Why is Mueller investigating anything outside the scope of the 2016 election?

He claims a conspiracy then?
Yep, that's better. :laugh2:
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Answer the question, dope.
Do you have the balls to?
I don't always waste my time responding to obvious idiocies.

Hmm...no balls. Go figure.
It's called following the money [emoji383]


It's called investigating things you are not tasked with.

Mueller is investigating Trump colluding with Putin to rig the 2016 election.


And payments from Russian linked financial institutions would be included in that.

What was Ken Starr originally investigating when Clinton was impeached?
The allegations of Paula Jones that Clinton had raped women beside her.

Whitewater was the investigation into the Rose Law Firm that hillary worked for. It had nothing to do with Bill Clinton.
hello? Paula never had sex with bill clinton....how could he have raped her and why did you lie?
Okay it was sexual harassment.
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Answer the question, dope.
Do you have the balls to?
I don't always waste my time responding to obvious idiocies.

Hmm...no balls. Go figure.
No interest, moron. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can already see what that you're a witless baboon.
He didn't claim that either, you witless baboon.

So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Answer the question, dope.
Do you have the balls to?
I don't always waste my time responding to obvious idiocies.

Hmm...no balls. Go figure.
She's a petulant child who did not get enough discipline from her parents.
View attachment 142595

You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying.

He WAS WRONG, you moron! He claimed Hillary was ignorant of the law despite her signatures on official government documents claiming she had received the training and was well aware of the laws she violated!

And you are too much of a smug, delusional snowflake to admit claiming something that is NOT true is also called 'LYING', which is what Comey did.

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.


So it was a conspiracy then?

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.

The sweet,sweet irony. Delicious!
You have been weighed. You have been measured. You have been found wanting. I proved Comey lied. You lose. Go away.
We all knew mission creep was going to occur.

They were being watched since 2015, and not by .U,S. intelligence:
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Mueller is going to take this investigation anywhere it leads. Financials, that Dossier file whatever.
There were no "links," you brain damaged baboon. What they did is use espionage the British had conducted on the Trump campaign to get around the FISA court. That bogus "dossier" was compiled by an American company, Fusion GPS.
View attachment 142595

You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying.

He WAS WRONG, you moron! He claimed Hillary was ignorant of the law despite her signatures on official government documents claiming she had received the training and was well aware of the laws she violated!

And you are too much of a smug, delusional snowflake to admit claiming something that is NOT true is also called 'LYING', which is what Comey did.

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.


So it was a conspiracy then?

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.

The sweet,sweet irony. Delicious!
You have been weighed. You have been measured. You have been found wanting. I proved Comey lied. You lose. Go away.
He doesn't care. He will repeat the same discredited idiocies over and over no matter how thoroughly he is proven wrong.
So, Comey lying would not be a conspiracy?
What was the purpose of lying then?

Do you have an capacity for committing logic whatsoever?
Answer the question, dope.
Do you have the balls to?
I don't always waste my time responding to obvious idiocies.

Hmm...no balls. Go figure.
She's a petulant child who did not get enough discipline from her parents.

I was thinking lead paint chips.
View attachment 142595

You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying.

He WAS WRONG, you moron! He claimed Hillary was ignorant of the law despite her signatures on official government documents claiming she had received the training and was well aware of the laws she violated!

And you are too much of a smug, delusional snowflake to admit claiming something that is NOT true is also called 'LYING', which is what Comey did.

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.


So it was a conspiracy then?

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.

The sweet,sweet irony. Delicious!
You have been weighed. You have been measured. You have been found wanting. I proved Comey lied. You lose. Go away.
Nice link.:laugh2:

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - Error

Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.
View attachment 142595

You're arguing that he was wrong. Either that means you know better than him or that he was lying.

He WAS WRONG, you moron! He claimed Hillary was ignorant of the law despite her signatures on official government documents claiming she had received the training and was well aware of the laws she violated!

And you are too much of a smug, delusional snowflake to admit claiming something that is NOT true is also called 'LYING', which is what Comey did.

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.


So it was a conspiracy then?

Bwuhahaha... you have no idea how much you are embarrassing yourself. I love it.

The sweet,sweet irony. Delicious!
You have been weighed. You have been measured. You have been found wanting. I proved Comey lied. You lose. Go away.
He doesn't care. He will repeat the same discredited idiocies over and over no matter how thoroughly he is proven wrong.
discredited idiocies

Outline the Comey conspiracy for us all, professor. :laugh2:
Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.

They follow the evidence where it leads.
Are you suggesting crimes should be ignored?
Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.

They follow the evidence where it leads.
Are you suggesting crimes should be ignored?
What crime?

Since they aren't investigating a specific crime, why not have a special prosecutor for every president? They can also follow the evidence where it leads? So far, Mewler has evidence that leads only to a big nothing burger.
Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.
If you go so far as to investigate The Trump Corporation's business deals, you have to look at The Uranium One Deal....
That is far more serious than anything else Mueller could investigate. This was a Secretary of State selling our Uranium to Russia for a Donations to THE CLINTON FOUNDATION of $145 Million.

Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.
The reason to investigate financial dealings is to determine whether Putin had a reason to supply Trump with information because he was susceptible to being blackmailed into taking pro-Russia positions.
Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.
The reason to investigate financial dealings is to determine whether Putin had a reason to supply Trump with information because he was susceptible to being blackmailed into taking pro-Russia positions.
Oh puhleeze. That has to be the lamest excuse ever posted to this forum. We could investigate Obama on the same basis.
Because it's a set-up. The NWO Globalist Elite powers-that-be want Trump destroyed. He's not going along with their 'Order.' Mark my words, all corrupt criminal Clinton and Obama lackeys will skate. They're protected by the NWO Elites who control the mechanisms of the US 'Justice System.'

In the end, only Trump associates will be lynched. I still think Trump himself will survive, but some of his associates will go down. The NWO Globalist Elites are still firmly in control. That's just how it is. That's how i see things shaking out anyway. Stay tuned.
Think about it. If a special investigator is expanding the scope of the "investigation" into past business dealings of the President regardless of allegations of wrongdoing, shouldn't we appoint a special council to investigate the background of every past and future presidential candidate? Hell, we don't even know for sure where Obama was born.
If you go so far as to investigate The Trump Corporation's business deals, you have to look at The Uranium One Deal....
That is far more serious than anything else Mueller could investigate. This was a Secretary of State selling our Uranium to Russia for a Donations to THE CLINTON FOUNDATION of $145 Million.

the Uranium one owner that donated to the foundation , Mr. Guista...divested in Uranium one in 2007. your meme is a LIE.
Are you suggesting crimes should be ignored?
Extremely partisan douche-bags who have huge conflicts of interest and their hand-picked team of 'political assassins' should not EVER be given carte blanch to delve into anything and everything it wants in order to take their target down.

That's like allowing the 2nd Special Counsel filled with Trump donors and lawyers to go all the way back into Bill and Hillary's time in Arkansas during their investigation of Hillary's server crimes. :p
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