Why is Obamacare so important?

What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.

I'd have responded if you hadn't gone the faggot route

I don't think there is a single post by this guy without some sort of weird preoccupation with homosexuality.

It's common for gay people like yourself to desire those not on your team secretly are.
What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.

I'd have responded if you hadn't gone the faggot route

I don't think there is a single post by this guy without some sort of weird preoccupation with homosexuality.

It's common for gay people like yourself to desire those not on your team secretly are.

It's common for idiots like yourself to be pre-oocupied with sexuality of others and making up total bullshit out of thin air.
What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.

I'd have responded if you hadn't gone the faggot route

I don't think there is a single post by this guy without some sort of weird preoccupation with homosexuality.

It's common for gay people like yourself to desire those not on your team secretly are.

It's common for idiots like yourself to be pre-oocupied with sexuality of others and making up total bullshit out of thin air.

I aint making anything up, not pre-occupied either. Are you saying you haven't come out?
ACA is important because it gives government control over 20% of the economy. They call this a "foot in the door", because really they want 100%. But it's a start.
I'll agree that the dems don't view HC as something markets can allocate for the benefit of all in the same way that clean air and clean water can be allocated by a transparent market.

I'm not comfortable posting on a homophobic thread though.

Where has there been any homophobia posts? When I posted the OP there was nothing "homophobic" in it.
I'm making a factual observation that there never were 46 million uninsured Americans.
What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.


It is designed to destroy private healthcare.......it under cuts private healthcare to eliminate it as an option....then, only government controlled health care will be viable......that is why they are pushing so hard to keep it alive...
What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.

It funnels billions of $$$$ around to people who donated and helped get the Obama's in-----------Price of healthcare soared under it---and certain Obama billionaires got more billions off it.
ACA is terrible, but important only because things were even worse before ACA.

The real solution is to end the illegal tax break for employer benefits.
The everyone, the wealthy and poor, would be in the same boat, and would all want public health care.

Why is public health care better?
Because then you have a larger single source for collective bargaining.
It keeps provider charges down.
Just as it does now with Medicare, Medicaid, and VA hospitals.

Why does private for profit health insurance not do that?
Because you prepay with insurance, so you have absolutely no say about anything.

Why is public health care better?
Because then you have a larger single source for collective bargaining.
It keeps provider charges down.

This is completely untrue........costs go up and quality goes down because there is no profit incentive to make things better, the incentive is to cut costs by cutting care.....since the cost sky rockets but there is no reason for government bureaucrats to increase quality or access...
Thanks to Obamacare More People Can Afford Healthcare, Are Insured & get Better Care!!!

Biden didn't make this chart, it came from Trump's Government!!!
Hillarycare & Obamacare cost are a smaller percent of Workers Pay & GDP!!!


Every country that has MORE practicing physicians per capita than the USA, has Socialized Healthcare!

ACA is important because it gives government control over 20% of the economy. They call this a "foot in the door", because really they want 100%. But it's a start.
in UK they have NHS (national health service), but its only 10 percent of economy

but ours is 17.7 percent

Thanks to Obamacare More People Can Afford Healthcare, Are Insured & get Better Care!!!

Biden didn't make this chart, it came from Trump's Government!!!
Hillarycare & Obamacare cost are a smaller percent of Workers Pay & GDP!!!


Every country that has MORE practicing physicians per capita than the USA, has Socialized Healthcare!


Moron...have you looked at the plans? You pay through the nose for coverage you can't afford because of the massive deductible.......and it only works because the government subsidizes the poor.....in order to crush private healthcare....
ACA is important because it gives government control over 20% of the economy. They call this a "foot in the door", because really they want 100%. But it's a start.
in UK they have NHS (national health service), but its only 10 percent of economy

but ours is 17.7 percent

The NHS is bankrupt and the quality of care is dropping every year....
ACA is important because it gives government control over 20% of the economy. They call this a "foot in the door", because really they want 100%. But it's a start.
in UK they have NHS (national health service), but its only 10 percent of economy

but ours is 17.7 percent

The only reason they can pretend to afford the NHS is the United States pays for their protection...they use our military to protect their country, and they use the medical and technology innovation of the United States to provide them with their standard of living...

If they actually had to stand on their own, the NHS would have been crushed decades ago....
ACA is important because it gives government control over 20% of the economy. They call this a "foot in the door", because really they want 100%. But it's a start.
in UK they have NHS (national health service), but its only 10 percent of economy

but ours is 17.7 percent

Without the U.S. and our military...without the U.S. and our innovation......the U.K. wouldn't be able to afford their healthcare system...

Health service facilities and staff are being stretched to a breaking point that will take costly short-term measures to fix
Barely a day passes without a new NHS tale of inadequate performance, excessive patient waits, services not delivered, trusts effectively bankrupt, or even preventable deaths attributed to unbearable pressure on services and staff.

What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry..

Why the CommieCare is important to Democrats? Because it's a foundation to build on in order to reach single payer, government controlled health care. If ACA is completely repealed, and destroyed, they'll lose foot in the doorstep and instead of continuing to build on something they already started, they would have start all over again.
ACA is terrible, but important only because things were even worse before ACA.

The real solution is to end the illegal tax break for employer benefits.
The everyone, the wealthy and poor, would be in the same boat, and would all want public health care.

Why is public health care better?
Because then you have a larger single source for collective bargaining.
It keeps provider charges down.
Just as it does now with Medicare, Medicaid, and VA hospitals.

Why does private for profit health insurance not do that?
Because you prepay with insurance, so you have absolutely no say about anything.

" Why is public health care better?"

It's not.
Thanks to Obamacare More People Can Afford Healthcare, Are Insured & get Better Care!!!

Biden didn't make this chart, it came from Trump's Government!!!
Hillarycare & Obamacare cost are a smaller percent of Workers Pay & GDP!!!


Every country that has MORE practicing physicians per capita than the USA, has Socialized Healthcare!


Moron...have you looked at the plans? You pay through the nose for coverage you can't afford because of the massive deductible.......and it only works because the government subsidizes the poor.....in order to crush private healthcare....

Yes - I'm self employed & buy it for my wife & I & it's not full of loopholes that never covers the illness that hit you like the crap they used to sell. Everyone I know that was hospitalized under it got the best care. Without it, you just get stabilized & bankrupted.
If Republicans had a better solution to healthcare, they wouldn’t be desperately trying to shove through a SCOTUS justice to overturn it.

The ACA is important because Republicans don’t have any better ideas.
The real answer is the gop has whiffed for 12 years now in having any alternative besides Romney's plan where unless you have employer sponsored if you get sick you pay for it until you go on Medicaid, no coverage for pre existing (which included just being pregnant), no keeping your kid on till 26 and possibly having deductibles apply to preventative.

And over 60% of Americans find that unacceptable.

So if the gop chooses to throw itself upon an flaming bonfire …. we'll see more very progressive people getting elected.
What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.


Obamacare is more popular than Donald Trump. A majority want it modified not done away.

Healthcare would cost more without government intervention. People with pre-existing conditions would be unable to afford health insurance. People who are not poor enough for Medicare but not rich enough to afford health insurance would have to rely on emergency rooms. Insurance companies would be able to write policies that are totally useless.

If they do that then that proves that they are legislating from the bench. The only questionable requirement was that people must buy insurance. I do believe that it is however that is not in the law anymore. It is constitutional now. That would be more than enough reason to expand the court.
What is it about this horrific program that the democrooks are so adamant about keeping in place, in spite of the incredible election loss they suffered in 2010 after barely getting it across the finish line?

It's a bullshit law. It did the exact opposite of every promise the meat puppet faggot made. The fuckin WEBSITE ALONE cost $1.7B and was a complete goatfuck. A handful of college dipshits created Face(ASS)Book for next to nothing and became billionaires. The entire law should have been flushed down a toilet but for some unknown reason we're still stuck trying to get rid of it. Even the republicrats act as if it needs to be "replaced".

It's a turd, you don't polish turds and pretend you made something better out of it. The reason HC costs so much is BECAUSE OF GOVERNMENT, not because they needed to regulate the shit out of it more.

I hope that after ACB gets to fumigate the smell of sulphur and old diapers from RBG's old office she will put the final fork into this abysmal program and that the GOP led by Trump will get the fucking lawyers out of the medical industry.

I'd have responded if you hadn't gone the faggot route

I don't think there is a single post by this guy without some sort of weird preoccupation with homosexuality.

It's common for gay people like yourself to desire those not on your team secretly are.

It's common for idiots like yourself to be pre-oocupied with sexuality of others and making up total bullshit out of thin air.

I aint making anything up, not pre-occupied either. Are you saying you haven't come out?

100% you are making up bs.

I am in fact straight and it's really tough to see how someone in their right mind would be making up sexuality of total strangers on some online forum.

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