Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.

Well with all the waivers out there, you know to give companies a chance to comply, one would think a one year extention would be a good idea
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.
The Dems will not do so for political reasons. Their FEAR is that they lose more seats and will be in a worse position in the debate a year from now, so they choose to fight while they still retain power in the Senate.

The Senate seats up for grabs next year favor the GOP gaining Senate Seats because of the States on the list, and they know this. So they fight now while they still have some power in Congress.
Because the king and his circle of elite friends deserve better treatment than the the individual peasant
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.

Really? That's not logical.

You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.


You've already postponed the employer mandates. You have bugs in the system. This gives you an out to fix your broken shit.
The Dems will not do so for political reasons. Their FEAR is that they lose more seats and will be in a worse position in the debate a year from now, so they choose to fight while they still retain power in the Senate.

The Senate seats up for grabs next year favor the GOP gaining Senate Seats because of the States on the list, and they know this. So they fight now while they still have some power in Congress.

That's almost like the power of the NRA.

How would they lose seats when majority of Americans feel there are issues with ACA? I disagree allowing a delay would harm the democratic party in the polling booth

Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.


Serious answer. Why should Obama and the Dems give up ANYTHING?

You rethugs put yourself into this position. Now lets see you get yourselves out.

And quit begging for help. It's not very seemly for you bad ass republicans to be asking Dems for help in getting your tit out of a wringer.

No, just take your ass whipping and shut up. There won't be any negotiating.
The Dems will not do so for political reasons. Their FEAR is that they lose more seats and will be in a worse position in the debate a year from now, so they choose to fight while they still retain power in the Senate.

The Senate seats up for grabs next year favor the GOP gaining Senate Seats because of the States on the list, and they know this. So they fight now while they still have some power in Congress.

That's almost like the power of the NRA.

How would they lose seats when majority of Americans feel there are issues with ACA? I disagree allowing a delay would harm the democratic party in the polling booth


They've already delayed the employer mandate to lessen the damage in the next election. Hoping less businesses will go part time, by giving them a reprieve to the taxes on Obamacare.

The only reason I see in doing this, is to save their asses at the voting booth next year.
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.

Really? That's not logical.


It's logical because once the GOP extremists win one in this manner, they will never quit. It's not like delaying the individual mandate is the only demand the extremists have on their wishlist that they would be willing to shut down the government again for.

If Romney had won the election and the GOP had won the Senate, Obamacare might be gone by now.

That's how the government works.
Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?

Serious answer:

Because they lack the authority to do so.

The ACA is current Federal law, in effect for three years now. That certain provisions are being phased in doesn’t change that.

The Executive has nothing to do with amending existing Federal law. And likewise Reid can’t amend Federal law without both Houses of Congress.

There’s also no good reason to amend the ACA to delay the IM, it’s an important part of the law and was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Last, the ACA has nothing to do with Congress’ responsibility to fund the government and ensure the government can pay it’s bills; it makes no sense to bring up the ACA in that context.
Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.


Serious answer. Why should Obama and the Dems give up ANYTHING?

You rethugs put yourself into this position. Now lets see you get yourselves out.

And quit begging for help. It's not very seemly for you bad ass republicans to be asking Dems for help in getting your tit out of a wringer.

No, just take your ass whipping and shut up. There won't be any negotiating.

That does not answer my question? If you feel it does the answer this-

Why give in to big business then? Was that not principal as well? I mean, evil big business we heard so much about?


Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.


Serious answer. Why should Obama and the Dems give up ANYTHING?

You rethugs put yourself into this position. Now lets see you get yourselves out.

And quit begging for help. It's not very seemly for you bad ass republicans to be asking Dems for help in getting your tit out of a wringer.

No, just take your ass whipping and shut up. There won't be any negotiating.


You guys wrote this fucked up law. You own it.

The American people voted your asses out of the House because of it. Your side delayed the Employer Mandate without the rule of law, to SAVE YOUR DUMB ASSES IN THE NEXT ELECTION CYCLE. Because businesses are going part time.

Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.


You win elections, you get to set law. If the Supreme Court approves it, it's a done deal.

If Democrats had been able to block Republicans from the disastrous Bush Tax Cuts and the "drugs for votes" fiasco, two thirds of our national debt would never have happened. Republicans used "reconciliation" three fucking times to pass those debacles.

Medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy. At least Democrats are trying to do something about it. Republicans only want to screw over this country. Is there any other explanation?
Tax penalties are not going to be assessed the first year or two. No need to delay anything.
Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?

Serious answer:

Because they lack the authority to do so.

The ACA is current Federal law, in effect for three years now. That certain provisions are being phased in doesn’t change that.

The Executive has nothing to do with amending existing Federal law. And likewise Reid can’t amend Federal law without both Houses of Congress.

There’s also no good reason to amend the ACA to delay the IM, it’s an important part of the law and was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Last, the ACA has nothing to do with Congress’ responsibility to fund the government and ensure the government can pay it’s bills; it makes no sense to bring up the ACA in that context.


Obama, unconstitutionally, has revised the law 7 times already. They can delay the 'phasing in' of the individual mandate. He just chooses not too

Fact is, he will do for evil big business what he will not do for the common man

Change indeed

Southwest Airlines get 6 million visitors a month.

Obamacare got 7 million in one day.

No wonder the servers crashed. No one anticipated how hungry Americans are for health care. Thank God Republicans believe in "let him die". Hopefully, they quickly reduce their own numbers.
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.


You've already postponed the employer mandates. You have bugs in the system. This gives you an out to fix your broken shit.

The administration has the power to administrate laws. That includes the power to choose to delay implementation of parts of laws if deemed necessary.

The GOP vowed to repeal Obamacare. They're never going to be satisfied with a delay.

Politically, they want a delay because once the exchanges are up and running and working, there will be no support for closing them down with an Obamacare repeal.

Also politically, the GOP wants a delay so they don't have to run against Obamacare in place in 2014.
Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.



Corporations are not people, my friend.

The individual mandate is the core of the plan.
The penalty in year one is $95. That is actually a break. It should be more. It only effects people who refuse to take personal responsibility for their own health care.

By the way, the delay that the GOP is asking for kills the opt in part of your plan. They want the whole thing delayed for everyone.
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