Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

There is a extensive list of high ranking individuals who unlike farmer bob served in positions of the highest national security and along with Apollo crew and defense minsters are willing to testify under oath and under penalty of perjury before congress as to there direct knowledge of an alien presence or witnessing of alien technologies and petitioning for disclosure of the records that they say will confirm their testimony...but guy with telescope and his alleged friends says they are mistaken..Well, golly gee, I'm convinced. Oh wait...No I'm not.

100 anecdotes is as useless as 1, because anecdotal evidence is not science. Line up all the so-called experts you care to, but until you make ET appear before a panel of acknowledged scientific experts, you got nothing.

until you can show an animal giving birth to another species narturaly ...you got nothing
eot's does what he always does...spews bullshit. just like you.

I can't help it you can't understand the simple explanation that eots gave you. Biotechnology is bioengineering.That is not selective breeding :lol: this is the technology used to create genetically modified food or enzymes they produce for oil spills.
Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way. If one or more genes from another species are introduced, the resulting genome consists of recombinant DNA. ..

Listen in your attempt at covering up your ignorance you once again expose your ignorance.

Genetic engineering is really not even the term preferred in the scientific community,they prefer the term transgenic. This is the method where recombinant dna of a gene genetically engineered and is dna prepared by transplanting or splicing genes from one species into the cells of a host organism of a different species. This dna becomes part of the host's genetic makeup and is replicated.

Genetic engineering alters the genetic makeup of an organism using techniques that remove heritable material or that introduce DNA prepared outside the organism either directly into the host or into a cell that is then fused or hybridized with the host.[4] This involves using recombinant nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) techniques to form new combinations of heritable genetic material followed by the incorporation of that material either indirectly through a vector system or directly through micro-injection, macro-injection and micro-encapsulation techniques.

Genetic engineering DOES NOT NORMALLY INCLUDE TRADITIONAL ANIMAL AND PLANT BREEDING, in vitro fertilisation, induction of polyploidy, mutagenesis and cell fusion techniques that do not use recombinant nucleic acids or a genetically modified organism in the process.[4] However the EUROPEAN COMMISSION HAS ALSO DEFINED GENETIC ENGINEERING BROADLY as including selective breeding and other means of artificial selection.[5] Cloning and stem cell research, although not considered genetic engineering,[6] are closely related and genetic engineering can be used within them.[7] Synthetic biology is an emerging discipline that takes genetic engineering a step further by introducing artificially synthesized genetic material from raw materials into an organism.[8]

If genetic material from another species is added to the host, the resulting organism is called transgenic. If genetic material from the same species or a species that can naturally breed with the host is used the resulting organism is called cisgenic.[9] Genetic engineering can also be used to remove genetic material from the target organism, creating a gene knockout organism.[10] In Europe genetic modification is synonymous with genetic engineering while within the United States of America it can also refer to conventional breeding methods.[11][12] The Canadian regulatory system is based on whether a product has novel features regardless of method of origin. In other words, a product is regulated as genetically modified if it carries some trait not previously found in the species whether it was generated using traditional breeding methods (e.g., selective breeding, cell fusion, mutation breeding) or genetic engineering.[13][14][15] Within the scientific community, the term genetic engineering is not commonly used; more specific terms such as transgenic are preferred.

Genetic engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you are directly adding genetic information to the Genome.

This is how you do it if you are doing it through selective breeding or artificial selection.

Artificial Selection

artificial selection

More commonly known as selective Breeding, where professionals study the genotype and phenotype of parent organisms in the hope of producing a hybrid that possesses many of the desirable characteristics found in their parents.

Artificial Selection - definition from Biology-Online.org

Selective breeding



The intentional breeding of organisms with desirable traits in an attempt to produce offspring with similar desirable characteristics or with improved traits.

Selective breeding - definition from Biology-Online.org

Now you can add a gene that never existed in the Genome of an organism and then selectively breed that organism. Usually through selectively breeding you're analyzing the Geno and Phenotype genes of the parents hoping you will pass on the desired traits of the parents.
just back from church and all jesused up!

Indeed. I would like for him to explain how improving our food is unethical.

unregulated transgenic technology has the potential for all kinds of disastrous results

They have no idea what they are saying. Transgenic technology is way to new to reach the conclusion it is improving our food. If it turns out to be safe then not only can they improve the food but they take on current and future genetic disorders and Slow aging as well.

It is just way to early to trust the technology. I will be honest I hope it proves to be safe but I will remain cautious.
Q: What next?
A: Proceed with caution.

Whether biotech foods will deliver on their promise of eliminating world hunger and bettering the lives of all remains to be seen. Their potential is enormous, yet they carry risks—and we may pay for accidents or errors in judgment in ways we cannot yet imagine. But the biggest mistake of all would be to blindly reject or endorse this new technology. If we analyze carefully how, where, and why we introduce genetically altered products, and if we test them thoroughly and judge them wisely, we can weigh their risks against their benefits to those who need them most.

Altered Food, GMOs, Genetically Modified Food - National Geographic
A childish picture is your only response to two defense ministers and two Apollo astronauts ?...I guess defense ministers and Apollo astronauts just do not have your experience of scientific mind...lol

Well, golly gee, I'm convinced. Oh wait...No I'm not.

I'm an amateur astronomer (and a disabled professional geologist) who has observed and photographed the sky all of his life. And so you can believe me when I say that I have never seen anything in the sky that I could not explain or identify. Secondly, I know hundreds of other amateur astronomers and quite a few PhD astronomers, and know of none who thinks that UFOs are real. And finally, farmer Bob (or even an Apollo astronaut) may be the most honest, god-fearing person on the planet, but we still need unambiguous physical evidence that a UFO landed in his corn field.

But I will make you a promise. I am going to be out at the LAS observatory tonight watching the Perseid meteor shower with about 100 others. If ET shows up, I promise that you'll be the first to know.

yes the nerve of these Apollo astronauts and defense ministers to think the rival your vast astronomical experience or connections with other astronomers...what were they thinking ?...and clearly if a craft was really seen by high ranking military and was tracked by multiple radar stations as it shut down nuclear defense systems as claimed...you and your Friends would of seen it on your telescope
not if they used their cloaking device..
you do understand that UFO stands for: UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT ...right?
There is a extensive list of high ranking individuals who unlike farmer bob served in positions of the highest national security and along with Apollo crew and defense minsters are willing to testify under oath and under penalty of perjury before congress as to there direct knowledge of an alien presence or witnessing of alien technologies and petitioning for disclosure of the records that they say will confirm their testimony...but guy with telescope and his alleged friends says they are mistaken..Well, golly gee, I'm convinced. Oh wait...No I'm not.

100 anecdotes is as useless as 1, because anecdotal evidence is not science. Line up all the so-called experts you care to, but until you make ET appear before a panel of acknowledged scientific experts, you got nothing.
Told ya'. Get the boy started on his space alien thing and he's like a babbling brook.

As long as he is babbling about space aliens, he is not babbling on about evolution. It's a win-win for the rest of us.

I just find it interesting how he accurate reporting of these profound testimonies of such highly placed people as astronauts ministers of defense
high rankling military that commanded nuclear facilities can be characterized as babble and can be so offhandedly dismissed in the most childish manner ..these responses completely irrational on so many levels..it is a fascinating look at human psychology and the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance
in your case it would be cognitive bias...I wondered how long it would take you to start twofer (truther) babbling when when your favorite fantasies don't fly with rational people.
That is what I read.

If the 2nd law does apply to this planet then yes I do believe it would violate the 2nd law. How ever I do believe natural unguided systems would produce disorder so I still believe there are to many things working against evolution. We have mechanisms working against evolution that would be ezymes as well as natural selection. I feel that small trait changes do happen within a genepool but only because those genes already existed in the genepool.

If the 2nd law does apply to this planet then yes I do believe it would violate the 2nd law.

You admitted your error now you're backtracking?
Is that what you're saying?

How ever I do believe natural unguided systems would produce disorder

The 2nd Law doesn't mentioned guided or unguided, so it must not matter.

We have mechanisms working against evolution that would be ezymes as well as natural selection.

Enzymes work against evolution? How?

Natural selection works against evolution? How?

No, I am saying if the 2nd law applies to this planet then I do believe evolution would violate it.

Enzymes work to correct copying errors in other words mutations. This is the main mechanism for new information.

Mutation fixation is not that easy with natural selection removing traits from the genepool as well as the other mechanisms mentioned that work against them mutations.

No, I am saying if the 2nd law applies to this planet then I do believe evolution would violate it.

Our systen, Earth, receives energy, so the 2nd Law doesn't apply.
Your continuing claim that it in any way could ever prevent evolution only confirms your ignorance.

Enzymes work to correct copying errors in other words mutations.

Every mutuation is corrected by enzymes and that is why evolution cannot occur?
Is that your claim?
Well, golly gee, I'm convinced. Oh wait...No I'm not.

I'm an amateur astronomer (and a disabled professional geologist) who has observed and photographed the sky all of his life. And so you can believe me when I say that I have never seen anything in the sky that I could not explain or identify. Secondly, I know hundreds of other amateur astronomers and quite a few PhD astronomers, and know of none who thinks that UFOs are real. And finally, farmer Bob (or even an Apollo astronaut) may be the most honest, god-fearing person on the planet, but we still need unambiguous physical evidence that a UFO landed in his corn field.

But I will make you a promise. I am going to be out at the LAS observatory tonight watching the Perseid meteor shower with about 100 others. If ET shows up, I promise that you'll be the first to know.

yes the nerve of these Apollo astronauts and defense ministers to think the rival your vast astronomical experience or connections with other astronomers...what were they thinking ?...and clearly if a craft was really seen by high ranking military and was tracked by multiple radar stations as it shut down nuclear defense systems as claimed...you and your Friends would of seen it on your telescope
not if they used their cloaking device..
you do understand that UFO stands for: UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT ...right?

objects that can shut down nuclear defense systems and travel at 18,000 confirmed by both radar and highly credible eyewitnesses at the very least at would indicate highly advanced technology well beyond any capabilities known to established scientific technology
I can't help it you can't understand the simple explanation that eots gave you. Biotechnology is bioengineering.That is not selective breeding :lol: this is the technology used to create genetically modified food or enzymes they produce for oil spills.
Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way. If one or more genes from another species are introduced, the resulting genome consists of recombinant DNA. ..

Listen in your attempt at covering up your ignorance you once again expose your ignorance.

Selective breeding - definition from Biology-Online.org

Now you can add a gene that never existed in the Genome of an organism and then selectively breed that organism. Usually through selectively breeding you're analyzing the Geno and Phenotype genes of the parents hoping you will pass on the desired traits of the parents.

once again slapdick you're attempting to twist the facts as you done many many times.
most recently the circle is a sphere debate were I handed you your ass .
the point is:Both genetic engineering and selective breeding result in modification of an organism's genotype. In other words, the organism's genes are changed in some way ..end of story.
yes the nerve of these Apollo astronauts and defense ministers to think the rival your vast astronomical experience or connections with other astronomers...what were they thinking ?...and clearly if a craft was really seen by high ranking military and was tracked by multiple radar stations as it shut down nuclear defense systems as claimed...you and your Friends would of seen it on your telescope
not if they used their cloaking device..
you do understand that UFO stands for: UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT ...right?

objects that can shut down nuclear defense systems and travel at 18,000 confirmed by both radar and highly credible eyewitnesses at the very least at would indicate highly advanced technology well beyond any capabilities known to established scientific technology
anecdotal evidence....not hard evidence....
oh btw eot's, how were you "forced" to come your decision on linkage between gmo's and ufo's ?
waterboarding? baton up the ass ?
or was it just plan old specious reasoning?
not if they used their cloaking device..
you do understand that UFO stands for: UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT ...right?

objects that can shut down nuclear defense systems and travel at 18,000 confirmed by both radar and highly credible eyewitnesses at the very least at would indicate highly advanced technology well beyond any capabilities known to established scientific technology
anecdotal evidence....not hard evidence....

radar is hard evidence ..a nuclear shut down is hard evidence..especially when combined with multiple high level eyewittnesses
objects that can shut down nuclear defense systems and travel at 18,000 confirmed by both radar and highly credible eyewitnesses at the very least at would indicate highly advanced technology well beyond any capabilities known to established scientific technology
anecdotal evidence....not hard evidence....

radar is hard evidence ..a nuclear shut down is hard evidence..especially when combined with multiple high level eyewittnesses
did anybody bother to film or tape these actions or are there printouts? ...or any records at all?.... if not it's anecdotal.
oh btw eot's, how were you "forced" to come your decision on linkage between gmo's and ufo's ?
waterboarding? baton up the ass ?
or was it just plan old specious reasoning?

I am making no connection to GMO and UFOS...I am saying given the recent revelations of two national defense ministers and hundreds of high ranking military and space program personal along with the historical and archaeological evidence from the past theories proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts take on a new level of credibility that warrants serious consideration...you from your position and perspective my not agree but no less than two former defense minister and several Apollo astronauts have reached a vastly different view than you both Edgar Mitchell and the Canadian defense minister say.. I can tell you unequivocally we have had on going alien contact and willing to risk their reputation and legacy on their statements and have both said they are willing to testify before congress under oath and under penalty of perjury as to what they know...to me this carries a lot of weight and is worthy of serious and reasoned consideration
anecdotal evidence....not hard evidence....

radar is hard evidence ..a nuclear shut down is hard evidence..especially when combined with multiple high level eyewittnesses
did anybody bother to film or tape these actions or are there printouts? ...or any records at all?.... if not it's anecdotal.

there is confirmations of many of the sightings on radar recently declassified yes..and there are extremely credible witnesses as to photographic evidence they are personally aware of that remain classified..do you really think defense minsters..Apollo astronauts..decorated fighter pilots US Airforce Commanders do not consider these little questions before making such statements or going to such lengths ??...I am not privileged to their information first hand so I can not say with certainty what is going on here but clearly there is something going on well beyond our present understanding
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asnaykgZE8M]Bill Nye attempts to debunk Bob Jacobs' UFO claim. - YouTube[/ame]
If the 2nd law does apply to this planet then yes I do believe it would violate the 2nd law.

You admitted your error now you're backtracking?
Is that what you're saying?

How ever I do believe natural unguided systems would produce disorder

The 2nd Law doesn't mentioned guided or unguided, so it must not matter.

We have mechanisms working against evolution that would be ezymes as well as natural selection.

Enzymes work against evolution? How?

Natural selection works against evolution? How?

No, I am saying if the 2nd law applies to this planet then I do believe evolution would violate it.

Enzymes work to correct copying errors in other words mutations. This is the main mechanism for new information.

Mutation fixation is not that easy with natural selection removing traits from the genepool as well as the other mechanisms mentioned that work against them mutations.

No, I am saying if the 2nd law applies to this planet then I do believe evolution would violate it.

Our systen, Earth, receives energy, so the 2nd Law doesn't apply.
Your continuing claim that it in any way could ever prevent evolution only confirms your ignorance.

Enzymes work to correct copying errors in other words mutations.

Every mutuation is corrected by enzymes and that is why evolution cannot occur?
Is that your claim?

No I don't think so because if the 2nd law applies to this planet, for over a billion years it has been drifting towards disorder. So your telling me that the genetic code and all things necessary to form a viable cell was developed ? then that cell in turn evolved every living organism that has existed since ?

I never said every mutation but most mutations do nothing at all that get through or they are repaired. Either way just comparing the numbers of beneficial mutations vs harmful mutations hands down far more genetic disorders can be pointed to than benefits from mutations.

The theory takes faith to believe.

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