Why is "People of color" okay, but not "colored people"?

For me, I am intelligent enough to know what is a bad term and what isn't.
I don't need someone to tell me.
And excuse me if I find it all suspect.
Having said that.....oh the irony. The same party that fought civil rights with great might, then carried out an outrageously racist practice disguised as charity... the liberal social policies of the 60's-70's that packed black people like sardines in concrete hell holes, conveniently located away from their neighborhoods and out of their school districts. And where THERE WERE NO JOBS...guaranteeing they would be stuck there for generations. Worked flawlessly.
And yet....they profess themselves to be the party that has their best interest.
Well excuse me for finding that a wee bit absurd.
In medicine you use people first terminology. It’s not an autistic person, it’s a person with autism. A small difference, but you make them being a person the more important bit of information, putting it first.

BS----in medicine the lingo is "THE PATIENT IS..........then age,
then POSSIBLY race, then gender, and then major diagnosis.
with possible other features thrown in. ..eg...the patient is a
50 year old, female hypertensive bitch. para 1-1-3-2<<<
that means that the bitch had pregnancies-----one full term,
one premature, 3 abortion (either spontaneous or induced) and
has two living children ---that means that the preemie did survive..
You got a point, OLDIE?
Yes when speaking to patients you use people first terminology. Not your cold bullshit.

Re-read your post. You did not mention "SPEAKING TO THE
PATIENT" I was speaking in "morning report" where people do not say " Mary " "lets talk about your problem"
My first post is incredibly simple, and impossible to confuse with what you brought up for some reason.

The point being, in regard to the OP, “people of color” is the altered version of “colored people,” done in an attempt to show respect. Not that I’m fond of either term or really care at all other than to point out my little bit. In my office, if I refer to one of our patients as an “autistic kid,” I’m likely to get my balls busted (jokingly, but correctly) about saying it that way instead of “child wih autism” or another person first term.

according to YOUR post----you address the child as "CHILD WITH AUTISM" ------and when speaking about the same child----
you are in trouble if you say "Dick is a 12 year old autistic child........."
Because the terms have entirely different connotations. One of those terms has a lot of baggage associated with it, the other does not.

This isn't complicated.
The only baggage is in the racist mind of the left. It's another example of thought control by big brother.


For a hundred years, the term "colored" was to delineate "separate but equal" water fountains and swimming pools.

I understand that. I saw it as a kid in New Orleans. However, I'm pointing out that nothing has really changed since it is the left that keeps the racism alive by using "people of color". White is a color. How come white people aren't included in the term?
Agreed. And PoC will at some point in the not too distant future be deemed to be offensive too, and we’ll be ordered to use yet another of the Lefts racist designations.
Anyway, ‘People of colour’ is too unwieldy, imo and sound a little ridiculous. Black seemed to be OK, then not to be OK.
PoC posters here use Black and White (and ‘whitey’), so can’t we just use Black? Is ‘Black’ currently filed under offensive?
for the sake of children who are LIKE I WAS-----very fair skinned
and lots of time in the summer sun------NEVAH CALL A KID
Doc pointed out that the NAACP keeps the term "colored people" because of it's historical significance. So why can't we keep our Confederate flags? They're both racist according to the left, yet one is okay, while one isn't. I know why. The reason why is because the lemmings follow and accept whatever their handlers tell them to accept. Leftists are followers, and their handlers know it.
i guess from reading other people's posts, I was wrong....?

But I truly did not know it.... I was always taught not to ever use the word 'nig8er', that it was absolutely wrong to use it....! But that was it, as far as my parent's teachings goes....?
Well apparently you’ve been a racist all this time and didn’t even know it.
Ignorance is no excuse!
Doc pointed out that the NAACP keeps the term "colored people" because of it's historical significance. So why can't we keep our Confederate flags? They're both racist according to the left, yet one is okay, while one isn't. I know why. The reason why is because the lemmings follow and accept whatever their handlers tell them to accept. Leftists are followers, and their handlers know it.
NAACP keep ‘coloured people’ because they don’t find it offensive at all and they know ‘people of colour’ generally don’t find it offensive either.
Otherwise they’d change it in a heartbeat.
The rest is just a game to keep ‘whitey’ on the hop and to increase the incidences of alleged racism going so they can all keep whining about racism and victimhood.

I understand that. I saw it as a kid in New Orleans. However, I'm pointing out that nothing has really changed since it is the left that keeps the racism alive by using "people of color". White is a color. How come white people aren't included in the term?

white is the absence of color, just as your posts are the absence of intelligence
People of Color Are the Ding-Dongs of the Bell Curve

But IQ tests are RAY CYST! So absence of intelligence must be a virtue to a Liberal.
I've lived through all of the different names morphed in to others....that were all OK at the time they were being used, colored people, negro, black (when black power was a positive saying to black people, Black Panthers, and even Black lives Matter), and now African Americans

as long as you did not use the 'nig8er' word, you were not using a derogatory word.... as far as I can remember?
Monkey See, But Can't Do

Why not call them "Africans"? Obviously, the jungle is where they belong, so why humiliate them by keeping them in a place where they can't compete, which makes them bitter and destructive? They could never have built what Whites built; realizing that makes them want to smash everything here.
Excellent thread question.


I have found on the Web a serious and thoughtful article on this topic from NPR (National Public Radio).

One tidbit that I learned for the first time: After the Civil War, the emancipated slaves started to refer to themselves as "colored." It was considered a "term of racial pride."


The title of the article (by Kee Malesky) is entitled: The Journey from "Colored" to "Minorities" to "People of Color"

(I'm a computer-illiterate old man who cannot link. Sorry.)


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