Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

The naturalists still insist on a "Flood layer." What they fall to comprehend is that all the Fossils layers most likely represent the "Flood layer." And they need to consider the ramifications from there. And NO ONE except GOD knows the radiation levels that existed in the rocks, gravel, sand, and soil at the point of origin in God's creation. And this is what Creationist and Believers have always understood.

What I understand rather well is that five minutes with me in the field will dispel any notion that any of that is true. Then again, I've yet to get a single creationist to agree to go into the field with me. Gee, I wonder why?

Stop with the baloney please,Geez.
According to your logic, the atomic bomb was based on assumptions, and not scientific observations. Sonny, you should tell that to the Japanese.

Let's not confuse the process of making a nuclear bomb with the assumptions that our knowledge of atoms helps us determine the age of an object. :lol:

There is no confusion. The physical processes that make the atomic bomb possible are the same physical processes that allow for the age determination in rocks and minerals. Every scientist on the planet worth his or her credentials understands this. The only ones who don't are religious idjuts such as yourself.

Are you a scientist ?
If you understood physics, you should understand that you can have areas of decreasing entropy, even though the entropy of the Universe is increasing.

But you don't, obviously.

Not a physics major and never claimed to be. Give me an example and let's see how rational your thinking is.

The entropy of the Sun is increasing.
The Sun's energy allows a plant to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar and cellulose.
See, decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.

A natural process by design and the sun is increasing in entropy,it's not just the sun increasing in entropy. Natural processes continue doing what they were designed to do.
Not a physics major and never claimed to be. Give me an example and let's see how rational your thinking is.

The entropy of the Sun is increasing.
The Sun's energy allows a plant to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar and cellulose.
See, decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.

A natural process by design and the sun is increasing in entropy,it's not just the sun increasing in entropy. Natural processes continue doing what they were designed to do.

Not sure what you just said there.
Decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.
Do you understand?
Not a physics major and never claimed to be. Give me an example and let's see how rational your thinking is.

The entropy of the Sun is increasing.
The Sun's energy allows a plant to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar and cellulose.
See, decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.

A natural process by design and the sun is increasing in entropy,it's not just the sun increasing in entropy. Natural processes continue doing what they were designed to do.

A natural process of supernatural "design"?

There's an inherent contradiction in a natural process requiring supermagical gawds.

Were you thumped over the head at an early age?
If I were you, I would not use the fossil record as evidence for your Ideological belief. The fossil record is a mess in defending your theory.

If I were you, I would not rely on what evangelical loose screws have to say about anything, much less what they have to say about the fossil record, of which they know less than nothing.

Evolution: What the Fossils ACTUALLY Say and Why It Matters

You offer a video with artist renditions of your argument and the creationist use real fossils and you call the creationist loose screws :lol:

Let me guess - you came to that conclusion based on viewing the thumbnail image of that video, and not by actually watching the video itself. How fucking stupid is that? When you actually watch the video and have valid questions, come back and we'll talk about it.
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The naturalists still insist on a "Flood layer." What they fall to comprehend is that all the Fossils layers most likely represent the "Flood layer." And they need to consider the ramifications from there. And NO ONE except GOD knows the radiation levels that existed in the rocks, gravel, sand, and soil at the point of origin in God's creation. And this is what Creationist and Believers have always understood.

What I understand rather well is that five minutes with me in the field will dispel any notion that any of that is true. Then again, I've yet to get a single creationist to agree to go into the field with me. Gee, I wonder why?

Stop with the baloney please,Geez.

You are living proof that what I've claimed there is true. Want to refute it? Go in the field with me.
Let's not confuse the process of making a nuclear bomb with the assumptions that our knowledge of atoms helps us determine the age of an object. :lol:

There is no confusion. The physical processes that make the atomic bomb possible are the same physical processes that allow for the age determination in rocks and minerals. Every scientist on the planet worth his or her credentials understands this. The only ones who don't are religious idjuts such as yourself.

Are you a scientist ?

Yes I am. As I've said, I am a geologist with over 20 years of field experience, and am published? You? Of course you are not. Next.


I highly recommend that everyone interested in evolution watch this program. Yes, it is very long (nearly 2 hours), but IMHO, it is the best overall film discussing modern evolutionary theory that is available anywhere. It addresses every issue that has been brought up in this thread and in fact, goes far beyond what has been discussed. YWC, if you don't watch this film, then you have nothing to add to the dialogue, and should probably just run away.


I highly recommend that everyone interested in evolution watch this program. Yes, it is very long (nearly 2 hours), but IMHO, it is the best overall film discussing modern evolutionary theory that is available anywhere. It addresses every issue that has been brought up in this thread and in fact, goes far beyond what has been discussed. YWC, if you don't watch this film, then you have nothing to add to the dialogue, and should probably just run away.

And, to make it just a bit more complicated;

NOVA | Epigenetics
The entropy of the Sun is increasing.
The Sun's energy allows a plant to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar and cellulose.
See, decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.

A natural process by design and the sun is increasing in entropy,it's not just the sun increasing in entropy. Natural processes continue doing what they were designed to do.

Not sure what you just said there.
Decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.
Do you understand?

Don't you think the plant is actually the one that can take the suns energy not to much just enough and convert CO2 and H20 into sugar and cellulose ? The suns energy is used by the plant not the other way around. This is not decreasing entropy,this is a natural process that is Programmed in to the plant. Once again you ignore the genetic programming.
If I were you, I would not rely on what evangelical loose screws have to say about anything, much less what they have to say about the fossil record, of which they know less than nothing.

Evolution: What the Fossils ACTUALLY Say and Why It Matters


You offer a video with artist renditions of your argument and the creationist use real fossils and you call the creationist loose screws :lol:

Let me guess - you came to that conclusion based on viewing the thumbnail image of that video, and not by actually watching the video itself. How fucking stupid is that? When you actually watch the video and have valid questions, come back and we'll talk about it.

You think this video is a response to the questions raised in my video ?
There is no confusion. The physical processes that make the atomic bomb possible are the same physical processes that allow for the age determination in rocks and minerals. Every scientist on the planet worth his or her credentials understands this. The only ones who don't are religious idjuts such as yourself.

Are you a scientist ?

Yes I am. As I've said, I am a geologist with over 20 years of field experience, and am published? You? Of course you are not. Next.

There is nothing you can show me that I have not read about. You can simply put it here, what you think you can show me to cause me to reject what I have already seen and believe.


I highly recommend that everyone interested in evolution watch this program. Yes, it is very long (nearly 2 hours), but IMHO, it is the best overall film discussing modern evolutionary theory that is available anywhere. It addresses every issue that has been brought up in this thread and in fact, goes far beyond what has been discussed. YWC, if you don't watch this film, then you have nothing to add to the dialogue, and should probably just run away.

I have not seen you yet put up a convincing argument. You still have not shown me this ape to human evolution.


I highly recommend that everyone interested in evolution watch this program. Yes, it is very long (nearly 2 hours), but IMHO, it is the best overall film discussing modern evolutionary theory that is available anywhere. It addresses every issue that has been brought up in this thread and in fact, goes far beyond what has been discussed. YWC, if you don't watch this film, then you have nothing to add to the dialogue, and should probably just run away.

And, to make it just a bit more complicated;

NOVA | Epigenetics

Because it's on pbs it must be credible,I see.
A natural process by design and the sun is increasing in entropy,it's not just the sun increasing in entropy. Natural processes continue doing what they were designed to do.

Not sure what you just said there.
Decreasing entropy in a localized area without violating the 2nd Law.
Do you understand?

Don't you think the plant is actually the one that can take the suns energy not to much just enough and convert CO2 and H20 into sugar and cellulose ? The suns energy is used by the plant not the other way around. This is not decreasing entropy,this is a natural process that is Programmed in to the plant. Once again you ignore the genetic programming.

Don't you think the plant is actually the one that can take the suns energy not to much just enough and convert CO2 and H20 into sugar and cellulose ?

Yes, I think plants can use the Sun's energy to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar and cellulose.

The suns energy is used by the plant not the other way around.

Right, the Sun does not use the energy of the plant.

this is a natural process

A natural process that decreases local entropy and does not violate the 2nd Law.

This is not decreasing entropy

The sugar and cellulose has more order and more energy than the H2O and CO2. That is decreasing entropy. Still don't understand?
You offer a video with artist renditions of your argument and the creationist use real fossils and you call the creationist loose screws :lol:

Let me guess - you came to that conclusion based on viewing the thumbnail image of that video, and not by actually watching the video itself. How fucking stupid is that? When you actually watch the video and have valid questions, come back and we'll talk about it.

You think this video is a response to the questions raised in my video ?

It answers every question you ever raised in this thread, and likely many you never even thought of. I didn't watch your video because the first 30 seconds told me it was a waste of time.
Are you a scientist ?

Yes I am. As I've said, I am a geologist with over 20 years of field experience, and am published? You? Of course you are not. Next.

There is nothing you can show me that I have not read about. You can simply put it here, what you think you can show me to cause me to reject what I have already seen and believe.

That is where you are wrong. But you'll never know because you refuse to gain real life experience.

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