Why is Mueller investigating anything outside the scope of the 2016 election?

you did the same to Hillary....it was suppose to be about actions in Benghazi and you got her and dog and ponied her for a sever....to affect the election in repub Leader Mccarthy's own words

You are a brainwashed, IGNORANT libtard who does not know his ass from a hole in the gound - you CERTAINLY know nothing of the law.

'dog and ponied her'. GOOD GPD, man, F* your partisanship - own up to what she did already:

*Each one of these sub-bullets is 1 criminal count.

CRIME: Illegal handling of classified information
Violated both laws and US govt regulations by using a private server
- Not secure as required by law
- Not encrypted as required by law
- Illegal to store classified and un-classified on the same server and treating the information as classified separately. When unclassified information is stored with classified it's classification will be upgraded to the level of classified on the server
- Gave individuals who did not have security clearances or the proper level of security clearances access to highly classified information

CRIME: Illegal storage of classified information / hardware
- Allowed her TOP SECRET TS/SCI server to be stored in the BATHROOM of an IT company that did not have the required security clearance to do so...she might as well have asked *Guccifer if he could store it in HIS bathroom!

CRIME: Illegal Destruction of Classified Information
Hillary Clinton violated the laws and regulations covering the legal destruction of classified information by personally deleting e-mails, using BleachBit to wipe the server, and destroying classified devices with hammers.

CRIME: Obstruction of Justice
Hillary BLATANTLY disobeyed FBI orders to turn over the server and ALL information and devices. By deleting e-mails, shredding documents, using BleachBit to wipe the server, destroying devices, and turning in other devices without the sim cards in them, she broke the law - ONE CRIMINAL COUNT PER DOCUMENT, DEVICE, AND SIM CARD.

There are LITERALLY thousands of official documents recovered from the Clinton server the State Department has declared was NEVER turned in, approx 400 NEW documents were just released 2 weeks ago by the FBI to go along with all the others already discovered and released...and they are not done going through her and Huma's PCs. EACH ONE of those documents represent 1 criminal count.

CRIME: Violation of the Federal Records Act
There are LITERALLY thousands of official documents recovered from the Clinton server the State Department has declared was NEVER turned in, approx 400 NEW documents were just released 2 weeks ago by the FBI to go along with all the others already discovered and released...and they are not done going through her and Huma's PCs. EACH ONE of those documents represent 1 criminal count.

..and this does NOT even cover EVERY potential criminal charge against Hillary. The crime of Espionage can also be added to the list, as these crimes do fit the definition of 'Espionage'.

In her defense, in order to prevent Hillary from going to jail, FBI Director James Comey LIED to the American people when he declared Hillary Clinton was 'too stupid to know she was breaking the law', that she did not know what she was doing!

1. It is a FACT that according to the Law ignorance of the law is NOT a legally acceptable defense for breaking the Law....COMEY KNOWS THAT!

2. Hillary was required to RECEIVE OFFICIAL INITIALAND RE-OCCURRING TRAINING on the creation of, handling of, storage of, and destruction of classified information. She RECEIVED training on adherence to the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. ALL OF THIS TRAINING IS DOCUMENTED AND HAS HILLARY'S SIGNITURE ON THOSE DOCUMENTS, signifying she acknowledged having received that training and was competent to be entrusted with classified information
- COMEY ALSO KNEW THIS when he LIED to the American people, telling them she did not know she was breaking the law!





Thank you for demonstrating you are admitting you have NO CLUE about the law.

You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved. They even managed to do it without your input. Go figure.
Nothing was ILLEGAL is why nothing was done legally against them...

Hind sight is 20/20
And important to do
so to learn from any mistakes made.

I did not say Hillary ever broke laws or deserved to go to jail for criminal incompetence that led to 4 Americans to be needlessly killed, to include the 1st US Ambassador to be murdered in 30 years.

I do claim that such a heinous failure in her job of protecting Americans abroad, as was her job, she should have been FIRED.

I refuted the dumbass snowflake claim that 'nothing ever came out of the investigations'. The entire story came out of the investigations, every single heinous mistake and piss-poor decision that lead to the deaths of 4 Americans.

Between her demonstrated piss-poor decision making and incompetence in this incident and her being under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit, Hillary should NEVER been a candidate for potential Presidential candidate nominee and should never have been allowed to remain in the race once it was discovered she was under investigation...as well as Comey declaring to the world she broke laws with her personal server stunt.
More bullshit. You've been shown this before and you'll be shown it again because you're ineducable...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

http://intelligence.house.gov/sites/intelligence.house.gov/files/documents/Benghazi Report.pdf
Investigating anything outside of Russian Collusion is evidence that this is a 'Get Trump At All Costs' attempt because the entire thing came about because the Obama administration / FBI Dems were colluding with foreign agents to acquire fake reports based on Russian-generated propaganda to uee against Trump and because Comey admittedly leaked classified information to manipulate the system and get a Special Counsel formed...because he is a gutless POS who did not have the b@lls or integrity to work within the legal system to do his job.
The Political Crime Comey committed is called "Solicitation" The Federal Crime of leaking Classified Information like he did is called "Espionage".
Even if one cannot prove Comey committed any crimes, he Violated his oath of Office and not only should his character be impeached, but he should face consequences for Breach of Contract at THE VERY LEAST, and because of his "SOLICITATION" Mueller should be made to step down.
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.
It's called 'Get Trump At Any Cost'...

They did the same thing with Bush and did not stop until they at least had Scooter Libby to justify the thousands od hours and millions of dollars wasted going after Bush.
you did the same to Hillary....it was suppose to be about actions in Benghazi and you got her and dog and ponied her for a sever....to affect the election in repub Leader Mccarthy's own words

I'd be fine if everyone in the corrupt DC power establishment were jailed for their crimes. Both jackasses and elephant are corrupt as shit.
Libya was already destabilized after the overthrow of Qaddafi. The violent protests had been ongoing long before the compound attack in Benghazi. This was during the Arab Spring at A time the president of Egypt had also been overthrown, and that young shop keeper in Morrocco set himself on fire in protest over the corruption of him being extorted for his profits. When some shit for brains fake bible thumper in California made a video of him burning a Koran because that's what fake shit for brains bible thumpers do. Notice the low file he has continued since? That's because he is a coward.Its what all shit for brains fake bible thumpers are. But then again these are the same people who scam elderly people out of their money on fake bible thumper tv shows, but I digress. That video was seen all over the Middle East and added fuel to the already out of control inferno. Two things happened after that. The lunatic fringe conservative right immediately went into damage control mode to defend a coward bible thumper, and the lunatic fringe conservative right propaganda machine turned it into another anti Clinton meme with a dose of the ongoing Obama Derangement Syndrome thrown in for good measure. And as with everything else that is the lunatic fringe conservative right, it has morphed into a full blown mental illness of which all of the hind, meth, and opioids cannot cure.


Libya was destabilized because Barak Obama aided and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11/01, killing 3,000 Americans. The 'rebels' Barry helped were the same TERRORISTS - Al Qaeda - who had for years been hiring jihadists from all over the world to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops.

Obama dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between a nation's leader - who was helping the coalition fight AGAINST terrorists in Northern Africa - and terrorists, dragged the US into an UN-Constitutional, UN-approved war to help Al Qaeda / terrorists take over Libya.

During the investigations, one of the things that snowflakes claim did not come out was:
- The FBI testified there was NO - ZERO - evidence that the video played any part in the attack on the Benghazi compound on 9/11/12.

- The FBI testified there was NO - ZERO - evidence that there was EVER any evidence of a 'protest' before the attack. Witnesses on the ground said there was never any protest, that it was a terrorist attack from the very start.
- The Lead Ambassador in Tripoli testified that in less than an hour after the attack began he called the State Department and told HILLARY that this was a terrorist attack

- The FBI on the ground in Benghazi sent the State Department and the WH War Room a report declaring this to be a terrorist attack. (Also coming out of the investigations was the fact that this report was MODIFIED 13 times by the WH and State Department - every reference to 'terrorism' or a 'terrorist attack' being stripped from the report - before it was allowed to be released to the public!)

- The 2 TERRORIST attacks that were perpetrated against the compound in the weeks before the final terrorist attack on 9/11/12 were discussed - not once was any reference to the video, which was already out for some time. Experts described these ATTACKS as the enemy testing defenses in preparation for the final attack.

- It was revealed that 22 (TWENTY-TWO) US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, all part of a Middle East-wide terrorist attack that had been called for, which the Obama administration knew about and acknowledged. Of those 22 attacks called for and perpetrated on the anniversary of 9/11/01, 2 US facilities were overrun- the Cairo Embassy and the Benghazi compound. In all of those attacks only 4 Americans died - in Benghazi - due to the piss-poor precautions taken and decisions made. Out of all 22 attacks, ONLY THE BENGHAZI attack was claimed to be a protest over a video.

If you are going to try to declare what happened then get your facts straight. Otherwise you are just spreading BS!
You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.
You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.

Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Rosenstein apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.
Last edited:
You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.

Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.
He shouldn't be allowed to investigate anything.

Legally you cannot even make a petition to a Federal Judge to create a Grand Jury without specifying the US CODE that was violated and whom you believed committed the crimes.

So I do not even believe the rumor that there is a Grand Jury because THE PETITION to IMPANEL one would have had to be filed in FEDERAL COURT....and no one can find a record of such a PETITION.
U musta gone to law school.

My question still remains:

Is there actually a Grand Jury? I don't think so. To have a Grand Jury you have to Petition a Federal Judge in a "matter" like this, and in your petition, you have to list the offenses (US CODE VIOLATIONS) that the Grand Jury is going to review and determine if the Alleged Crimes Committed have enough merit to warrant a Indictment. And I love saying this.....but a vote by THE Grand Jury invalidating the charges and denying an indictment is where we get our word "IGNORAMUS" from.


If a Grand Jury rejects a proposed indictment, decided not to indict, it is known as a "no bill", "no true bill" or an "ignoramus". ... It is an investigation and in theory a check on the prosecutor;'s power since the grand jury decides if the prosecutor has enough evidence to haul the suspect into Court for trial.

Grand Jury Definition


Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia.
IGNORAMUS, practice. We are ignorant. This word, which in law means we are uninformed, is written on a bill by a grandjury, when they find that there is not sufficient evidence to authorize their finding it a true bill. Sometimes, instead of using thisword, the grand jury endorse on the bill, "Not found." 4 Bl. Com. 305. Vide Grand Jury. Ignoramus

In other words, if Mueller cannot list THE Crimes he needs to Present to THE Grand Jury for Consideration of an INDICTMENT(S), he cannot be granted a GRAND JURY.

THERE IS NO GRAND JURY THEN, at least not one THAT IS LEGALLY BINDING. If there is a GRAND JURY, it is only a MOCK GRAND JURY and is simply Exploratory Preparations for a future Petition of a GRAND JURY.

No Petition Found in THE PUBLIC record of Mueller arguing his case to a FEDERAL JUDGE petitioning for a GRAND JURY = NO GRAND JURY.
You had better alert the DOJ of your findings, ASAP! :laugh2:
Apparently he went to law school at Trump University.

18 U.S. Code § 3331 - Summoning and term
Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
Dude, I don't think I am more informed than COMEY. The problem is I know more than YOU do.

I know, JUST LIKE COMEY DOES / DID, that ACCORDING TO THE LAW ignorance of the law is not a legally accepted defense for violating the law. I have already posted the links to the specific legal documentation that states this. (Feel free to go back and look it up or do the research yourself!) So his attempt to declare Hillary is somehow 'innocent' of breaking the law because she was ignorant to the fact that she was doing it IS BOGUS / BULLSHIT!



It was even proven SHE sent out a letter warning her own State Department Staff to adhere to State Department rules and regs, advising them NOT to have their own servers / e-mails because of the potential to break the law.

STOP with the SHAWMELESS, BLATANT false attempts to defend this criminal!
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Mueller apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.

No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.

Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe

"Rosenstein said Special Counsel Robert Mueller can investigate any crimes that he might discover within the scope of his probe, but the deputy attorney general would not discuss which individuals are the subject of their inquiry. The interview comes days after Trump said he believes it would be inappropriate for Mueller to dig into Trump family finances."
Mueller apparently doesn't even know what he authorized Mewler to investigate, if that's the case. However, notice that you didn't actually quote Mewler saying that.

No, I quoted his boss and the man who appointed him, fool.
No you didn't, moron. You quoted some fake news "journalist" talking about what Mewler said.
You believe you have an understanding that you do not have. The matter was handled and resolved.

I have 30 years of experience with classified laws, regs and handling and dealing with classified. How many do you have?

Everything I pointed out is FACT...

It is a FACT Comey LIED in his defense of Hillary. As shown, his claim that Hillary was ignorant of the laws she broke is destroyed by her signature on official govt documents, her acknowledgement that she was properly trained and aware of all rules and regs.

You are a shameless Hillary ass-kisser who refuses to acknowledge the truth that Hillary violated laws countless times.

Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
He doesn't claim that, moron. He claims they lied.

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.
He shouldn't be allowed to investigate anything.

Legally you cannot even make a petition to a Federal Judge to create a Grand Jury without specifying the US CODE that was violated and whom you believed committed the crimes.

So I do not even believe the rumor that there is a Grand Jury because THE PETITION to IMPANEL one would have had to be filed in FEDERAL COURT....and no one can find a record of such a PETITION.
U musta gone to law school.

My question still remains:

Is there actually a Grand Jury? I don't think so. To have a Grand Jury you have to Petition a Federal Judge in a "matter" like this, and in your petition, you have to list the offenses (US CODE VIOLATIONS) that the Grand Jury is going to review and determine if the Alleged Crimes Committed have enough merit to warrant a Indictment. And I love saying this.....but a vote by THE Grand Jury invalidating the charges and denying an indictment is where we get our word "IGNORAMUS" from.


If a Grand Jury rejects a proposed indictment, decided not to indict, it is known as a "no bill", "no true bill" or an "ignoramus". ... It is an investigation and in theory a check on the prosecutor;'s power since the grand jury decides if the prosecutor has enough evidence to haul the suspect into Court for trial.

Grand Jury Definition


Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Wikipedia.
IGNORAMUS, practice. We are ignorant. This word, which in law means we are uninformed, is written on a bill by a grandjury, when they find that there is not sufficient evidence to authorize their finding it a true bill. Sometimes, instead of using thisword, the grand jury endorse on the bill, "Not found." 4 Bl. Com. 305. Vide Grand Jury. Ignoramus

In other words, if Mueller cannot list THE Crimes he needs to Present to THE Grand Jury for Consideration of an INDICTMENT(S), he cannot be granted a GRAND JURY.

THERE IS NO GRAND JURY THEN, at least not one THAT IS LEGALLY BINDING. If there is a GRAND JURY, it is only a MOCK GRAND JURY and is simply Exploratory Preparations for a future Petition of a GRAND JURY.

No Petition Found in THE PUBLIC record of Mueller arguing his case to a FEDERAL JUDGE petitioning for a GRAND JURY = NO GRAND JURY.
You had better alert the DOJ of your findings, ASAP! :laugh2:
Apparently he went to law school at Trump University.

18 U.S. Code § 3331 - Summoning and term
You rode the short bus to school, Apparently.
Dude, the very fact that you believe that you are more informed or capable than those who investigated and were privy to all of the classified details, only serves to make you look like a foolish idiot. Carry on.
Dude, I don't think I am more informed than COMEY. The problem is I know more than YOU do.

I know, JUST LIKE COMEY DOES / DID, that ACCORDING TO THE LAW ignorance of the law is not a legally accepted defense for violating the law. I have already posted the links to the specific legal documentation that states this. (Feel free to go back and look it up or do the research yourself!) So his attempt to declare Hillary is somehow 'innocent' of breaking the law because she was ignorant to the fact that she was doing it IS BOGUS / BULLSHIT!



It was even proven SHE sent out a letter warning her own State Department Staff to adhere to State Department rules and regs, advising them NOT to have their own servers / e-mails because of the potential to break the law.

STOP with the SHAWMELESS, BLATANT false attempts to defend this criminal!
Dude, I don't think I am more informed than COMEY.
Of course you do. You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying. Either way, you are a fool.

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