Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

For this reason, I only buy what they call organic food lol.

Keep eating your modified organic food.

I will keep eating my selectively bred food that is not GM or shot up with steroids. Do you know food that are GM are to be labled as such ?

I will keep eating my selectively bred food that is not GM or shot up with steroids.

Excellent! I hope you feel you're getting value for the higher prices.

Do you know food that are GM are to be labled as such ?

Not that I've heard.
Keep eating your modified organic food.

I will keep eating my selectively bred food that is not GM or shot up with steroids. Do you know food that are GM are to be labled as such ?

I will keep eating my selectively bred food that is not GM or shot up with steroids.

Excellent! I hope you feel you're getting value for the higher prices.

Do you know food that are GM are to be labled as such ?

Not that I've heard.

That is what I read.

If the 2nd law does apply to this planet then yes I do believe it would violate the 2nd law. How ever I do believe natural unguided systems would produce disorder so I still believe there are to many things working against evolution. We have mechanisms working against evolution that would be ezymes as well as natural selection. I feel that small trait changes do happen within a genepool but only because those genes already existed in the genepool.
I will keep eating my selectively bred food that is not GM or shot up with steroids. Do you know food that are GM are to be labled as such ?

I will keep eating my selectively bred food that is not GM or shot up with steroids.

Excellent! I hope you feel you're getting value for the higher prices.

Do you know food that are GM are to be labled as such ?

Not that I've heard.

That is what I read.

If the 2nd law does apply to this planet then yes I do believe it would violate the 2nd law. How ever I do believe natural unguided systems would produce disorder so I still believe there are to many things working against evolution. We have mechanisms working against evolution that would be ezymes as well as natural selection. I feel that small trait changes do happen within a genepool but only because those genes already existed in the genepool.

If the 2nd law does apply to this planet then yes I do believe it would violate the 2nd law.

You admitted your error now you're backtracking?
Is that what you're saying?

How ever I do believe natural unguided systems would produce disorder

The 2nd Law doesn't mentioned guided or unguided, so it must not matter.

We have mechanisms working against evolution that would be ezymes as well as natural selection.

Enzymes work against evolution? How?

Natural selection works against evolution? How?
Hesperocyon is not a dog. It isn't even a Canis. It is ancestral to all canids (which includes foxes and coyotes). Wolves branched from Canids six million years ago, and is its own genus, Canis. The grey wolf is Canis lupus. The domestic dog is Canis domesticus. It is a descendent of wolves, bred by humans from wolves. End of story.

End of your story..

The Canidae /ˈkænɨdiː/ [2] are the biological family of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals that includes domestic dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and many other lesser known extant and extinct dog-like mammals. A member of this family is called a canid

Which does not refute anything I've said. Your point?
Sorry Todd, we have a problem because the 2nd law supposedly only applies to a closed or isolated system.

What I was speaking of was developed here in an open system. What is your response to this ?

My response is that it doesn't violate the 2nd Law. And you agreed.
Changing your mind again?
Perhaps you have another law you feel evolution violates?

I am told that the 2nd law only applies to isolated and closed systems if that is the case it would not apply to this planet.

How can the production of the Dna language violate a law on this planet that does not apply to it ?

If the 2nd law applies to this planet then yes it would affect evolution, after all we see all systems on this planet run their cycle and eventually wear down and die,is this due to order or disorder ? everything breaks down over time on this planet whether it is inanimate or animate.[/QUOTE]

The Earth is not an isolated or closed system, since it constantly receives energy from the sun, and constantly loses energy via radiation into outer space. How many times do I have to say it?
Eots explained it earlier I won't waste time with someone that can't read.
eot's does what he always does...spews bullshit. just like you.

I can't help it you can't understand the simple explanation that eots gave you. Biotechnology is bioengineering.That is not selective breeding :lol: this is the technology used to create genetically modified food or enzymes they produce for oil spills.
Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way. If one or more genes from another species are introduced, the resulting genome consists of recombinant DNA. ..
I will say you're correct, the more I have read the more I believe it's a bad argument to say evolution would violate the 2nd law.

Now for the kicker,how did the Dna code arise ? how is new genetic information produced so evolution can take place ?
is that the sound of ass kissing I hear...say anything except I was wrong...

I am saying I maybe wrong and it does seem like a bad argument. Yes I am an honest person and when I am wrong or feel there is a good chance I was wrong I can admit it. Some of you can learn from my admission.
you've admitted nothing...all you've done is qualify what you would do IF you were wrong.
(maybe,seem or feel there is a good chance I was wrong) are deflections.

this :"Some of you can learn from my admission.-"ywc is an attempt to deny responsibility by tossing shit around and seeing what sticks..

an admission goes like this: I WAS WRONG .I SEE THAT KNOW.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNpmxvbBqHo]Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act - Frankenfish Heads To U.S. Market - YouTube[/ame]
due to recent revelations by defense ministers and Apollo astronauts I am forced to consider genetic modification could be a part of the explanation for life on earth
due to recent revelations by defense ministers and Apollo astronauts I am forced to consider genetic modification could be a part of the explanation for life on earth


Nevermind. I don't want to know what that meant.

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