Why is Mueller investigating anything outside the scope of the 2016 election?

Mueller goes from soliciting Trump to be the FBI director to investigating him in a week?

Washington is hilarious.
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Mueller apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.

No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
No you didn't, moron. You quoted some fake news "journalist" talking about what Mewler said.

No, dope. I quoted a report citing Rosenstein's statements from a Sunday morning show. Jeebus you're dumb.
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.

1. he is not a creep and lowlife trumptoons should probably stop that garbage.
2. he is not outside his authority.
3. this is how special prosecutors work -- they move outward not inward. you know, like when a failed land deal became a blue dress.
4. tough.
Wow, these right wingers are really running scared. They acted the same way under Nixon. Will Trump meet the same sticky end?
Having lived thru Watergate, this is unfolding in much the same way.
Hardly. You have a vivid imagination.

I also "lived through Watergate, and this is nothing like it."
Yeah, but you also think Carville was talking about Ken Starr when he said, "If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find.", even after being shown he was talking about Paula Jones. So you're not exactly playin' with a full deck -- if ya know what I mean.


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Mueller apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.

No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
No you didn't, moron. You quoted some fake news "journalist" talking about what Mewler said.

No, dope. I quoted a report citing Rosenstein's statements from a Sunday morning show. Jeebus you're dumb.
In other words, you didn't quote Rosenstein. You're so fucking stupid that you don't even know you aren't quoting Rosenstein when you claim you are quoting Rosenstein.

You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.

Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?
Wow, these right wingers are really running scared. They acted the same way under Nixon. Will Trump meet the same sticky end?
Having lived thru Watergate, this is unfolding in much the same way.
Hardly. You have a vivid imagination.

I also "lived through Watergate, and this is nothing like it."
Yeah, but you also think Carville was talking about Ken Starr when he said, "If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." Even after being shown he was talking about Paula Jones. So you're not exactly playin' with a full deck -- if ya know what I mean.

Droning on endlessly about a minor technical gaff is what witless baboons like you do.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.

Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Mueller apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.

No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
No you didn't, moron. You quoted some fake news "journalist" talking about what Mewler said.

No, dope. I quoted a report citing Rosenstein's statements from a Sunday morning show. Jeebus you're dumb.
In other words, you didn't quote Rosenstein. You're so fucking stupid that you don't even know you aren't quoting Rosenstein when you claim you are quoting Rosenstein.


The article I posted quoted Rosenstein, moron. :laugh:

Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe
Mueller apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.

No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
No you didn't, moron. You quoted some fake news "journalist" talking about what Mewler said.

No, dope. I quoted a report citing Rosenstein's statements from a Sunday morning show. Jeebus you're dumb.
In other words, you didn't quote Rosenstein. You're so fucking stupid that you don't even know you aren't quoting Rosenstein when you claim you are quoting Rosenstein.


The article I posted quoted Rosenstein, moron. :laugh:

Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe
Perhaps, but you didn't.
You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying.

He WAS WRONG, you moron! He claimed Hillary was ignorant of the law despite her signatures on official government documents claiming she had received the training and was well aware of the laws she violated!

And you are too much of a smug, delusional snowflake to admit claiming something that is NOT true is also called 'LYING', which is what Comey did.

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.
Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Answer the question, dope.
Do you have the balls to?
No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
No you didn't, moron. You quoted some fake news "journalist" talking about what Mewler said.

No, dope. I quoted a report citing Rosenstein's statements from a Sunday morning show. Jeebus you're dumb.
In other words, you didn't quote Rosenstein. You're so fucking stupid that you don't even know you aren't quoting Rosenstein when you claim you are quoting Rosenstein.


The article I posted quoted Rosenstein, moron. :laugh:

Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe
Perhaps, but you didn't.

I did.
Give it up, dope.

It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?

you trying to talk about logic is hysterically funny
Wow, these right wingers are really running scared. They acted the same way under Nixon. Will Trump meet the same sticky end?
Having lived thru Watergate, this is unfolding in much the same way.
Hardly. You have a vivid imagination.

I also "lived through Watergate, and this is nothing like it."
Yeah, but you also think Carville was talking about Ken Starr when he said, "If you drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." Even after being shown he was talking about Paula Jones. So you're not exactly playin' with a full deck -- if ya know what I mean.

Droning on endlessly about a minor technical gaff is what witless baboons like you do.
And by "minor technical gaffe," you mean your usual mindless conservative drivel.
You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying.

He WAS WRONG, you moron! He claimed Hillary was ignorant of the law despite her signatures on official government documents claiming she had received the training and was well aware of the laws she violated!

And you are too much of a smug, delusional snowflake to admit claiming something that is NOT true is also called 'LYING', which is what Comey did.

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.


So it was a conspiracy then?

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.

The sweet,sweet irony. Delicious!
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Answer the question, dope.
Do you have the balls to?
I don't always waste my time responding to obvious idiocies.
Wow, these right wingers are really running scared. They acted the same way under Nixon. Will Trump meet the same sticky end?
Having lived thru Watergate, this is unfolding in much the same way.
Nixon's sin was ... unremarkably and unsurprisingly ... hubris. He literally had the belief that ANYTHING he did in the name of natl security was legal And that wasn't as outrageous as it seems. JFK did have people killed. LBJ was a best a willing participant in waylaying facts about the Bay of Pigs "incident." Nixon's problem was he came to see his reelection as an issue of natl security ... and that began months if not years before George McGovern became a household name.

I don't think Trump is capable of reasoning in terms of presidential power or national security. He's by self-definition a "transaction" kind of guy. Today's illustration is his inability to decide between Bannon and the alt-R and McMaster and the Pentagon views on Iran. He's waiting for someone to "win" to show who has the stronger position.

It seems more like Whitewater to me. Just plain stupidity. Slick decided to think with his balls and cock, and then lie about it. Trump decided it sounded like a good plan to have Putin share the dirt on Hillary. Neither act really had anything to do with what policy was followed. Starr was supposedly investigating whether Clinton used his office for personal profit ... I think beyond any doubt we know the Clintons were not above doing that. LOL But it probably didn't change any policy. Mueller's finding out Trump's direct contact with Russia for election help. I really have more sympathy for Slick's stupidity because who hasn't had their libido lead them to the stupid. LOL I don't see Trump's "excuse" here.
Libya was already destabilized after the overthrow of Qaddafi. The violent protests had been ongoing long before the compound attack in Benghazi. This was during the Arab Spring at A time the president of Egypt had also been overthrown, and that young shop keeper in Morrocco set himself on fire in protest over the corruption of him being extorted for his profits. When some shit for brains fake bible thumper in California made a video of him burning a Koran because that's what fake shit for brains bible thumpers do. Notice the low file he has continued since? That's because he is a coward.Its what all shit for brains fake bible thumpers are. But then again these are the same people who scam elderly people out of their money on fake bible thumper tv shows, but I digress. That video was seen all over the Middle East and added fuel to the already out of control inferno. Two things happened after that. The lunatic fringe conservative right immediately went into damage control mode to defend a coward bible thumper, and the lunatic fringe conservative right propaganda machine turned it into another anti Clinton meme with a dose of the ongoing Obama Derangement Syndrome thrown in for good measure. And as with everything else that is the lunatic fringe conservative right, it has morphed into a full blown mental illness of which all of the hind, meth, and opioids cannot cure.


Libya was destabilized because Barak Obama aided and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11/01, killing 3,000 Americans. The 'rebels' Barry helped were the same TERRORISTS - Al Qaeda - who had for years been hiring jihadists from all over the world to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops.

Obama dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between a nation's leader - who was helping the coalition fight AGAINST terrorists in Northern Africa - and terrorists, dragged the US into an UN-Constitutional, UN-approved war to help Al Qaeda / terrorists take over Libya.

During the investigations, one of the things that snowflakes claim did not come out was:
- The FBI testified there was NO - ZERO - evidence that the video played any part in the attack on the Benghazi compound on 9/11/12.

- The FBI testified there was NO - ZERO - evidence that there was EVER any evidence of a 'protest' before the attack. Witnesses on the ground said there was never any protest, that it was a terrorist attack from the very start.
- The Lead Ambassador in Tripoli testified that in less than an hour after the attack began he called the State Department and told HILLARY that this was a terrorist attack

- The FBI on the ground in Benghazi sent the State Department and the WH War Room a report declaring this to be a terrorist attack. (Also coming out of the investigations was the fact that this report was MODIFIED 13 times by the WH and State Department - every reference to 'terrorism' or a 'terrorist attack' being stripped from the report - before it was allowed to be released to the public!)

- The 2 TERRORIST attacks that were perpetrated against the compound in the weeks before the final terrorist attack on 9/11/12 were discussed - not once was any reference to the video, which was already out for some time. Experts described these ATTACKS as the enemy testing defenses in preparation for the final attack.

- It was revealed that 22 (TWENTY-TWO) US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, all part of a Middle East-wide terrorist attack that had been called for, which the Obama administration knew about and acknowledged. Of those 22 attacks called for and perpetrated on the anniversary of 9/11/01, 2 US facilities were overrun- the Cairo Embassy and the Benghazi compound. In all of those attacks only 4 Americans died - in Benghazi - due to the piss-poor precautions taken and decisions made. Out of all 22 attacks, ONLY THE BENGHAZI attack was claimed to be a protest over a video.

If you are going to try to declare what happened then get your facts straight. Otherwise you are just spreading BS!

And there are those who will read my reply that thought I was using over the top hyperbole.
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