Why is none of the damaging evidence against Hillary being released

But when a person keeps doing the same thing over and over again, when the average American does less and gets tossed in jail for it... Well something is wrong here.

And still they have nothing on them. Just because you repeat something again and again doesn't mean it's true.
OP- Yup. SOMEDAY it will all come out. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ lol. Look up brainwashed.

Nah, she is irrelevant now, thank god the Russians hacked her and saved our constitution

She will go down in history along with Bill as master politicians almost compared to Richard Daily sr of Chicago and LBJ

corrupt but smart as all hell when it comes to politics and playing the game


No it will come out in history that the Republican Party harassed the Clintons, using taxpayer money and it was a witch hunt from the get go.

Take the Paul Jones case. Paula Jones wanted an apology for an article which said she'd given Bill Clinton a blow job when he was AG of Arkansas. Republicans operatives persuade her to file a sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton, and agree to fund her case. She thinks she's going to get big bucks. Four years later, the trial judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence, and the judge dismissed the case "with prejudice", meaning that they not only lost, the case could never be re-opened or re-filed. Republicans responded by Appealling the Dismissal - the only legal means left to them to keep the case alive because the Dismissal was "with prejudice".

Clinton was facing impeachment in the House over the Lewinski lie, and rather than continue litigating the Jones Case, Clinton settled for $850,000 with no admission of guilt, and no apology for Jones. Jones only received $200,000 of the money - $50,000 per year for her 4 years work, and the Republican lawyers kept the rest.

This is the kind of crap that the Republicans pulled on Clinton. If not for the Jones Trial, there would have been no lie under oath for which he could have been impeached. But watching from Canada, I have never seen such Congressional abuse of power as has occurred with the Clintons. In Bill's case, it was the Paula Jones Case, and in Hillary's case it was Benghazi.

7 separate investigations, all coming to the same conclusion, and still you people claim she lied and covered it up, even though ALL OF THESE INVESTIGATIONS SAID none of the Fox News stories of what "really happened" happened. She did not lie, nor did she cover it up - not according to any of those 7 investigations.
I looked into every one of the so-called "Clinton Scandals" in depth, reading accounts and news reports from as early as 1990, and some even earlier (for the Anita Broaddrick case) and here is what I found:

Republicans start a rumour of some impropriety by one or both of the Clintons, or someone the Clintons know or who has any sort of tie to the Clintons, is found to be dirty, so Republicans start speculating as to ways the Clintons could be involved. Then they start talking as if their speculation is fact. Then they want these "facts" investigated. An investigation follows where no evidence is found that the Clintons did anything wrong. No witnesses turn against them, even with immunity, and a report is issued clearing the Clintons for lack of any evidence whatsoever. Republicans issue this report and the moment they close the report, they repeat the same lie the report disproves as if the investigation had never happened, and the Clintons hadn't been exonerated.

This happened over and over again. Through 7 Benghazi investigations. Through Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate.

Anita Broaddrick filed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying that Clinton had ever raped her and begging the press and the Republican Party to respect her privacy and her leave her alone about it. The Special Prosecutor had the FBI haul her in and threaten her with a perjury charge if she didn't recant and offer her immunity if she did. After that Anita said whatever Republicans told her to say.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he deemed to be a "public witch hunt" against them and said he is ashamed of his actions which were motivated by partisanship and damaging to the country.

Today's crop of Republicans have had no such attacks of conscience. Party over country - always.

I started to look into it

You looked I lived through it..anyone who would still say what they say "after they looked into it" and found nothing fishy would say nothing was fishy about Ruby ridge or waco

Oh wait Waco happened on Bill Clinton's watch Ruby Ridge on Bush sr

Yep again put them all together and still don't have as many scandals as Hillary
Yup, all investigated and nothing on Bill or Hilary, ditto all the corrupt Hilary-lock her up. ALL fake news, dupes. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 25 years of BS. Go Trump!


The last hold outs after Starr released his report that upset the liberals...

It was the first time you couldn't deny it anymore..

It was priceless...

Only disgraceful GOPers and silly dupes cared. Bill was never more popular lol.

Along the lines of Barry being a criminal crack addicted being reelected to mayor of Washington DC..

Just because someone is popular don't mean it's right.

That's why we have the electrical college.

After a year in prison. And that's ablack thing- poor devils. Not alike at all. I was always told it was the gentlemanly thing to do,lie about a woman...What a pile of crap.

The "electrical" college should be ended, so the pres has to campaign everywhere, and this can't happen again. Never been a good thing...I don't follow your logic on that one...
dont we all wana know where Hillary got the money to buy Chelsaes Condo?
Books, Hillary and Bill are both successful authors, and for speeches...they are both sought after and highly paid speaker guests....

BOTH are reputable legal means to earn a living...
Only someone that is ignorant to the US constitution would say that


Constitution has nothing to do with my point.

Yes it does the average guy like me could spend time in jail..

And low and behold this...

Major Gets 90 Days in the Brig for Lying About Sexual Misconduct | Military.com


And this not that hard to find people thrown in jail because of perjury.. Aka lying under oath..

Pennsylvania's former top prosecutor has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in prison, followed by 8 years probation, after being convicted of leaking grand jury documents to the press to retaliate against a rival prosecutor, and then lying under oath about it, CBS-3 reported.

dont we all wana know where Hillary got the money to buy Chelsaes Condo?
Books, Hillary and Bill are both successful authors, and for speeches...they are both sought after and highly paid speaker guests....

BOTH are reputable legal means to earn a living...

They write books as much as Rush Limbaugh or Bill O reily does

Last edited:
LOL. I know,a giant tax cut for the rich!! This time it'll work...
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!
You're stuck in the past, welcome to 2017.
OP- Yup. SOMEDAY it will all come out. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ lol. Look up brainwashed.

Nah, she is irrelevant now, thank god the Russians hacked her and saved our constitution

She will go down in history along with Bill as master politicians almost compared to Richard Daily sr of Chicago and LBJ

corrupt but smart as all hell when it comes to politics and playing the game


No it will come out in history that the Republican Party harassed the Clintons, using taxpayer money and it was a witch hunt from the get go.

Take the Paul Jones case. Paula Jones wanted an apology for an article which said she'd given Bill Clinton a blow job when he was AG of Arkansas. Republicans operatives persuade her to file a sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton, and agree to fund her case. She thinks she's going to get big bucks. Four years later, the trial judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence, and the judge dismissed the case "with prejudice", meaning that they not only lost, the case could never be re-opened or re-filed. Republicans responded by Appealling the Dismissal - the only legal means left to them to keep the case alive because the Dismissal was "with prejudice".

Clinton was facing impeachment in the House over the Lewinski lie, and rather than continue litigating the Jones Case, Clinton settled for $850,000 with no admission of guilt, and no apology for Jones. Jones only received $200,000 of the money - $50,000 per year for her 4 years work, and the Republican lawyers kept the rest.

This is the kind of crap that the Republicans pulled on Clinton. If not for the Jones Trial, there would have been no lie under oath for which he could have been impeached. But watching from Canada, I have never seen such Congressional abuse of power as has occurred with the Clintons. In Bill's case, it was the Paula Jones Case, and in Hillary's case it was Benghazi.

7 separate investigations, all coming to the same conclusion, and still you people claim she lied and covered it up, even though ALL OF THESE INVESTIGATIONS SAID none of the Fox News stories of what "really happened" happened. She did not lie, nor did she cover it up - not according to any of those 7 investigations.

And this not that hard to find people thrown in jail because of perjury.. Aka lying under oath..

Pennsylvania's former top prosecutor has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in prison, followed by 8 years probation, after being convicted of leaking grand jury documents to the press to retaliate against a rival prosecutor, and then lying under oath about it, CBS-3 reported.

And this kinda bears out my point about depending on what they are lying about. The prosecutor was undermining the legal system (which in itself lends itself to this behaviour that got him in prison). Bill trying to avoid the wrath of Hillary. Can you blame him?
I started to look into it

You looked I lived through it..anyone who would still say what they say "after they looked into it" and found nothing fishy would say nothing was fishy about Ruby ridge or waco

Oh wait Waco happened on Bill Clinton's watch Ruby Ridge on Bush sr

Yep again put them all together and still don't have as many scandals as Hillary
Yup, all investigated and nothing on Bill or Hilary, ditto all the corrupt Hilary-lock her up. ALL fake news, dupes. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 25 years of BS. Go Trump!


The last hold outs after Starr released his report that upset the liberals...

It was the first time you couldn't deny it anymore..

It was priceless...

Only disgraceful GOPers and silly dupes cared. Bill was never more popular lol.

Along the lines of Barry being a criminal crack addicted being reelected to mayor of Washington DC..

Just because someone is popular don't mean it's right.

That's why we have the electrical college.

After a year in prison. And that's ablack thing- poor devils. Not alike at all. I was always told it was the gentlemanly thing to do,lie about a woman...What a pile of crap.

The "electrical" college should be ended, so the pres has to campaign everywhere, and this can't happen again. Never been a good thing...I don't follow your logic on that one...

Yes we know your opinion Franco or I do and you also want to bring back the fairness doctrine to kill free speech and right wing talk radio.

And this not that hard to find people thrown in jail because of perjury.. Aka lying under oath..

Pennsylvania's former top prosecutor has been sentenced to 10 to 23 months in prison, followed by 8 years probation, after being convicted of leaking grand jury documents to the press to retaliate against a rival prosecutor, and then lying under oath about it, CBS-3 reported.

And this kinda bears out my point about depending on what they are lying about. The prosecutor was undermining the legal system (which in itself lends itself to this behaviour that got him in prison). Bill trying to avoid the wrath of Hillary. Can you blame him?

Lol I don't disagree with you there..

OP- Yup. SOMEDAY it will all come out. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ lol. Look up brainwashed.

Nah, she is irrelevant now, thank god the Russians hacked her and saved our constitution

She will go down in history along with Bill as master politicians almost compared to Richard Daily sr of Chicago and LBJ

corrupt but smart as all hell when it comes to politics and playing the game


No it will come out in history that the Republican Party harassed the Clintons, using taxpayer money and it was a witch hunt from the get go.

Take the Paul Jones case. Paula Jones wanted an apology for an article which said she'd given Bill Clinton a blow job when he was AG of Arkansas. Republicans operatives persuade her to file a sexual harassment suit against Bill Clinton, and agree to fund her case. She thinks she's going to get big bucks. Four years later, the trial judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence, and the judge dismissed the case "with prejudice", meaning that they not only lost, the case could never be re-opened or re-filed. Republicans responded by Appealling the Dismissal - the only legal means left to them to keep the case alive because the Dismissal was "with prejudice".

Clinton was facing impeachment in the House over the Lewinski lie, and rather than continue litigating the Jones Case, Clinton settled for $850,000 with no admission of guilt, and no apology for Jones. Jones only received $200,000 of the money - $50,000 per year for her 4 years work, and the Republican lawyers kept the rest.

This is the kind of crap that the Republicans pulled on Clinton. If not for the Jones Trial, there would have been no lie under oath for which he could have been impeached. But watching from Canada, I have never seen such Congressional abuse of power as has occurred with the Clintons. In Bill's case, it was the Paula Jones Case, and in Hillary's case it was Benghazi.

7 separate investigations, all coming to the same conclusion, and still you people claim she lied and covered it up, even though ALL OF THESE INVESTIGATIONS SAID none of the Fox News stories of what "really happened" happened. She did not lie, nor did she cover it up - not according to any of those 7 investigations.

You really want me to fight you don't you..

Again when someone continues to get their hand caught in the cookie jar what do you think about that child?

Or career criminal...?

That's why we started implementing the 3 strike law...

Yup, all investigated and nothing on Bill or Hilary, ditto all the corrupt Hilary-lock her up. ALL fake news, dupes. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 25 years of BS. Go Trump!


The last hold outs after Starr released his report that upset the liberals...

It was the first time you couldn't deny it anymore..

It was priceless...

Only disgraceful GOPers and silly dupes cared. Bill was never more popular lol.

Along the lines of Barry being a criminal crack addicted being reelected to mayor of Washington DC..

Just because someone is popular don't mean it's right.

That's why we have the electrical college.

After a year in prison. And that's ablack thing- poor devils. Not alike at all. I was always told it was the gentlemanly thing to do,lie about a woman...What a pile of crap.

The "electrical" college should be ended, so the pres has to campaign everywhere, and this can't happen again. Never been a good thing...I don't follow your logic on that one...

Yes we know your opinion Franco or I do and you also want to bring back the fairness doctrine to kill free speech and right wing talk radio.

There should be five minutes every hour for a retort. Those RW turds couldn't survive it.
He lies constantly, but I wouldn't care if it was about a consensual low job. His problem is that he lies about things that are so obviously different from his claims. 3 million illegal voters in California? Give me a break.
That's a white lie to you. So if I show Obama lied the same. You will be okay with that, but we are talking about lying under oath. Which you have proven your okay with. I'll also ask you, you okay lying under oath about treason?

Of course not. What a dumb question.
So tell me when does lying under oath is wrong?

In that situation, that blow job had nothing to do with his ability to govern, It was nobody's business but His and the people personally effected by it. Quit looking through people's windows,
So why do you make a big deal with Trumps grabbing pussy remarks? I mean that doesn't make him a bad guy.

NOBODY ever claimed Clinton's blow job wasn't consensual. Not so with Trump's pussy grabbing.
Imagine how much it bothers me to hear that from you.
I know, integrity means nothing to you.

Integrity means a lot to me. You don't.
You proved yourself wrong.

You proved yourself an idiot. Run along now.
So tell me at what point does lying under oath bother you?

Somewhere beyond a consensual blow job.

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