Why is Soros funding the Democratic party?

What LEGAL basis would you base his revocation on? What crime has he broken that merits loss of citizenship? That guy who walked out on his army troup over in Afghanistan and joined the enemy and got a bunch of his soldiers killed trying to find him who Obama eventually forgave, HE is still a citizen, isn't he? Obama has conspired to undermine the President of the USA (treason), and Hillary used her State office to run pay to play favors with other countries for personal gain, yet, I've never heard anyone ask THEIR citizenship be revoked! So are we talking about just violating our own laws when they are inconvenient because the guy really sucks and we hate him? Isn't that becoming the EXACT SAME REASONING the Left uses all the time to claim Trump is an illegitimate President? Be careful what you ask for!
If his application for citizenship was false, i.e. he with held relevant information, wouldnt that be grounds to revoke his citizenship?

We have done that with ex-Nazi Death Camp guards, why not ex-Nazi weazels like Sorro$$?
Democrats can't come even close to Trump's/RNC donations, even with a soros donating to causes!

Jan. 3, 2020 at 8:59 a.m. EST
President Trump’s political operation headed into 2020 with nearly $200 million on hand, according to party officials, giving him a financial war chest that vastly outstrips the resources of his Democratic opponents weeks before primary voting begins.

Trump’s reelection campaign, the Republican Party and two joint fundraising committees together raised a record $154 million in the final three months of the year, party officials told The Washington Post, a massive haul they said was fueled by backlash to the House impeachment of the president.

Of that, more than $72 million was collected by the Republican National Committee, driven in part by big checks from wealthy donors — a sign of how much of the moneyed class that shunned Trump in 2016 is now embracing him.

Small donors also continued to give to the party and to Trump’s reelection campaign, which pulled in $46 million, far outpacing leading Democrats vying for their party’s nomination. Among them, the biggest fundraiser last quarter was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) , who raised $34.5 million.

Yeah, Americans often vote with their money before they vote at the ballot box.

If you Dems could find some patriotic candidates that have not sold their souls to China, you would be competitive, plausibly.
As to the OP, why is Soro$$ buying the Democratic party?
1) Because it is for sale and he can afford to buy it.
2) He is an ex-Nazi and he wants to support kindred souls.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

George Soros is the money and power behind the "no-borders, free-movement of people, globalist, socialism campaign. His goal is to end nation states, so that they can be replaced with a quasi-one-government world.
He's anti-free speech, anti-freedom of the press and vehemently anti-nationalism.
George Soros is the money and power behind the "no-borders, free-movement of people, globalist, socialism campaign. His goal is to end nation states, so that they can be replaced with a quasi-one-government world.
He's anti-free speech, anti-freedom of the press and vehemently anti-nationalism.
Soro$$ is the biggest perhaps but not the only one. Gates and others like Soro$$ among the Oligarchs as well.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

George Soros is the money and power behind the "no-borders, free-movement of people, globalist, socialism campaign. His goal is to end nation states, so that they can be replaced with a quasi-one-government world.
He's anti-free speech, anti-freedom of the press and vehemently anti-nationalism.
George Soros is the money and power behind the "no-borders, free-movement of people, globalist, socialism campaign. His goal is to end nation states, so that they can be replaced with a quasi-one-government world.
He's anti-free speech, anti-freedom of the press and vehemently anti-nationalism.
Soro$$ is the biggest perhaps but not the only one. Gates and others like Soro$$ among the Oligarchs as well.

Well I can kinda understand the 'anti-freedom of the press', considering their creating panic over the virus and the other BS they claim as NEWS.

Yes, I do know & understand his position of taking over the world, so to speak with the globalist one world government & new world order and his hatred of the US and all it stands for.

But I hadn't realized he held US citizenship until this thread. A fact that kinda changes everything, even though I still don't like it.

What I am kinda surprised about, is why there hadn't been a thread on whether he could be connected to this pandemic, since he's usually behind any major event in some way...usually with his wallet.

And just because the connection hasn't been made, doesn't mean there isn't one
What LEGAL basis would you base his revocation on? What crime has he broken that merits loss of citizenship? That guy who walked out on his army troup over in Afghanistan and joined the enemy and got a bunch of his soldiers killed trying to find him who Obama eventually forgave, HE is still a citizen, isn't he? Obama has conspired to undermine the President of the USA (treason), and Hillary used her State office to run pay to play favors with other countries for personal gain, yet, I've never heard anyone ask THEIR citizenship be revoked! So are we talking about just violating our own laws when they are inconvenient because the guy really sucks and we hate him? Isn't that becoming the EXACT SAME REASONING the Left uses all the time to claim Trump is an illegitimate President? Be careful what you ask for!
If his application for citizenship was false, i.e. he with held relevant information, wouldnt that be grounds to revoke his citizenship?
It likely could, if it were true and provable. And the US govt. had the will. One thing we've been shown in recent years is that the application of justice goes far beyond the mere breaking of and letter of the law. A HUGE factor is the willingness to carry out the laws.
George Soros is the money and power behind the "no-borders, free-movement of people, globalist, socialism campaign. His goal is to end nation states, so that they can be replaced with a quasi-one-government world.
He's anti-free speech, anti-freedom of the press and vehemently anti-nationalism.
Soro$$ is the biggest perhaps but not the only one. Gates and others like Soro$$ among the Oligarchs as well.
What really ticks me off when it comes to these ultra-rich individuals who via our freedoms instilled in the Constitution, get to where they are, is when they then turn around and try to undermine those freedoms.

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