Why is Soros funding the Democratic party?


Platinum Member
Dec 31, 2015
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

It's actually much worse. Soros worked with the ChiComs and DNC to collapse the US economy and profit from the decline in US equities.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???


And how would you go about ‘stopping’ him.

Needless to say, if he were donating to Republicans you’d have no problem with Soros at all.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???


And how would you go about ‘stopping’ him.

Needless to say, if he were donating to Republicans you’d have no problem with Soros at all.

Well that's where you're wrong. It shouldn't be allowed or even illegal for 'outsiders' to have any type of hand in the US elections period.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

It's actually much worse. Soros worked with the ChiComs and DNC to collapse the US economy and profit from the decline in US equities.

He's already done that to more than several countries.

The Truth about George Soros Is Damning Enough | National Review
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Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

It's actually much worse. Soros worked with the ChiComs and DNC to collapse the US economy and profit from the decline in US equities.

Unfortunately I wouldn't doubt it a bit...…..dirty old bastard outta leave things alone. If he's so bored as to play some god-like, why not put the money into a cure for the virus
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

I don't know why Soros donates to Democrats, but maybe same reason Trump made large donations to Charlie Rangel, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Anthony Weiner, and Joe Biden. When asked why, Trump replied, “It’s smart. It’s called being an intelligent person and a great business person. History of Donald Trump's political donations - Ballotpedia
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Because the evil bastard absolutely HATES Trump and the Republican party. His biggest goal, and he's on videotape stating it way back in 1979, is to somehow destroy America. THAT was and is, his greatest desire. By destroying America, he meant, and means, destroying the basic fabric of the country, from a Constitutional Republic to a globalist and socialist sh*thole. One of his students he mentored, one Barry Obama, followed this to the letter, and sent our country well on its way to becoming a sh*thole. The Hildebeast was SUPPOSED to win in 2016, and continue Barry's "legacy" of leading our country closer towards becoming a wretched hellhole. When Donald Trump upset these plans by defeating the Hildebeast, it threw Soros and the Deep State into a rage. THIS is precisely why the whole "Russia, Russia, Russia" garbage was started immediately after Trump took office. They HAD to unseat him at ANY cost, so their path to a globalist and socialist sh*thole could commence once again. This is ALL true, and shows how evil and hateful Soros, the devil incarnate himself, really is. Thank you.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

I don't know why Soros donates to Democrats, but maybe same reason Trump made large donations to Charlie Rangel, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Anthony Weiner, and Joe Biden. When asked why, Trump replied, “It’s smart. It’s called being an intelligent person and a great business person. History of Donald Trump's political donations - Ballotpedia

There is a big difference there...…..Trump is an American.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
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Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.

Exactly my point of his 'citizenship' be revoked. Then throw him in jail.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.
He's as real an American as many on this board. Oops. I guess that wasn't a good argument.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.

Exactly my point of his 'citizenship' be revoked. Then throw him in jail.
Ol' George lives in New York! Hope the bug doesn't get him! He's almost 90!
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.

He wishes to destroy the basic fabric of not only America....but of the whole of the Western World.

He is evil, he is a monster, he will spend the end of his days in Hell.

Mark my words.

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