand was made, he lapsed into psychobabble about President Zelensky inferring a demand because of Trump’s more powerful position in the world. As Fox News reported:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

Did your Russian handlers tell you that, Comrade?
Vindman is a Russian Asset, and Flynn was an American Patriot.

The network coverage of the testimony of National Security Council staffer Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman as a “bombshell” and “damning” was laughable and dishonest, implying that his service to his country wearing its uniform made him credible and unbiased witness without a political agenda. Particularly egregious were the comments of NBC News anchor Lester Holt, who equated wartime courage with peacetime candor. As Newsbusters noted:

After a report on the California wildfires, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt told viewers “[t]here was dramatic testimony in the House impeachment investigation by a decorated war hero who works on the National Security Council and was among those who heard that phone call between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart.”

Except that others on the call between President Trump and Ukrainian President, including those who were charged with producing transcript, don’t quite remember the call the way Vindman does. Certainly both participants on the call both said there was no pressure for Ukraine to “dig up dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden. As for the quid pro quo, we now know the Ukrainians didn’t learn until August military aid had been delayed. The phone call was in July. It’s hard to have a quid pro quo when the party being extorted is not told about the alleged quo. So just what was Vindman’s problem with the call?

In his opening statement, Vindman says he came forward because he “did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen.” Yet when pressed to explain where in the phone call transcript any demand was made, he lapsed into psychobabble about President Zelensky inferring a demand because of Trump’s more powerful position in the world. As Fox News reported:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

Did your Russian handlers tell you that, Comrade?
Only Geigh Commies use the word Comrade.

Do you use anal lube for your nights of passion serving as Putin’s Personal Butt Puppet? Or are you only Horny for The Magic Marxist Muslim?

Obama Bin Sucking Dick is already married and has a Husband.

Sucks to be you, Hairy Man Butt Lover.

Go back to licking the Ayatollah’s Assahola.
Why Is Lt. Col. Vindman a War Hero but General Flynn a Traitor?
Wow. It takes a special kind of tard to drink this Kool-Aid!

I am seriously concerned about the mental health of all of you.

Nobody cares doofus

Bank that one
And yet.....here you are.

Go fly a flight simulator, fraud. That's the closest you ever became to piloting a military aircraft...you went from US Naval aviator to Air National guard and think nobody didn't notice?

Vindman is a Russian Asset, and Flynn was an American Patriot.

The network coverage of the testimony of National Security Council staffer Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman as a “bombshell” and “damning” was laughable and dishonest, implying that his service to his country wearing its uniform made him credible and unbiased witness without a political agenda. Particularly egregious were the comments of NBC News anchor Lester Holt, who equated wartime courage with peacetime candor. As Newsbusters noted:

After a report on the California wildfires, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt told viewers “[t]here was dramatic testimony in the House impeachment investigation by a decorated war hero who works on the National Security Council and was among those who heard that phone call between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart.”

Except that others on the call between President Trump and Ukrainian President, including those who were charged with producing transcript, don’t quite remember the call the way Vindman does. Certainly both participants on the call both said there was no pressure for Ukraine to “dig up dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden. As for the quid pro quo, we now know the Ukrainians didn’t learn until August military aid had been delayed. The phone call was in July. It’s hard to have a quid pro quo when the party being extorted is not told about the alleged quo. So just what was Vindman’s problem with the call?

In his opening statement, Vindman says he came forward because he “did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen.” Yet when pressed to explain where in the phone call transcript any demand was made, he lapsed into psychobabble about President Zelensky inferring a demand because of Trump’s more powerful position in the world. As Fox News reported:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

Did your Russian handlers tell you that, Comrade?
Do you use anal lube for your nights of passion serving as Putin’s Personal Butt Puppet? Or are you only Horny for The Magic Marxist Muslim?

Obama Bon Sucking Dick is already married and has a Husband.

Sucks to be you, Hairy Man Butt Lover.

Go back to licking the Ayatollah’s Assahola.
Comrade, Comrade, Comrade.....be careful that Putin's listeners don't detect your disrespect for your Russian master.
With few exceptions military leaders make poor politicians. Democrats usually hate the military and Vindiman doesn't realize he is being used as a political tool in an attempted political coup. He might not have been able to make Full Bird anyway but it seems his career is over either way. Democrats will drop him like a hot potato once this thing is over.
Why Is Lt. Col. Vindman a War Hero but General Flynn a Traitor?

not a felon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ........... felon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

get it MORON ????
Why Is Lt. Col. Vindman a War Hero but General Flynn a Traitor?
Wow. It takes a special kind of tard to drink this Kool-Aid!

I am seriously concerned about the mental health of all of you.

Nobody cares doofus

Bank that one
And yet.....here you are.

Go fly a flight simulator, fraud. That's the closest you ever became to piloting a military aircraft...you went from US Naval aviator to Air National guard and think nobody didn't notice?

I've never been in the Air National Guard.........just like you've never served. So 'splain when an Active Duty Military Officer should and should not where his full dress uniform.......:71:
Why Is Lt. Col. Vindman a War Hero but General Flynn a Traitor?

not a felon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ........... felon ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

get it MORON ????
They are having a hard time with the concept of laws and breaking them. Have you noticed that?
Did you know your Russian Asset when asked if Trump committed any crimes or did anything Improper in the call, he said No?

Of course not. You are too busy licking The Ayatollahs Assahola.

Vindman is a Russian Asset, and Flynn was an American Patriot.

The network coverage of the testimony of National Security Council staffer Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman as a “bombshell” and “damning” was laughable and dishonest, implying that his service to his country wearing its uniform made him credible and unbiased witness without a political agenda. Particularly egregious were the comments of NBC News anchor Lester Holt, who equated wartime courage with peacetime candor. As Newsbusters noted:

After a report on the California wildfires, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt told viewers “[t]here was dramatic testimony in the House impeachment investigation by a decorated war hero who works on the National Security Council and was among those who heard that phone call between President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart.”

Except that others on the call between President Trump and Ukrainian President, including those who were charged with producing transcript, don’t quite remember the call the way Vindman does. Certainly both participants on the call both said there was no pressure for Ukraine to “dig up dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden. As for the quid pro quo, we now know the Ukrainians didn’t learn until August military aid had been delayed. The phone call was in July. It’s hard to have a quid pro quo when the party being extorted is not told about the alleged quo. So just what was Vindman’s problem with the call?

In his opening statement, Vindman says he came forward because he “did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen.” Yet when pressed to explain where in the phone call transcript any demand was made, he lapsed into psychobabble about President Zelensky inferring a demand because of Trump’s more powerful position in the world. As Fox News reported:

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

Did your Russian handlers tell you that, Comrade?
Do you use anal lube for your nights of passion serving as Putin’s Personal Butt Puppet? Or are you only Horny for The Magic Marxist Muslim?

Obama Bon Sucking Dick is already married and has a Husband.

Sucks to be you, Hairy Man Butt Lover.

Go back to licking the Ayatollah’s Assahola.
Comrade, Comrade, Comrade.....be careful that Putin's listeners don't detect your disrespect for your Russian master.

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