Why is New York being hit so hard relative to the rest of the U.S?

..their population density is high
..they have a high population = more chances for getting it
..do they have more people arriving from overseas/JFK airport one of the busiest/ports??
----yes, more business travel/etc
more of everything = more chances of getting it
A lot more to it than population and population density, especially if you compare to metropolitan area population with foreign city like Tokyo, Japan with more people and greater population density but less Covid-19 infections by far, with only 1128 cases and 42 deaths in the whole country.

I think some just want a simple and convenient answer. "Well, there's our answer".

There are plenty of unanswered questions, especially when there are specific hotspots in the world. Spain, Italy, France, Iran in particular.

New York isn't even in the top 50 cities in terms of population density:

List of world cities by population density - Wikipedia

It's simple, if you applied one answer to one situation, you have to apply it to others. Right now, from what I've read, many so-called experts are stumped or have no answer. We are lacking in facts on this.

According to Sarah Carter, U.S intel agencies (and many others around the world I'm sure) are trying to understand what's going on in China, and, the genesis of this virus. We may never be told their findings, but I assume something will leak, intentionally or not.

It's a legitimate and important question to ask why some locations are hit harder than others. Quick response measures vs others who didn't, isn't the answer, because some places haven't done anything and haven't been hit. The U.S took the unprecedented step of banning travel from China, the boldest in the world, and yet, placed like NY in particular were still hit.
..their population density is high
..they have a high population = more chances for getting it
..do they have more people arriving from overseas/JFK airport one of the busiest/ports??
----yes, more business travel/etc
more of everything = more chances of getting it
A lot more to it than population and population density, especially if you compare to metropolitan area population with foreign city like Tokyo, Japan with more people and greater population density but less Covid-19 infections by far, with only 1128 cases and 42 deaths in the whole country.
wrong--the O poster listed US cities...look at the TITLE of the thread
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..their population density is high
..they have a high population = more chances for getting it
..do they have more people arriving from overseas/JFK airport one of the busiest/ports??
----yes, more business travel/etc
more of everything = more chances of getting it
A lot more to it than population and population density, especially if you compare to metropolitan area population with foreign city like Tokyo, Japan with more people and greater population density but less Covid-19 infections by far, with only 1128 cases and 42 deaths in the whole country.
wrong--the OP listed US cities...look at the TITLE of the thread

The numbers in New York are staggering compared to the rest of the country, even taking density into consideration.

Over half of the total cases in your entire country. It's such a clear level of significance and few in media are asking why it is so profound outside of the clear population and density considerations.

In fact, only your top 8 states have over 1000 cases, your bottom 33 states, have less than 250 cases. 16 less than 100.

Of course, this must all be addressed, but even computer modelling will take outlier information and data and exclude or weigh data that is outside the standard deviation.

In short, what is happening in New York is clearly not happening in the rest of the country. Population density alone seems too simple an answer, especially when considering global patterns.

We may not be able to find out the reasons now during the pandemic, but answers must be sought after to predict these outbreaks in the future and prevent where possible.
NYC has one of if not the busiest international airports in the world.

That one thing alone was a huge contribution to their corona cases

Yeah, that and Trump panicked everyone into rushing back here from infected areas without screening them or quarantining them... But there I go criticizing your Orange Jesus again!
NYC has one of if not the busiest international airports in the world.

That one thing alone was a huge contribution to their corona cases

Yeah, that and Trump panicked everyone into rushing back here from infected areas without screening them or quarantining them... But there I go criticizing your Orange Jesus again!

You really like to put your senility on display don't you?

Are you proud to have the memory of a goldfish?
..their population density is high
..they have a high population = more chances for getting it
..do they have more people arriving from overseas/JFK airport one of the busiest/ports??
----yes, more business travel/etc
more of everything = more chances of getting it
A lot more to it than population and population density, especially if you compare to metropolitan area population with foreign city like Tokyo, Japan with more people and greater population density but less Covid-19 infections by far, with only 1128 cases and 42 deaths in the whole country.
wrong--the O poster listed US cities...look at the TITLE of the thread
Several things thrown out as possible reasons, such as population size, density, international crossroad city. Many cities are large, densely populated, international crossroads, and international business destination having mass transit (subway, elevated and surface). Most major US cities do not meet all those criteria, as New York City does. The question really should be what sets our largest mega-city apart from mega-cities of the world that have only a fraction of the outbreak surge, seen in New York. What did the US and New York do differently or is intrinsic to New York, weather American or not? I don't have an answer, just saying limited answers pitched out do not meet a logic test at time of response. Nobody is particularly impressed with how our other large cities handling, in this country with what the public is being sold as having the best healthcare in the world.
..their population density is high
..they have a high population = more chances for getting it
..do they have more people arriving from overseas/JFK airport one of the busiest/ports??
----yes, more business travel/etc
more of everything = more chances of getting it
A lot more to it than population and population density, especially if you compare to metropolitan area population with foreign city like Tokyo, Japan with more people and greater population density but less Covid-19 infections by far, with only 1128 cases and 42 deaths in the whole country.
wrong--the OP listed US cities...look at the TITLE of the thread

The numbers in New York are staggering compared to the rest of the country, even taking density into consideration.

Over half of the total cases in your entire country. It's such a clear level of significance and few in media are asking why it is so profound outside of the clear population and density considerations.

In fact, only your top 8 states have over 1000 cases, your bottom 33 states, have less than 250 cases. 16 less than 100.

Of course, this must all be addressed, but even computer modelling will take outlier information and data and exclude or weigh data that is outside the standard deviation.

In short, what is happening in New York is clearly not happening in the rest of the country. Population density alone seems too simple an answer, especially when considering global patterns.

We may not be able to find out the reasons now during the pandemic, but answers must be sought after to predict these outbreaks in the future and prevent where possible.
here's some more data to add to my previous posts:
California has twice the population of NYork--but New York is 3 times smaller
..also, almost half of NY's population live in NYCity
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Like they said nys has population of 19 million and a land area of 50+ thousand s
sq miles
Almost half of that 19 million live in 321 square miles

Subways, tons of international travelers, blah blah blah

Terrorists have long known ya wanna start a pandemic in nyc release it on the subway...they actually did a study on how the trains push the air through the tunnels and how it could spread a biological weapons attack extreamly fast

That's a bonus to all the infected people that just got exposed and dont know it

Infect an entire jammed packed platform with a burst of air

Don't know where in NYC cases are concentrated, if they even are mostly in one area, but I would guess the high rises everywhere would be like wind tunnels when the wind is blowing certain directions as well. There is thread somewhere here where a poster pointed out where the SARS and other viruses were found on building windows and sills several stories up. I'll try and find it if anyone hasn't seen that thread and the post; sorry, I can't remember who posted them, but it's a regular here at USMB.
No matter the number of the infected by the virus but the number of deaths because of it.

Greater number of deaths by this virus means bunch of people with health problems in that area.

Stop smoking POT.

You really like to put your senility on display don't you?

Are you proud to have the memory of a goldfish?

Yes, you keep insisting you aren't a Trump Cultist while drinking the Orange Koolaid.


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NYC has one of if not the busiest international airports in the world.

That one thing alone was a huge contribution to their corona cases

Yeah, that and Trump panicked everyone into rushing back here from infected areas without screening them or quarantining them... But there I go criticizing your Orange Jesus again!
Wow. So now you're against Open Borders?
Wow. So now you're against Open Borders?

Last time I checked, airports weren't on the border.... but never mind, geography isn't your strong suit.

So let's look at what Trump did. He did a travel ban from China, but all you Americans can still come back. (Hint, a virus doesn't care if it's in an American, a Chinese or a Chinese-American). Except that now that all these flights are going to be cancelled, they are going to all panic and rush back here, crowded into an airport with a lot of other people, with no way of isolating them or checking them.

And if that wasn't stupid enough, he did the EXACT SAME THING with Europe a couple weeks later, which is why we are seeing a HUGE spike in New York, which is where most of these people came back to.
You really like to put your senility on display don't you?

Are you proud to have the memory of a goldfish?

Yes, you keep insisting you aren't a Trump Cultist while drinking the Orange Koolaid.

All I drink is water from the well on my property.

You however would march blidfolded to any drummer as long as that drummer was a democrat
Anyone have information or theories about this?

Is it possible big trade by import/exporters who have shipped plenty of junk from China and have been exposed to it on boxes and on items shipped (some have suggested the virus can linger on box surfaces for 24-48 hours? Or is it the level of business travel by those in New York and those who traveled to China and other parts of Europe came back and brought it with them?

If anyone has facts or even theories about this being such a big issue in New York, outside the obvious such as their high population; please share.

Engineered that way.

Wait until these a** holes get ordered..to do this

this dumbass wants to kill them all in Nevada ehhe



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