Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?

The problem with your thinking is that normal America doesn't agree with you.

The hell if they don't...none of these politicians, newspapers, the lapdog media or polls KNOW what NORMAL Americans THINK

Obama's approvals were already in the 30's, so don't stake your dear leader loving lives on, they DON'T AGREE...

You're not a normal American.

Also - in the same post that you just called polls bunk, you made your second point by pointing to poll numbers.

Take a break, your brain is faulty.

Her 27 cats think she's God.
. . . the House has funded the rest of the Government. They haven't held anything hostage. The people elected the GOP into the House of Representatives. The House has the Constitutional duty to determine funding.

The above is clear double speak. 10% of the House, the TPM reps, have held the GOP to their tune to overthrow the elected will of the people, the president, Congress, and SCOTUS.

The sane part of the GOP is calling the insane far reactionary right of the party on this.

We will lose, the Pres and the Dems will win, and the sane part of the GOP is going to punish the insane reactionaries of the TPM.

As sure as the sun comes up tomorrow.
People are literally dying for this, and the young and the freeloaders and the ER PEOPLE are paying for others- AND this is disgraceful extortion and has to end...
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Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.

why do you have lie about it?


it was for THEIR convenience. the mechanisms are in place, you just want to give to corps vs american citizens.

Corporations are not people. The mandate for the employers is IN NO WAY SIMILAR to the individual mandate.

Get educated.

awesome, allow corps a one year delay, but not the american people

go dems!!!
People are literally dying for this, and the young and the freeloaders and the ER PEOPLE are paying for others- AND this is disgraceful extortion and has to end...

and the er people? wow, now you all are referred to as, ER PEOPLE

and PEOPLE ARE DYING dying he says...so if they get this they won't EVER DIE?

The only ones being extorted IS us people by these FASCIST like you and the Democommie party FOR Obama's slave program NotAffordable care act

and the rest if they can't afford to be treated can get on MEDICARE

You all are so DISHONEST
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You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.

how is obama not a hostage taker for holding most of the government off for one program? why is it ok for obama to unilaterally allow 1 year delays, but not ok for the gop to get a one year delay?

Because altering the timeline of implementation of law is an administrative perogative.
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.

Besides being a political hack , Why should donors ( lets call it like it is ) get waivers but not regular american people.. Who are mostly middle class who are going to be footing the largest legislation since Medicare and Social Security . They clearly are not ready as well seeing all the cliches .. Delay it for year to fix their kinks as well.
why do you have lie about it?


it was for THEIR convenience. the mechanisms are in place, you just want to give to corps vs american citizens.

Corporations are not people. The mandate for the employers is IN NO WAY SIMILAR to the individual mandate.

Get educated.

awesome, allow corps a one year delay, but not the american people

go dems!!!

I guess you are not capable. What a waste of fucking time you turned out to be.
Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.


Serious answer. Why should Obama and the Dems give up ANYTHING?

You rethugs put yourself into this position. Now lets see you get yourselves out.

And quit begging for help. It's not very seemly for you bad ass republicans to be asking Dems for help in getting your tit out of a wringer.

No, just take your ass whipping and shut up. There won't be any negotiating.

Whenever Obama finds his ASS hanging out there the Democrat party calls on one....

William Jefferson Clinton.
The BIG Dog.
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.

Besides being a political hack , Why should donors ( lets call it like it is ) get waivers but not regular american people.. Who are mostly middle class who are going to be footing the largest legislation since Medicare and Social Security . They clearly are not ready as well seeing all the cliches .. Delay it for year to fix their kinks as well.

You and your fellow rightwing inmates didn't have any problem demanding that businesses run by Catholics get special waivers on birth control coverage in their insurance policies.

I guess the right's righteous indignation over the idea of special interests getting special treatment isn't so righteous as people like you would have us believe.

Individual resolutions were passed in areas of concern as stated by the President. He bitched about it, and Congress gave funding bills for these areas.

Reid and the Dems in the Senate refused these offers to send them back to work, saying they will not piece meal the process.

They are not at work today because they refused to pass them.

If the Dems cared about their jobs, they would have signed it and complained about the piece meal bills from the House, BUT THEY DIDN'T.

They played politics over their jobs. They could have already sent them back to work.

The president is absolutely right.

He's done letting these guys take hostages, and then promising to release the hostages.

Public opinion is on his side, and the GOP is desperately trying to cut a deal to let them save face.

No compelling reason why Obama should let them do that. They spent the last five years playing to the mean-spirited, racist assholes in their districts, let them have to go back hat and hand explain why they had to surrender.
The Republicans are claiming they're the ones willing to compromise;

their compromise, however, is simply that they're willing to take less ransom in exchange for freeing the hostage.
under most circumstances these tactics by Republicans would be illegitimate. But Romney/heritage/Obamacare was never popular with American people. Was passed on false pretenses.
Serious answer:

Because they lack the authority to do so.

The ACA is current Federal law, in effect for three years now. That certain provisions are being phased in doesn’t change that.

The Executive has nothing to do with amending existing Federal law. And likewise Reid can’t amend Federal law without both Houses of Congress.

There’s also no good reason to amend the ACA to delay the IM, it’s an important part of the law and was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Last, the ACA has nothing to do with Congress’ responsibility to fund the government and ensure the government can pay it’s bills; it makes no sense to bring up the ACA in that context.

how then did obama grant one year delays to his cronies and corps?

Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.

how then did obama grant one year delays to his cronies and corps?

Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.


Is that right?

Is it also BS that every time someone sees this thread, they think to themselves..."What kind of retard uses the word "is" when discussing two people?"

Idiot. You wave a banner proclaiming your stupidity.
Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.


Is that right?

Is it also BS that every time someone sees this thread, they think to themselves..."What kind of retard uses the word "is" when discussing two people?"

Idiot. You wave a banner proclaiming your stupidity.

Kind of like what the definition of is are.. I mean is?


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