Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?

The hell if they don't...none of these politicians, newspapers, the lapdog media or polls KNOW what NORMAL Americans THINK

Obama's approvals were already in the 30's, so don't stake your dear leader loving lives on, they DON'T AGREE...

You're not a normal American.

Also - in the same post that you just called polls bunk, you made your second point by pointing to poll numbers.

Take a break, your brain is faulty.

for sure you're a typical nasty liberal
take a trip to hell for all I care

you libs have proven yourselves to be UNAMERCIAN with this President..

that is the saddest of all out of his election

well, when there's dumbasses like you "chiming in" on topics she's usually pretty ignorant about and sounding pretty lame and retarded, I'll take my chances with the "opposite of whatever you say," and likely wont lose the farm.
Your politics have made you a wee bit cynical. That's not good for the spirit.

Nothing cynical about it. That's exactly what he is doing. Watch and listen to what he says. He is happy that the shut down happened because it gives him a weapon to attack the Republicans with. He has absolutely no problem that people are suffering so long as he thinks it benefits him politically.

Look at least half the left leaning members of this board. They are acting the same exact way. They are celebrating that people are suffering just so they can attack the GOP.

As much as i don't agree with Democrat policies, the last thing I would ever consider doing is to take pleasure in people suffering because of them. Quite the opposite. I don't like that people are suffering which is precisely why I oppose those policies.

What's going on in our government may be political games by the politicians and some of the people. But reality is it's effecting the lives of people. Many will suffer. Some will even die because of bad government policy. Some people might not think that matters as long as a D or an R has power. But I don't. We need to clean corruption out of our society. And the best place to start is with ourselves.

There is a simple issue here. The GOP has made the funding of the government hostage to what amounts to a repeal of a law passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President. This repeal is proposed to happen, not through the democratic process of electing enough people to pass the repeal legislatively, but through the extortion of completely crashing the American, and through that, the world economy.

The President is completely correct in not negotiating on even one item.

Except, of course, that the House has funded the rest of the Government. They haven't held anything hostage. The people elected the GOP into the House of Representatives. The House has the Constitutional duty to determine funding.

If anyone is holding the people hostage it's the President and the Senate. They are the ones who have refused to fund the government if Obamacare isn't financed. They are ones who are deliberately keeping the government shut down despite the House passing financing for it. They are the ones who are celebrating the fact that the people are suffering and they can blame Republicans for it.

Why? Because of Pride. The President can't stand the fact that the people don't want his destructive law and so he is punishing the "children" standing in his way.

And you're helping him. How does that feel? How does it feel to know people are suffering because they want to control their own health care and you wont let them? Mighty big of you guys.
Your politics have made you a wee bit cynical. That's not good for the spirit.

Nothing cynical about it. That's exactly what he is doing. Watch and listen to what he says. He is happy that the shut down happened because it gives him a weapon to attack the Republicans with. He has absolutely no problem that people are suffering so long as he thinks it benefits him politically.

Look at least half the left leaning members of this board. They are acting the same exact way. They are celebrating that people are suffering just so they can attack the GOP.

As much as i don't agree with Democrat policies, the last thing I would ever consider doing is to take pleasure in people suffering because of them. Quite the opposite. I don't like that people are suffering which is precisely why I oppose those policies.

What's going on in our government may be political games by the politicians and some of the people. But reality is it's effecting the lives of people. Many will suffer. Some will even die because of bad government policy. Some people might not think that matters as long as a D or an R has power. But I don't. We need to clean corruption out of our society. And the best place to start is with ourselves.

There is a simple issue here. The GOP has made the funding of the government hostage to what amounts to a repeal of a law passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President. This repeal is proposed to happen, not through the democratic process of electing enough people to pass the repeal legislatively, but through the extortion of completely crashing the American, and through that, the world economy.

The President is completely correct in not negotiating on even one item.

exactly, and this will hurt the gop something major in the next election....especially since many republicans are against the tactic, even.

Nothing cynical about it. That's exactly what he is doing. Watch and listen to what he says. He is happy that the shut down happened because it gives him a weapon to attack the Republicans with. He has absolutely no problem that people are suffering so long as he thinks it benefits him politically.

Look at least half the left leaning members of this board. They are acting the same exact way. They are celebrating that people are suffering just so they can attack the GOP.

As much as i don't agree with Democrat policies, the last thing I would ever consider doing is to take pleasure in people suffering because of them. Quite the opposite. I don't like that people are suffering which is precisely why I oppose those policies.

What's going on in our government may be political games by the politicians and some of the people. But reality is it's effecting the lives of people. Many will suffer. Some will even die because of bad government policy. Some people might not think that matters as long as a D or an R has power. But I don't. We need to clean corruption out of our society. And the best place to start is with ourselves.

There is a simple issue here. The GOP has made the funding of the government hostage to what amounts to a repeal of a law passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President. This repeal is proposed to happen, not through the democratic process of electing enough people to pass the repeal legislatively, but through the extortion of completely crashing the American, and through that, the world economy.

The President is completely correct in not negotiating on even one item.

Except, of course, that the House has funded the rest of the Government. They haven't held anything hostage. The people elected the GOP into the House of Representatives. The House has the Constitutional duty to determine funding.

If anyone is holding the people hostage it's the President and the Senate. They are the ones who have refused to fund the government if Obamacare isn't financed. They are ones who are deliberately keeping the government shut down despite the House passing financing for it. They are the ones who are celebrating the fact that the people are suffering and they can blame Republicans for it.

Why? Because of Pride. The President can't stand the fact that the people don't want his destructive law and so he is punishing the "children" standing in his way.

And you're helping him. How does that feel? How does it feel to know people are suffering because they want to control their own health care and you wont let them? Mighty big of you guys.

obamacare passed.

defunding it without repealing it through the proper channels is a snake move.

you know it, I know it..........and americans are tending to disagree. (with the lowball tactic)

gluck in 2014 snakes in the grass.
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You're not a normal American.

Also - in the same post that you just called polls bunk, you made your second point by pointing to poll numbers.

Take a break, your brain is faulty.

for sure you're a typical nasty liberal
take a trip to hell for all I care

you libs have proven yourselves to be UNAMERCIAN with this President..

that is the saddest of all out of his election

well, when there's dumbasses like you "chiming in" on topics she's usually pretty ignorant about and sounding pretty lame and retarded, I'll take my chances with the "opposite of whatever you say," and likely wont lose the farm.

who care's what you take your chances on...I guess you think you sound sane with this posting? attacking someone over Obama and his politics
please go on and give your hate to someone else
you bore me
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for sure you're a typical nasty liberal
take a trip to hell for all I care

you libs have proven yourselves to be UNAMERCIAN with this President..

that is the saddest of all out of his election

well, when there's dumbasses like you "chiming in" on topics she's usually pretty ignorant about and sounding pretty lame and retarded, I'll take my chances with the "opposite of whatever you say," and likely wont lose the farm.

who care's what you take your chances on...I guess you think you sound sane with this posting? attacking someone over Obama?
please go on and give your love to someone who needs and wants it...

you know those "man on the street" interviews they do on tv, exposing people as supreme dumbasses - that you probably giggle at and go "tee hee, Obama voters?"

those ones?

you are that.

but you don't know it, which makes it even more funny.
well, when there's dumbasses like you "chiming in" on topics she's usually pretty ignorant about and sounding pretty lame and retarded, I'll take my chances with the "opposite of whatever you say," and likely wont lose the farm.

who care's what you take your chances on...I guess you think you sound sane with this posting? attacking someone over Obama?
please go on and give your love to someone who needs and wants it...

you know those "man on the street" interviews they do on tv, exposing people as supreme dumbasses - that you probably giggle at and go "tee hee, Obama voters?"

those ones?

you are that.

but you don't know it, which makes it even more funny.

Oh I know them, you would be in the one's of angry ugly people in this country

now you're dismissed
bye bye
Serious question. This could all end if Obama would give the American people what he gave the 1%, big business, a 1 year delay. Just like he did for the Catholic Church as well.

Why not us?

Let those that want to sign up now do so. For the rest, give them a year,

And remember, Obama is appeasing the very folks he campaigned against.



That's the problem the GOP has. No one is falling for you guys holding the football anymore :lol:
aka 988 BILLION versus the 1.05 Trillion wanted by the Dems.

It failed to take defund Obamacare which is the crutch of this argument. Finally both sides failed to cut the deficit in their resolution debate.

The GOP only offered that much as a carrot to defund Obamacare. You will have to include budget cuts before this thing ends. It will not end with this shut down either. It only postpones the next one in 2 months.

Yes...988 billion....the GOP number was agreed to by the Dems.....unwillingly. That is what compromise is. Asshole.


Plus the funding for Obamacare.............asshole.............

That's not negotiation. You go to buy a car. The list price is 20,000, you agree to the price. The seller adds 2,000 to the price tag and now says you can buy it for 22,000. What about the list price, the customer asked.

Do you want the Fucking car or not, SAYS THE SALESMAN..................

The customer tells you to Fuck off and goes to another dealership.

There was no compromise. The libs added to the sticker price, aka Obamacare. No deal.

You do not know what you are talking about.

I wonder how that feels? It can't feel good. To always be in the fucking dark.
The President needs to stand up to the bullying and not give an inch. He should not even let the GOP radicals save face on this one.

I would be upset if Democrats gave any concessions on this.

Im sure you would be. After all, you dont like Democrats conceding on anything. One of these days you will have to for a change though.

Would you like a list of Democratic concessions that have been made in the past 5 years?
You can't give in to hostage takers. Once you do you have confirmed that hostage taking is a winning tactic.

The extremists in the GOP want a tyranny of the minority. You can't let them have that.

how is obama not a hostage taker for holding most of the government off for one program? why is it ok for obama to unilaterally allow 1 year delays, but not ok for the gop to get a one year delay?
The TPM don't want a one year delay; they want a permanent delay and don't have the votes to repeal the law.
Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?

Serious answer:

Because they lack the authority to do so.

The ACA is current Federal law, in effect for three years now. That certain provisions are being phased in doesn’t change that.

The Executive has nothing to do with amending existing Federal law. And likewise Reid can’t amend Federal law without both Houses of Congress.

There’s also no good reason to amend the ACA to delay the IM, it’s an important part of the law and was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Last, the ACA has nothing to do with Congress’ responsibility to fund the government and ensure the government can pay it’s bills; it makes no sense to bring up the ACA in that context.

how then did obama grant one year delays to his cronies and corps?
Why is Obama and Reid Refusing a 1 Year Delay of ACA Individual Mandate?

Serious answer:

Because they lack the authority to do so.

The ACA is current Federal law, in effect for three years now. That certain provisions are being phased in doesn’t change that.

The Executive has nothing to do with amending existing Federal law. And likewise Reid can’t amend Federal law without both Houses of Congress.

There’s also no good reason to amend the ACA to delay the IM, it’s an important part of the law and was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Last, the ACA has nothing to do with Congress’ responsibility to fund the government and ensure the government can pay it’s bills; it makes no sense to bring up the ACA in that context.

how then did obama grant one year delays to his cronies and corps?

Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.
Serious answer:

Because they lack the authority to do so.

The ACA is current Federal law, in effect for three years now. That certain provisions are being phased in doesn’t change that.

The Executive has nothing to do with amending existing Federal law. And likewise Reid can’t amend Federal law without both Houses of Congress.

There’s also no good reason to amend the ACA to delay the IM, it’s an important part of the law and was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Last, the ACA has nothing to do with Congress’ responsibility to fund the government and ensure the government can pay it’s bills; it makes no sense to bring up the ACA in that context.

how then did obama grant one year delays to his cronies and corps?

Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.

why do you have lie about it?


it was for THEIR convenience. the mechanisms are in place, you just want to give to corps vs american citizens.
how then did obama grant one year delays to his cronies and corps?

Holy shit! Why don't you people absorb info? This has been explained over and over.

The one year delay of the employer mandate was a directive of the IRS. It is often done with laws that require the collection of taxes or fees. The reasons for doing it vary. In this case, the mechanisms for evaluating and collecting the taxes are not yet in place.

It is commonly referred to as transition relief.

It is not Obama granting anything. Please get a grip.

why do you have lie about it?


it was for THEIR convenience. the mechanisms are in place, you just want to give to corps vs american citizens.

Corporations are not people. The mandate for the employers is IN NO WAY SIMILAR to the individual mandate.

Get educated.
It's another red herring, like the 'federal workers get something we don't." It's not clearly illegal to tell the Sebelius to wait a year collecting the data, and maybe there needs to be a tweak

But here again is the duplicity of the TPM. If it was really about negotiating changes and improvements to the law ....

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