Why is Soros funding the Democratic party?

Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.

He wishes to destroy the basic fabric of not only America....but of the whole of the Western World.

He is evil, he is a monster, he will spend the end of his days in Hell.

Mark my words.
Exactly, skye. I can't believe toobfreak is actually posting in defense of the evil bastard. I used to think toobfreak was a smart, logical conservative. I now have my doubts.....
Show me where I ever defended him? And what do you know of logic? Apparently not much if you think I defended him. Maybe your glasses are dirty? I taught the subject. How many axiomatic tautologies do you know off by heart?
Tell me this, ARE you actually a Dim Dem or liberal lunatic? Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
I've actually tested as probably one of the most conservative right leaning person on this board (a bunch of us took an independent test long ago given out by a website that scored you based on answers to many questions). Zander also tested very high. You know Bluz, you've only been here a couple of months, a bit too young to be making leaping snap judgements of other people. It's not a good mark of intelligence to quickly leap to snap judgements of people on just a few words you apparently cannot interpret correctly, an even lower mark to think that you can bully people whom you think have not conformed to your narrow views. Apparently you aren't as bright as I thought. It is one thing to post 5 word comments here day and night. A different thing to post INTELLIGENT comments.
I've been on here over SEVEN months, I just find it amazing to see a conservative that does NOT see what an evil bastard George Soros is. Sorry if I labelled you as most likely being a Dim Dem or liberal lunatic. It's just a bit unfathomable that a person NOT a Dem or lib would not see that Soros is a hateful, evil human turd. Thank you.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
What LEGAL basis would you base his revocation on? What crime has he broken that merits loss of citizenship? That guy who walked out on his army troup over in Afghanistan and joined the enemy and got a bunch of his soldiers killed trying to find him who Obama eventually forgave, HE is still a citizen, isn't he? Obama has conspired to undermine the President of the USA (treason), and Hillary used her State office to run pay to play favors with other countries for personal gain, yet, I've never heard anyone ask THEIR citizenship be revoked! So are we talking about just violating our own laws when they are inconvenient because the guy really sucks and we hate him? Isn't that becoming the EXACT SAME REASONING the Left uses all the time to claim Trump is an illegitimate President? Be careful what you ask for!

And they all should be in jail
YES! Actually, I think they should be SHOT before a firing squad. But I'd settle for an orange suit. Trump DID promise as much for Hillary. I'm still waiting, Donald.

Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.

He wishes to destroy the basic fabric of not only America....but of the whole of the Western World.

He is evil, he is a monster, he will spend the end of his days in Hell.

Mark my words.
Exactly, skye. I can't believe toobfreak is actually posting in defense of the evil bastard. I used to think toobfreak was a smart, logical conservative. I now have my doubts.....
Show me where I ever defended him? And what do you know of logic? Apparently not much if you think I defended him. Maybe your glasses are dirty? I taught the subject. How many axiomatic tautologies do you know off by heart?
Tell me this, ARE you actually a Dim Dem or liberal lunatic? Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
I've actually tested as probably one of the most conservative right leaning person on this board (a bunch of us took an independent test long ago given out by a website that scored you based on answers to many questions). Zander also tested very high. You know Bluz, you've only been here a couple of months, a bit too young to be making leaping snap judgements of other people. It's not a good mark of intelligence to quickly leap to snap judgements of people on just a few words you apparently cannot interpret correctly, an even lower mark to think that you can bully people whom you think have not conformed to your narrow views. Apparently you aren't as bright as I thought. It is one thing to post 5 word comments here day and night. A different thing to post INTELLIGENT comments.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.
He's as real an American as many on this board. Oops. I guess that wasn't a good argument.
Gee, you're acting like you somehow, quite astoundingly, actually like and support Soros, the evil bastard devil incarnate. This is VERY disappointing. The man is a human TURD that needs to be flushed away.
Gee, you must bne reading someone else's posts or perhaps you're off your meds? Because you're FULL OF SHIT. Better get your facts straight.

Wow, getting a little pissy there arentcha?
Funny you consider me "pissy" for being called a Leftist Soros Lover by a newb because he can't interpret a few words correctly, yet you have no problem apparently with the actual newb who actually makes such bad and rash judgements.

Every one of your posts in this thread are 'edgy', like you're pissed off & out of sorts to begin with...….and that's why I asked about your sarcasm in the first place.. And that was before Bluz had said anything about your political loyalties. Which I seen as personal observations of your questionable remarks. You're the one that's arguing over it & attacking his intelligence. Yeah, pissy and that's being generous because you're behaving more like an asshole
I've been on here over SEVEN months,
BFD. I judge people by the quality of their content, not just time put in.

I just find it amazing to see a conservative that does NOT see what an evil bastard George Soros is. Sorry if I labelled you as most likely being a Dim Dem or liberal lunatic. It's just a bit unfathomable that a person NOT a Dem or lib would not see that Soros is a hateful, evil human turd. Thank you.
I find it amazing that you can so misread an innocent statement so quickly to think I DON'T see Soros as one of the most evil bastards in the world! Apparently you are too young here to know people, to read between the lines of a person as complex as me and to have not have read more of what I've said in the past to know what I really think.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.

He wishes to destroy the basic fabric of not only America....but of the whole of the Western World.

He is evil, he is a monster, he will spend the end of his days in Hell.

Mark my words.
Exactly, skye. I can't believe toobfreak is actually posting in defense of the evil bastard. I used to think toobfreak was a smart, logical conservative. I now have my doubts.....
Show me where I ever defended him? And what do you know of logic? Apparently not much if you think I defended him. Maybe your glasses are dirty? I taught the subject. How many axiomatic tautologies do you know off by heart?
Tell me this, ARE you actually a Dim Dem or liberal lunatic? Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
I've actually tested as probably one of the most conservative right leaning person on this board (a bunch of us took an independent test long ago given out by a website that scored you based on answers to many questions). Zander also tested very high. You know Bluz, you've only been here a couple of months, a bit too young to be making leaping snap judgements of other people. It's not a good mark of intelligence to quickly leap to snap judgements of people on just a few words you apparently cannot interpret correctly, an even lower mark to think that you can bully people whom you think have not conformed to your narrow views. Apparently you aren't as bright as I thought. It is one thing to post 5 word comments here day and night. A different thing to post INTELLIGENT comments.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
Well, Soros is obviously not a REAL American. He wishes to somewhat destroy the basic fabric of our country. That's about as ANTI-AMERICAN as one can be.
He's as real an American as many on this board. Oops. I guess that wasn't a good argument.
Gee, you're acting like you somehow, quite astoundingly, actually like and support Soros, the evil bastard devil incarnate. This is VERY disappointing. The man is a human TURD that needs to be flushed away.
Gee, you must bne reading someone else's posts or perhaps you're off your meds? Because you're FULL OF SHIT. Better get your facts straight.

Wow, getting a little pissy there arentcha?
Funny you consider me "pissy" for being called a Leftist Soros Lover by a newb because he can't interpret a few words correctly, yet you have no problem apparently with the actual newb who actually makes such bad and rash judgements.

Every one of your posts in this thread are 'edgy', like you're pissed off & out of sorts to begin with...….and that's why I asked about your sarcasm in the first place.. And that was before Bluz had said anything about your political loyalties. Which I seen as personal observations of your questionable remarks. You're the one that's arguing over it & attacking his intelligence. Yeah, pissy and that's being generous because you're behaving more like an asshole
Thank you. You nailed it 100%.
I've been on here over SEVEN months,
BFD. I judge people by the quality of their content, not just time put in.

I just find it amazing to see a conservative that does NOT see what an evil bastard George Soros is. Sorry if I labelled you as most likely being a Dim Dem or liberal lunatic. It's just a bit unfathomable that a person NOT a Dem or lib would not see that Soros is a hateful, evil human turd. Thank you.
I find it amazing that you can so misread an innocent statement so quickly to think I DON'T see Soros as one of the most evil bastards in the world! Apparently you are too young here to know people, to read between the lines of a person as complex as me and to have not have read more of what I've said in the past to know what I really think.
So you DO agree he IS an evil, hateful, devil incarnate himself, human turd? Again, a simple yes or no will suffice.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???


And how would you go about ‘stopping’ him.

Needless to say, if he were donating to Republicans you’d have no problem with Soros at all.

Well that's where you're wrong. It shouldn't be allowed or even illegal for 'outsiders' to have any type of hand in the US elections period.
how is he an outsider? He's been an American citizen longer than you've likely been alive.... :lol:

AND those causes he is contributing towards seems like perfectly legit causes....
The D party like the R party isn’t legit.
Democrats can't come even close to Trump's/RNC donations, even with a soros donating to causes!

Jan. 3, 2020 at 8:59 a.m. EST
President Trump’s political operation headed into 2020 with nearly $200 million on hand, according to party officials, giving him a financial war chest that vastly outstrips the resources of his Democratic opponents weeks before primary voting begins.

Trump’s reelection campaign, the Republican Party and two joint fundraising committees together raised a record $154 million in the final three months of the year, party officials told The Washington Post, a massive haul they said was fueled by backlash to the House impeachment of the president.

Of that, more than $72 million was collected by the Republican National Committee, driven in part by big checks from wealthy donors — a sign of how much of the moneyed class that shunned Trump in 2016 is now embracing him.

Small donors also continued to give to the party and to Trump’s reelection campaign, which pulled in $46 million, far outpacing leading Democrats vying for their party’s nomination. Among them, the biggest fundraiser last quarter was Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) , who raised $34.5 million.

Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???


And how would you go about ‘stopping’ him.

Needless to say, if he were donating to Republicans you’d have no problem with Soros at all.

Well that's where you're wrong. It shouldn't be allowed or even illegal for 'outsiders' to have any type of hand in the US elections period.
how is he an outsider? He's been an American citizen longer than you've likely been alive.... :lol:

AND those causes he is contributing towards seems like perfectly legit causes....
The D party like the R party isn’t legit.
the causes that he donated to are....
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???


And how would you go about ‘stopping’ him.

Needless to say, if he were donating to Republicans you’d have no problem with Soros at all.

Well that's where you're wrong. It shouldn't be allowed or even illegal for 'outsiders' to have any type of hand in the US elections period.
how is he an outsider? He's been an American citizen longer than you've likely been alive.... :lol:

AND those causes he is contributing towards seems like perfectly legit causes....
The D party like the R party isn’t legit.
the causes that he donated to are....
Just what 'causes' do you think this is about????
Every one of your posts in this thread are 'edgy'
Nope, just playing the devil's advocate here as an expert logician to get a few people here to see the fallacies and weaknesses of their arguments. If you want to build a case against Soros, make it a GOOD case. Attacking Soros on his citizenship just won't wash because he IS a citizen and has been for a very long time even living in the country. Now, I'd LOVE to hear someone tell me the legal GROUNDS for revoking his citizenship and kicking him out of the country! Though I'm not sure what good that would do. Even better, tell me why he HASN'T been charged with a crime, arrested or worse! And in a way that doesn't make us ALL potential victims of the State should they decide not to like you.

OR HAS EVERYONE HERE FORGOTTEN that the Constitution guarantees your rights to free speech, views, etc., ESPECIALLY when they are unpopular?

So WHY is good ol' George living high on the hog unscathed in the USA? The guy literally broke the Bank of England!

MY GUESS: Money. He makes a lot of MONEY for the right people. Yep, corruption-- -- -- it goes all the way to the top.

BUT THEN, then the head of the FBI Comey RATIONALIZED not prosecuting a person after listing a lengthy list of her felonies, you kinda already knew we were corrupt! :smoke:
Last edited:
Soros is the Devil incarnate. He along with progressive liberals have been working to form a New World Order with a One World Government. The Clintons, Bushs, Kerry, Gore and thousands of others have been working toward a NWO for years. Obama sees himself as the New World Leader with the United Nations as the seat of government. Soros only funds the evil ventures and the gullible. The Alinskys, Ayers and Dohrns of this world need to disappear. Too bad for Soros that he already has one foot in the grave and the other on a grease spot. As for his followers, they are all doomed.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
What LEGAL basis would you base his revocation on? What crime has he broken that merits loss of citizenship? That guy who walked out on his army troup over in Afghanistan and joined the enemy and got a bunch of his soldiers killed trying to find him who Obama eventually forgave, HE is still a citizen, isn't he? Obama has conspired to undermine the President of the USA (treason), and Hillary used her State office to run pay to play favors with other countries for personal gain, yet, I've never heard anyone ask THEIR citizenship be revoked! So are we talking about just violating our own laws when they are inconvenient because the guy really sucks and we hate him? Isn't that becoming the EXACT SAME REASONING the Left uses all the time to claim Trump is an illegitimate President? Be careful what you ask for!

Corrupting the election process and undermining the COTUS, as well as sedition.
Soros is the Devil incarnate. He along with progressive liberals have been working to form a New World Order with a One World Government. The Clintons, Bushs, Kerry, Gore and thousands of others have been working toward a NWO for years. Obama sees himself as the New World Leader with the United Nations as the seat of government. Soros only funds the evil ventures and the gullible. The Alinskys, Ayers and Dohrns of this world need to disappear. Too bad for Soros that he already has one foot in the grave and the other on a grease spot. As for his followers, they are all doomed.
Great post, Hoss. And oh SO true.
Every one of your posts in this thread are 'edgy'
Nope, just playing the devil's advocate here as an expert logician to get a few people here to see the fallacies and weaknesses of their arguments. If you want to build a case against Soros, make it a GOOD case. Attacking Soros on his citizenship just won't wash because he IS a citizen and has been for a very long time even living in the country. Now, I'd LOVE to hear someone tell me the legal GROUNDS for reoking his citizenship and kicking him out of the country! Though I'm not sure what good that would do. Even better, tell me why he HASN'T been charged with a crime, arrested or worse! And in a way that doesn't make us ALL potential victims of the State should they decide not to like you.

OR HAS EVERYONE HERE FORGOTTEN that the Constitution guarantees your rights to free speech, views, etc., ESPECIALLY when they are unpopular?

So WHY is good ol' George living high on the hog unscathed in the USA? The guy literally broke the Bank of England!

MY GUESS: Money. He makes a lot of MONEY for the right people. Yep, corruption-- -- -- it goes all the way to the top.

BUT THEN, then the head of the FBI Comey RATIONALIZED not prosecuting a person after listing a lengthy list of her felonies, you kinda already knew we were corrupt! :smoke:

He makes a lot of MONEY for the right people.

For? Or off of??

But thank you, that's a little better of a response..,,,,,,,,and as you say, we are all exercising those Constitutional rights of having & expressing those opinions thru whatever means of speech available.
Every one of your posts in this thread are 'edgy'
Nope, just playing the devil's advocate here as an expert logician to get a few people here to see the fallacies and weaknesses of their arguments. If you want to build a case against Soros, make it a GOOD case. Attacking Soros on his citizenship just won't wash because he IS a citizen and has been for a very long time even living in the country. Now, I'd LOVE to hear someone tell me the legal GROUNDS for reoking his citizenship and kicking him out of the country! Though I'm not sure what good that would do. Even better, tell me why he HASN'T been charged with a crime, arrested or worse! And in a way that doesn't make us ALL potential victims of the State should they decide not to like you.

OR HAS EVERYONE HERE FORGOTTEN that the Constitution guarantees your rights to free speech, views, etc., ESPECIALLY when they are unpopular?

So WHY is good ol' George living high on the hog unscathed in the USA? The guy literally broke the Bank of England!

MY GUESS: Money. He makes a lot of MONEY for the right people. Yep, corruption-- -- -- it goes all the way to the top.

BUT THEN, then the head of the FBI Comey RATIONALIZED not prosecuting a person after listing a lengthy list of her felonies, you kinda already knew we were corrupt! :smoke:

He makes a lot of MONEY for the right people.

For? Or off of??

But thank you, that's a little better of a response..,,,,,,,,and as you say, we are all exercising those Constitutional rights of having & expressing those opinions thru whatever means of speech available.

Actually, nevermind about the money...…...yes he does make money FOR some people
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
What LEGAL basis would you base his revocation on? What crime has he broken that merits loss of citizenship? That guy who walked out on his army troup over in Afghanistan and joined the enemy and got a bunch of his soldiers killed trying to find him who Obama eventually forgave, HE is still a citizen, isn't he? Obama has conspired to undermine the President of the USA (treason), and Hillary used her State office to run pay to play favors with other countries for personal gain, yet, I've never heard anyone ask THEIR citizenship be revoked! So are we talking about just violating our own laws when they are inconvenient because the guy really sucks and we hate him? Isn't that becoming the EXACT SAME REASONING the Left uses all the time to claim Trump is an illegitimate President? Be careful what you ask for!

Corrupting the election process and undermining the COTUS, as well as sedition.
Now tell me why he hasn't been prosecuted?
Why wasn't Obama prosecuted when his IRS blocked Romney organizations, very likely giving him the winning edge in 2012?
Why wasn't Hillary prosecuted for corrupting the election process, etc., when the DNC rigged super delegates to insure her victory over Bernie, cheated on debate questions and conspired to assist in the fraudulent Steele Dossier manufacturing a fraudulent Russia case against Trump to base the Mueller investigation on?

Between all the people even loosely associated with Trump, how many are in prison now for minor, specious charges?
Now, of all the people between Obama, Hillary, the FBI and the DOS who we KNOW conspired to commit treason and conspiracy against a sitting president, how many of THEM are in jail so charged?

And someone calls me "edgy?" If this stuff doesn't royally piss the living crap out of you, there is something wrong with ya. People ought to be marching on Washington pounding on the Congress's doors.
Obama sees himself as the New World Leader with the United Nations as the seat of government.
Obama is a puppet with others pulling his strings. But yes, I fear he and they see themselves as the "real" government with Trump merely in their way. This country has few true, REAL friends in this world, especially once support for those NWO connections are broken.

So when the Left mock Trump calling him a laughing stock who has hurt our alliances, keep in mind WHY they are laughing and what those alliances represented! Without realizing it, the Left are showing their true colors as enemies of the USA.
Some philanthropist he is, that during a global pandemic crisis he's pumping $28million into the Democratic party & elections and only a meager $1 million euros to fight the virus in his home country of Hungary. Why is this allowed....for him to fund our elections???

Well you seem to forget that Soros got his American citizenship. That said, this is a good thing! Bloomberg blew over 400 million of his money and it got him NOWHERE. Now Soros has pissed away 28 million of his money he no longer has for other things and Trump will STILL be elected.

Actually I did not know that he was a citizen...….why doesn't somebody revoke it?
What LEGAL basis would you base his revocation on? What crime has he broken that merits loss of citizenship? That guy who walked out on his army troup over in Afghanistan and joined the enemy and got a bunch of his soldiers killed trying to find him who Obama eventually forgave, HE is still a citizen, isn't he? Obama has conspired to undermine the President of the USA (treason), and Hillary used her State office to run pay to play favors with other countries for personal gain, yet, I've never heard anyone ask THEIR citizenship be revoked! So are we talking about just violating our own laws when they are inconvenient because the guy really sucks and we hate him? Isn't that becoming the EXACT SAME REASONING the Left uses all the time to claim Trump is an illegitimate President? Be careful what you ask for!

Corrupting the election process and undermining the COTUS, as well as sedition.
View attachment 321983View attachment 321984 Now tell me why he hasn't been prosecuted?
Why wasn't Obama prosecuted when his IRS blocked Romney organizations, very likely giving him the winning edge in 2012?
Why wasn't Hillary prosecuted for corrupting the election process, etc., when the DNC rigged super delegates to insure her victory over Bernie, cheated on debate questions and conspired to assist in the fraudulent Steele Dossier manufacturing a fraudulent Russia case against Trump to base the Mueller investigation on?

Between all the people even loosely associated with Trump, how many are in prison now for minor, specious charges?
Now, of all the people between Obama, Hillary, the FBI and the DOS who we KNOW conspired to commit treason and conspiracy against a sitting president, how many of THEM are in jail so charged?

And someone calls me "edgy?" If this stuff doesn't royally piss the living crap out of you, there is something wrong with ya. People ought to be marching on Washington pounding on the Congress's doors.

OK, so what is your theory of why they haven't been prosecuted?

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